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Entered at the Postoffcce at Trenton, Ga., as secona class mail
WRS. CATHERINE C. MORRISON ........ Owner and
One Year, 52.00; Six Months, 51.25; Three Months, 75 Cents
Plus State 37< Sales Tax.
Persons writing lor publication are requested to turnish then
oames, otherwise the communication will not be published Name
Will be withheld on request, but all communications must be signed
Memorials, Cards of Thanks and articles of like nature will be
cnarged at 50c and up for one insertion, payable in advance
Advertising rates will be furnished on application
Hallowe’en Vandalism
Each year at Hallowe’en
time wc figuratively hold our
breaths. Each year events oc¬
cur which far exceed the Hal¬
lowe’en “Tricks or Treat’’ of
youngsters. Pranks which can
caus:> Injury to ethers are not
“tricks’’ but come under the
heading cf lawlessness and
are so punishable.
This vandalism—not done by
Locals and Personals
“Tats” Page was taken to the
hospital last week.
Jim Geddie is on vacation
from Kyzer’s Auto Parts Store.
Mrs, D P. Hood, Avans post¬
mistress, Ls reported to be very
Rev. Tern Starkey of Hooker
is in critical condition at Tri-
County Hcsptal.
Glad to see City Marshal G.
C. Tatum back on the square
after his recent illness.
We’re glad to see Mrs. Bob
White back at work after her
recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Borwn are
the parents of a baby daugh¬
ter, Martha Lou, born Monday,
October 31.
Mrs. H E. Gross will enter¬
tain members of the Garden
Club at her home Thursday,
November 3.
Lucian Graham of Dunlap,
Tenn. is visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Grady Bradford and Mr
Bradford of Bradford o f
The Martin Netherys enter¬
tained with an informal
last Saturday night at their
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cook
the parents of a baby boy. Mrs.
Cook is the former Miss Deli¬
lah Halland.
Sheriff and Mrs. F. C.
ham announce the birth of
son, Felix Cullman III. The
fant weighed 9 lbs., 3 oz.
We were sorry to hear of the
death of Mrs. Henry
who passed away October 30.
She was a sister of the late
W F Morrison.
Miss Fannilu McWhorter
returned from a week’s stay
Battey Hospital in Rome,
she attended classes cn
culosis for public health
Miss Naomi Hubble
returned frem a western
during which time she took
the annual conven ion oi
demonstration agents In
tle, Wash.
Dr. D. S. Middleton’s
friends were delighted to
him cn the square last
day and enjoyed a chat wi h
doctor. Mrs. Middleton
New car owners are the E. L.
Saulstons, who have a ’55
and blue Oldsmobile;
Gass, who is driving a
! v reen Mercury; and the
Brocks, who have a yellow
cream-colcred Buick
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A.
rison and children from
ta. Ga., were visiting with his
mother and famly over the
tnd Mother Morrison was
ing her newest grandson,
old. Donald Patrick, for the first
Mr. and Mrs. Maddox Hale at¬
tended the 8th Annual Law Day
at Mercer University in Macon
This weekend, they
will be in Gatlinburg, Tenn.,
where they will take part in
Laymen’s Retreat, a conference
for laymen in the Methodist
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bradford
of New Salem had as their
weekend guest Jimmy Hefly of
Twitty, Texas and Ronnie Pist-
kara of Pittsburg, Pa., who are
both in the service stationed at
Camp Gordon. Ga. Also Sunday
guests of the Bradfords were
Rev. and Mrs. Brunsen Orgain
and daughter Laura.
The R M Morrisons, D E
Morrisons, A L Dyer, James M.
Rogers and Coach Deimas Free-
man attended the Ga. Tech-
Duke football game in Atlanta
Clyde Crane Caught
At Friend's House
A last-minute report re¬
ceived by Sheriff F. C. Gra¬
ham as we were going to press
announced that Clyde Crane,
one of four escapees from the
R:me jail las’t Thursday, was
caught by Cha’tanooga police
Wednesday night.
Crane was captured at the
home of a woman friend on
Vine Street in Chattanooga,
whose home had been kept
meter surveillance both by
Chattanooga police and the
Dade sheriff. He is being held
in a Chattanooga jail.
Four Injured
At Hooker Junction
Four per - cns were mimed in
n. collision at the Hooker-Birm-
ingham Highway intersection
last Friday. James F. Blevins,
35, of Trenton Rk 1, his niece,
Mrs. Dorothy Mae Chcy, 26, and
her mother, Mrs. Gussie Ann
Jackson. 46. of the same address
were driving toward Trenton
when their car was struck by an
automobile driven by Austin
Justice, colored, cf Chattanoo¬
ga. The Justice car was driven
onto the highway from Hcoker
All were treated for minor In¬
juries in Cha’tanocga hospitals.
A Turner Bros, ambulance,
which was driven by Roy Lee
Harris cf Trenton, was in col¬
lision with an automoble on
Broad Street in Chattanooga as
Justice was being taken to the
hospital*. Harris was cited to
court cn a charge of reckless
driving. Another Turner am-
bulance took Justice on to the
j Hallowe'en pranksters were
responsible for the accident
that occurred near Wildwood
Monday night. Warning flares
and barricades were moved
from the side of the highway
under-going repair to the good
side, causing Lewis Sims, cf
Trenton, to drive his ‘48 model
into a hole. The
front end of his car was badly
j Tourist Hits Hwy. Repair
| Wednesday a car driven by
Mrs. camelia Luzader Wilson,
of Mer idian. Miss., struck a
10C k barricade and hole in the
highway near New England,
one of several spots the state
highway dept, is repairing this
week. Mrs. Wilson, who was
traveling alone, was injured in
'he crash which sent her car
about a hundred fee: up the
highway before it stepped. The
extxent cf her injuries was
determined before an ambul¬
I ance arrived to take her to a
h P ,
i Apparently the automobile
was traveling north at a high
rate of speed, judging from the
considerable damage done
the front end which was torn
up. The hoed was knocked
loose, the right rear tire
crumbled and wheel bent, the
right front fender scraped and
the right front tire ruined in
the impact.
Chief Deputy Bill Norton in¬
vestigated the accident.
Dade County’s Little Theatre
group, which held the first
meeting of the fall and winter
season last week, will meet Fri¬
day night at the home of Mrs.
R. L. Hilten to select a play to
be presented sometime this
The North Dade PTA will
meet the second Thursday, No-
vember 10 at 7 p. m. The meet
ing da‘e was changed from the
Thursday so as net to con-
! flict with the Dade High PTA.
youngsters but obviously by
those big and strong enough
and therefore old enough to
knew better—must be report¬
ed to the law enforcement of¬
ficers in an attempt to stop it
before too many are killed.
Last year people were injur¬
ed; this year a valuable ani¬
mal was killed; next year one
of these dangerous “pranks”
may kill you.
Post Office In
New Location
The Trenton Post Office is
new located in Its new building
north of the courthouse square.
Postmaster E L. Raulston ac¬
complished the move during the
past weekend wi h the help of
mail carriers.
There was no interruption in
service; patrons were" able to
mail letters or buy money cr
ders at the old location Satur¬
day afternoon, and Monday
morning found a sign on the
door directing them to the new
The new Post Office, which
was built onto the side of a
building owned by A L. Dyer,
is of comfortable size. Heated
with gas, the new addition fea-
tures metal safety-type win-
dows, loading platform at the
rear, plaster walks and
ive brown and beige tile floors,
The original building, once the
Dowdey Woodworking Shop, has
been remodeled into a store
which Newell Scrugg’s Grocery
will occupy next week.
A parking -area around the!
building and in front of M. J.
Hale’s law office was due for
paving this week, which will be
most convenient.
Quiet Hallowe'en
Observed in General
Hallowe’en was observed
throughout the county Monday
night and other than the usual
“trick or treating”, no excite-
ment was reported by the Sher-
Vf‘s office.
“It was the quietest Hal¬
lowe’en we’ve had in a long
time,” remarked Sheriff F. C.
j Graham. H. H. Hutchins, of
. j the city police said things in
T ren t, cn ^ere also quiet,
Jn jpUe of (he chl|ly ttmpw .
a‘ure, scores of youngsters don¬
ned Hallowe’en attire to march
up and down the streets of each
community, ringing door bells
and just having fun in general.
The children are to be com
mended for keeping it just
goed, wholesome .fun, instead
of the destructiveness that has
taken place here in recent
years. Quite a few parents ac¬
companied their offspring cn
their calls, and some admitted
that it was "the most fun they’d
had in ages.”
Saturday. Then cn Sunday Col.
and Mrs. Morrison motored to
Rome for the quarterly meet-
Jng of the 7th District Press
Scruggs Grocery is new in the
store’s new location next to the
post office. The stock was
what is the
... see the NOVEMBER issue of
Now at your local newsstand
‘ or write for information
l This advertisement is sponsored by the Church of Christ at
Trenton, Georgia. We invite you to a.tend the services each Lord’s
Day _ ’ Blble , study . , at , 10:00 „ a ’ nv Worshl P at 11:00 a. m. and 7:00
a - m - Bible study Wednesday at 7:00 p. m.
Football Schedule
The following games will
round out the football season
for both the Dade Wildcats and
the Davis Yeliowjackets.
Dade High - Ringgold — Fri¬
day, November 11, there.
Davis - Ider — Friday, No-
v ,. m b er there.
South Broad Street
Tire Shop
3001 South Broad St.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Phone 53278
670 x 15 Full Cap Premium
100% Rubber ........$7.95
Our new tires unconditionally
All tire work guaranteed.
Check This
of Fine Used Cars
All Fully Reconditioned
And Guaranteed
1954 DODGE y 4 ton, Black — Less Than 20,000 miles, Like New
1953 DODGE V 2 Ton, Black — Radio, Good Tires, Low Mileage (SOLD)
1953 DODGE y 2 ton, Blue — Radio, Heater
1953 DODGE y 2 ton Green & Black — Heater, Good Tires
Runs Good
1953 DODGE y 4 ton, Blue — Good Tires, Low Mileage,
One Owner
1953 DODGE Coronet 4 Dr.Light Blue — Gyro Torque, Radio, Heater — One
Owner (SOLD)
1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook 4 Dr, two-tone Green — Radio
Heater, Runs Good, Overdrive
1953 WjlLLIS Areo Lark 4 Dr. Dark Green — One Owner — Low Mileage (SOLD)
1953 PLYMOUTH Cambridge 4 Dr, Light Green — Looks
& Runs Good, Radio, Heater, etc.
1953 DODGE Coronet 2 Dr, Black — Gyro Torque Trans.,
Radio, Heater
1952 DODGE Wayfarer 2 Dr, Light Gray — Good Tires, Radio,
Heater .
1952 CHEVROLET 2 ton, Green — Two Speed Axle,
825x20 Tires
1952 DODGE 2 Ton, Green — Rebuilt Engine, Steele Flat,
Looks Good
1951 STVDEBAKER 2 Dr, Green
1951 DODGE Coronet 4 Dr, Light Green — Fluid Drive, Heater,
1951 DODGE Coronet 4 Dr, Dark Blue — Gyromatic Trans.,
Radio, Heater
1951 PONTIAC 4 Dr, Two-tone Blue — Hydramatic Trans.,
1951 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr, Light Blue — Lots of Good Miles Left
1951 DODGE Meadowbrook 4 Dr, Dark Green — Radio,
Runs Good
1950 BUICK Super 4 Dr, Two-tone Blue — New Seat Covers,
Heater, Clean
1950 DODGE Coronet 4 Dr. Light Blue One Owner, Real Nice Car (SOLD)
1950 MERCURY 4 Dr, Dark Blue — Rebuilt Engine, Runs
1950 DODGE 4 Dr, Maroon & Black
1950 DODGE y 4 Ton, Green — Motor overhauled, New paint
: i*' 1949 DODGE °°° GE 4 Va Dr, Tod, Maroon Red - /W Runs g00£ good, /, A Good Real Tires, Bargain
1948 — Clean
CHEVROLET Fleetline 2 Dr. Gray — Good Transportation (SOLD)
194< MERCURY Club Coupe, Black Runs good. Clean (SOLD)
1947 DODGE 2 Dr. Two-tone Blue—Try this car (SOLD)
1946 ] 9 *1 BUICK n.fJiPFL* Super 4 4 Pi’ Dr. Gray Gray ~ This Extta is G °°d bargain Transportation
— a
1946 FORD 2 Dr. Black — Make us an offer (SOLD)
1933 CHEVROLET 2 Dr. Coupe, Black (SOLD)
It Pays To Trade With
Dyer Motor Co.
We invite you to make the Hamilton National
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The Hamilton National has seven conveniently
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We will be glad to see you—any time.
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