The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, November 03, 1955, Image 3
GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY: To Whom It May Concern Petition signed by seme thirty citizens and registered voters of the 1214th G. M. Dist., of said State and County has been filed in this Ordinary’s office asking that the voting place in said District be moved from the pre¬ sent site, known as the Mat¬ hews Store, located on State Route No. 143, to the New Salem School building located near the intersection of State Routes Nos. 143 and 157 in said Dis¬ trict. Notice is hereby given that if no valid objections are filed on or before 10:00 A. M., November 7, 1055, order will be granted changing said place of voting as asked for in said Petition. This October 18, 1955. R. M. Morrison Ordinary Dade County, Ga. 1 t — 10 - 27 FRANCES FULGHUM EDWARDS vs. ELMER ADOLPH EDWARDS No. 241 DAiDE SUPERIOR COURT SUIT FOR DIVORCE You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Dade County, Georgia, to an¬ swer the complaint of Plaintiff mentioned in the caption, in her suit against you for divorce and custody of minor child. Witness the Honorable John W. Davis, Judge of said Court, this October 19th, 1955. Grace H. Williams Clerk Superior Court 4 t — 11 - 10 CITATION GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY. To AH Whom It May Concern: BOBBY LEE COOK and IRBY GARDNER having in due form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Dr. J. L. Gard¬ ner, deceased, this is to notify the next of kin and creditors of said deceased that said ap¬ plication will be heard before me at the regular November term, 1955, of the Court of Or¬ dinary of said county. Witness my hand and official signature, this 3rd day of Oc¬ tober, 1955. R. M. Morrison Ordinary Dade County, Georgia. 10 - 27 CITATION GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY. To All Whom It May Concern: Mrs. lone Collins, having in due form applied to me for per¬ manent Letters of Administra¬ tion, upon the estate of Roland Chumley Balcomb, deceased, that said application will be heard before me at the regular November term, 1955, of the Court of Ordinary of said County. Witness my hand and official signature this 3rd day of Oc- tober, 1955. R. M. Morrison Ordinary Dade County, Georgia. 10 - 27 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT IN THE MATTER OF APPLICATION OF DEWEY P. PARTLOW, AND WIFE LITHO- NA PARTLOW FOR ADOPTION OF MARY CAROLINE PUSKAC TO: FRANKLIN PUSKAC, FATHER OF MARY CAROLINE PUSKAC. IN SUPERIOR COURT OF DADE COUNTY, GEORGIA Ycu are hereby notified that the above application was filed in the Superior Court of Dade Coun y, Georgia, o n Sept 29, 1955, and that the Judge of said Court has signed an order set¬ ting December 16, 1955, at ten o’clock A. M., at the Court House in Trenton, Georgia, as the time and place for the in¬ terlocutory hearing in said mat¬ ter. Witness the Honorable John W. Davis, Judge of said Court, this 24th day of October, 1955. Grace H. Williams Clerk of Superior Court Dade County, Georgia CITATION ON PETITION FOR DISMISSAL GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY: WHEREAS, Mrs. Jessie Mae Wilson, Administrator of the Estate of Walter S. Wilson, de¬ ceased, has filed her petition j for discharge as administrator! of said estate, as provided in j Section Georgia, 113-2301 all of the Code of j i persons are re- quired to show cause at the No- j vember Term of the Court of j Ordinary why said discharge | should not be granted. This 3rd day of October, 1955 R. M. Morrison Ordinary. Dade County, Georgia, j t ftE bADE COUNT Y TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3, 19J5 SLYGO The Slygo Home Demonstra- ton Club met last Thursday aft- e r n o c n at the Community House fer their regular montly meeting. There were 14 pres¬ ent. In the absence of Miss Hubble, Mrs. A. L. Dyer gave an interesting demonstration on flower arrangement. The hostess for the month was Mrs. AlvLn Reeves. Mrs. Edgar Moore and daugh¬ ter, Bessie, spent last Friday night and Saturday with Mrs. Me ores sister, Mrs. Marvin Phillips of Chattanooga. Hobert Patterson was home for two days last week. He is serving in the U. S. Navy and Is s ationed at the Naval Base in Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Willie Hughes visited her aunt, Mrs. Mary Smith, in Red Bank Monday evening. Mrs. Smith has been very ill for the past several weeks. We are happy to report Mrs. John Patterson is improving after a long illness. On Saturday night, November 12. there will be a meeting at the Slygo Church for the pur¬ pose of making plans to install a heating system in the church and also to build seme much needed Sunday School rooms. Everyone in the community is urged to attend. Do you have the Magic Touch?” is. New DODGE every year for the rest of your life! L Fabulous ? No, it's fantastic ! Each week for four weeks, somebody is going to win a brand spanking new Dodge every year for the rest of his or her life! It may be you ! What? A new Dodge EVERY YEAR? (3 to 10 words) on your "Magic Touch” entry blank. Fill it in, That’s right—as stated in the terms of the Contest Rules! If you mail it. Yours may be selected! are one of the weekly winners of the Grand Prize, you will take Hollywood—hero you cornel command of a new ’56 Dodge right away! Next year, it will be If your entry is selected for any one of the four weekly final exchanged for a new ’57 Dodge, delivered to your door! The year contests, you will compete with two other contestants for a after that, a new ’58 Dodge... and so on for (he rest of your life! DODGE FOR LIFE” on the popular Lawrence Welk Show from Hollywood, over a national television network. It will be Do you Have the "Magic Touch”? fun! A few minutes after you appear on the show—you may be Here’s what you do. Visit our showroom today and discover the winner of a new Dodge for life! (Naturally, you’re Dodge's the "Magic Touch” of Dodge push-button driving ... the safest guest in Hollywood—all expenses paid, and what a time you way to drive ever developed. Write a short driving safety slogan will have!) Come on in today, and get started! DYER MOTOR CO., Trenton, Ga. (Written for last week) Miss Yvonne Stewart, of Chattanooga, was the week end guest of Karleen Gross. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Tatum and little daughter Karen of Gallatin, Tenn. spent the week p nd with their parents, the Edgar Moores and the Tom Ta¬ tums cf LaFayette. J. W. and Ruth Moore spen Sunday with J. W.’s parents. They have just recently moved j to their new home in Tyner, Tenn, ! Mr. Jim Reeves and little ! grandson, Danny Hibfos, of Ris¬ ing Fawn, were down visiting the Alvin Reeves Sunday after¬ noon; The Donald Streets, of Fort Payne, spent Sunday with Don¬ ald's parents Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tain Stree\ The E. F. Moore's Sunday guests were J. L. Moore of Chickamauga, Mrs. Ernest Gra¬ ham and two sons, Ronnie and Johnny of Daisy, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dugan o f Fort Oglethorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Ben¬ ton Patterson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Reeves and girls. In the afternoon, the Le¬ on Moores joined them. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Henson and lit le daughter Janet Lee, of Chattanooga Valley, were ov¬ er last Tuesday night visiting the Edgar Moores. Drought Disaster Loans Available Henderson Lanham, member of Congress from the Seventh Distric , today announced that the Small Business Administra¬ tion is now prepared to make drought disaster business loans in the fourteen counties of the Seventh District. Under the law enacted by the (las', session of Congress, the Small Business Administration Is given authority to make drought di-aster business loans at 3 percent interest to firms able to show they have actually suffered economic injury attri- bu able to the drought. Business firms in these areas are eligible to apply for a drought disaster business loan, of they can show that their business has been injured be¬ cause of drought conditions. Such a shewing may be in the form of comparative operating statements, excessively large ac¬ counts receivable, a decline in sales v o 1 ume because of he Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ccle, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Sewell and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore took | advantage of the pretty weath- ; er and went picnicking out on Lockout Mountain Sunday. drought, or similar i Tne loans may be made for Ja ceeds term of ten years and the pro- i must be, for the most 'part, confined to working capi¬ tal. However, r e f 1 nancing of i n d e b t e d n e s (excerpt bank loans) on which delinquencies are directly attribu able to the ‘drought, Ls permissible. Congressman Lanham stated that no drought disaster busi¬ ness loans will be made fer the expansion of facilities, and col¬ lateral requirements are .the same as for other types of dia¬ ls er loans. Nor will loans be made when credit is otherwise available cr, generally, to any business established during the drought period. Farmers and stockmen are not eligible for drought disaster business loans. They should ap¬ ply to the Farmers Home Ad- m i n i s t r a tion for assis ance. Bus i n e s s men eligible for a drought disasteer loan should apply to their local bank, cr to the Small Business Administra¬ tion Regional Office, Room 263, Peachtree-Seventh Building, 50 Seven tii Street, NE, Atlanta, Georgia. WANT ADS are a cent a word insertion—Try Our Want Ad with a minimum of 25c for one Column. j Know Your Scouts : 2nd Class Scout Cecil Foster j Cecil Fester lives over in the Piney Grove Community and attends Dade High School. He is a member of the Flaming Ar- r:w Patrol. Cecil is one of the older members of Troop 143 and takes his scouting seriously. His outdoor activi ies are hunt¬ ing and fishing. Cecil has earned two merit badges and needs only to learn the Morse Code for his First Class Rating. He has been faithful in attend¬ ance end likes nothing better than an outdoor camping trip. It would be safe to say that Troop 143 has camped out more than any other Trocp in the Battlefield District. SHOP! SAVE! At CRISMAN HARDWARE CO. PHONF. PHONE 7-1114 7-1114 513 MARKET ST. CHATTANOOGA CRISMAN'S ON BROAD ST. FREE PARKING NEXT DOOR LET US DO YOUR JOB WORK THE DADE COUNTY TIMES