The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, November 03, 1955, Image 5
Harvest Festival At Rising Fawn Set Nov. 12 Bteing Pawn's up and coming PTA is sponsoring a Harvest Festival Saturday, November 12 which promises to 'be one of the best held in recent years. The fesMval will be held at the school, beginning at 6 p. m. and is sure to please everyone, from the youngest fry on up to grandma and grandpa. Mesdames Johnny Murphy and C. J. Crane, who are in WANT ADS DR. G. K. MacVANE Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue Ft. Fayne, Ala. WANTED AT ONCE—Man with car for Rawleigh Business in Dade County. Buy on time. See S. M. Duke, 1806 S. Haw¬ thorne St., Chattanooga, Ten¬ nessee immediately or write Rawleigh’s, Dept. GAK-10- 301, Memphis, Tenn. 2 - t -11-17 FOR SALE — Lovely mountain home, on paved highway, school bus and mail route within 200 yards of house. House has five rooms with modern conveniences, built- in kitchen. Well insulated, easy to heat and is cooled by nature in the summer. Lo¬ cated on large well-wooded lot in the center of a fast growing community. For sale by owners: Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Adams, Trenton, Ga. 2 t c — 11-10 LOST — 8-Month-Old black and white Beagle with a tag “Humphrey 541”, in the Tren ton and Sand Mountain Highway vicinity. The dog got out of car trunk during trip through Trenton and up Highway 143 October 29. Re¬ ward offered.—J. W. Mitchell, 1064 Green Gorge Rd., Signal Mountain, Tenn., Telephone 88-2991. MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED — Man or woman wanted to handle M c N e s s Products full or spare time. Opportunity to make $40 a day. No experience necessary. Write McNess Company, P. O. Box 2766, DeSo-to Station, Memphis, Tenn. FOR SALE — Norge refrigerator and electric stove, praotically uuuauy new. Inquire at Jim West’s j Garage, Trenton. 3tp—11-10 FOR SALE — 3 used oil circu¬ lators. — Adkins Service Sta¬ tion. 3 t p — 11 3 HIGHEST prices paid for pine and have any to sell. Dyer Lumber Company, Trertton, Ga. WANTED AN OPPORTUNITY to (talk with you about your farm equipment needs, Ford tractor and equipment.— Ro¬ bert Forester, Wildwood, Ga. u/n— 24-HOUR AMBULANCE Service. Home Phone 242. Moore-Mc Binar, Trenton, Ga. $400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money Grade from, cur five cent High Nut machines in this area. No Selling to qualify for work. You must have car, references. $640 cash, secured by inventory. De¬ voting 6 hours a week to busi¬ ness, your end on percentage $400 ccllec ions will net up to monthly with very good possi bilities of taking over full time. Income increasing acccrdingly. For interview. Include phone in applica ion. Write Royal Distri¬ buting Co., Inc., 1001 Chestnut St.. Phila. 7, Pa It p —11 - 3____ WANTED — Renter who can handle tractor and share-crop. Good house. Write or see H. G. Daverson, Star Route, Box 42, Avans, Ga. 3 t p 11 - 17 I. O. O. F. TRENTON LODGE No. 38 Regular meeting each Tuep- day night at 8:00 P. M F. C. Graham, V. G. W. C. Durham. N. G. FOR RENT—6 rooms, wired for stove. Has acre of land for garden. Mrs. W. B. Cureton. It 11-3 Regular meetings Trenton Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the second and fourth Saturday nights each month at 8:00 p. at. All qualified Masons Invited to attend. Claude O. Elliscn, W. M. James M. Rogers, Secy Drive it at vour Plymouth dealer’s-the car that’s going places with the Young in Heart! AEROD mq MIC STYLING! The look that goes with Push-Button Driving and 90-90 Turbo-Torque in the new Plymouth ’56 Here is car more truly representative of our jet air age than any PUSH-BUTTON DRIVING a Aerodynamic have ever seen in startling, sweeping new With a finger-tip touch on a button you you ... like Push-Button Driving. There’s select your driving range. As easy as Styling ... in bold new concepts flicking a light switch! Then Plymouth's 90 -% Turbo-Torque Pouer and the great new Hy-Fire V-8 or new fully automatic PowerFlite—the world’s PowerFlow 6 to give you Top Thrust at Take-Off. And Plymouth is smoothest, most advanced transmis¬ and longer outside roomier inside. It s all breath-takingly sion — takes over. You’ll find it the larger ... Plymouth dealer today! ultimate in driving convenience. ahead of its time. See your All-new Aerodynamic PLYMOUTH '56 with PowerPak in all 4 lines Belvedere, Savov, Plaza and Suburban. Or choose 187 hp in Belvedere and Suburban lines. In Savoy and Plaza hp! - ^ v!u o U get?80 all lines 125 hp, 131 hp with PowerPak. V 8 U you prefer the super-economy of Plymouth’s PowerFlow 6-alar, available in 4 -you get or TffE DADE CQgNTV TlT-ltS; T RENTON; GEORGIA, NOVEMBER fts5 charge ol the event, ncunced that there will be a va- riety of booths, including an old-time country store where all kinds cf farm produce, can ned fruits and vegetables, dairy goods and baked goods will be sold. A refreshment stand also will be set up with hot coffee, cold drinks and snacks. A new feature of the festival this year will be a “Swap Shcp” fcr little-used or outgrown clothing, shoes, odd china, household articles, and even coon dcgs. These items will al¬ so be offered for sale. The boo h will be open frcm noon until the festival is over Ncv. 12. Everyone is urged to cooperate by bringing cr send- ing items for swap or sale that time. Already consigned are a ‘48 Oldsmobile, sevaral pairs of children’s shoes and a baby bed with mattress. Bingo, a fish pond and se¬ veral cake walks have been planned for the entertainment of those attending. Prizes va¬ lued from $1 to $6 are being col lected from merchants and in¬ dividuals for the bingo table and the fish pond. Several at- tractive doer prizes will be given away along with a $15 cold wave donated by Sarah’s Beauty Salon. Proceeds will be used to buy library equipment and to pay the note on the teacherage Soil Conservation = SOU ★ OUR STRENGTH = Al Webb. Technician Col. D. E. Morrison, Supervisor Grady Bradford of the New Salem Communiay has recently had a dam built according to Soil Conservation Service Engi¬ neers S p e c i ficaticns for the purpose of putting water in one of his pastures that does net have water. He also has some newlv sown nasture that Is be- ginning einnine to to look look good. rood ; 1 We have recently helped Hus¬ ton Hibbs in the Cave Springs community terrace one of the : fields on the farm he has pui- chased from Mr. and Mrs. J. R Carson. Haston plans to con- serve e rve a«u and build uuuu up up his uu open and ltwo less erroded H1WCU .“ land U,U by building ‘erraces, ‘erraces, sowing sowing cover cover crops crops and and sowing some of the steeper parts down in service for sever- al years. He plans to set his idle land in a good variety of pine starting with an acre this winter. I 9CHo ° i NOTEs ' ‘ Report cards were given Friday. Some were happy their grades; some were not. Pupils are still putting ail their extra pennies into stamps. The ___________ amount [last week was $20.00. Miss Jean Price, our music teacher, is now coming IV 2 days per week. Those taking this year are: Essie Clark, Mary Jane Johnson, Martha Jo John¬ son. Linda Massey, Jean Autry, Gladys McKaig, Gray, Blenda Moore Pa- tricia Barbara Eet‘y Cochran, Ernestine fin, Linda Forester and Sandra Martin. New 4-H Club officers have been elected. Patsy Everett president, Janet girls’ vice-president, Larry Ab- bot, boys’ vice-president, Nor¬ ma Gray, secrteary and Patricia McKaig, treasurer.. Several won ribbons at the fair this year. Kenneth Penn- ington wen three awards. Al- fred Barnes won five awards and Norma Jean Gray won three, Mesdames Moore’s, Hale’s and Johnson’s rooms had a Hallo- we’en party Monday afternoon. Mothers helping with the party were Mrs. Cecil Forester and Martin Bradford. OBITUARY Graham Hale Graham Hale, prominent ci¬ tizen of Rising Fawn and form¬ er Clerk of the Dade County Superior Court, died Wednes¬ day in a Chattanooga hcspit&l. Mr. Hale, 78, served as court clerk for twelve years, retiring about three years ago. He was a member of the Rising Fawn Methodist Church. Funeral services were held Thursday morning from the Methodist Church at Rising Fawn with Rev. J. Monroe Ball, Jr. officiating. Interment was in Hannah Cemetery. He is survived by one son, John W. Hale; one daughter, ,laueh,trs Willlanu; Mrs W R two^grand Tatunl ' '. ' - Trenton, and Miss Linda Hale, Rising Fawn;- and aunt, Henrietta Barton. W. B. ConnaHy wmiam Ben j am > n connally[ died afc b j s home in Gadsden, October 27, 1955. He was bQrn and eared j n Dade Coun- ty on the connally farm, (new by Add Add Doyle)j Doyle), about about 4 4 ^ east ^ of Qf Trentcn Trent€n He He is is sUrvived by a w jf e an d son. Funeral and burlal service5 held in Gad5den . US DO YOUR JOB WORK the DADE COUNTY TIMES News ROUTE 2 NEWS Br Mrs, Fred Cooper There will be a Revival start ing Ncvemfber 14 and through the 27th at the rene Church. Rev. John is pastor of this church. Rev. Roy Bettcher, pastor of the First Nazarene Church of ga, will do the preaching ing the Revival. November 6 is I Bab y Dedication Day at the Church • Mitchel Tinker visited father one day last week. has a call for the armed ! The wlllis Woo’.ens visited in Tiftonia Mr - and Mrs. Ben Crownover, of Chattanoo- ga, spent Saturday wth her ter Mrs. Vickie Cooper. Mrs. plenty of company Saturday afternoon. Two of he¥ sons and family from Chattanooga and a step - son and hLs wife. Her daughter returned home after spending a week with her bro- tber. Her son, who lived in 1 Texas, has moved back to Chat- | tanooga ! Mr. and Mrs. Estel Tinker vi- sited his father Sunday. Mrs. John Porter and daughter vi¬ sited with Mrs. Vickie Cooper Sunday afternoon. The G. C. Hardemans visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tipton of Ross- ville, Sunday evening; the Bim Pattons were visiting his moth¬ er and the C. W. Alber’sons were also visiting on Sunday. The James McDowells have meved to the Shilch Commun¬ ity. The L. S. Summer fords have gone to Florida for the winter. The Harris family that lived in the Michaels house moved to Trenton Monday. The Fred Coopers have pur¬ chased a TV. MRS. MILLARD SPEAKS AT DADE CO. FELLOWSHIP Mrs F s Millard, District president of the W. S. C. S., spoke at the Dade County Fel- Mrs. j 0WS hlp Grzcfi Sunday. October 30. Her most interesting talk con- cerne d the work of women in the churc h. The Fellowship, which is a | gathering of representatives of all Methodist churches in the I county, met at the Trenton j Methodist Church. A righ point! of each meeting is the basket dinner which precedes the aft ernoon program, w. C. Cureton is chairman, while Robert White is secretary and treasurer, WANT ADS are a cent a word insertion—Try Our Want Ad with a minimum of 25c for one Column. i WILDWOOD LETTER ^ HI Y’ALL- The little “ghos ies” and “gob- lins ” were creeping around Wildwood Monday night. The most of us were “treating” like mad so there wouldn’t be any tricks played on us. The Senior Choir began re- hearsals for their Christmas Cantata last Sunday afternoon. j The Cantata will be sung on | Sunday afternoon. The Canta- ta will be sung on Dec. 18. The Junior Chcir will start their Christmas program Thurs- day and will present their gram on Christmas morning at the Sunday School hour. With much trembling and shaking of knees the choir jj; LIFE INSURANCE Also complete coverage on fire and accident insurance. H. F. ALLISON INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE Times Building Trenton. Ga. LET US WINTERIZE YOUR CAR PRESTONE AND ZEREX ZERONE ALCOHOL DuPONT AND ZEREX BUD’S GULF SERVICE TRENTON, GEORGIA I robed to present two special j odist numbers Church at the last Red Sunday Bajo Meth- , morn- | ' ing. They sang “My God and I” and "The Lord Is My Shep- erd,” as well as all the Re¬ sponses. Now personally, I think we did real well, but I guess Lm biased. Goodbye, till next week. Just one more little item. Joe and I Faye Neely have a new little • daughter, Joyce Marie. Mom and baby are fine. Mary AMERICAN LEGION POST '.06 1 p M ^ Leglon a ’ - • Herman v. Moore, uo E L. Rauiston, Adj.