Newspaper Page Text
Representatives from eight
of the Lookout Valley Associa¬
tion Baptist Churches met at
the Rising Fawn Baptist Church
cn Wednesday night, November
9 to .set up an associational
Sunday School organization.
Pete Day, associational mis¬
sionary of the Noonday Asso¬
ciation, and T. A Wallace, a->-
sociational missionary of the
Coosa Association, helped the
group get organized.
Rev. Taylor Castleberry acted
as moderator in leading the
group to elect a staff. Those
elec.ed were:
Superntendent: Roy L. Wal¬
lin of Rising Fawn, 1st Asso¬
ciate Supt. in charge of study
courses and training;
Rev. Charles Pryor, Sulphur
Springs, 2nd Associate Supt. in
charge of enlargements and
James Goodwin, Piney Grove,
3rd Associate Supt. in charge of
Vacation Bible Schools;
Mrs. J Z Bobo, Rising
Secretary: Mrs. Brice Hoi-
Rising Fawn,
Leaders of Cradle Roll: Mrs
Ray Smith. Rising Fawn;
Leader of Nursery: Mrs. Frank
Patterson, Trenton;
Leader cf Beginners: Mrs.
Pearl Blevins, New England.
Leader of Primaries: Mrs.
Brady Joe Tinker, New Home.
Leader of Juniors: Mrs.
Mitchell, Piney Grove;
Leader of Intermediates: Mrs.
Henry Elliot 1 , Woodlawn;
Leader of Young People: Mrs.
Irene Wall, Cloverdale;
Leader of Adults: Gordon
Steele, Rising Fawn;
Extensicn Worker: Jack Crisp
New Home.
The purpose of this organi¬
zation is (1) to help the local
ship of Christ.
church Sunday School win the
lost to Christ; (2) to lead the
saved to acknowledge the lord-
Holiday visitors o f Mr. and
Mrs. Dewey Bradford were the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T C. Castleberry, and sister,
Mrs. Clifford Moore, Mr. Moore
and daughter, also Mrs. Virgin¬
ia Musgrove and son.
Miss Kathryn Fricks, student
at the University of Georgia,
spent the Thanksgiving holi¬
days with the R. P. Fricks. Her
fiance, Mr. Gene Davis, also a
student at the University, spent
the week end with Kathryn
and her parents.
Mr. George M c M a han was
taken to a Chattanooga hospi¬
tal Tuesday to be treated for
an acute attack of asthma.
Misses May and Bess Cureton
and Mrs. Lillian Stroud spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
Bedford Lampkin in Birming-
^ am *
Mr. and . Mrs. „ W. r T L. _ Fannin
spent Thanksgiving Day in Fort
Payne with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Lowery and Mr. and Mrs. Lou¬
Fannin and their children.
It is good to see Mr. Bob
going about' after se¬
months’ confinement to
his home because of illness.
Mrs Harold Castleberry was
taken ‘o Tri-County hospital
Friday for ibservation and
x-ray. At this writing, the ex¬
act cause of her illness has not
been determined, however, she
is reported to be resting more
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
and children of Hix¬
were Thanksgiving Day
guests of the Bud Slaughters
and Bill Konrads.
The Walter Wilsons and Milt
Wilsons had as their holiday
guests Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wil¬
Jack and Bob of Marietta,
A family dinner was enjoy¬
ed at the Walter Wilsons on
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Reeves
their Thanksgiving din¬
with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
Castleberry and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Castleberry
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey Bradford and boys.
Mrs Ralph McMahan had her
removed Tuesday at
Clinic. Her condition
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McMa¬
spent Thanksgiving Day in
Elmo with their son. Tom.
and children.
Rev Jimmy Ball is conduct¬
a revival this week with his
father in Rockford, Tenn. Mrs.
is with her family in Ross-
Mrs. B, B. Kenimer and son,
visited Mrs. Louise Gaines
at Flat Rock on Sunday. |
Entered at the Post Office at
Trenton, Qa., as 2nd class mail.
Mrs c. C. Morrison, Publisher
Locals and Personals
Mrs. J. C Billue is visiting
her parents
Mrs. John Bruner of Fort
Gaines, Ga., is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Myrtle Pace.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Keeton, of
Byrd’s Chapel, attended t n e
Grand Ol’ Opry last, week end.
The Dade High PTA will meet
in the school lunchroom Thurs¬
day night at 7:30 p. m.
Mrs. E. S. Pace had her son,
Eddie, and Mrs. Pace home for
the weekend from Rogersville,
Ten n.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle were
guests at their Fiftieth Anni¬
versary party given them last
Sunday at their home in Slygo.
Mr. Doff Fischer o f Byrd’s
Chapel, is lots better. Mr. and
Mr;. Herman Fischer are plan¬
ning to move in with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Buff Bradford
who left last week for Tampa,
Fla., report they are enjoying
nice warm weather.
Postmaster and Mrs. E L.
Raulston spent the holidays
with their son, Bill and family
in Hattiesburg, Miss
Mi's Agnes Hubble of Wayn-
csville, N C , and Aaron Hub
ble of Sparta, Ga., are the
guests of their mother, Mrs.
Kate Hubble, and Misses Belle
and Ollie Reeves.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allison
were in Atlanta Friday for a
meeting of leaders in the state
of Georgia to make plans fcr
further development of the Un¬
iversity of Ga. Into an outstand¬
ing school of higher education.
The Garden Club will not
meet on the first Thursday, the
regular meeting date, but will
be entertained at a Christmas
Party at the home of Mrs. W.
C Cureton on Friday, Dec. 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Dyer en¬
tertained Thanksgiving after¬
noon whh a party following
the U. C. football game. Guests
were Mr. Dyer’s fraternity bro¬
thers and their dates.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cousins
and boys of Greeneville, Ga.,
were here over the weeknd vi
siting Mrs Cousins’ mother,
Mrs. J E Page. Mr. Cousins,
who is state Junior Vice-Com¬
mander of the American Legion
attended a district meeting ii>
Dal'on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A P Stephens
had as their guest last week
Mr. Stephens’ mother, Mrs.
Della Stephens of Utah, Ala. Mr.
Stephens is taking a vacation
from his duties at the depot. A
friend, Owens Roebuck of Utah,
Ala., is relieving him and is
staying with the Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Taylor and Mrs.
Cordia Foster attended the wed-
ding of Patsy Lou Agee and Bil-1
ly Berlin Sylvester at the Spring
Creek Baptist Church in Chat¬
tanooga on Nov. 25. The bride
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert R. Agee of Atlanta and
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Taylor.
We were pleased to see Mrs.
R. L. Williams recently when
she came in to renew her sub¬
scription. The Williams, former
residents o f Rising Fawn are
now living i n Hampton, Va.,
where Mrs. Williams is running
an apartment house. Mr. Wil¬
liams’ heart condition is much
improved, allowing him to be
able to work.
Mrs. Owen Woodyard spent
the holiday weekend in Char¬
leston, S. C. with her husband,
who is located there with the
Western Union.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fricks
and Ann Marie spent Thanks
giving with her parents in
Newman, Ga
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge 4 No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
? Saturday nights each
month at 8:00 p. m.
All qualified Masons inviied
to attend.
Claude O. Ellison, W. M.
James M. Rogers, Secy.
Take Home
The Lookout Valley Associj-
tional “M” Night meeting will
be held at Dade High School
cember 6 at 7:30 p. m. A fine
program has been planned with
auditorium Tuesday night, De¬
an out-of-tcwn speaker.
The “M” Night program is
held throughout the Southern
Baptist Convention. The “M ’
stands for mobilization and the
meeting Ls the kick-off for the
new year in all the Baptist
Training Union.
The speaker, Dr. Ansell
Baker, pastor of the Central
Baptist Church of Chattanooga,
is well-known here. He will be
the featured speaker on the
The Lookout Valley “M” Night
meeting has led all of Georgia
the past three years percent¬
age-wise in attendance if
Training Union members. Plans
have been made to keep thLs
record for 1955.
The public is invited to at¬
tend this meeting.
We would like to express our
appreciation to all the folks
who took part in saving our
hime during the fire while we
were away.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Raulstcn
1 t p
>••• 0 #• • • • • mm«t>*** m m t
£ W‘-
1954 DODGE Coronet Club Sedan, Powerflite, Blue
and Grey -------------------------- -$1425.00
1954 DODGE ton Pickup, Four Speed Trans., Black..$ 995.00
1954 PLYMOUTH Club Sedan, Hydrive, Blue and Grey $1395.00
1953 DODGE Meadowbrook ‘6’ 4-Dr. Sedan,
Gyromatic, Black ------------------,________ $ 995.00
1953 DODGE Coronet Club Sedan, Gyrotorque, Black..$1075.00
1953 CHEVROLET ‘210' Club Sedan, Two Tone Brown $ 995.00
1953 FORD ‘8' Mainline 4-Dr. Sedan .. ___________ $ 925.00
1953 DODGE ton Pickup, Blue .. __ __ ____ ____ $ 175.00
1953 DODGE ** ton Pickup, Blue __$ 725.00
____ __________ __
1953 DODGE y 2 ton Pickup, Green and Black ____ __ ..$ 725.00
1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook 4-Dr. Sedan, Light Grey $ 725.00
1952 STUDEBAKER Club Sedan, Blue... ____________ $ 595.00
1952 DODGE 2 ton Truck, Green . ____ _________ $ 895.00
1952 CHEVROLET 2 ton Truck, Green _______________ $ 895.00
1952 CHEVROLET ** ton Pickup, Blue _____________ $ 565.00
1951 CHRYSLER Windsor Newport, Blue and Grey.. $ 695.00
1951 STUDEBAKER Club Sedan, Green 425.00
1951 DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan, Green ____ __ $ 645.00
1951 DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan, Blue $ 695.00
.. ..
1951 PONTIAC ‘8’ 4-Dr. Sedan, Green... $ 695.00
.. __ ____
1951 MERCURY 4-Dr. Sedan, Overdrive,
Yellow and Black _____ _____ ___$ 695.00
1950 BUICK Super 4-Dr. Sedan, Two tone Blue $ 445.00
1950 BUICK Super 4-Dr. Sedan , Dynaflow, Black $ 545.00
1950 MERCURY 4 Dr. Sedan, Overdrive, Blue $ 595.00
____ __
1950 DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan, Red and Black $ 495.00
1950 DODGE ton Pickup, Green .. $ 495.00
__ ______
1949 FORD l l / 2 ton Truck, Red .. $ 200.00
.. ____
__ ____
1946 FORD 2 : Dr. Sedan, Black $ 95.00
._ _____________
1947 BUICK 4-Dr. Sedan, Grey $ 115.00
1940 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan, Black $ 75.00
It Pays To Trade With
Dyer Motor Co.
Win a New DODGE Every Year
For Life
(1) A new DODGE for life to four contest winners.
(2) An additional cash award of $5000.60 if the winner owns a 1956 Dodge
t3) A 1956 DODGE Coronet Lancer for two runners-up each week.
< 4 > An all expense paid trip to Hollywood for each of the three weekly
We are sorry that sc much
news came in too late last^week
for the paper, which came out
a day early, and that we were
unable to find the space and
the time to set it.
I. O. O. F.
Regular meeting each Tues¬
day night at 8:00 P. M.
Norge Appliances Sale
For Your Christmas Shopping
8 Ft. Refrigerator, regular price ------ ---- $199.95 Sale price $159.95
10 Ft. Refrigerator Jet Defrost, reg. .. — — $249.95 Sale price $189.95
10 Ft. DeLuxe Refrigerator, reg. price ------ $269.95 Sale price $209.95
13 Ft. Upright Home Freezer, reg. price ------ $399.95 Sale price $299.95
Standard Range, regular price ---- ------ $199.95 Sale price $159.95
DeLuxe Automatic Range, special price ---- $249.95 Sale price $209.95
Washing Machine ------------------ $139.95 Sale price $ 99.95
Good Second Range for only ------ -- -- -- -- - ______ $49.95
Good Second Refrigerator for only ---- -- ------- - __________ $49.95
Apartment Range, Good as new, for o dy __ -- . -- --------- $75.00
We had a turkey dinner
Many of the parents
planned to have lunch with us
that day. The fifth and sixth;
grades presented a Thankgiv-
ing program Wedneday
Harold Bradford, one cf our
eventh graders, has moved to
Florida. We miss him.
We are proud of seme new
desks that Mr. Moore our
school superintendent, brought
us Mcnday.
^ rs - Hale’s first graders were
^ us y week making Thanks-
giving posters,
Sara Abbott got an eye hurt
while playing with a stick last
A film about fire prevention
was shown last Friday p. m.
The fourth grade is happy to
a new member from
Colorado, Betty Anderson. Bet-
ty has also attended school in