Newspaper Page Text
Dade County’s Only Newspaper.
volume LV
Two Christmas programs, to be presented December 23, will
be given at the Davis School by members of the fourth, fifth and
sixth grades, and s.udents in grades one through three.
Everyone has been cordially invited to attend.
(4-5-6 Grades)
Song . ...................... ...........“Joy to the World”
Devotional.. ...............................Wayne Watkins
“While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night”
.................................Martha Ferguson
Recitation.....,.................................Gail Fossett
A Christmas Though,.....................Garland Meeks
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”....................Song
Christmas Acrostic.................5th Grade Boys and Girls
Our Lord’s Birthday...........................Judy Rochester
Solo...........................................Jackie Goff
As Joseph Was Walking..,........................Dale Ballard
Rudolph Shines Again.....................Fifth Grade Girls
Santa Claus...................................Frank Shirley
Merry Christmas....................5th Grade Boys and Girls
The Little Things......s.....................Martha Simmons
Recitation............ ; ......................Bet .y Stephens
Merry Christmas.............................Lloyd Chumley
Song................. ‘‘Silent Night”
“Christmas Night”.............................Roy Morgan
“Seasons of Love”.............*.................Brenda Gass
Song....................................“Upon a Housetop”
Pageant “Unto Us A Child”..................By the Sixth Grade
Song.........................................“Jingle Bells”
(Grades 1 - 3)
Devotional....................................Second Grade
Song..................................“Away In A Manger”
Song, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”.. .. .......First Grade
Christmas Alphabe,.................... Second Grade
“The Nativity” a play............................Third Grade
Song “Jingle Bells”......................................All
Tne Dade High Uiee Club will present a musical program
Friday morning, ue^-emoer 23 at the scnool. Tne public nas oeen
mvitea to anena. 'ine eiuio, wmcn is composea oi over sixty
meumers, la un^er the direction oi Keith DelK.
Also on uie program win oe the Junior Choir, which is made
up Oi sixtn grade s.udents.
rue program is as follows:
Prelude..................................Theola Fulghum
Gloria.......................................Martin Shaw
Sung by the Glee Club
“When Jesus Lay By Maxys Side"...............Mary Weaver
Glee Club
Christmas Hymn..........,....................Hugo Jungst
Trio: Evelyn Gray, Judy Pace and Carolyn Fulghum
“News of Great Joy”.......!................... .Sussex Carol
Glee Club, Junior Choir
“Away In A Manger”..........................Arthur Plettner
Glee Club, Solo by Evelyn Gray
“Angel Choirs On High Do Sing”..............Robert Bedell
Male Quartet
“O Holy Night”................................Adolph Aoam
Solo, Evelyn Gray
Carol, “Noel” .....................................Wiihousky
“Joseph Came Seeking A Resting Place”..........Willoughby
Glee Club
‘ Shepherds”........................Carrington, by the Trio
“Silent. Nierh ...............Franz Gruber
Glee Club and the Sextet
‘Christmas Gloria” ...................... .. Grace Gardner
Glee Club
‘ Hark What Mean Those Holy Voices”...... ., Paul Bliss
Male Quartet William
‘The Three Kings”.................... Healey
“Christmas Bells” . . .Lloyd Norton
Glee Club
‘First Christmas Morn”................... . John Fearis
.. Richards
Solo, Terry Dickerson
“Jingle Bells” ...........................• Arr. by Don Large
Glee Club
C Koppea
Trio Gounod
‘Nazareth” Charles
Glee Club, Junior Choir
Carolyn Fulghum
(TO US A CHILD _ ____
ie Rising Fawn
ented a Christmas
tied “Unto Us A Child”
the 4—H Club and
meetings Tuesday, Decern-
13 at the school.
rs. Premon Hall gave
► ional after which a num-
of children took part in
aau depicting the birth
s. The scripture was
Rev. Taylor
ng which several carols were
: by children from
through eight.
ippy Crane, son of Mr. and
C. J. Crane, sang “White
stmas,” followed by Christ-
songs by the audience.
ie first grade was in charge
serving refreshments af er
PTA meeting. Mrs. B. B.
mer Is the teacher.
e program was under the
tion of Mrs. Hall and Miss
y Blansit
mb f iincs
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
The Sand Mountain Meth-
0 dist Church will present a
special holiday program^ Satur-
day night, December 17 ul ^ d ”
the direction of Miss Elizabeth
( Thrasher.
j ation will feature
! The presen by the
SO ngs and recitations
young people in the churc ,
a fter which Santa will arrive o
distribute the gifts which wli
be placed under a gaily decor-
a ted tree.
planning PROGRAM
£hn d re . the New Sa lem
scno 1 J, t ft C hris ma s
program h 2 3 at 9:30 a.
1 are }nvlted to
m. A p
^V, presen t d in the Methodist will in-
ch “ rch ^nd nrA(rram
’ special songs
elude read di >”f J *
l b y a number of chU udren “
Judge John W. Davis,
over the regular
of court here
arguments on
the injunction suit filed
Mcore et all of the
Community against
of he board of
county school superintend
and Mr. and Mrs. L.
Judge Davis withheld his
pending further
of the case. Legal
for the defendants are M.
and W. McClure,
Gleason is
Twelve-month probation
were given in .wo
cases which were
as a result of recent
at Buck Gifford’s
and the Rising
Enter Christmas Contest
Judging of the Dade County
Lighting and Decora¬
Contest will take place
nigh., December 22,
to an announcement
this week toy Miss Naomi
Home Demonstration
The contest is being sponsor¬
toy the Garden Club and the
Demonstration Council
all residents of the county,
the best decorated door
Public Invited To
Tour Five Homes *
The homes of five Garden Club members will be open
to the public Sunday aiternoon, December 18, from 2:3u
p. m. until 5:30 p. m. Visitors are invited to join a tour
of these homes to view holi¬
day decorations.
Homes that will be open
are .he following: Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Hale, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Ellis, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
H. F. Allison, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Cureton, and Col. and
Mrs. D. E. Morrison.
The Morrison home will be
the scene of a silver tea at
the close of the tour. Mesdames A. L. Dyer and E. S. Pace
will preside over the tea table, assisted by Mesdames H. E.
Gross and Delmas Freeman.
Sunday December 18
10:00 A. M.—Sunday School.
11:00 A. M.—Church Service,
Sermon: “The Christmas Gilt
and Christmas Giving.”
7:30 P M.—Christmas Dra¬
By Karin Asbrand
By arrangement with Eldridge
Publishing Company
Joshua the fourth Wise
G L Morgan; Deborah his
ter, Mrs. William
Shepherds: Ephraim,
Pace; Josiah, Bobby Billu*?;
Benjamin, Larry Green;
Robber, Arnold McCon
s 'co"; Ed.
Three Three Wise Wise Men: Men. n . Melchior, Cl-
ron Kyzer; Gaspard, E. A.
lis, Sr.; Balthazar, Jas. M.
gers; Firs; Angel, Judy
iey; Second Angel, Carol
Mary, Rose Dyer; Joseph,
vis Montjoy; Guard,
Pace; Music: Mrs. M. J. Hale
Thursday, December 22,
P m. Children’s Night.
The older children will
ent a short play called “A
of the Wishing Man.” The
is as follows:
King, Bobby Raulston;
Arnold McConville;
Sharon Freeman; Angel
Blessings, Linda Sims;
Man, Lebron Pace.
Mrs. Delmas Freeman is
charge of the beginner’s
who will present a
skit with Linda Pace as
rator. Mavis Avakian,
Alexander and Richard Hllten
will give poems.
Blevins New Dade
Allison Blevins, county road
supervisor and member of one
ol Dade County’s oldest fami¬
lies, with 413 votes was elected
Dade Coun y Sheriff Wednesday
by approximately 60 votes over
his nearest contender, J. W.
(Bill) Lynch, who received 350
votes. All boxes were in by
about 8 p. m.
About 50% of the total num¬
ber of registered voters went to
the polls, with Trenton receiv¬
ing he heaviest vote due to so
many residents voting in the
county seat. Since this wias a
general election, this proceduce
is legal. A little over 1700 cast
their votes, with about 50 bal¬
lots being thrown ou„ in Tren¬
ton because tney were incorrect¬
ly marked.
G. V. (Gabby) Green polled
the third highest vote with 236,;
barely nosing out Harold C. Cox
Prizes will be given in two
way or picture window and the
best outdoor display. Winners
will be announced in the De¬
cember 29 issue of The Dade
County Times.
Contestants are urged to
send in their names and to
have their porch lights or spot¬
lights on in order for the judges
to get the ibesx impression of
the decorations.
Judging will be done toy the
The Slygo Church will
its Christmas program on
urday night, December 24
7:30 p. m.
Music will be furnished
the local choir with
by the younger children,
lowed by a reading by
A pageant, “Linda of the
ing Window” will be
by a cast of twelve who are:
Linda, Judy Reeves;
Mike Gross; Mary,
Gross; Joseph, Hershel
Wise Men, Robert Lawson,
ry Moore, Paul Dugan;
Nancy patter50n>
othy Dugan.
On Friday night,
23, the young people of all
churches on the Wildwood
cult will go caroling in all
communities, after which
will meet at the Slygo
munity House for
The choir of the
Methodist Church will sing
cantata, ’The Birth of
directed by Mrs. Lydia
son, on Sunday, December 18.
Mrs. Minnie Lea will
pany the group at the
and special lighting will
provided by Worth T. Lea.
Everyone is invited to
A subscription to The
County Times will make a
Christmas gift
Published Weekly—Since 1901
by three votes. Cox, who carried
he New Salem and West Brow
boxes and received 233 votes.
W. M. Hartman, with 130 votes,
overshadowed Ozell Clark’s 123
otes, while James O. Broome
polled 88 votes.
Forty-seven cast their vote
fcr Bill Norton, J. H. Baty re¬
ceived 42 votes, Marvin R. Wil¬
liams received 22, Ike L. Moore,
13 and Dan Massengaie, 11.
The new sheriff will take of¬
fice sometime next week after
his commission is approved by
the secretary of state.
Sheriff C. T. Sims will conti¬
nue to act officially in the
meantime. He deputized Ble¬
vins immediately following the
election, and the two answered
a call the same night.
Unofficial count
Allison Blevins, with 413 votes,
received 11 in Slygo; 16 m
following points: general artis¬
tic effect, 40%; originality, 30%;
using home-made decorations
(such as in outdoor displays),
20%; and cleverness in using
available greens or what you
have to work with, 10 percent.
Decora ions do not have to be
expensive or bought in stores to
be attractive and to win a prize;
sometimes the most simple and
inexpensive decorations are the
Taxes Due December 21
Tax Commissioner John W.
Murphy has announced Dec. 20
as the deadline for paying pro-
■perty and auto taxes. Au omo-
bile taxes must be paid before
the first of the year or auto
owners will not be allowed to
buy license plates for motor ve-
hides. Interest is charged on
property taxes if they are not
paid by Dec. 20.
License plates will be on sale
in the Tax Commissioner’s of-
fice by Jan. 3, 1956. This is the
first time that plates will be of-
fered for sale locally.
bile tags were doubled
truck tags increased by 10% on
a sliding scale when the state
The following program will be given oy the Rising fawn
Methodist Church on Christmas Eve at 7:30 p. m..
Scene I—“O Come, Let Us Adore Him”
Candle lighters Sue McMahan, Judy Kenimer, Aline
Harrison, Ginnie McMahan and Jane Heatheriy.
Scene II—“We Trust In His Cradle, Our Saviour and King”
First Reader, Kathryn Fricks
Second Reader, Gene Davis.
Nativity, Mary portrayed by Mrs. Ed Heatherly.
"Holy Night” by primary class.
Shepherds, Sammy Harrison, Sonny McMahan,
Gene McMahan.
Reading, “My Wish,” Richie Fricks..
Scene III—“As With Gladness Men of Old”
Wise Men, Bill Austin, L. M. Allison, Jr. and Spencer
Junior Readers, Ann Marie Fricks, Freddie Harrison
and Joyce McMahan.
Scene IV—“Oh, Come To My Heart, Lord Jesus”
Today’s family, Mr. and Mrs. Jeril Cooper Jr.
and Jerry Cooper.
A Welcome........ * ....................*..... Patsy Harrison
“This Proves It”.................................Gail Dean
“Too Long a Day”........... Sue Craze
‘Merry Christmas”............................Jimmy Smith
“A Good-bye”..............................Becky Harrison
_ “A Big Greeting”..........................Brenda Harrison
“Not Much Bigger”...............................Joan Craze
“A Wish and a Promise"....................Lindsay McMahan
“The Best Birthday"...................Mary Lynn Heatherly
“Old and Young”..............................Becky Smith
“Then and Now”........................Catherine Simmons
“Christmas Joy” ...............................Sue Simmons
“Everywhere Christmas"...................Michael McMahan
Miss Bess Cureton and Mrs. R. P, Fricks are in charge of the
I program. Everyone has been especially invited to come.
«j^ e younger children of the
( Trenton Baptist Church will
present a Christmas program at
the church on Wednesday, De-
cember 21 at 7:30 p. m. Mes-
dames Frank Patterson, Virgil
Jenkins, J. B. Geddle and Mrs.
Roy McBryar are in charge of
tbe event.
j Christmas songs and reclta-
tions will make up the program,
with a visit from San a planned
i as the highlight of the evening.
Byrd’s Chapel; 115 in Trenton;
55 in Wildwood; 91 in New Eng¬
land; 64 in Rising Fawn; 18 in
Hooker; 6 in Sulphur Springs;
14 in New Salem; 15 in Cole
City; 3 in New Home and 5 in
j West Brow.
J. W. Lynch, with 347, re¬
ceived 11 in Slygo; 15 in Byrd’s
Chapel; 135 in Trenton; 14 in
Wilawood; 22 in New England;
j4 4 in in Rising Sulphur Fawn; Springs; 8 in 7 Hooker; in New
Salem; 65 in Cole City; 59 in
New Home and 3 in West Brow.
G. V. Uie^n, wi n zad votes,
had 3 in Slygo; z( in Byras
Cuapei; 42 in Trenton; 2 in
1 Wiidwoou;, 1 in xsew sugiand;
42 in Rising Fawn; none in
jiiooxer; 5 Ntw ao in suipnur springs;
, in daiem; ai oiae uty;
3 in New Home ana 8 at West
Harold Cox, with 233 votes,
reccrveu 1 m slygo; 9 m Byras
Lnaper, 2 in wuuwoou, 2 in
New England, 3o in Raing
Fawn; 1 in Hooxer, ro m oui-
pnur Springs; tw in ivew oa-
lem; 21 in Cole City; none at
ivew Borne and 3U in west
W. M. Hartman with 130 votes
carried the Wilawood box with
78 votes and 31 in Hooker.
Ozell F. Clark, wi.h 123 votes,
carried the Cole City box witii
74 votes there and 24 in Tren¬
legisla ure met in June, 1955 in
special session to vote on new
tax bills.
Auto tags which formerly sold
for *3.50 nave oeen raxSt-d to
57.50. Numbers given tag ap-
.plicants will be given on a first-
come - first-served b^is. Tnis
year the tags will be wmte on
black and are in the usual rec-
j tangular Motor shape. vehicle must
> owners
j have ,he 1956 tags by April 1.
False swearing or iorgery on
j tag applications subjects a pen-
alty of up to 51,000 tine and
imprisonment of not less tnan
one year nor more tnan five
years or both.
For y-five members of the
Piney Grove Baptist Church
will take part in a Christmas
p i ay Friday night, December 23.
The play, “Christma 5 Meets
Christs,” wil begin at 7:30 p. m.
Also on the program will be
an accordion solo by Gladys
Mahan. Mesdames Wade
Brown, Helen Mitchell, E. G.
Ferguson Lutt Ga .
an. er
in charge.