The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 22, 1955, Image 2

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    Telephone System Now Completely Dial
Many merchants are again
sending you their Christmas
greetings in this issue of The
Dade County Times not only as
a customer but as a valued i
friend and in a genuine appre-
elation of their pleasant • asso¬
ciations with you during the
year just ending. They are here
to serve you and are .aking this
way of expressing their thanks
for your patronage. Next year
plan to do more trading at
The Trenton Telephone Co.
has announced that the change ;
over is to to a be completely accomplished dial sys¬ this j
week. This means that we will
dial our friends as we have been
(using the 7 and then their
number) but we will dial the
operator by using just the ”0”
and we wall get the Chattanoo¬
ga operator instead of the
Trenton operator.
The Rising Fawn exchange
will also be in operation so that
we will also be able to reach our
friends in the south end of the
county. To reach friends !
through the Rising Fawn ex¬
Locals and Personals
We were sorry to hear that
Buck Gifford was ill Tuesday.
Don” forget to bring any old
toys, clothing in good condition
or food to the Trenton Furni¬
ture Co. for needy families.
Herman Moore is back with
us for a while; with our Christ¬
mas issue of ten pages, we were
certainly glad to have him.
Newly-elected Sheriff and
Mrs. Allison Blevins have moved
into the jail. Mrs. Graham
moved last week to the Edge-
wood Sub-Division.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L Dyer,
Miss Roselyn Dyer and Mr. and
Mrs. Aubrey Dyer and baby will
sp°nd Christmas Day in Birm¬
ingham with Mr. Dyer’s mother.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Allison
will leave Friday for Leesburg,
Fla., where .hey will spend
Christmas with their daughter,
Mrs. Charles Hanford. Mr.
Hanford and children.
The E. L. Raulstons will
have their son. Marvin, home,
for the holidays from the Uni-
versl y of Georgia. They will be
the guests of Mr. RauLston’s
sister, Miss Mamie Raulston, in
Hixson for Christmas dinner.
The County Agent’s office wll j
be closed for the holidays in j
compliance with a notice from
the state office from Friday,
December 23 through Monday,
January 2. The ASC and Soil
Technician's offices will also
close on Monday.
Most of the merchants in
Trenton and all the county of¬
fices will be closed Monday,
December 26 The Busy Bee
and Lacy’s Restaurant and most
of the service stations will close
Sunday, Christmas Day, re¬
opening on Monday.
Letters To Santa
Dear Santa Claus:
Will you please bring me a
baby doll, a stove that cooks
and little Jack and Jill puppets.
Also please bring my little
bro her Mike a tricycle because
he really has been wanting one.
He wants a good cowboy hat,
Thank you,
Lindsay McMahan,
Rising Fawn, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus:
I am seven years old. I go to
school and Sunday School. cowboy'
Please bring me a
suit, a red hat and a red ban¬
dana, fancy black pants, black
and white boots and spurs, two
guns, scalberts and caps, a
brown shirt, fancy sheriff badge,
hand cuffs, a good laso, a black
mask a guitar, a tray and
dishes a fountain pen and ta¬
blet, a chair and desk. I will
leave you a Coke. Love
Larry Gene Moore.
Christmas is in the air and
beginning to show visable signs.
Tf gives one pleasure to drive
through the county and see
Christmas lights and decorations
cn the doorways and porches
and Christmas trees in the win¬
dows. Give pleasure to others
and have happy holidays your¬
Entered at the Postoffice at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail.
■RS. CATHERINE C. MORRISON ........ Owner and Publisher
One Year, $2.00; Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents.
Plus State 3% Sales Tax.
Persons writing for publication are requested to furnish their
names, otherwise the communication will not be published. Name
will be withheld on request, but all communications must be signed
Memorials, Cards of Thanks and articles of like nature will be
charged at IV 2 cent a word for one'insertion, payable in advance
Ar)vf>rttsine rates will be furnished on application
Merry Christmas
Catherine C. Morrison
Jorge Mascunana
Myrna R. McMahan
G L Morgan
Herman V. Moore
T’was the night before Xmas
When all through the house
One little boy was stirring e
But as quiet as a mouse. ©
He jumped with joy 9
He whistled with glee
When out the window
A sight he did see
For out in the drive way 9
So shining and bright 9
There sat a Dodge V-8 9
Decorating the night. 9
The little boy thought 9
How nice it would be
To see his mother so happy 9
When her new car she did see. 9
His father had bought it 9
At DYER MOTOR CO. you see 9
To make his family happy 9
As happy as could be. 9
And over at the neighbors @
Standing lovely and sleek 9
Was a ‘56’ Plymouth 9
So proud and so neat. 9
That household, Christmas morning 9
Would certainly be surprised 9
When they found in their driveway
What they’d wanted all their lives.
So come on down
And make your familv barmy
Fully Reconditioned and 9
1955 DODGE Lancer, Two Tone Blue 9
1954 DODGE Club Sedan, Blue and Grey
1954 PLYMOUTH Club Sedan, Two Tone Blue
1953 DODGE Club Sedan, Black
1953 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, Black
1953 FORD 4-Door Sedan, Two Tone Green
1952 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedan, Light Grey
1951 CHRYSLER Windsor Newport, Blue and Grey
1951 STUDEBAKER Club Sedan, Green 9
1951 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, Blue 9
1951 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, Green 9
1951 MERCURY 4-Door Sedan, Yellow and Black 9
1951 PLYMOUTH 2-Door„ Grey
1950 BU1CK 4-Door Sedan, Two Tone Blue
1950 MERCURY 4-Door Sedan, Blue
1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Door, Black
1949 OLDSMOBILE 2-Door, Grey 9
1947 CHEVROLET Club Sedan, Grey 9
1947 CHEVROLET Club Coupe, Black 9
1947 BUICK 4-Door Sedan, Grey 0
1946 FORD 2-Door Sedan, Black 9
1940 FORD 2-Door Sedan, Black 9
1954 DODGE ton Pickup, Black 9
1953 DODGE y ton Pickup, Blue 9
1953 DODGE x / 2 ton Pickup, Green and Black 9
1952 CHEVROLET 2 ton, Green 9
1952 DODGE 2 ton. Green 9
1951 CHEVROLET, Two Ton Red 9
1946 CHEVROLET l / 2 ton Panel, Blue
It Pays To Trade With
Dyer Motor Co. 9 9
change, we will dial 2 and then
their number. They will be the
Howard exchange as Trenton is
the Oliver exchange.
Except to those who have not
been at home when the tele¬
phone men came by, all sub¬
scribers' in the south end of
the county and north to Tren¬
ton and again north t o New
England and Sand Mountain
will have telephone service. The
Chattanooga operator, which we
get by dialing “0”, will be used
for reporting trouble, for infor¬
mation and for long distance
calls which includes those made
to Chattanooga numbers.
A comma can make a differ¬
ence in meaning in a sentence
and we did not proof carefully
enough in last week’s article on
the Judge’s visit to Dade. The
sentence should have read,
“.. .and the injunction suit filed
by Arvil Moore and others com¬
ma from the New Salem com¬
munity comma against mem¬
bers of the board o f educa¬
tion...” We are glad to make
this correction as it was not in¬
tended that all members of the
New Salem community were
participating in this injunction
/m: v
NOW we hav# it! Now
YOU can have it ... in
oil it* lustrou* perfec¬
tion! You’ll tee your
permanent more lively,
easier to manage, with
softer curl* ... all in o *
matter of minute*.
Sarah’s Coiffures
Trenton, Georgia
We will be closed from 5:00 P. M. December 24, 1955
until 7:00 A. M. January 2, 1956.
This is the only time we can
take a vacation so we will
appreciate your cooperation.
Thanks for your patronage
in the past.
Wishing you a
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
And the Employees
immimwwimmimmmmisi mmm
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