The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 22, 1955, Image 3
Ttlt, BADE COUNTY 17MES, TRCOTDN, GEORGIA, HttTBSDAT DECEMBER 22, W£5 $eace on Cart!) (^oob £$tll Cotoarb men... Each year we appreciate more fully the loyalty of friends. A Merry Christinas to all! Sally’s Rwustv Shop TRENTON, GA. Letters To Santa Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a bicycle, a cowboy suit and clothes. I have been a good boy, so please bring me these things. Larrv Pavne 1 , ! Dear Santa Claus: j I love you. I want a doll and a dress and coloring book. Don t forget mother. AW two thousand years ago Three Wise Men found the secret of great happiness as they paid homage to a newborn Babe in a manger. And today, as then, the message of Peace and Good Will shines from the eyes of men and warms their hearts as Christ¬ mas approaches. Its blessings and hopes are for all mankind. May they also be yours this Christmas* SCRUGGS GROCERY TRENTON, GEORGIA my daddy and my little broth¬ ers very much. I would like for you to bring all of us something for Christmas. Please, Santa, don't forget the little boys and girls that don’, have much Christmas. Love, Jean Thelma Virginia Castleberry. Dear Santa Claus: I want a bicycle for Christ¬ mas. Hershel Ramsey. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl and I am eight years old. . I would like for you to bring me a doll and a doll bed and a set of dishes. Sue Steele. THANKS I wish to thank the public for their support and inlluence toj me in the recent election. It is i a pleasure to know I have so many loyal friends and I ap¬ preciate their confidence in me. J. W. (Bill) Lynch mimimimwmw r .\ j Screamers seldom get things done; and doers seldom scream. Take, for instance, the prog¬ ress of small loan reform in Georgia. You have heard the screamers — including some politicians and some editors. You have heard their indis¬ criminate charges — made against legitimate Georgia businessmen and "loan sharks alike. But what have they ever done to improve the situation? Nothinq! On the other hand, there is Commissioner Zack Cravey who, under the new law, reg¬ ulates the small loan business in our State. He is doing things to bring about some needed reforms, instead of making a lot of noise. And he will con¬ tinue the progress he has made during the few months the new law has been in effect — if the screamers don’t per- iuade the Legislature to tear tip the law before Cravey and lis staff have had a chance to >rove, and to improve, its •ffectiveness. Undoubtedly the small loan business needs more regula¬ tion than it had before last May. That’s why the new law was passed. And quite likely, after the law has been in op¬ eration for a year or more, some improvements will be found desirable. But in the meantime, the operation and administration of the law is being handicapped by the screamers. We suggest that the legislators of Georgia would do well to ignore the screamers until the doer — Zack Cravey — comes up with his own recommendations based on the record, and upon the experience gained during at least one year of operation under the new law. Georgia Association of Finance and Loan Companies Love, Edna Earle Blevins. Dear Santa Claus: I go to Church and Sunday School. I want a doll and a nurse kit and a pair of .blue jeans ' And bring my mother and daddy something. Janet Cas.leberry. _ Dear Santa Claus: i have tried to be a good lit- tie girl. I love my mother and WARMEST Y U L E T I D E WISHES! Haygood Grocery New Salem, Ga. WILLIAMS MOTOR COMPANY TRENTON, GEORGIA Your mailbox can't hold all the good wishes we're sending to you and yours at Christmastime! ' : Wall’s Service Statien Trenton, Ga. Mrs. Grace H. Williams Clerk of Court mmim wv'm /7 cM-dp^lu, GwuAtmtzi Bobo’s Service Station and Grocery Rising Fawn. Ga