Newspaper Page Text
Mr. J. E. Geddie has been ta¬
ken to Tri-County Hospital.
Mrs. H. E. Gross has returned
from a visit with her brother in
Memphis, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bates
spent Sunday with the Gus For¬
esters in New England.
Mrs. Virginia Long and child¬
ren spent the weekend with
and Mrs. Charles Long in
ing Fawn.
Dr. Bachman Hodge of Cen¬
tenary M e t h o dist was
speaker at the Rising Fawn
E. Church Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Fricks
Richie of Rising Fawn were
Sunday guests of the W.
Piersons in Chattanooga.
Mrs. E. L. Raulston will
tain the Garden Club at
home next Thursday, March
with a covered dish
Installation of officers will
place at this time.
Mrs. Gene Brandon, who
■been brought home from
hospital, is doing fine. She
she has greatly appreciated
lovely get-well cards and
who came to visit her.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob
are moving this week to
tanooga, where Mr.
has taken a position. Mr.
Mrs. Bill Castleberry have
their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keef,
Whiteside, Tenn. are
ing the birth of a son,
Earl Keef on Feb. 27. Mrs.
is the former Eulene Hill
the baby is the J. W.
first great-grandchild.
Believing the election news
of the most interest this
we have not had time to set
lot of the. news which came
to us. We fully realize
news from all over the
makes the paper more
ing and we hope you will
tinue to send it in.
We also notice ip the
Co. Messenger the s t a t
that the Walker County
ry, which is supported by
funds from all three
has a 12,264 increase in
\V. R. Clark To Be Ordained
At New Salem Sunday
W. R. (Rice) Clark will be
dained as a preacher
afternoon at 2.30 p. m. at
New Salem Baptist Church.
All churches are invited.
WANTED — Elderly man and
wife to manage a minnow
farm. All kinds fish bait. Cul¬
tivate 10-20 acres land
more. Must be reliable and
want to progress. — R.
Massey, Tenn. -Ga. State Line
or Wildwood, Ga,
FOR SALE — No. 2 eating
potatoes $2.00 a bushel at old
Hatfield home place. — G.
Hatfield place. Phone Howard
6 t p -3-8
FOR SALE — Tires, cars,
kinds of used car parts and
sack coal. Trenton Trading
Post, located back of
Theater. 6 t
FOR SALE — 6-room
built-in cabinets, bath, with
garage apartment. 2-acre lot
on Birmingham Highway.
G. W. Massey, Wildwood, Ga.
3 t p — 3 - 1
MAN WANTED — For Rawleigh
business in Dadte County.
experence needed to
Sales easy to make and pro¬
fits good. Start immediately.
Stee S. M. Duke, 1806 S. Haw¬
thorne, Chattanooga,
or write Rawleigh’s, Dept.
10-K'J, Memphis, Tenn.
HIGHEST prices paid for pine
and poplar logs. See us if you
have any to sell. Dyer Lumber
Company, Trenton, Ga.
FOR SALE — Minnows and
worms. See J. D. Pike at Avans,
Ga. or Island Creek. 4tp- 3-22
OR SALE — 3000 bates Good
Bean Hay at $35.00 per ton.
Gordon Dobbinir Store, Long
Island, Ala. Rt. 1 3tp—3/15
OR SALE — Dining room suite
in .good condition, with table,
six chairs, china cabinet and
buffet. Reasonable. Mrs. R. P.
Fricks, Rising Fawn, Ga.. unf
j)R SALE — 5 room house and
service station. 2 acres, spring
water in house. Or will rent
station. Just on top Lookout
Mountain on Trenton-LaFa-
yette Highway. — Buff Brad-
frd, Trenton, Ga.
t p — 3 - 8
......- _ ... I
The Primary Election, which
will be held in Dade County
next Wednesday, is probably the
most important election for the
citizens of the county. It is at
this election that we decide who
will be in charge of the county
business for the next four years.
At this March 7 election we have
a choice of men for four of the
most important county offices,
3 taxpayers and citizens it is
| our du fy> as wed as our P riv ^“
to go to the polls and vote
0ur choice.
Do not say one vote does not
make any difference, for if you
and several others all say this
it could make a lot of difference
in the final count. Also do
sa J T m Y vote cance * m y
r * e ^ hbors becau se ma y be the ,y
will change their minds and , will
go to vote and if you didn’t go
vote also, their candidate will
get several extra votes.
Voting gives us a chance for
a choice. As the time for elec¬
tion grows near, we must pause
and think about what we have
heard and know about each
candidate: which one seems to
be better fitted for the office
for which he is running, which
one can we trust to do the right
thing,, which one do we have
confidence in to do the best
job, which one would we go to
if we were in trouble or wanted
Let us think over all the good
and bad we have heard about
each candidate before we go to
the polls. Let us make up our
minds which one will help us
and the county the most and
then not be changed before we
get to the polls and vote for
cur choice.
Vote as you please, but please
vote March 7.
tion over 1955. Patrons are
urged to use the periodicals,
filmstrips, recordings and books.
The library offers a story hour
on Friday mornings for pre¬
school children.
New car owners are Mr. Joe
Lipscomb, Trenton, who i s
driving a Dodge Custom Royal
4-door in coral, charcoal and
white; Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow
Gray of Lookout Mountain, who
,j 7ave a two-tone blue and white
Dodge Custom Royal 4-door; Mr
and Mrs. Van Wall, Cloverdale,
who are driving a Dodge Royal
4-door in charcoal, grey and
white; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bu¬
chanan, Trenton, a Dodge Coro¬
net club sedan in rose and
white; the Chester Buchanans,
also of Trenton, who have a
rose and white Pymouth Belve¬
dere sport coupe; and W. F.
Whetzell, a Dodge Coronet 4-
door Sedan in two tones of
Hadden’s Pharmacy, Trenton’s
newest business, held its official
opening Monday, Feb. 27. Many
visited the pharmacy to get ac¬
quainted with the proprietor,
Robert (Doc) Hadden, and to
see his well-stocked shelves of
prescription and sick room sup¬
plies and miscellaneous articles.
Mrs. Stacy Jenkins was an¬
nounced as winner of the radio
which was given away at the
end of the day.
Hadden said the pharmacy
had been open since he had
moved his stock in last Thurs¬
day, Feb. 23. A grad uate of
Southern College of Pharmacy
in Atlanta, where he was a stu¬
dent for four years, Hadden is
registered as a pharmacist in
both Tennessee and Georgia.
Until recently, he was associat¬
ed with Fillauer Surgical Supply
House in Chattanooga.
A policy o f presenting free
ballons to children who have
just visited the doctor will be
established, Hadden said.
Davis High School’s Yellow-
jackets will play their first game
of the spring practice season
Saturday, March 3 on the
school’s athletic field. Kick-off
time is set at 2:00 p.m.
Coach Ralph Simmons will
break down the squad into teams
for the fracas, which promises
to be an exciting skirmish.
Sports fans are invited to at¬
tend the game, admission to
which has been set at 52c for
students and $1.03 for adults.
J. P. York will coach the Pur¬
ples while Coach Ralph Sim¬
mons will coach the white
,In ber ^ ive Community
N ews - M rs - E ^ene Flower en-
closed , the t following editorial.)
1 liave reading the sec-
tion on vital statistics, by Myr-
na McMahan, in our Dade pa-
P er increasing interest. In
these art icles Mrs. McMahan
gives us the history and back¬
ground of each of the candi¬
dates in our coming election.
These men and women have
such fine backgrounds, that it
will be hard for some of us to
make up our minds just which
of them t o cast our vote for.
However, I feel that each citi¬
zen of Dade County should do
as Mr. “Gabby" Green suggested
when he spoke before a group
at Davis High School. I quote:
“Mr. Green asked the audience
to consider two applications for
a job before choosing the best
man qualified for the job.’’
Suppose we do consider that
we, as voters, are the employed.
The candidates are each apply¬
ing to us for a job. How are we
going to decide which ones are
most capable to control the af¬
fairs of our county? Will we judge
a man by the amount of “gos¬
sip” we hear about him or will
we take the applications before
us and study them carefully to
ascertain the capabilities o f
these candidates?
Much too much “gossip” is be¬
ing spread about during this
campaign. I regret to say that
people are letting themselves be¬
come influenced by these slan¬
dering remarks. I cannot urge
too strongly that the people of
Dade County disregard all “gos¬
sip” you may have heard against
the candidates, several of whose
fine records behind them speaks
for them.
Let us not pollute our Democ¬
racy, but rather do as was sug¬
gested, study the applications
carefully and then‘hire’the one
best qualified to fill the job.
Let’s keep our State of Dade
a clean and moral place to live
and completely stamp out “dirty
politics” or I fear ruination for
a free government.
TO WIN $50(000!
Hurry! Enter Plymouth's huge $150,000 Lucky Motor Number Sweepstakes!
Just a few days left. Don’t miss this chance to win a fortune!
You can enter with ANY car, 1950 or newer 3rd prize—$5,000
... it DOESN’T have to be a Plymouth! 1st PRIZE 2nd PRIZE 4th prize—$2,500
It’s so easy! Simply go to any Plymouth 5th prize—$1,000
showroom, and register the motor num¬ > 50,000 TRIP AROUND THE 50 prizes of $500
ber of your 1950 or newer model car
(ANY MAKE) on the FREE entry blank. WORLD FOR TWO 75 prizes of $250
That’s all there is to it! 100 prizes of $100
But you must hurry. Contest closes CASH BY AIR, 555 prizes of $50
forever on Saturday, March 10.’ If you'd, PLUS $5,000
like to win a big slice of that $150,000, 785 prizes in all—
you’d better hurry over to a Plymouth grand total of $150,000
showroom notv.
► Best buy new; better trade-in, too ...
the car that's going places with the Young in Heart
Be sure to inspect the beautiful jet-age Plymouth when you come in.
Try magic Push-Button Driving —one of many Plymouth features that
other low-price cars can’t possibly give you. You’ll find Plymouth
bigger and better in every way than other cars in its field. And you’ll
find Plymouth really easy to own. too'
There wall be a meeting at
the Wildwood Community House
for the purpose of discussing
this coming season of the Wild ¬
wood baseball team. All who
are interested please be there
at 7:30 p. m. Friday, March 2.
The drink everybody
Due To the Delay in the Shipment Our Fixtures, We Will
Be Forced To Postpone Our Opening Day Until Friday, March 9.
Save Our Cash Register Reciepts. They Are Redeemable
in Valuable Merchandise. Also Watch For the Red Star. If You
Receive the Red Star On Your Cash Register Receipt, Your Pur¬
chase Will Be Free.
All the Coca-Cola You Can Drink Free On:
Friday, March 9, Our Opening Day
A Box Supper originally set
for Saturday night, March 3rd,
I by the Slygo Home Demonstra¬
tion Club, has been postponed
due to so much illness in the
Community. A new date will be
announced soon.
Second and fourth Thursday
night 7:30 P. M. every month.
Legion Hall.
Harold Gross. Comm.