Newspaper Page Text
Sits ait £omtty mes
Dade County’s Only Newspaper.
"volume lvi
Ground Breaking at
Trenton M. Church
The dreams of the people
the Trenton Methodist
will begin to materialize
day as the ground is broken
4:00 P. M. for the new
tional unit. The unit,
ing of class rooms for
children, beginners,
juniors, intermediates,
youth; a kitchen, a
hall that will seat 110 at
and rest rooms, will
double the floor space of
The plans drawn by
tect Clyde Mack of Cl
S'i call for a masonry
with a stucco exterior that
match the existing building
every way. The new unit-
extend toward the
and with the Church
it will be shaped like a
“U” with the open part of
letter facing the highway
new unit will cost
mately $16,000 of which
one third has been raised
cash. The remainder is to
raised in a three year
based on pledges.
The Ground Breaking
mony will take place at 4:00
M. Sunday with the
Rev. R. L. Hilten conducting
service. After the
light refreshments wi'l
served by members of
Women’s Society of
Service and the Weslyan
vice Guild.
All non-resident members
friends of the Church are
vited to join with the
members of the Church in
happy occasion.
Work will begin on the
ure as soon as labor is
under the d i r e c tion of
building committee,
of Mr. Jules Case, Mr.
Kyzer, Mr. J. C. Billue, and
W. G. Morrison, Jr.
Dade 4-H’ers to
Attend T V A Camp
Georgia has accepted an
vitation to participate in
first Regional Resource
opment Conference for
4-H Club members, W. A.
ton, directon of the
Extension S e r vice,
today. held
The conference wll be
Fontana Village, N. C., on
6, 7, and 8. It is sponsored
the Tennessee Valley
tion of
Farm Families.
"We feel that the
will serve as an inspiration
4-H Club members, and
they will gain a knowledge
resource development
will better equip them to
tribute to the long-range
and economic development o
the region," said L. H.
Association president.
Mississippi, North
Tennessee. Kentucky,
Alabama, and Virginia will
representatives at the
Georgia will send
mately 40 delegates,
Science Rooms and Feature of Dade Hi
The new Dade County High
School building is worth a visit
to see. The P. T. A. was shown
through at their last meetin;
and it is hoped there will be a
formal opening 1 and dedication
service in the fall.
School Plant
The front entrance faces west
and to the other buildings in the
school plant. In the school .plant
are the old barracks which will
be used for store rooms and
rainy day play rooms, and the
original Trenton school which
is now being used for every¬
thing and next year will ac¬
comodate only the first four
grades but with the auditorium
being used for all. The wooden
addition to the old building will
be used as an elementary school
library and it is hoped there
will be a TV set in this section
next fall. The school chldren
have been collecting paper and
have $90.00 toward this. The old
lunchroom building will be used
as a music room. The Commer-
cial building will be used for
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia
A Memorial Tribute to Honored Heroes
Let us pause and rededicate ourselves to the cause for which these men
died ... Liberty. May it be preserved forever as the honored heritage of
of every American.
Made in S. S. Classifications
Recently a considerable
ber of changes were made
the Selective S e r vice
tions and as a result the
tive service local boards
their families.
One of the changes which
caused a considerable
of concern is the
tion from class 1-C to class
denotes that a registrant
to Tommy Walton, state
Club leader at the University
Georgia College of
The 4-H members will be a
and girl from each of the
lowing counties: Dade,
Walker, Whitfield, Murray,
mer, Fannin, Union,
Towns, Rabun, and Jackson.
S. G. Chandler, North
distrit agent and a TVA
demonstration supervisor,
these counties are carrying
TVA-Extension test
tion programs. He added
the 4-H delegates will be
or daughters of test
tion farmers in most cases.
There are about 25 test
onstration farmers in
Vocational Ag and work shop.
New Building
Entering the new building is
the principal’s o f f ice on the
right. One enters into a lobby
or waiting room which will
have a s e c r e tary’s desk and
dhairs. To the right is the
principal’s office. Beyond the
lobby is the vault, storage clos¬
et and opens into the Clinic
and First Aid room.
To the left of the front door
is (he Library with its rows of
book shelves and will have ta¬
bles and chairs. Off this is a
work room and a conference
room. The libraries at all the
schools are designed very much
Opposite the entrance to the
library is the Cafetorium and is
the part of the building seen
from Court House Square. This
is a combination cafeteria and
auditorium. The area where the
food is prepared is large with a
double stove, with four ovens,
in the center. There are three
, completed the required amount
of service for the time being and
will not be subject to call until
a change in world affairs re¬
sults in a change in regulations.
Induction of Fathers
Another change involves the
induction of fathers. The defi¬
nition of a father under the
Universal Military Training and
Service Act is one who main¬
tains a bona fide family rela¬
tionship with his child or chil¬
dren in his home. Although a
father may not be placed in a
defered classification as a re¬
sult of fatherhood, he will, if
he is c 1 a s s i fied into a class
available for service, be placed
in sequence No. 4 which means
that he will not be subject to
call for service until after the
supply of manpower has been
exhausted from delinquents,
volunteers, and non-fathers be¬
tween the ages of 19 and 26. It
is urged that all fathers that
qualify under the definition giv¬
en above report promptly such
facts to their local board of
; registration. The regulations
'provide that a certain informa-
refrigeratory and one deep
freeze giving 108 cu. ft. of re¬
frigeration besides the two milk
boxes. There are working areas
around the walls of the room
and a separate room for the
washing of dishes. Here, besides
the sink, is plenty of room to
put dirty dishes. A disenfectant
unit has been built in for the
rinsing of dishes and there is
a booster hot water tank t o
heat the water to over 200 de¬
grees, all of which should take
care of germs. There is also a
good sized storage room and a
heavily screened “back porch”
for the garbage and other
things on which flys collect.
At the other end of the room
is a stage. The maroon curtains
have already been hung and
the track for the cyclorama sil¬
ver color curtain, which will
make the stage background, is
Elementary School Wing
This back up on the wing
of the building which will
be used for the 5th, 6th and 7th
tion received by the local board
after the mailing of an order
to report for induction will not
be considered b y the local
board as evidence which would
change the registrant’s classifi¬
Lax in Registering
The Selective Service System
of Georgia is greatly concerned
about the laxity in registering
with Selective Service. The Law
requires that all male citizens
certain aliens born on or after
August 30, 1922, present them¬
selves to a local board for regis¬
tration within 5 days after at¬
taining the age of 18. Failure
to do so could result in the reg¬
istrant being reported to the
United States Attorney for pros¬
ecution which carries a maxi¬
mum penalty of five years and
or $10,000 fine. Therefore, to
avoid unnessary embarrassment
an appeal is made to the young
men of this state to abide by
the law in the matter of regis¬
Local Board No. 42
Dade County
Trenton, Georgia
grades. There are six
rooms in this wing and, as
all the classrooms in the
ing, have one wall o f
solid windows. Opposite and
toward the ceiling are
tion windows opening into
corridor. Each room has a
board (green) and a tack
which is made of cork to
used as a bulletin board.
rooms have the non-glare
fluorscent lights run ning
entire length of the room.
There are class rooms,
men and women
lounges, store rooms,
room and toilets in the
necting corridor to the
The South Wing
The south wing, besides
rooms includes the Home
Lab and Commercial
ments. The large Home Ec
has three kitchen units at
end. These will have stove,
frigerator, sink and
The window wall will have
sewing division and the other
Published Weekly—Since 1901
equipment has arrived in Dade
and several other shipments are
being received this week. These
first deliveries of equipment will
represent about two-thirds of
all the supplies ordered.
In the shipments were chairs,
tables, 60 cartons of library
equipment, files, chair desks and
desks. This has already been
delivered to the North Dade,
Dade, Davis and Hooker schools.
More of these items are arriv¬
ing almost dally and are being
delivered as received.
Still to come are storage cab¬
inets, lockers, home making and
science equipment and teach-
Action continued on all fronts
In the Ga. Volunteer 4 League
this week as Cedar Grove and
Wildwood were victorius to pace
the league with six and four
wins r e s pectiviely against no
Cedar Grove - Dade County
Cedar Grove 1 had very little
trouble against Dade County,
scoring almost at will to emerge
victorious 26 to 3.
Line Scores: R H E
Cedar Grove ........ 26 20 3
Dade County ......... 3 4 3
Batteries: Payne and Ghristol.
Schereer, Kilgore and Callahan.
Wildwood - Cove
Winston Whittle pitched six
hit ball and Bobby Fugatt hit
well as Wildwood kept pace with
Cedar Grove by edging Cove 8
to 7.
Line Scores: R H E
Wildwood .......... 8 8 3
Cove ............... 7 6 2
Batteries Whittle and Vaughn,
Sims. Helton, Brock and Strick¬
LaFayette - New Salem
Lafayette won their first
game of the season by defeat-
Trenton Barber Shop
The Trenton Barber Shop is
in the process of being reno¬
vated and redocorated. 01 d
paint is being scraped off and
the door to the back shop is
being boarded up.
Celitex squares have been put
on the ceiling and will be put
on the walls. The ceiling will be
painted white and the walls
Niagara green.
Mr. Luther Gaddis and his
brother Lewis from Sand
Mountain are doing the work.
An air conditioner has been
added for the comfort of the
customers and with the new
insulation should prove to be
end will be the living room
area. Off this room is a work
room which contains the hot
water tanks, another sink and
will contain laundry equipment.
The Lab has five units along
the walls and a teacher’s dem¬
onstration laboratory work ta¬
ble. Off of this is a storage
room with a sink, shelves and
cabinets. Back of this is the
dark room which also has a
sink and built-in cabinets.
The Science room opens into
the Lab and also has a labora¬
tory demonstration table.
Across the hall is the Book¬
keeping class room which will
have tables instead of desks.
Connecting this to the Type¬
writing room is a large storage
Safety Features
All the locks on the doors of
the building are so constructed
that no room can be locked
from the inside. In other words,
though the room has been
locked from the corridor, any¬
one left In the room can al¬
Delivery ***2
and still other Items are ex¬
pected at a later date.
Text Books
The Text Book Committee is
meeting today to review how
many new books will be needed.
Each year, near the close of the
school, year, this committee
meets for this purpose and to
d i s c u s s the new text books
which have come on the mark¬
et during the year. This list of
new text books is sent each
school system by the State
Board of Education.
The committee is composed
Of school principals and repre¬
sentatives from each school.
J. B. Geddie
ing New Salem 9-8. Loose field¬
ing by the New Salem infield
contributed materially to the
LaFayette victory.
Line Scores: R H E
New Salem ......... 8 7 4
LaFayette .......... 9 13 2
Batteries: F. Fray and Neal.
Cordie, Loggins, Brown, Finney
and Konz.
Davis - Durham
In probably the fastest game
of the season, only 1 hour and
39 min utes, Durham handed
Davis a 4 to 3 defeat. Jack Der-
ryberry lashed a home run in
the fifth with one on to provide
the winning margin. Bud Page
and Roy McMahan with two
hits each were the bat stars for
losing Davis.
Line Scores: R H E
Davis .............. 3 8 4
Durham ........... 4 8 2
Batteries: S. Avans, Patton
Page. Hudson, and Blevins.
This Week’s Schedule
Cedar Grove at New Salem
Durham at Cove
LaFayette at Dade County
Davis & Wildwood at Warner
Park No. 2.
Judge Paschall
To Retire
Judge J. H. Paschall has an¬
nounced he will retire at the
end of his pres ent term as
judge of the superior courts of
the Cherokee Judicial Circuit.
Until 1950 when the Lookout
Judicial Circuit was cre¬
ated by the Georgia Legislature,
Dade County was a part of the
Cherokee C i r cult and Judge
Paschall held court here from
1947 to 1950.
Judge Paschall was Solicitor
General of the Cherokee Cir¬
cuit for 11 years before being
appointed Judge in 1947 when
Judge Stafford Brooke retired
ways get out simply by turning
the door handle.
There is a fire siren type
horn in each corridor which
once it has been set off cannot
be stopped until the main
switch has been opened and re¬
set. This fire alarm signal is in
all the buildings but the main
switch is in the new building.
The clock in the princpal’s of¬
fice also is the master clock for
all clocks in every building and
electrically rings the bell for
There is a steam plant in the
basement of the new building
which heats just the new build¬
ing. However the elect rical
boxes, also found in the base¬
ment, are the controls for all
Though all the equipment has
not arrived, the school plans
to move their usable old equip¬
ment into the new building this
week. The students have been
eating in the new lunchroom
for about two weeks.