The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 24, 1956, Image 3
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GE0RGEA; THURSDAY* MAY . 22,' l'9$6 ' Congratulations Graduates . •. -‘v.’ Dade County High School Class Night May 31, 1956 8:00 P. M. Welcome----------------------— Sam Kenimer Poem--------------------------Don Vaughn Song------------------------Shelby Everette History_______________ j--------- Linda Blevins /.------Coundinia Clark Prophecy i._------Aileen Harrison ______ ______ f----Bobbie Jean Morgan Giftorians____________ l_________Helen Forester (____________Bobby Lee Presentation of Awards______Principal J. C. Billue Will________________ __________Louada Lynn _____Clara Nell Williams Song------------------ ________Senior Class Who’s Who___________j" ___Linda Woolbright ______ Dickie Sutton Alma Mater______________________Senior Class Sunday June 3, 1956 3:00 P. M. Processional______ ______ ______Mr. Keith Delk Song: “Holy, Holy, Holy”--------^Congregation Invocation____________________Mr. Joe Mayhew Song: “Sing and Rejoice” ______Dade County High School Glee Club Introduction of Speaker------Principal J. C. Billue Baccalaureate Sermon--------Rev. H. B. Abshire Song: “Dedication” Dade County High School Glee Club Benediction------------------Rev. R. L. Hilten Recessional------------------Keith Delk \ * Standing FULLY RECONDITIONED & GUARANTEED USED CARS 1955 DODGE 4-door 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1954 DODGE 4-door 1953 CHEVROLET 4-door 1951 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1950 CHEVROLET 1-ton truck Dyer Motor Co. ^DEALER FOR DODGE-PLYMOUTH TRENTON, GEORGIA ■— ■ - ifi" 3Qoo c— a. ................. ........ placed Have your wools cleaned and in plastic bags for protection during the summer Plastic storage bags ------------ 25c each Red's Cleaners TRENTON. GEORGIA t n _ np■» WW WM 0 3 o c o o oooooo m< . m ********* Graduation June, 4, 1956 8:00 P. M. THEME____OUR SCHOOL IN TRANSITION Processional__________________Mr. Keith Dylk Song: “Lamb of God” __Dade County High School A Capella. Ensemble Salutatory______________Carolyn June Fulghum Physical Facilities________ Kay Elizabeth / 1 alum Curriculum__________________Mary Clyde Smith Extra-Curricular Activities — Harold Lee Shankles Brighter Horizons________I helnia Sue McMahan V aledictory________________Patricia Ann--Neely Presentation of Diplomas----Supt. Roy V. .Moore Prin. J. C. Billue Song: “Jacob’s Ladder” __Dade County High School A Capella Liisemble Recessional--------------------Mr. Keith Delk CLASS ROLL Mary Lydia Abercrombie Samuel Herbert Kenimer Luther Marvin Allison Robert Owen Lee Willie Louise Baker Louada Lynn Linda Faye Blevins Samuel Clinton McRryar Benita Sandra Bryant Virginia Frances McCarty Coundinia Magalin Clark Thelma Sue McMahan. Ercylene Lounette Crane Harold Kenneth Massey Delilaih Grace Doyle Bobbie Jean Morgan , Johnny Edward Drew Patricia Ann Neely • Mable Maxine Everette Harold Lee Shankles' • Clara Shelby Jean Everette Mary Clyde Smith Helen Aleen Forester Carl Eugene Steele Della Sue Forshee James Earl Sutton Carolyn June Fulghum Richard Orland Sutton Aileen Harrison Kay Elizabeth Tatum Derrill Fletcher Hughes Alice Faye Troxtel Clara Gail Hughes Charles Donald Vaughn Robert Eugene Keith Clara Nell Williams Juliet Catherine Kenimer Linda Mae Woolbright AIR CONDITIONED Telephone Oliver 7-4100 Trenton, Ga. Ice Cream Headquarters Sundries -- Sickroom supplies — First Aid Needs Davis High School Baccalaureate Service ... .*• 1 SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Sunday, May 27, 1956 2:30 P. M: Processional. Invocation- • * r . r - Fey. Frank Gass-. ( horns----------“O God, OurHelp 1n Ages Past” Baccalaureate Sermon ____ Rev. Taylor Castleberry Pastor Rising Fawri Baptist Church r ChoniS-'i-jJii------“Where No One Sthnd^ Alone” f . .Benediction----------Rev. Samuel Jones ReWssiohal. . Commencement HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 'Friday,' June 1, 1956 8:00 P. M: Professional. Invocation 1 nvocr _____Rev. Lloyd Hurst fymn -*•- • •• ry i 1 -----------“C.ome,. Thou ^ Almighty < King” _ Introduction, of Speaker.-. ■ Prin, D.O. Chtimley ' Commencement Address -A-,_____Maddox J. Hale . Salutatory. —i —Deloris Louise Robinson . Valedictory.:____.u_____________Mary Elizabeth Pike Presentation of Awards and.Diplomas • • • • .... Principal D. 0. Chumley _______ , Chorus____-I- ____________________—__ '‘He” * * • •* t. • ; • • » Benediction ui’—Z--- ___-C___Rev. Lewis Gaddis Recessional. • . SENIOR CLASS • ■ - *'* »; <!. : ... - :* Mancy.Leunia-Gagle. . - Deloris Louise Robinson Delia Lucille Cloud , Omie Mae Sebolt Loyd .Cleve Gass , -Arcell Victoria Smith Verlon Charles Gass. . V-J-. E. York- Kenneth Wayne Gray . .. Joe/Harmon Gray Amos Newton Lawson .John Denny "Pike Mary Elizabeth Pike Charles Leonard Richards • •• T , USHERS :i . Frances Albertson Cherry Sttrtie Shy-ley’ Nell, Dfearman ^ ^Thelma" West MoBryar Carolyn Wood" North Dade School Program •» * . June 1, 1956 ‘ 8:00 P.M. «•*. ...... .. . •. V.* • • ' ' . ! ■ ' »- * . The Class Procession ______'____ .Mrs. Robert Ryan Invocation ------------ r - Rev. R. L. Hilten Song:-. “The Lord's Prayer”' ______ ____ ____ Group Welcome Address ____________ -- Tommy Lawson Class Ifistory --- Ronnie Fuller Class Will iJ ---- L---J-. ____ Carolyn Ford Songr“America” i_Li_ ____ ___Audience ’ }• l.t i %. ,* • »•. Class Prophecy ___ -L--L _______ Alojean Word GJftorian ______________________ Joyce Patterson Introduction of Speaker -------------. Linda Cole Speaker iL ______ Principal L. C. McHughes Presentation of Diplomas----Ptin. L. C: McHughes Song: ‘ Farewell To Thee” —,— '--t'j- Class OLASS ROLL Bryant, Jimmy Jones, Vernon Bishop, Sue -•' Lawson, Tommy Cole, Lihda'' Norris, Carlton Brenda’ Patterson, Dianne C$imp, Patterson, Joyce Cloud, Sue Raines, Linda Crowe; Thmmy Rogers, "Neil Ford, Carolyn Thomas, Joyce •Fuller, ROrinie Thomas, Ralph Forshee, David Tinker, Stevie Ginn, Omma Joy. Word, Aiojean Guinn, Wanda . . Harris, Earnest USHERS Gary Brock Eddie Ford John Hancock Terry Farmer ’ USHERETTES ' • ’ . l .‘v-t-H.’*' ^ Peggy Cunningham -. Thelma Keel Joyce .Davidson Wanda Waddell