Newspaper Page Text
Lena Mae Hall am having
due form applied to me
year's support out of the
of T. A. Hallum, deceased,
is to notify the next of kin
the creditors of the said T.
Hallum, deceased, that said
plication will be heard
me at the regular June
1956 of the Court of
of said County. Witness
hand and official
this May 7, 1956.
R. M.
Ordinary, Dade
ty, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale
highest bidder for cash on
day, the 5th day of June
at the Courthouse Door
Trenton, Georgia, within
legal hours of sale, the
ing described property,
One (1) Bay Mare, SI
old, named Wasa.
Said property will be sold
satisfy the execution Issued
the Superior Court of
County In a lien
proceeding of Dare L Brown
Holland Lawrence and
Lawrence and said property.
This 2nd day of May ltd#.
Allison ilwlsi
Sheriff of Dade
County, Oeorgla
Will be sold at public sale
highest bidder for cash
Tuesday, the 5 th day of
1956, at the Courthouse Door
Trenton, Georgia, within
legal hours of sale, the
ing described property,
One (l) Bay FUly, 1 year
unnamed, sired by Wayne
out of Gay Branard.
Said property will be sold
satisfy the execution issued
the Superior Court of
County In a lien
proceeding of Dave L. Brown
Holland Lawrence and
Lawrence and said property.
This 2nd day of May, 1956.
Allison Blcrl**
Sheriff of Dade
County, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale
highest bidder for cash on
day, the 5th day of June
a t. the Courthouse Doer
Trenton, Oeorgla, within
legal hours of sale, the
ing described property,
One (1) Bay Filly, •
old, named Wayne’a Linda.
Said property will be sold
satisfy the execution issued
the Superior Court of
County in a lien
preceeding of Dave L.
vs. Rollla ivd Lawrence
Ruby Lawrence and said
erty. This 2nd day of May,
Allison Blevins
Sheriff of Dade
ty, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale
highest bidder for cash
Tuesday, the 5th day of
1956, at the Courthouse Door
Trenton, Georgia, within
legal hours of sale, the
ing described property, to-wlt
One (.1) Bay Mare, 12
old, named Gay Branard.
Said property will be sold
satisfy the execution issued
the Superior Court of
County in a lien
proceeding of Dave L. Brown
Holland Lawrence and
Lawrence and said property.
This 2nd day of May, 1956.
Allison Rleviws
Sheriff Dade
County, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale
highest bidder for cash
Tuesday, the 5th day of
1956, at the Courthouse Door
Trenton, Georgia, within
legal hours of sale, the
ing described property,
One ti) Bay FUly, 9 year*
unnamed, sired by Wayne
out of Gay Granard.
Said property will be sold
satisfy the execution issued
the Superior Court of
County in a lien
proceeding of Dave L. Brown
Holland Lawrence and
Lawrence and said property.
This 2nd day of May, 1956.
Allison Blevins
Sheriff Dade
County, Georgia
L O. O. W.
Regular meeting oaab
day night at 1:69 P. M.
J. B. SuUivaa, N.
Leon Christopher, V.
A Good Example!
You'll be pleasantly surprised how fast the pennies you
save become dollars, when you aave regularly. The most
aiT»ng.>Ti g thing about saving small amount* regularly is,
that you hardly miss it at all.
There is a lot of satisfaction In knowing that you have
a growing bank account. Stop In at the Bank cf Dade soon
and establish your own regular savings plan.
Member eg tbs
Federal Deposit Insurance Carp.
Every Account Insured up to 616.WG.66
The 1966 Red Cro*#
Drive figures have been com¬
pleted and are as fallows:
Raised by the Trenton Home
Demonstration Club with Mrs.
J. M. Case as Chairman, 9123.43.
Avans Home Demonstration
Club with Mrs. Sadie Kirkland
as chairman, 115 50.
Chapel H. D. Club with Mr*. F.
M. Keith Chairman, 626.00. Mor-
gaavllle H. D. Club. Mrs. W.
Patterson Chairman, 65.00.
Home H. D. Club, Mrs. Joe
Chairman, 6606. New Salem
D. Club, Mr$. Ernest
chairman, 621.00. Rising
H. D. Club, Mrs. Charles
chairman, *62.86. Slygo H.
Club, Mrs. George Carroll
chairman, 685-50. Cave
Mr*. Lester Forester
65.00. Cl over dale, Mr*.
Lambert - chairman,
Hooker School, Mr*. Lula
chairman 613.00. New
Mrs. Alma Neely chair
616.00. Piney Orove, Mr*.
dle Foster chairman, 630.00.
Four communities made o
surpassed their quotas.
were Fluey, Rising Fawn,
erdale and Hooker
These four will share the
offered by Georgia Power
the community making
FOB SALE — Aato part*
aad aied caia. Aim
»Uc«r aad grecery scale*.
do Auto Radle repairing.
Treatoa Trading peat.
FOB SALR: 869. Radle fer
Kseelleat ee ad l tten . If
baa 6a be eeM by Sat Juae
8a* O L Merges.
or Sale — House 4 room*,
o f Sand Mountain. RL
reaton. On school bus
tall route.
FOB BALf• *****
87.9# at r. F. Newby’s
Sip 7/1
sailing Bawkiffc
Product*. Start at
. eao 9.
poke, 1999 S.
Chattaneege. Tea*. #r
BawMfh’e Deft.
MtaflK Team. 8tf
----- -
FOR SALK — Portable
Sewing Maeblne 866. Sea
A. L. Dyer. Phene 7-3722.
See Rn. A. L. Dyer omd
range fer MMM T*L
FOB SALE: B*by bed and met-
Phone OUver 7-3615
FOB BENT — Small
ta garage. See Hit.
Meer* at the Maere
■mu, Titnteu.
paid fer
aad p oplar leg*. See u# If
h**u any to etO.
Company, Trenton, Ga.
seath of Treated, 28 aero*
band and 6 room beam,
eprtng and well ea place.
ee para to let ef 6 atom.
Mie. H. L
DR. G. K. MMVaae
Chiropractor and Natarepath
716 N. GaaM Avenue
Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Kirk
and Misses Mary and Martha
Chum of aooul, Korea and who
are studept* of Hiawassee Col-
lege, Sweetwater, Tenn., were
dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Brasfield, Sunday.
Miss Alice Faye Williams, who
Is a student at Madison College,
Nashville, Tenn., was a recent
guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Brasfield.
Mr Hayden Strawn, who is
spending several weeks in Mem¬
phis, Tenn. oh business, spent
the week end with his family
Mrs. Milton Lyle of St. Elmo
v lei ted Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Strawn, Sunday.
Larry, small son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Adams, Jr. is ill.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Adams, Jr. were Mr. and Mrs.
George Jenkins of Chattanooga
aad Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Vander-
berg of Oklahoma City, Okla.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith
aad family of Bridgeport, Ala.
visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Smith, Friday.
There will be a working and
Decoration at the Hooker Cem¬
etery, Saturday. Lunch will be
spread at noon on the lawn of
the J. E. Strawn residence.
Everyone Is invited.
There will be sold at public
outcry to the highest and best
bidder for cash, between the
legal hours of sale before the
Courthouse door in Dade Coun¬
ty, Oeorgla on Saturday, May
29th, 1956, the following de¬
scribed property, to-wit: One
1S50 Tudor Black Chevrolet Au¬
to m 0 bile, said property being
automobile condemned by the
Honorable John W. Davis, Judge
Superior Court, Dade County
Superior Court on May 8 th 1956,
said automobile having been
condemned for the transporta¬
tion, conveying and storing of
prohibited liquor*.
This 14 day of May, 1956.
Hlfrrrn Hlavlnj
Sheriff, Dade County Georgia
No. 266. Proceeding* to Con-
Superior Cenrt of Dade
[County, Georgia.
THAT CERTAIN 1950 Four door
[Black Sedan Chevrolet Auto-
1 mobile. Unknown.
You are hereby notified that
^ described vehicle was
•eked and condemned by H. H.
Hutching*, and Grover Tatum,
officers with authority, for be
ing used in conveying, conceal¬
ing, and storing certain prohib-
Ited Intoxicating liquors and
beverages, in violation of the
law of Georgia, and that notice
of such setaure was duly given
Shrl B. Self, the Solicitor Gen¬
eral of the Superior Court of
Dade County, Georgia on May 4,
1956, and that on the 14th day
of May, 1956, said Solicitor
General filed his petition in be¬
half of the State of Georgia to
Condemn the sold vehicle as
provided in the Georgia Code
Section 56-207 a* a contraband
article In the court of said
county. You, the owner, being
unknown, notice of such seiz¬
ure and condemnation proceed¬
ing* now pending in the above
stated case 1 * hereby given to
you in term* of the law.
This 14 day of May, 1956.
Sheriff, Dade County Georgia
Mrs.. Tennie G. Watson
Mrs Tennie G. Martin, 8 6,
widow of the late James J. Mar¬
tin, died May 20 at the home of
a daughter in Selma, Ind. Until
last July she had lived most of
her life in Dade County. She is
survived by three daughters,
Mrs. Gertrude King, Trenton
and Mrs. Harley B a r t on and
Blanche Daily, Selma, Ind.;
one son, William Martin, Louis¬
ville, Ky. Funeral services were
held from the Piney Grove Bap¬
tist Church and Burial was in
the Brown Gap Cemetery. Pall
bearers were; Warren Yates,
Tommy Sims, Woodrow Tinker,
James Case, R. M. Morrison, Sr.
and John Murphy. Honary pall-
btarers were; H. D. King, A. L
Dyer, James Morrison, Claude
Dobbs, James Goodwin, Cleron
Kyzer and Henry Gross.
Roe Dolphus Castleberry
Roe Dolphus Castleberry, 78,
died May 21 at his home on
Sand Mountain near Flat Rock
Ala. He is survived by five sons,
Lawrence, George, and Mike
Castleberry, Flat Rock; Martin
Castleberry, Chattanooga; three
daughters, Mrs. Bonnie Hatfield,
Rising Fawn; Mrs. Marion Blev¬
ins, New England; Mrs. Gussie
Jackson, Chattanooga; foster
son, Herbert Long, Perth Am-
boy, N. J.; foster daughter, Mrs
Mary Friedman, Rising Fawn;
35 grandchildren and 18 great-
Honary pallbearers were W. J.
West, Dr. D. S. Middleton, John
L. Moore, Willis Blevins, Alfred
Steele, Gus McKaig, John Tin¬
ker and H. E. Carter. Pallbear¬
ers were grandsons, Leon, Bill,
James and Leroy Castleberry,
James Hatfield and Ronald
Mayberry. Funeral services were
held at the Rising Fawn Bap¬
tist Church and burial was in
Deer Head Cove Ctmc'ery.
Confidence —the feeling of faith or reliance which
people have in a company or its products—does not come
overnight. Like a tree, it grows slowly.
In this, our 70th year of service to the South, Standard
Oil products continue to enjoy leadership in consumer
acceptance throughout the five states we serve—Alabama,
Florida, Georgia, Kentucky and Mississippi.
We believe that this continued sales leadership is due
to public confidence ... a confidence slowly acquired
through the years by the repeated satisfactory use of
Standard Oil products by our customers.
Your confidence is our greatest asset. We constantly
strive to merit its continuance by offering you products
that are the best of their type, and which give you full
money’s worth in performance.
Also complete coverage on fire
and accident insurance.
Times Building Trenton, Ga.
S. C. Moore Funeral Home
Phone Oliver 7-4243
Trenton, Ga.
Local and Long Distance
Ambulance and Funeral Service
We service any type burial or cash In¬
surance policy.
Ambulance, Funerals, Flowers, Monuments
Equipped for Chapel Funerals
Owned & operated by
Sherman C. & Gladys McBryar Moore