The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 31, 1956, Image 4

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Lena Mae Hallum having in
due form applied to me for
year’s support out of the estate
of T. A. Hallum, deceased, thLs
is to notify the next of kin and
the creditors of the said T. A.
Hallum, deceased, that said ap¬
plication will be heard before
me at the regular June Term
1956 of the Court of Ordinary
o f said County. Witness my
hand and official signature
this May 7, 1956.
R. M. Morrison
Ordinary, Dade Coun¬
ty, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale to
highest bidder for cash on Tues¬
day, the 5th day of June 1956,
a t the Courthouse Door in
Trenton, Georgia, within the
legal hours of sale, the follow¬
ing described property, to-wit:-
One (1) Bay Mare, 21 years
old, named Wasa.
Said property will be sold to
satisfy the execution issued by
the Superior Court of Dade
County in a lien foreclosure
proceeding of Dave L Brown vs.
R o 11 a n d Lawrence and Ruby
Lawrence and said property.
ThLs 2nd day of May 1956.
Allison Blevins
Sheriff of Dade
County, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale to
highest bidder for cash on
Tuesday, the 5th day of June
1956, at the Courthouse Door in
Trenton, Georgia, within the
legal hours of sale, the follow¬
ing described property, to-wit:-
One (1) Bay Filly, 1 year old
unnamed, sired by Wayne Scott
out of Gay Branard.
Said property will be sold to
satisfy the execution Issued by
the Superior Court of Dade
County in a lien foreclosure
proceeding of Dave L. Brown vs.
Rolland Lawrence and Ruby
Lawrence and said property.
This 2nd day of May, 1956.
Allison Blevins
Sheriff of Dade
County, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale to
highest bidder for cash on Tues¬
day, the 5th day of June 1956,
a t the Courthouse Door In
Trenton, Georgia, within the
legal hours of sale, the follow¬
ing described property, to-wit:
One (1) Bay Filly, 6 years
old, named Wayne’s Linda.
Said property will be sold to
satisfy the execution issued by
the Superior Court o f Dade
County in a lien foreclosure
proceeding of Dave L. Brown
vs. RolUan'd Lawrence and
Ruby Lawrence and said prop¬
erty. This 2nd day of May, 1956.
Allison Blevins
Sheriff of Dade Coun¬
ty, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale to
highest bidder for cash on
Tuesday, the 5th day of June
1956, at the Courthouse Door in
Trenton, Georgia, within the
legal hours of sale, the follow¬
ing described property, to-wit:-
One (1) Bay Mare, 12 years
old. named Gay Branard.
Said property will be sold to
satisfy the execution issued
the Superior Court of
County in a lien foreclosure
proceeding of Dave L. Brown vs.
Rolland Lawrence and Ruby
Lawrence and said property.
This 2nd day of May, 1956.
Allison Blevins
Sheriff Dade
County, Georgia
Will be sold at public sale
highest bidder for cash
Tuesday, the 5th day of
1956, at the Courthouse Door
Trenton, Georgia, within
legal hours of sale, the
ing described property,
One (1) Bay Filly, 3 years
unnamed, sired by Wayne
out of Gay Granard.
Said property will be sold to
satisfy the execution issued
the Superior Court of
County in a lien foreclosure
proceeding of Dave L. Brown vs.
Rolland Lawrence and
Lawrence and said property.
This 2nd day of May, 1956.
Allison Blevins
Sheriff Dade
County, Georgia
I. O. O. F.
Regular meeting each
day night at 8:00 P. M.
J. B. Sullivan, N-
Leon Christopher, V.
Earnest C. Oliver Jr., gunner’s
mate third class, USN, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest C. Oliver
of Route 2, Trenton, Ga., is vis¬
iting Hong Kong, B. B.C., during
the week of April 22 while ser¬
ving aboard the Paciffic Fleet
heavy cruiser US8 Helena.
The Helena is operating in the
Far East as flagsKip of the 7th
Fort Lewis, Washington. Pvt.
Donald B, Kenimer, 20, son of
Mr. and Mrs Burton B. Keni¬
mer, Rising Fawn, Ga., recently
was assigned to the 2nd Infan¬
try Division at Fort Lewis,
The “Indianhead" division is
scheduled to move to Alaska in
July and August as a part of
Operation Gyroscope, the Army’s
unit rotation plan.
Kenimer is an aidman in the
9th Regiment’s Medical Com¬
pany. He entered the Army last
December and received basic
training at Fort Jackson, S. C.
Kenimer Is a graduate of Dade
County High School, Trenton.
Fort Hood, Texas. Pfc. Terry K.
Watson, 19, son of Mrs. Frank
L. Pettitt, Rising Fawn, Ga„ re¬
cently was graduated from the
Army’s Clerical School at Fort
Hood, Tex.
Regularly assigned as a clerk
In Headquarters and Service
Company of the 510th Armored
Infantry Battalion at Fort Hood.
Watson was last assigned to the
2nd Battalion Combat Team in
Iceland. ,
He entered the Army in Jan¬
uary 1954.
7th Div. Korea, Army Pvt.
George E. Morgan, son of Mrs.
Minnie Morgan, Long Island,
Ala., recently arrived in Korea
and is now a member of the 7th
Infantry Division.
Announcing another big Plymouth contest...
Solid Gold License Plate Jackpot
1st PRIZE: $50,000 IN CASH
2nd prize: $10,000 in cash
3rd prize: $5,000 in cash 2 prize* of $500 TOO prizes of $100
4th prize: $1,000 in cash 40 prize* of $200 300 prizes of $50
. • You can enter if you own ANY car • Nothing to buy • Easy to enter! • Visit any Plymouth dealer
• Register your license number • Complete the simple entry form • Enter today-you can win 150,000!
— your car's license plate may be worth (in cash) its weight—or YOU CAN WIN $50,000 IN CASH!
more— in solid gold if you are one of the happy winners in Plymouth's
fabulous $100,000 Solid Gold License Plate Jackpot! YOU CAN SHARE $100,000 IN PRIZES I
Just take your registration certificate or other legal proof of Si¬
ownership to your Plymouth dealer’s. Register your license number Enter today! See your dealer who sefis
the free blank, complete the form and drop it in the box. ne
on entry PLYMOUTH
You're set to be a Jackpot winner — to share in $100,000 in cash!
Don’t delay; enter today!
1. Conte.) a open lo any person in U. S. or it. territories who
owns any make, model or year possenper cor registered in his
or her name, except employees and their immediate families of
Plymouth Motor Corporation, Plymouth Division of Chrysler
Corporation, its advertising agencies, the American Mailers ond
Binders, and Plymouth dealers.
2. There’s nothing to bey. Take your registration certificate
or any document proving legoJ ownership of your car to any
Plymouth dealer. Register on the entry Uank the state license
plate number of your car. Its make, model aod year.
Continuing its training, the
"Bayonet” division is the only
U. S. Army division that has re¬
mained in Korea since the cease
A truck driver in Service Bat¬
tery of the division’s 31st Field
Artillery Battalion, entered the
Army last August and complet¬
basic tralnglng at Camp
Chaffee, Ark.
Thule, Greenland, Paratroop¬
er Specialist Third Class Jimmy
L. Torbett, 20, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James L. Torbett, Route 3,
Rising Fawn, Ga., is scheduled
to jump during Exercise Artie
Night, 931 miles from the North
At the northermost point ever
reached by a tactical airborne
unit, a battalion combat team
will jump and then move and
simulate fighting in the sub¬
zero weather.
Specialist Torbett is assigned
to the 82nd Airborne Division’s
504th Regiment at Fort Bragg,
N. C. A gunner in the regiment’s
Company F, he entered the Ar¬
my in November 1953 and com¬
pleted basic training a t Fort
Jackson, S. C.
Fort Knox, Ky.- Pvt. Mitchell
Tinker, 22, son of John R. Tin¬
ker, Star Route, Trenton, Ga.,
recently completed ten weeks of
advanced i n d ividual training
ur.der the packet platoom sys¬
tem at the Army’s Armor Train¬
ing Center, Ft. Knox, Ky.
Tinker was trained to drive
the Army’s medium tank. He
passed the .30 and .50 caliber
machine gun proficiency tests
and qualified as a gunner in
the firing of the 90 mm. tank
Under the packet platoon
system of training, each trainee
becomes a permanent member
of a tank crew.
Private Tinker, a former em¬
ployee of the Cavalier Corp. in
Chattanooga, entered the Army
last November and completed
3. Fill in on the drawing of the standard Push-Button drive
selector the designations of the push buttons in the proper loca¬
tions. These designations are: "N" for Neutral, "l" for Low,
"D" for Drive and "R" for Reverse. This must be done completely
ond correctly for you to be eligible for drawing of winners.
4. Enter your name ond address where indicated on the
entry blank and hove your entry signed or otherwise validated
by a Plymouth dealer or salesman. Place your entry in official
contest entry box.
5. Winners will be selected by a random drawing by the
American Mailers and Binders, an independent judging organi¬
zation. Decisions of the judges will be final.
basic training at Fort Jackson,
S. C.
PFC James B. Holcomb, son of
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Holcomb,
Route 1, Flat Rock, Ala., re¬
cently participated with the 1st
Infantry Division in he 75th
anniversary celebration of the
Army’s Command and General
Staff College at Fort Leaven¬
worth, Kan.
The College, a school of high
military education for officers,
was honored by the “Big Red
One” division with a series of
parades ond artillery salutes.
A motor maintenance spec¬
ialist, Holcomb entered the
army in May 1853 and complet¬
ed basic training at Fort
Campbell, Ky. He attended Flat
Rock High School.
Pfc Robert H. Stewart, son of
Mrs. Willie P. Stewart, Long Is¬
land, Ala., recently was gradu¬
ated from the engineer equip¬
ment maintenance course a t
The Engineer School, Fort
voir, Va.
Stewart received training i n
organizational and field main¬
tenance and repair of construc¬
tion equipment. March
He entered the Army in
1952 and completed basic train¬
ing at Fort Knox, Ky.
He attended Bridgeport High
WANT ADS are a cent a word
with a minimum of 25c for one
insertion—Try Our Want Ad
The drink everybody
Telephone Oliver 7-4HB0 Trenton, Ga.
Ice Cream Headquarters
Sundries — Sickroom supplies — First Aid Needs
A Good Example!
You’ll be pleasantly suprised how fast the pennies you
save become dollars, when you save regularly. The most
amazing thing about saving small amounts regularly is,
that you hardly miss it at all.
There is a lot of satisfaction in knowing that you have
a growing bank account. Stop in at the Bank of Dade soon
and establish your own regular savings plan.
Member of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Every Account Insured up to $10,000.00
Let The Times Do Your Job Printing
6. All entries become the property of Plymouth Division of
Chrysler Corporation ond none will be returned. Plymouth ond
its advertising agencies will not enter into co rr e sp ondence with
any contestant, except winners.
7. Contest opens at beginning of dealer’s business day.
May 25, 195d. Entries must be placed in entry box before close
of dealer's business day, July 14, 1956.
S. Winners will be notified by mail by September 14, 1956.
Names and addresses of winners will be posted in Plymouth
dealerships. Prizes will be awarded crt Detroit, Michigan.
9 . Contest subject lo all Federal, State and local regulation*.