Newspaper Page Text
Dade County’s Only Newspaper.
Many Changes at
Newspaper Office
For years daily papers have
been putting out tabloid size
newspapers. Recently
have tried it successfully so
thought we would try it. Hope
you will like it.
Other changes are in the
sonnel. We still have not
able to get anyone to replace
L Morgan who left last week
the U. S. Air Force. We tele¬
phoned Tampa, Florida,
Mr. Jorge Mascunana is
working with his family in
print shop and he has come
back to help us out for two
weeks. Mr. George McClure
still with us.
There are also changes in the
front office. Mrs. Patsy McKaig
is only working a day and
half a week but Mary Lee
Bruner, who will be a Junior at
Cade High School next
will be here every day. She
been studying journalism and
typing and we welcome her
the staff.
Two Minor
Taxi driver Horace Baty’s car
was slightly damaged
struck by a car occupied by two
negroes from Birmingham, Ala.
The negroes car was
north when another car
out in front of them near the
Shell Service Station south
the Trenton square, when
driver slammed on his brakes
his car slid into Baty’s car. No
one was njured. The Negroes
were charged with speeding.
Another minor accident oc-
cured on a curve at White Oak
Gap when a car turned over,
badly damaging the car but in¬
juring no one. Sheriff Allison
Blevins states he does not know
who was driving the auto as no
one has claimed the old model
car, and no one admits having
been in the car at the time of
the accident. The car is at the
Shell Service Station, and has
an Alabama license. It is be¬
lieved the driver, who ever he
is was drunk at the time of the
Fire-fighting School
For Local Volunteers
There will be a two day school
on fire fighting at Rome,
Georgia, June 11 and 12. Classes
will begin at 9:00 a. m. and end
at 4:30 p. m. Anyone interested
in attending this school is ask¬
ed to contact Cleron Kyzer.
Transportation will be arrang¬
ed and those who go will stay in
the firehall in Rome and in
case of a fire while they are
there, may get a chance to ride
the engine as firemen. Lodging
will be free, only the meals will
Chief Barfied of Marietta,
Georgia, will teach all phases
of ladder work, Captain Wil-
lianson of the Rome Fire De¬
partment will teach hose, Cap¬
tain Johnston will teach small
tools, Captain Millican, pump
oipe r ait i on, and Raymond
Smith, hydraulics.
This school is conducted for
volunteers and paid firemen
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia
Cedar Grove continued to
pace the Ga. Volunteer league
this week by winning their
eighth straight. Wildwood was
the victim this time, dropping
a close contest 9 to 5.
Wildwood - Cedar Grove
Seven costly errors by the
Wildwood infielders led to the
Cedar Grove victory. Bobby Fu-
gatt led the bat attack for
Wildwood with a long home run
and three runs batted in.
Wildwood ............ 6 8 7
Cedar GHrove ..........9 6 6
Batteries: McClendon, Whittles
and Sims.
Payne and Bass.
Davis - New Salem
Davis climbed to third place
in the league as they belted out
Avans and Herman McMahan
19 hits to emerge victorius over
New Salem 19 to 10. Sherman
with three hits each were the
bat stars for Davis as Lavon
Daniel pitched well. Ralph Sim¬
mons produced the fielding
gem of the year by making a
spectacular catch of Arlie
Bradford’s long drive to right
center field.
Davis .............. 19 19 4
New Salem ......... 10 6 9
New Phones Added Since Directory
New telephones have been going in almost daily. Most of the
new ones which have been added since the Directory came out the
middle of May are in Morganville and New England.
Cut the following list out and paste in in your directory on
page 17 which says “New Subscribers” added.
Buffington, B. L, Trenton, Geeorgia...............Oliver 7-4862
Burrell, Murphy M., Avans, Georgia................Oliver 7-3275
Cross, Carl E., Trenton, Georgia....................Oliver 7-4645
Davidson, Floyd, Trenton, Georgia, Rt. 1............Oliver 7-3513
GOM, o. J-, Trenton, Georgia.......................Oliver 7-4083
Keeton, J. W. (Bill), Rising Fawn, Ga., Rt. 1.......Oliver 7-4747
Massey, George, Wildwood, Georgia................Oliver 7-4312
McBryar, Donald, Trenton, Georgia, Rt. 1...........Oliver 7-3518
McBryar, Doyle, Trenton, Rt. 1.....................Oliver 7-3515
McKaig, Leonard, Trenton, Georgia................Oliver 7-3363
Reeves, Earl, Wildwood, Georgia....................Oliver
Reeves, Kenneth, Rising Fawn, Georgia, Rt. 1......Howard 2-3316
Robertson, Virgil, Wildwood, Georgia...............Oliver 7-4237
Shelton, John T., Trenton, Georgia, Rt. 2 ...........Oliver 7-3147
Tinker, Estel, Trenton, Georgia, Rt. 2...............Oliver 7-3145
A few numbers have been changed or were listed incorrectly
in the Directory. Please check them with your directory and
change them.
Listed under “Q” is Canova Guinn which should have been
listed under “G”.
Fischer, M. A.......................................Oliver 7-4711
Hutchison, N. H., M. D„ Residence...................Oliver 7-3163
Lacy, Hubert ...........-..........................Oliver 7-3683
Walker, M. A........................................Oliver 7-4712
There will be a memorial
ice at the Trenton Baptist Ce-
metery, Sunday, June 17 at 4:00
PM. Every one interested in
J. B. Geddie
Batteries: L. Daniel, s. Avans
and Parrish, Page, Ellison.
E. Bradford,, D. Gray and Neal
Durham - Dade County
Garnet Blevins with three
hits led the Durham attack as
Dade County lost their sixth
straight game. Loyd Raines
collected three hits for the los¬
Durham .......... 12 9 3
Dade .......... 5 8 5
Batteries: Hudson and Blevins.
Cook and Finney.
This weeks schedule:
New Salem at Wildwood.
Dadie County at Cove.
Layfayette at Durham.
Play gets under way
week in the American Legion
Junior League with Trenton
traveling 1 0 Red Bank on
Thursday. These games will be
played on Tuesday’s and
Thursday’s starting at 5 o’clock
P. M. The league is composed of
Trenton, Red Bank, Athens,
Central and City. Trenton’s en¬
try is managed by Dade County
High School’s coach Mr. Delmas
Freeman, and sponsored by
Trenton Legion Post No. 106.
the Cemetery is invited to at-
tend. This will be “Father’s
Day” and seems an the appropriate Fathers, j
to honor
Grandfathers and Great Grand
fathers of most of us.
Grace Nethery,, Secretary.
Published Weekly — Since 1901
Trenton Streets Get Black
Work started Monday morn¬
ing on the repaving and laying
of new paving on some of the
streets in Trenton. For weeks
we have seen the county trucks
hauling and dumping dirt on
these streets to prepare them
for the crushed rock and as¬
Comng in from Cartersville,
which is the State Highway’s
headquarters for ths area, are
about 12 trucks to carry the
rock, two machines to distri¬
bute the asphalt, one heavy
road roller, one road broom
type sweeper, a crew of about
24 men with a house trailer for
them and Bill Neal, who is in
the mand Bill Neal, who is in
charge of the job. Added to
ths is the patrol from the Dade
County State maintenance
equipmen and the county’s pa¬
Work on the surfacing of the
t streets never before surfaced
was about completed Tuesday
night. These new streets are:
Killian Street.
Town Street from Highway
11 to Montague Street,
Dade. Ave. from Church to
First street.
! First Street from Dade to
I Cole Street from Dade Ave.
to Court House Square.
Farm Gas Tax Refund Available
By L. C. Adams, County Agent
Dade County Farmers are
now eligible for a refund of 2c
' per gallon gasoline used for
farming purposes. This refund
is for the amount of Federal
tax paid on gasoline when it is
purchased. Application blanks
for claiming the refund are
available at the County Agent’s
Officeand at the Bank of Dade
in Trenton.
The form for making .
cation, +• No. XT 2240 00 is very simple ,
with only 2 or 3 questions to
, 1 be an<swe red. Farmers using
gas for farming purposes are
i also entitled to 5c a gallon re-
funcl from State of Georgia,
plication should cover the same
number of gallons.
T ^ e Tri-County Hospital per-
^quef af lookout “
tain Hote i i^ t Friday night. In
of the cold weather about
200 were able to attend.
The banquet was held in the
main dining room of the hotel.'
After the meal, Bob Corley from
Atlanta, entertained the group
with a very amusing monologue.
Chairman of the Board of
Trustees, Frank M. Gleason, in
the members of the
Board and County officials and
had each hospital worker stand
he read the names of 62 to
* eceive a ,pin for ' y 5?! S °
continuous service with the h hos
ptal> He then read the names
more, to receve one year
Hospital Administrator
asked for a show of hands of
these who had been with the
since it opened Novem-
ber 8, 1953. It seemed like every
other person present raised
their hand.
Cole Street from Case Ave. to
the school property.
The paving of Case Ave. con¬
tinued to Third Street.
Third Street from Case Ave.
to Highway 11.
Second Street from Highway
to John Street.
Lula Street from School St.
to Second Street.
Georgia Ave. from Highway
to R. R. tracks.
The streets already paved and
which were resurfaced were
Railroad Street from Town St.
to the dead end at Church St.
Roberson St., Montague St.,
Crabtree Street, Church Street,
part of Case Ave., part of Cole
St.. School Street and John St.
School Street in Rising Fawn
is also included in this projeect
and has had an asphalt surface
State Senator and in charge
of State road maintenance in
Dade, John H. Wilkins says
that he hopes to get the New
England road from the High¬
way to the Community House
surfaced while the eequipment
is in Dade. Mr. Wilkins also re¬
ports that, except for the pa¬
trol, the rest of the state road
equipment assigned to the
county is out all over the coun¬
ty carrying out their routine
Under the Georgia provisions
applications for refund must be
made for not more than six
months periods. Under the fed¬
eral tax refund provisions the
first payment will be made on
gasoline purchased December
31, 1955 through June 30, 1956.
This application must be filed
on or before September 30,
1956. Gasoline used “ after July
1st . this ... year J will cover the .. fis-
, year period—July . , _ , to , June T
Farmers are urged to take
advantage of this savings that
has been made possible by both
ing the tax paid on gasoline
used in farm production.
Attending from Dade were
Ordinary and Mrs. R. M. Mor¬
rison, Board Member J. L.
Fricks and Mrs. Fricks and
Board Member Mrs. Catherine
Principals Appointed
The Dade County School
Board has appointed the school
principals for the coming year.
Mr. J. C. Billue will return to
Dade, Mr. D. O. Chumley to Da¬
vis, Mr. L. C. McHughes to
North Dade, Mr. J. T. Childress
to New Salem and Mrs. Lula Pa¬
ris to Hooker.
There will be a new principal
at Rising Fawn. Mr. Henry El¬
iott, who has been teaching at
Davis since his return from
service during World War H,
has accepted the principalship
! at Rising Fawn. Mr. Premon
Hall, ifho was prncipal for the
1955-56 term, is leaving to re¬
turn to Alabama.