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Two Die in Crash Near Wildwood
Two persons were killed and
three injured severely in a
head-on collison at the Hooker
Junction last Friday.
Those killed were Auther
Altman, 36, and his son, Don¬
ald, 9, both of Huston, Texas.
Injured were Henry E. Kre-
mer, 38; his wife, Mrs. Viola
Kramer, 35, and their son,
Mark, 3; all of Beaumont,
The Altmans were enroute
from New Jersey to Houston, in
a late model Buick towing a
small two-wheeled trailer.
The Kramers were going from
Beaumont to Maryland, to vi¬
sit relatives.
The Altman’s vehicle caught
fire immediately after the
The Rising Fawn Annual 4th
of July Barbecue will. be. held
as usual at the Rising Fawn i
Community Park—beginning at ! i
11 a. m.
Independence is a mighty important word to
every American. Our forefathers fought for our
country's independence—and won it for us. Upon
this foundation, Americans have steadly built a
country that symbolizes Freedom to the whole
world. On this July 4th, let's each redicate our¬
selves to protecting our democracy and building
an ever-greater country of free men!
Youths Admit Break
In At Grocey Store
Two youths have admitted
breaking in the Edgewood gro-
eery last week. They are Ed-
^ 1*+
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
ccrash and burned its occupa¬
nts beyond recognition. The
fire flamed fiercely for about
an hour, preventing any pos¬
sible aid. The bodies were so
badly burned that only a small
porton of each was recovered.
It was reported that Kramer
was driving behind a car oc¬
cupied by Mr. and Mrs. James
Morrow, of Tip City, Ohio. Mor¬
row drve his car off the high¬
way and stopped near a marker
and the Kramer car swung
around it and collided with the
Altman automobile.
It is belived that the trailer
on the Altman car came loose
from its mooring and rammed
the fuel tank of the Buick,
setting it afire.
The Kramers all suffered
fractions of the leg, and seri¬
ous cuts and bruses. Kramer
had a chest injury and the
child suffered a concussion.
The bodies of Altman and his
son were shipped to New Jersey.
ward Elrod, Trenton, and Floyd
Elrod, Wildwood. The boys,
who are cousins are both 17
years old. They were caught
Wednesday, and Edward was
found to be under probation
1 for the Buckfs Stervice Sta-
Speeding Accidents
There was a ‘minor accident
about 1 a. m. Saturday Morning
when a car driven by Buddy
Long, Rising Fawn, ran up on
the bank in front of the Ava¬
kian Labortory. Sheriff Blev¬
ins said the boys were going so
fast they couldn’t make the
turn. There is reported to have
been five boys in the car, all
from Rising Fawn. After wreck¬
ing the car, the boys jumped
out and ran but they were
soon caught.
There was another minor ac¬
cident last week when an Ala¬
bama man ran into the back of
Bill Konrad’s truck as he was
slowing down to make a turn in
Rising Fawn. The driver of the
55 Ford, Nathen Daniels, of
Leesburg, Alabama, was report-
ly speeding down the highway
and could not stop in time to
avoid hitting the truck. Dan¬
iel’s car was damaged bsfdly,
but there was no damage to
Konrad’s vehicle. No one was
hurt, and no charges were
tion break-in. There was re-
ported to be about $15 in cash
taken along with other articles.
Recovered was $3.74, 34 pks.
cigarettes, and 7 cigars. The
boys are being held in jail un¬
til futher action is taken.
•• 4
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Published Weekly—Since 1901
J. B. Geddie
Cedar Groce walloped Wild¬
wood to take first place and
Davis trounced New Salem for
second spot in final make up
games of the first half.
Cedar Grove 18—Wildwood 7
Wildwood’s pitching was no
match for the booming bats of
Cedar Grove as the winners
won their tenth game agganist
one loss. Bobby and Jack Fu-
gatt hit hard for Wildwood’s
losing cause. It was reported
that W. G. Morrison Jr. will re¬
place Junior Williams as Wild¬
wood manager for the second
New Salem 4— Davis 25
Sonny Datinel with four hits,
including 2 homers and r
double and six runs batted in
and Roy McMahan led the 24
his barrage on three New Salem
hurlers. Donald Gray homered
twice for New Salem.
Talk Given Fire Johnson
City and county participation
in fire fighting work was the
topic of a talk given by Captain
Sid Johnson of the Rome Fire
Department at a regular meet¬
ing of the Trenton Volunteer
Fire Department Tuesday night.
Captain Johnson told how
both the city and county fire
department worked togeather
in Floyd County. He said that
though the houses were not so
close togeather in the rural
areas that it was possible for
the fire engine and crew to
save the house if the barn was
burning or visa versa. He also
told that because schools and
churches are usually more easily
accessable that they had good
success on saving these public
After his talk, this was dis¬
cussed for Dade County but
nothing definite was decided at
this time.
There were eleven members
of the Trenton Volunteer Fire
Department present at this re¬
gular meeting which was held
at the home of Fire Chief C. E.
Kyzer. A barbecue steak supper
was served by Mesdames C. E
Kyzer, C. T. Sims and M. J.
Present were County Ordin¬
ary R. M. Morrison, City and
County Attorney M. J. Hale.
Mayor A. L. Dyer, Fire Chief
Kyzer, Assistant Fire ChieJ
C. T. Sims and members Jack
Cash, Claud Harrison, Don
Gross, Harold Gross, Virgil Jen¬
kins, Aubrey Dyer, R. L. Hilten,
Jim Geddie and James Morri¬
The next meeting of this
group will be held Thursday
Dade County 6—. Durham. 11
Durham rallied to defeat a
improved Dade team to take
over third place in the league.
Charles Massey was the bat
star for Durham in addition to
playing a sterling defensive
LaFayette and Cove were
not Scheduled
The American Legion Junior
team continues to be dominat¬
ed by their more experienced
foes, losing this time to the
strong McMinn County team
from Athens, 14 to 1.
Dade County’s entry in Sand
Mountain Leauge, Rising Fawn,
continued their fine play this
week by edging the loop lead¬
ers, Ida 5 to 2. Carl Steele al¬
lowed only two hits in record¬
ing the victory.
Davis and Rising Fawn will
play an exhibition game July
4tli on the Rising Fawn field.
night July 5. This will be an
active fire drill meeting as an
imaginary fire will be put out.
The crew will man the fire en¬
gine, race to the appointed spot,
find the creek or well and use
their equipment as they would
at a real fire. By each person
learning what they are suppos¬
ed to do they can more effici¬
ently put out a real fire.
The fire department has al¬
ready been called to many
fires in and around Trenton
which because of the city fire
engine and the crew of men
who serve without pay, have
been put out before much
damage has been done.
The Wildwood Boy Scout
Troop was chartered Monday.
There are 10 members in the
troop which is sponsored by J.
C. Ayers, Rev. Kirk, and other
members o f the Wildwoid
Methodist Church Civics Club.
Mr Frank Neeley has been
chosen Scout Master , while
“Tack” Turner is assistant
Scout Master.
Green Bar Patrol Meets at
Pan Gap
The Green Bar Patrol Troop
143 met and planned a month’s
meeting at Pan Gap lakes last
Saturday. After the planning
of the meetings they went
swimming. Those present were
Scoutmaster Spencer Jenkins
Robert Hilton; Scouts Tommy
Wheeler, Larry Greene, Sher¬
man Moore, Cecil Foster, and
Denny Goodwin.