The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 05, 1956, Page 1, Image 2

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Entered at ihe Post Office at
Trenton, Ga, as 2nd class mail.
Mrs. C. C. Morrison, Publisher
PIIONE: OLiver 7-4422
Home Demonstration Agennt
Miss Naomi Hubble is attend¬
ing a Wildlife Camp this week.
Mr. Midd Brock was in Dade
over the week end visiting his
many friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gross
are vacationing in Panama
Fia. this week
The W. W. Williams have re¬
turned home after a three
week auto trip ar und the
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Renfroe of
Birmingham visited his par-
ents, the Tom Renfro's "list
Monday night visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Ellis were Mr
and Mrs. W.L.Daniel from Au¬
gusta, Ga.
Mrs. John Bruner, from Ft.
Gaines, Ga. was the week end
visitor of her mother Mrs. Myr¬
tle Pace.'
Week end visitors of Mr. and.
Mrs. E. A. Ellis were Marcia
McTeer and E. A. Ellis Jr both
from Savannah.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tinker
and Mr. and Mrs. George Gif-
ford are in Orlando, Florida vis-
iting relatives.
The Forest Morrison family
have returned to their home in
Smyrna, Ga. after a two weeks
visit with his mother Mrs.
G. Morrison.
Mr. and Mrs. EJS. Buchanan
and E. S. . Jr. and Mrs. Ctirtis
Evans visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Dent and son in Louisand re-
The Roy Morrisin family
have returned to their home in
Akron, Ohio after a visit with
his mother, Mrs. w. G. Morri-
The ASC iffice is being at¬
tended this week by W. L. Fan-
>nin while Mrs. Louise
and Mrs. Clara Brandon are at¬
tending a District Soil Bank
meeting in Chattsworth Ga..
Miss Peggy Ren fore is resting
up after being slightly injured
in a car wreck in Birmingham
last week. She and five other
persons were in the
when it was struck by
car and knocked over on its
top. The driver of the car at
fault jumped out and ran and
is still being sought by
ingham police.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pace
from Rogersville, Tenn., we re
the week end guests of his
mother Mrs. E. S. Pace. Eddie’s
younger brother, Charles, re-
turned home with them for
Rising Fawn Methodist Church
Recives Alter Cloth
Mrs. Margaret Allen Fricks,
widow of Dr L. D. Fricks, has
embroidered cloth most exquisite lin-j
en for the Rising Fawn
Methodist Chudch Communion
Table. This table was given
Cureton PurAt-rm the church by dedicated Miss May i. j
and to
memory of Dr Frick’s mother, 1
Mrs. Virginia Parks Fricks, :
who was .known as the “Mother
of the Rising Fawn Methodist
Dr. Fricks was a graduate of
the University of Georgia as
well as from the old Grant
University of Chattanooga. His
career was with the U. S Public
Health Department where he
won national recognition for
his Montana, work on his spotted work fever malaria in J I
in the Philippines and for his
organization and directing of
the Seattle Marine Hospital,
where he died several years
ago. Two of his three sons
died in the service of their
James H. Sel*ey, 85, died
June 28 at the home of his son
in Napa,, California. He was
born in Blunt County, Ala¬
bama, but was a life-long re¬
sident of Dade County. He is
survived by 3 daughters, Mrs.
Velma Blaylock, Chattanooga,
Mrs. Mary Smith, Wildwood,
and Mrs. Fydella Burton, Vel-
Jigo, California: five sons, H.
H. Napa, California, I. H. Sel-
vey, Lafayette, Georgia, James
R. Selvey, Floyd Selvey, and E.
R. Selvey, Rising Fawn, Rte. 3
several nedces and neprews.
Last Sunday was the Doyle re¬
union at Whiteside, Tenn. Mr.
and Mrs ‘ Joe Doyls and Brad
Gro:s family all attended from
our community.
The Moore’s also had a re¬
union at one of the daughters,
Mrs. Ernest Graham’s home in
Daisy, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Moore, the Leon Moore’s, Alvin
Reeves and Benton Pattersons
were all there from Slygo. Mrs.
Hazel Street is home on a two
week vacation -
Mr - and Mrs - Armon Hayes of
Detroit, Mich, have returned
after a visit here with
Hayes .parents, Mr. and
Mr • J B Sanders,
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Patterson
and children of Ky. are here
visiting Claud’s parents Mr.
and Mrs. John Patterson,
Bessie Moore is spending
this summer with her sister,
Mrs - J - M - Tatum in Gallatin,
Tenn -
Mrs - Ira 0016 and daughter
(Bieaitrice spent last Sunday
with Mrs. Lawrence Keener.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cureton
attended a singing down on
Sand Mt. Sunday.
The Carl Waddells are dllv
ing a mighty pretty new two
tone Chevrolet these days.
Mrs. Willie Hughes sister
Mrs cloia Adams of Ky. is
here visiting her few
m cm
By L* C. Adams
1)011 weevil, boll weevil
Teresa Brewer may sing all
18116 wants to about the boll we-
evi1 ’ but the 1)011 weevil and has
com, P& ni on the bollworm have
about S ot the Georgia farmers
Dr. C. R. Jordan, en-
tomologist for the Agricultural
Extension Service, says the in-
Gestation is alarmingly high
for this time of year and that
effective control measures are
essential to avoid a critical
Insect surveys thow that ev-
1011 in treated fields the pet. of
fields the percent of
Punctured squares averaged
percent. But in untreated fields -
the precentage averaged 45
percent high and as 75 in some percent. fields Jordan was j
the reason treated
showed signs of infestations ‘
not not. diw» due to to the th«* pests’ rvp.sts' re re-
to treatment, but pro-
bably to insufficient or impro-
per treatment,
He lists two faults common
in using poison in fields. One
is that dust sometime is applied
winds are higher than
five miles per hour. This never
be done,
It is extremely important,
too, that nozzles be adjusted so
they are above the buds
the plants. Bollworms hatch
the bud and move down the
plant as they get bigger. They
much easier to kill when
axe first hatched.
Jordan urges farmers to con¬
their county agents for
for controlling
bollworms and boll weevils.
Mrs. and Mrs. Oscar Barton
have a boy born last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Partlow have a
girl born Saturday, June 30th
at the Tri-County Hospital.
By Mrs. Thelma Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sills of
Chattanooga visited Mr. and
Mrs. Hayden Strawn Sunday.
Mrs. Bob Pendergrass, who is
employed in Chattanooga, Spent
the week end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Faves and
son of Chattanooga were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunt
spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Davis at Flat
Rock ,Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ballard
attended the funeral of Mr.
John Grider at Ladds, Tennes¬
see, Monday.
Mr and Mrs. G. A. Manning
and children were Sunday
guests of the J. V. Harris
Sunday guests of Mrs Frank
Hall were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom¬
my Bell and children of Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rogers and
son,, Eslie, are vacationing in
Phonenix, Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phillips
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
tanooga spent Sunday with Mr.
Gordon Massey, Jr. of Chat-
and Mrs. Kyle Broom.
Mr. and Mrs W. F. Ballard
visited their son, Carl and
farpily onn Sand Mountain,
Mr. Labron Jones of Chatt¬
anooga,, formerly o f Dade
County, was lay speaker at the
Hooker Methodist Church Sun-
Mesdames Thelma Bell and
Strawn and John
Ad amSt jr. attendee} the cover-
ed dishs supper and busines
meeting at the Parsonage at
Morganville Tuesday night.
Cave Springs
The many friends and mem¬
bers of the Cave Springs com-
munnity will be interested to
know that on Sunday, July 8
there will be a special Home¬
coming held at the Methodist
Church and the Old School
House. A special invitation is
being extended to those who in
years past attended both
school and church in the com¬
There will be a preaching
service at 11:00 a. m. at the
church. Lunch will be served
on the old school house
grounds at 12:3o P- m. Every-
is requested to bring a
basket lunch. In the afternoon
there will be singing at the
church along with talks by
0 1 d-timers about experinces
had as children,
There will be a Special Gos¬
pel singing at the Calvery Bap¬
tist Church, Saturday night,
July 7, beginning at 7:30.
Everyone welcome.
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Miss Martha Shirley Harrison and Emmett Booker Shotts Jr.
were married June 19 at the First Baptist Church in Rockmart,
Georgia. The bride is the daughter of Mr. George H . Harrison,
president of the Bank of Dade, and Mrs. Harrison. Mr. Shotts is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Shotts of Mt Dora, Florida.
The bride chose her sister, Mrs. Bartow Cowden III, as her
matron of honor and was also attended by a maid of honor
and four bridesmaids. The groom’s father served as best man for
his son and there*were five ushers. A nephew of the bride, Bartow
Cowden IV, was the ring bearer.
Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents entertained at a
reception. Mrs. Harold Golden, sister of the bride, kept the bride’s
The New Salem Home Dem¬
onstration Olube met at th
h me of Mrs. Joe Fulghum.
The meeting was called to
order by the president Mrs.
John Hawes, prayer was by
Mrs. Wilma McKaig. Minutes
were read by Mrs. Flo Gray.
The scrap book was talked
about and some different ide¬
as were discussed.
Then the picnic was planned
• No matter what the item store—headquarters for de¬
may tritional be—drugs, aids, sundries, nu- pendable service. And bf
sickroom sup- sure to bring us your Doo
plies, baby needs—you will tor’s prescriptions. You
hnd “ a t this fine pharmacy, know, cafeful compounding
Make this your family drug by experts is our specialty!
24 Hour Prescription » p
Service Starting July 1 Q
Call OL 7-4022 any hour of day or night
l will get out of bed to fill your prescription”
Hadden's Pharmacy
Take Home ^
a Casern ~
• to w S Of» -
for August 3. at the gulch,
Mr. Jules Case made a wond¬
erful talk on the dress revue
and what they did on their trip.
Everyone realy enjoyed having
her and welcime her back to
our meetings when ever she
can come.
Flo Gray made a talk on
freezing meats and canning. We
got several ideas from her talk.
The next meeting will be
held at Mrs. John Jones’.
Reporter, Mrs. M. E. Bradford.