Newspaper Page Text
for Dade
Mr. H. S. Chappin has been
appointed and has accepted the
position ais principal of Dade
County High School.
Mr. Chappin comes to us from
Hogansville, Georgia where he
has been for the past two years
and before that he was princi¬
pal if several schools in Ala¬
bama. He is highly recommend¬
ed by all these school systems.
The new principal holds both
a B. S. and Masters Degree from
the University of Alabama. His
home is in Guin, Ala. where he
owns a cattle farm. He is
around 40 years if age and is a
member of the Methodist
Mr. Chappin is married and
has a son about 8 and a daugh¬
ter about 13. His wife is also a
school teacher and it is exeet-
eds she will teach at the Dade
Elementary School.
The following teachers were
GROUND BREAKING Mrs, W, G. Morris on, Sr., is shown as she turns the first shov¬
elful of dirt in the recent ground-breaking ceremony for a new addition at Trenton
Methodist Church. She is the oldest continuous member, having joined 50 years ago. With
her is Bruce Case, one of the youngest of the preparatory members. The new structure
will cost about $16,000. Clyde Mack of Chatta nooga is the architect. The Rev. R. L. Hilton,
is the pastor. — (Photo by Mrs. R. L. Hilton,
Cut courtesy of Chattanooga News-Free Press).
New Officers Installed at Lion’s Club
J. M. Case, newly elected
president of the Trenton Lion’s
Club was installed last week.
Others installed by H. F. Alli¬
son, installing officer, were: L.
C. Adams, secretary and trea¬
surer, Walter Smith, 1st Vice
President W. G. Morrison, Jr.,
2nd Vice President Bill Austin,
3rd Vice President Bill Tatum,
Lion Tamer R. M. Morrison,
Tail Twister.
Drectors are: J. A. Case, R. M.
Morrison, J. C. Herman and H.
F, Allison.
Committee chairmen, ap¬
pointed by the president, J. M.
Case, are:
Attendance- Jame Morrison
Constitution and By Laws- J.
C, Herman Finance- Martin
Nethery Lions Club Informati¬
on- L. C Adame Bulliton Editor
and Publicity- D. E. Morrison,
Membership- W. E. Smith Con¬
vention- J. C. Herman
Program- Martin Nethery,
Citizenship- A. L. Dyer Boys
and Girls Committee- W. E.
Smith Civic Improvement- R.
M. Morrison Community Bet¬
terment- Martin Nethery,
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia
approved at the last
Board meetings. This is not
complete list as there are
vacancies as several of
' Dade High School
Mrs. Clistie Barnes, Mrs.
Thelma Bell, Mrs. Ada Bottoms.
Mrs. Ersaline Carroll , Mrs.
Stella Carroll, Mr. Cheatham,
Mrs. E'telle Scruggs, Miss Joan
Price, Mr. Delm as Freeman,
Mrs. Majora Fricks, Mrs. Willie
Hughes, Miss Ida Moore, Mrs.
Cora Parker, Mrs. Clara Stew¬
art, Miss Carrie Stinecipher,
Mrs. Edna Sutton, Mrs. Delilah
Wheeler, Mrs. Jessie Lewis, Mr.
Carl Smith, Mrs. H. L. Griffith
and Mr. Keith IDelk.
Davis High School
Mrs. Geneva Allison, Mrs.
Madge Ballard, Mrs. Ruby Car¬
ter, Mrs. Ida Belle Davidson,
Mrs. Beatrice Freeman, Mrs.
Winoa Hixon, Mrs. Thelma
Winkler, Mrs. Willadean Pat-
Lions Educational Committee-
J. C. Billue Health and Welfare
W. H. Hutchison Safety- Bill
Austin Sight Conversation- J.
C. Herman United Nations,- J.
C. Billue Greeter- Bill Tatum
Agriculture- L. C. Adams
The Sight conservation Pro¬
ject is one of the leading pro¬
jects of the Lions Club. Thr¬
ough the County Health Nurse,
they help the school children
who have bad eyes by seeing
that they have glasses and ot¬
her things that are needed to
correct the condition. The Club
spends more than $200 annual¬
ly for this.
There will be a donkey base¬
ball game at Brown’s field, Fri¬
day night, July 27. It is spon¬
sored by the Lion’s Club.
The game, beginning at 8:00
p. m. will be played under
The admission is 25 and 50
cents, the proceeds going to
the Dade High School Athletic.
j jton, Miss Shirley Stallings, Mr.
Samuel E. Jones, Mrs. Mary E.
Richester, Mr. Otis Poe, Mr.
Rhea MoClanaham, Mr. Ralph
Simmons, Mr. Rolland Ball, Mrs.
Mrs. Innes Simmons and Mr.
D. O. Chumley, Principal.
New Salem
Mr. J. T. Childress, principal,
Mrs. Cecil Hale, Mrs. Jewell
Johnson, Mrs. Irene P. Moore.
North Dade
Mr. L. C. McHughes, princi¬
pal, Mrs. Martha Pullen, Mrs.
Pearl*Blevins, Mrs. Emam Jane
Rising Fawn
Mr. Henry Elliott, principal,
Mrs. Mary Ellis, Mrs. Louise
Street, Mrs. Louise Blake, Mrs.
Kate Elliott, Miss Margarite
White, Mr. Charles Webb.
Hooker Colored School
Mrs. LuLa Paris, principal and
Mrs. Dorothy Eldridge.
Dr. Middletons
Woodlands Marked
Members from the Georgia
Forestry Commission were here
last week to mark timber on Dr.‘
D. S. Middleton’s woodland/
property o n Sand Mountain.
This property is above the spring
of the Trenton Water Co. which
was formerly owned by Dr.
This is a 20 acre tract of land
with loblolly pine trees about
16 years old. It Is understood
some of these pines were plant¬
ed by C. C. boys. The approxi¬
mate volume of the ipulpwood
reiently marked was 1679 trees
vvi'h about 50 standard cords
to be taken out when thinned.
The purpose of this marking
is to thin out poorly formed,
di eased and over-crowded
trees. This thinning assures that
future cuts will produce laigei
in 1 better trees in a shorter
psriod of time.
Each tree to come out of a
woodland area marked by the
forestry Commission, is marked
with 2 spots of yellow paint,
at the ground level and one at
eyelevei. The mark on the
Published Weekly — Since 1901
'*• . - > -<«
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Attend Safety Patrol Camp
Attending, Safety Patrol Camp. From left to right; Billy
Leroy Hartline, Frankie Hixon. Dennis Waldon, Lebron
York, Arthur /Gass. Cflaich '‘Red’* Simmons. Not pictured are
Porter and Robert Ford. Sponsers arfc; Giles Gass, Happy
Farms. Griffith Chevrolet, Waldo Simmons, Dyer Motor
Bank of Dade, Forrestry Service, John Murphy, Raymond Mor¬
M. J. Hals, Mrs. Louise Wright, and Dr. R. E. Ownby.
(Picture taken by R. L. Hilton)
The above pictured boys are
to Camp Safety Patrol
in Cordel, Georgia. This
is sponsored by the
State Patrol and the V
The Safety Patrol boys will
be taught the objectives of
in directing the loading
Agronomy Meeting Well Attended
Farmers in Dade County at¬
tending the Agronomy meeting
last week were assisted in plan¬
ning improved grazing systems.
The meeting, which was pre¬
over by L. C. Adams
County Agent, featured illus¬
trated talks by Extension Ag¬
ronomist, Ralph Johnson and
H. Gurley.
The s e a k e ns emphasized
the importance of a balanced
grazing and feedinng program
livestock farmers. It was
out that a successful
grazing prigram for livestock
winter grazing crops.
recommended by the ag¬
ronomist are small grain or
grain and legume mix¬
One of the best winter
mixtures is small
rye grass and crimson
clover. Permanent crops such
as fescue, orchard grass and
or white Dutch clover
also make excellent winter
The Agronomist point¬
ed out the fact that any graz¬
ing or small grain crops must
be planted on good soil and re¬
quires the addition of ample
Part of the meeting was de¬
voted to a discussion of alfalla
production. This is a crop that
is especially well adopted to
stump enables the owner and
the Forestry service to check
after cutting to check after
cutting to see that only marked
trees are cut. The landov/nei
puts up a deposit for this
marking service and it the
trees are cut as marked this is
-refunded so that the service is
and unloading of School buses,
directing of traffic and many
other safety features. The
abovementioned boys will be
supervised in every thing that
goes on at the camp. These
hoys will be away lor ofe week.
The Georgia Safety Patrol will
direct the transportation of the
the boys to and from camp.
to Dade County and it is a crop
that, if properly managed, will
produce three to five tons of
grade hay each year.
Land to be seeded to alfalfa
be prepared immediate¬
and kept fallow until plant¬
ing time aiiund the first of
Recommended varieties of
grains anci grazing crops
and more detailed fertilizer
can be had
from the County Agent’s Office.
Farmers who attended this
meeting were especially well
Dleascd with the program be¬
cause H was short and to the
point. Recommendations made
the Agronomist were listed
simple irder that is easy to
and remember.
The Dade County Boy Scout
Committee gave a farewell din¬
for Mr. J. C. Billue, Thurs¬
day night, July 19th. Mr. Billue,
has been on the Board of
and active in Boy
Scout work, is leaving in the
few weeks.
The dinner was held at
Lacy’s Cafe with Rev. R. L.
Hiilton, who is on the Board of
Directors annd assistant Scout
Master, making a very interest-
The tables in the restaurant
were pushed together forming
one long table and were decor¬
ated with flowers. A very fine
meal was served.
Tho'e attending were: J. C.
Billue, R. L. Hilton, Spencer
Jenkins, A. L. Dyer, J. S. Pace
Bill Brown, W. C. Durham,
Henry Barton, A. C. Durham, E.
S. Ferguson. Pat Wheeler, S. C.