The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 26, 1956, Image 3

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The Byrd’s Chapel W. S. C. S.
met at the home of Mrs. W. L.
Simpson on July 19th.
There were.9 members pres¬
In the absence of Mrs. Mark
Fischer, President; the vice-
president, Mrs. W. C. Payne,
The meetng was opened wltn
the Lord’s Prayer. Mrs. Ernest
Stewart was in charge of the
It is planned to have a Pro¬
gram Committee meeting on
Wednesday, July 25, 2 p. m. at
the church. We want all the
members to attend this impor¬
tant meeting to plan the pro¬
gram and budget for the com¬
ing year.
WHEREAS, by security deed
dated October 8, 1955, C. R.
Watkins and wife Lucille P.
Watkins, conveyed to M.J. Hale,
the property hereinafter des¬
cribed to secure an indebted¬
ness therein described, said se¬
curity deed being of record in
office of Clerk of Superior
Court, Dade County, Georgia, in
Deed Book 48, pages 55-56 to
which reference is made for
its terms and provisions. And
WHEREAS, default has been
made in the payment of a part
of said indebtedness according
to the terms thereof and said
default having continued for
more than thirty days, the
holder of said indebtedness has
exercised the option contained
in said notes and security deed
and has declared all of said
debt to be due and payable at
once and default has been
made in the payment thereof,
of said default, and pursuant
to the power of sale granted in
said security deed, the under¬
signed M. J. Hale will on Tues¬
day the 7th day of August, 19-
56, within the legal hours of
sale at the Court House in
Dade County, Georgia, expose
to sale and will sell to the best
and highest bidder for cash
the following described pro¬
perty, to-wit
Part of land Lot No. 50 in the
19th district and 4th section of
Dade County, Georgia, beginn¬
ing at the Southeast comer of
the 24 acre tract described in
deed from Mrs. Mae Davis et
al., to Ida Belle Davis David¬
son,, which deed is dated April
3, 1948, recorded in book 35
page 335 of Dade County Deed
Records, being the corner be¬
tween this tract and the pro¬
perty known as the Mack Crisp
(formerly Murphy) property,
1980 feet more or less south of
the Northeast corner of said
Lot No. 50; thence North along
the East lot line 140 yards more
or less to the south side of an
old tram road; thence South-
westwardly along the South¬
east side of said old tram road
a distance of 195 yards more or
less to the North line of the
property known as the Mack
Crisp property; thence East
along the North line of the
Crisp property, being the south
line of the 24 acre tract above
referred to, 133 yards more or
less to the beginning point.
Said tract contains 2% acres,
more or less an is the same
property conveyed by Robert
Dodson to C. R. Watkins and
tvife Lucille P. Watkins by deed
dated October 2, 1954. Mineral
rights and mining privileges
reserved by Wilson M. Hardy,
Reciver of the Newsom pro¬
perties are excepted.
Pursuant to the terms of
security deed, the
will execute and deliver to
purchaser a conveyance of
property in fee simple.
This 10th day of July, 1956.
M. J.
BY virtue of an order of the
Ordinary of said state and coun¬
ty, there will be sold at public
outcry, on the first Tuesday in
August, 1956, at the Courthouse
door in Trenton, Georgia, be¬
tween the legal hours of sale,
to the highest^ best bidder for
cash, the following described
land in Dade County and Walker
County, Georgia, to-wit:
ONE: All that tract and parcel
of land lying, situate and being
in Dade and Walker County,
Georgia, and being described
more particulary as follows:
1. AU of land Lots Numbers 41,
69, 68 and 67 in Dade Coun/ty,
Georgia and each land lot con-
taning 160 acres of land, more or
less, and being in the Twelfth
District and Fourth Section of
said county and state.
2. All of Land Lots Numbers 76
and 77 located in Dade and
Walker County, Georgia, in the
Twelth District and Fourth Sec¬
tion of each said counties, each
of said land lots containing 160
acres, more or less.
3. One hundred and ten (110)
acres of land, more or less, locat¬
ed in Dade and Walker County,
Georgia, in Land Lot No. 78 in the
Twelfth District & Fourth Sec¬
tion of Dade and Walker County,
as follows:
A11 of the west half of orginal,
Lot of Land No. 78 in the Twelfth
District and Fourth Section of
Walker County, Georgia, and a
fractional part of the northeast
forty of said lot of land, said fra-
citonal part of said forty being
bounded *as follows:
Beginning at a point where the
dividing line between the north¬
west forty and the northeast
forty of said lot of land crosses
what is known as the Ridge Road,
and thence foHowing the said
Ridge Road to its intersection
with the Yankee Road, hence
along the Yankee Road in a
southerly direction to a point
where said lot crosses the divid¬
ing line between the southeast
forty and the northeast forty
of said original lot of land des¬
cribed above, thence east along
said line to the original bounda¬
ry of said lot of Land, thence
north along said original line
to the original northeast corner
of said lot, thence west along
the original line to a point
midway on this line, thence
south to the original starting
point. Lots Numbers
4. All of Land
102, 103, 104, & 105 in the Twelf
th District and Fourth Section
of Walker County, Georgia,
each land lot containing 160
acres of land, more or less.
All of the lands above de¬
scribed in Tracts 1, 2, 3, and 4
is in one tract and contains
1710 acres of land, more or less.
TWO: All of the lands be¬
longing to the estate of Dr. J.
L. Gardner located, in Dade
County, Georgia, other than
that which is described h e £ e ~
In above, and consisting of ap¬
proximately four acres, more
less, at Sulphur Springs, Geor¬
gia, upon which there is sit¬
uated the home place
house formerly occupied
Dr. J. L. Gardner, and
frame house, said land
situate and being in the
Eighteenth District and
Section of Dade County,
gia. will continue
The sale
day to day between the
hours, until all of said
is' sold, and the terms of
sale shall be cash.
This 2 day of June, 1956.
bobby lee
Permanent Adminstrators
the estate of Dt. J. L.
deceased n •
Mrs. J. R. Carson
Hello Folks, here I am again
trying to write the news from
our community, so if any of you
have any company or go any¬
where, why not jot it down and
give it to me, or give me a ring.
Lots of our folks who are away
read our home paper and lets
keep them posted on what is
going on.
Rev. Ball filled his regular
appointment at the church
Sunday morning. We all enjoy¬
ed the message.
Charles Guinn had an emer¬
gency appendectomy last Tues¬
day night at Tri-County Hospi¬
tal. His mother underwent sur¬
gery Wednesday. Both are back
home and doing fine.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Maxwell
from Chattanooga spent Satur¬
day with Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Forester and Helen. Mr. Max¬
well has bought the Mike Hale
place and is planning to build
a home.
Mrs. Bill Street was called
from her home in Birmingham
The Wildwood Home Demon¬
stration Club met July 10th at
the home of Mrs. D. J. Hand-
Mrs. C. C. Neeley gave the
Devotional. We wish to thank
the two Mrs. Cases from the
Trenton Club who met with us
and gave us a very interesting
report on their experiences at
Rock Eagle.
Miss Hubble gave us a dem¬
onstration -of good grooming.
Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess.
I. 0. O. F.
Regular meeting each Tues¬
day night at 8:00 P. M.
J. B. Sullivan, N. G.
WHEREAS, on January 22,
1946, Mrs. Leona Brown execu¬
ted and delivered to L. C.
Sterne, a security deed convey¬
ing the property hereinafter
described, to secure an indebt¬
edness therein described, which
security deed is recorded in
Book 32, pages 211-212 of Dade
County Deed Records, to which
reference is made for its terms
and provisions. And
WHEREAS, by instrument re¬
corded in Book 46, page 131 of
Dade County Deed Records,
L. C. Sterne transferred and
conveyed to Floyd Stone, said
security deed, the property
•therein described, the debt
thereby secured and all rights
and powers therein conveyed,
and by instrument dated July
9, 1956, recorded in Book 49,
page 248 of Dade County Deed
Records, Floyd Stone trans¬
ferred and conveyed to the un¬
dersigned Dock Stephens, Jr.
said security deed, the property
therein described, the debt
thereby secured and all rights
and power! therein conveyed.
Reference to the record of said
two transfers is made for their
terms and provisions. And
WHEREAS, all of the debt se¬
cured by said security deed
is past due and unpaid.
of default in the payment of
said indebtedness and pursuant
to the power and authority
granted in said security deed,
the undersigned Dock Stephens,
Jr., will on Tuesday the 7th
day of August, 1956, within the
legal hours of sale, at the Court
House door In Dade County,
Georgia,, expose to sale and will
sell to the best and highest
bidder for cash, the property
described in said security deed,
as follows;—
TRACT NO. 1; Described, as
follows. (10) acres of Lot land
No. 104, in the 19th District and
(4th) Section of Dade County,
Georgia, as follows;
Being the East Half of the
Northwest Twenty acres, (20)
acres and being a tract of land
containing Ten acres, (10) in
the form of a square.
TRACT NO. (2) A tract of
Ten (10) acres, and being the
North half of a 20 acre tract
lying in lot of Land No. 104 in
the 19th District and Fourth
(4th) Section of Dade County,
Said (20) Twenty acre tract
lying and being in the North¬
west corner of said Lot No. 104
in the form ef a square.
Said property will be sold
subject to all unpaid taxes ow¬
ing thereon.
Pursuant to the piwer and
authority granted in said se¬
curity deed, the undersigned
Dock Stephens, Jr., will execute
and. deliver to the purchaser
a conveyance of said property
in fee simple.
This 10th day of July, 1956
Dock Stephens, Jr.
By; Maddox J. Hale
Labor .................................... * 5,750.05
Gas, Oil and Grease . ............................ 2,401.59
Truck Parts and repairs............... . ....... 858.33
Georgia Forestry Commission.................. 836.42
Tractor, Patrol Grader Parts...................
Director of Internal Revenue—1st qtr Payment
Withholding Tax.......................... 293.60
Audit for County Books year 1955 ............... 947.00
Court Cost ............................... 1,500.97
Traverse Jury Mar. Term Court 1956 618.00
Payment to Tri-County Hospital Authority....... 1 , 000.00
Office Supplies ........................... 313.30
Tax Equalization........................... 288.00
Sheriff Turnkey and Board Bill (2)mos.......... 753.50
Telephone Bill............................'* 234.85
Water Bill................................ 46.50
Light Bill................................. 189.27
Paupers . " 288.00
............................... 32.00
Revising Voter’s List........................
Payments on R-w condemnation 80.00
Proceedings on Piney Rural Road ..............
R-w Payments on Piney Rural Road 250.00
C. T. Quinton ......................... 300.00
Fred Mahan .......................... 200.00
Victor Quinton.......................... 150.00
Ray Blackstock.......................... 266.08
Tax Commissioner — Commission on yr. 1954-....
Janitor’s Salary............................. 300.00
Clerk’s Salary.............................. 392.40
County Agent's Salary...................... 441.75
Demonstration Agent’s Salary......... 318.15
Home 582.90
Tax Commissioner’s Salary .................. 168.60
Solicitor General's Salary ................... 99.39
Teacher’s Retirement Board ................. 72.00
Dental Clinic Work for Schools ............ 860.64
County Nurse Salary and Expenses........... 1,613.58
Dade County Dept. Public Welfare ............. 430.20
Office Furniture for Welfare Office ........... 150.00
Attorney Legal Services................ ‘ • • 75.00
Cherokee Regional Library................... 365.41
Bridge Timber............................. ;
Pipe 431.00
Culvert ...... A ........................ 475.35
cvvn'tvtor c** and Jail Supplies............... • 181.65
Crushed 6tor *> .. ................. 25.00
Shovel Moving........ ................. 50.00
Courthouse Coal — ....................... 27.50
Typewriter Repairs ................ ......... 23.25
Vital Statistics............................. 124.85
Road Employee’s Insurance................... 478.10
Tires........ ............................ 136.66
Dynamite and Road Supplies ..................
Balance Commission due Treasurer for 2,177.10
year 1955 ...............................
Total Disbursements, 2nd Quarter...... $ 29,214.86
Balance on Hand Mar. 31, 1956 ..................* 8 56
State Gas Tax............. 4 672
State of Georgia, Road Grant in Aid ............ 3,659.02
Rent Coop. Building 100.00
on. ........................ 672.75
Board of Health .............................. 10.80
Personal Paid Culvert Pipe ...... ................ 714.08
Miami Land Company.......................... 4,996.35
Tax Commissioner.............................. 530.44
Clerk of Court............................ .... 776.50
Ordinary Fines and Forfeitures (Traffic Cases
Total Receipts 2nd Quarter...................... $103,701.75
Less Disbursements .......................... 29,314.66
Balance on Hand June 30,1956 .................. $ 74,487.09
to be with her mother and bro¬
ther who were in the hospital
last week.
Quite a few if our folks have
been on vacations. The Lester
Foresters and Paul Forester
and wife have been to Florida.
They report a good time.
Mr. Willie Craze who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Reeve returned to his home in
Birmingham last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holder
came by after Sunday School
and we had a nice little chat.
Congressman Henderson Lan-
ham sent us the following tele¬
gram this week.
“Glad to report that Chicka-
mauga and Chattanooga Mili¬
tary Park is scheduled for im¬
provements to cost approxi¬
mately $207,500. $45,000 of to¬
tal will be for road and trail
improvement and 8162,500 for
buildings and utilities.”
Henderson Lanham
7th District, Georgia