Newspaper Page Text
Locals and Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Keeton,
Vickie and Davy, have return¬
ed home after a week vacation¬
ing in various points of inter¬
est in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nethery
and family and Mrs. Nethery’s
sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Wierth and family of Mil¬
waukee, Wisconsin, spent two
days camping in the Smokey
Mrs. Ina Banksdale, Mrs. Ora
Pahmeryer, Mra. H. F. Allison
and Mrs. Grace Nethery visited
the Luther Allisons in Rising
Fawn, Sunday.
Sgt. and Mrs. Norman Zellar
and 3 sons have gone to Leith,
North Dakota ti live. Mrs. Zel¬
lar is the former Fiances Bar¬
ton of Dade County.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Smith and
Mrs. Jack Smith and daughter
are vacationing in Florida this
Vacationing in Panama City,
Florida this week are the Claude
Harrisons, Hubert Lacys, Paul
Lacys and Ed Carters.
Dennis Brandon is in Camp¬
bells Clinic.
Miss Louise Bates is visiting
her sisters in Chattanooga this
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reed
and Martha are vacationing in
Floridia and Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Stew¬
art have moved to their new
home in Murphys Hollow.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gross
and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wright
entertained the J. C. Billues at
dinner Sunday night at the
Wright home.
Dan Carroll has returned
home after 2 weeks iin a Chat¬
tanooga hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Brad¬
ford have named their new son,
Danny Joe. Mother and baby
doing fine.
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Chumley
are announcing the birth of a
son born July 21 at the Tri-
County Hospital. He has been
named David Allen and is their
fifth son.
Mrs. W. G. Morrison, Jr. and
daughter, Susan, are in Detroit,
visiting her brother and family.
Judy Presley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Presley, is spend¬
ing the week with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Carlas Dix¬
on in Springville, Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob White and
children and Mrs. Mae Haswell
are vacationing in South Caro¬
lina this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ballard and
children spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. George Bal¬
lard at Trion, Ga.
Cecil Ballard of Sand Moun¬
tain spent last week with his
grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,
Grover Ballard.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and
family spent the week end in
Nasheville, Tennessee.
J. R. and Martha Bible and
children spent the weekend
with Ed and Willie Grace. Vir¬
ginia is staying with Grandma.
The Jack Crisps, E. E. Fergu¬
sons and Mrs. Stallings were i
the evening gusts of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Goff , Tuesday. Mr.
and Mrs. Devral Nixon visited
the Charlie Ballards Tuesday.;
Mr. and Mrs Floyd Patton
visited her mother, Mrs. Gar-
nell, in Dallas, Georgia, over
the w r eek end.
American”legion post r M
Second and fourth Thursday
night 7:30 P. M. every month.
Legion Hall.
Jake Smith, Commander
Don Gross Adjutant.
Farm Safety Week begins July 22, and Gov Marvin Griffin has
signed a proclamation calling attention to the observance of the
occasion here in Georgia. Talking safety with the Governor are
G I. Johnson, agricultural engineer for the Agricultural Extension
Service, University of Georgia College of Agriculture, and Elaine
Emberson, Catoosa county, secretary of the State 4-H Club Coun¬
cil. The Extension Service—through 4-H Clubs, Home Demonstra¬
tion organizations, and farm groups—is distributing information
and other material designed to make rural Georgians safety cons¬
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