The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 02, 1956, Page 4, Image 4
4 SHIRLEY-McMahan Wedding . Miss Arlene Shirey and Mr. Jack McMahan were married Wednesday night, July 25, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Shirey in Fort Payne. The ceremony was per¬ formed by the bride’s grand¬ father in front of an altar of baskets of white glads and fern. The bride was a teacher in the Rising Fawn School last year and Mr. McMahan Ls the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc¬ Mahan of Rising Fawn. The bride wore a street length dress of white linen with white accessiries and carried a Bible centered with a lavender orchid. Her only attendant was her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ronald Shir¬ ey. Mr. Jack Smith of Chatta¬ nooga served as best man. A reception followed the cere¬ mony with only relatives of the couple and a few close friends attending. White glads were used in decorating the home and the same color scheme was carried out in table dcoraations. Miss Linda Woodbrlght, cousin of the groom and Miss Sue Jones, cousin of the bride served. The young couple have an apartment on Bailey Avenue in Chattanooga where he is em¬ ployed. RISING FAWN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little, Chasworth, are the guests of the Gus McKaigs and the Wiley Deans. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison and daughters, Patsy and Becky spent last Thursday and Friday in Nashville, Tennessee. Mrs. and Mrs. Owen Wood- yard, Jr., and son Roger, visited the senior Owen Woodyards at Raleigh, North Carolina last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lowery and son, California, were re¬ cent visitirs of the W. L. Fan¬ nins. Mr. Lowery is Mrs. Fan¬ nin’s cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Butler an¬ nounce the birth of a son, July 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Roach and children and Mrs. Albert John¬ ston of Rome, Georgia were Sunday guests of the Slaughter and Konrad familys. • When you need •nythm% in drugs or sundries turn your thoughts—and your footsteps—toward this dependable pharmacy. Count on us for courteous service and fair prices. And, remember, the prompt, careful compounding of prescriptions is our specialty! Hadden's Pharmacy TRENTON. GEORGIA THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY August 2, 1956 OBITUARY Carl O. Collms Sr., 53, life long resident of Lookout Moun¬ tain, died July 27 at his home. He was a member of Lookout Mountain Methodist Church and a member of the Beacon class of his church, Survivors are his wife, Mrs. lone Balcomb Collins, a so a, Carl G., Collins, Jr., of Cincin nati; three sisters, Mr*. Her¬ man Fulghum, Tampa, Florida; Mrs. Buff Bradford, Lookout Mountain, and Mrs. J. R. Whit¬ aker of Chattanooga. The funeral was held at the National Funeral Home, with the Revs. Amos L. Rogers and Brunson Orgain officiating. GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Smith ol Rising Fawn clebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Sunday. Their children honored them by Inviting relatives for a spend- the-day party and their many friends were invited to call in the afternoon. During the morning the many lovely gifts were received and opened. In keeping with the family’s tradition of enjoying basket dinners, a sumptions meai was served at noon. A three tiered cake, showing "50-Golden Wedding Anniver¬ sary”, was displayed in the din¬ ing room on a table covered with a lace cloth. Yellow mari¬ golds and mums were used to decorate throughout the house. In the afternoon, as friends offered their congratulations and best wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Smith happily cut the cake and served it with iced drinks to about ninety friends and rela¬ tives who called during the day. Among those from out of town who called were; Mr. and Mrs. Will O’Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Blevins, Mrs. Johnny Tallent, Mr. and Mrs. George Ketner, Mrs. Lula Cassidey, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Jacoway, all of Chatta¬ nooga: Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Al¬ lison and children of Valley Head: Mrs. S. J. Hale, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Hardee Price, Mrs. Ersaline Carroll, Mrs. Jane Blev¬ ins, and Joe Blevins, all of New England. Relatives from Ider, Trenton and Chattanooga also attended. GOSPEL CONCERT There will be a Gospel Con¬ at the New Salem Method¬ Church Saturday, August 4th 8 p. m. The concert will fea¬ ture the Scenicland Trio, the Dickerson family, the Dade four, the Happy Travel¬ the Happy Harmony Boys Marion County and Buddy and Lila Adkins. Admission is cents and 1.00 with the pro¬ going for building a Com¬ munity center at New Salem. please come, you will more than get your money’s worth. HOOKER DEATH Mrs. Eliza Martin died July 24 brief illness. Mrs. Martin Is survived by Husband, Joseph eight children. Leonard, Elmer Lee, Mary Ann, Bobby, Lydia, John Davis and Patricia Joyce Martin; three four sisters, Mes- Annie Green, Ollie Mae Glarys Ward, and Viola four brothers, Bruck, Charles Paris of Chat¬ and Murphy Paris of and other relatives. services were held from h e Mount Calvary Baptist Hooker, with the Rev. C. Proctor officiating. Inter¬ was in Stevenson, Alaba¬ DONKEY BALL GAME A Donkey Ball game was play- at Dave L. Brown Field, Friday night July 27th. It was spon¬ sored by the Dade County Lions Club and the Dade County High Take Home JI ^ LAND SALE WHEREAS, on January 22, 1946, Mrs. Leona Brown execu¬ ted and d e li v e r e d to L. C. Sterne, a security deed convey¬ ing the property hereinafter described, to secure an indebt¬ edness therein described, which security deed is recorded in Book 32, pages 211-212 of Dade County Deed Records, to which reference is made for its terms and provisions. And WHEREAS, by instrument re¬ corded in Book 46, page 131 of Dade County Deed Records, C. Sterne transferred and conveyed to Floyd' Stone, said security deed, the property therein described, the debt thereby secured and all rights and powers therein conveyed, by instrument dated July 1956, recorded in Book 49, 248 of Dade County Deed Floyd Stone trans¬ and conveyed to the un¬ Dock Stephens, Jr. security deed, the property described, the debt secured and all rights and power! therein conveyed. to the record of said transfers is made for their and provisions. And WHEREAS, all of the debt se¬ by said security deed past due and unpaid. NOW, THEREFORE, because default in the payment of indebtedness and pursuant the power and authority in said security deed, undersigned Dock Stephens, will on Tuesday the 7th of August, 1956, within the hours of sale, at the Court door in Dade County, expose to sale and will to the best and highest for cash, the property in said security deed, follows;— TRACT NO. 1; Described, as (10) acres of Lot land 104, in the 19th District and Section of Dade County, as follows; Being the East Half of the Twenty acres, (20) and being a tract of land Ten acres, (10) in form of a square. TRACT NO. (2) A tract of (10) acres, and being the half of a 20 acre tract in lot of Land No. 104 in 19th District and Fourth Section of Dade County, Said (20) Twenty acre tract and being in the North¬ corner of said Lot No. 104 the form of a square. Said property will be sold to all unpaid taxes ow¬ thereon. Pursuant to the piwer and granted in said se¬ deed, the undersigned Stephens, Jr., will execute deliver to the purchaser conveyance of said property fee simple. This 10th day of July, 1956 Dock Stephens, Jr. By; Maddox J. Hale Attorney School Athletic Association. The following merchants and businessmen played a big hand in making it a success finan¬ cially through cooperation in ticket sales and donations. Avakians Drugs. Bank of Dade John L. Case Grocery John L. Case Hardware Dade County Times Dyer Lumber Company Dyer Motor Company Fricks Grocery Gannaway Riley , Co. Griffith Chevrolet Harold Gross M. J. Hale, Attorney Hadden’s Pharmacy Haygood’s Grocery Kenntmers Grocery Kyzcr Automotive Parts Lynn’s Material Shop Red’s Cleaners LAND SALE WHEREAS, by' security deed dated October 8, 1955, C. R. Watkins and wife Lucille P. Watkins, conveyed to M.J. Hale, the property hereinafter des¬ cribed to secure an indebted¬ ness therein described, said se¬ curity deed being of record in office of Clerk of Superior Court, Dade County, Georgia, in Deed Book 48, pages 55-56 to which reference is made for its terms and provisions. And WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of a part of said indebtedness according to the terms thereof and said default having continued for more than thirty days, the holder of said indebtedness has exercised the option contained in said notes and security deed and has declared all of said debt to be due and payable at once and default has been made in the payment thereof, of said default, and pursuant to the power of sale granted in said security deed, the under¬ signed M. J. Hale will on Tues¬ day the 7th day of August, 19- 56, within the legal hours of sale at the Court House in Dade County, Georgia, expose to sale and will sell to the best and highest bidder for cash the following described pro¬ perty, to-wit:- NOW, THEREFORE, because Part of land Lot No. 50 in the 19th district and 4th section of Dade County, Georgia, beginn¬ ing at the Southeast comer of the 24 acre tract described in deed from Mrs. Mae Davis et al., to Ida Belle Davis David¬ son,, which deed is dated April 3, 1948, recorded in book 35 page 335 of Dade County Deed Records, being the corner be¬ tween this tract and the pro¬ perty known as the Mack Crisp (formerly Murphy) property, 198P feet more or less south of the Northeast corner of said Lot No. 50; thence North along the East lot line 140 yards more or less to the south side of an old tram road; thence South- westwardly along the South¬ east side of said old tram road a distance of 195 yards more or less to the North line of the property known as the Mack Crisp property; thence East along the North ine of the Crisp property, being the south line of the 24 acre tract above referred to, 133 yards more or less to the beginning point. Said tract contains 2% acres, more or less an is the same property conveyed by Robert Dodson to c. R. Watkins and Adfe Lucille P. Watkins by deed dated October 2, 1954. Mineral rights and mining privileges reserved by Wilson M. Hardy, Reciver of the Newsom pro¬ perties are excepted. Pursuant to the terms of said security deed, the undersigned will execute and deliver to the purchaser a conveyance of said property in fee simple. This 10th day of July, 1956. M. J. Hale Trenton Barber Shop Trenton Furniture Store Townsends Store GEORGIA. DADE COUNTY: BY virtue of an order of the Ordinary of said state and coun¬ ty, there will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in August, 1956, at the Courthouse door in Trenton, Georgia, be¬ tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest& best bidder for cash, the following described land in Dade County and Walker County, Georgia, to-wit: ONE: All that tract and parcel of land lying, situate and being in Dade and Walker County, Georgia, and being described more particulary as follows: 1. All of land Lots Numbers 41, 69, 68 and 67 in Dade County, Georgia and each land lot con- taning 160 acres of land, more or less, and being in the Twelfth District and Fourth Section of said county and state. 2. All of Land Lots Numbers 76 and 77 located in Dade and Walker County, Georgia, in the Twelth District and Fourth Sec¬ tion of each said counties, each of said land lots containing 160 acres, more or less. 3. One hundred and ten (110) acres of land, more or less, locat¬ ed in Dade and Walker County, Georgia, in Land Lot No. 78 in the Twelfth District & Fourth Sec¬ tion of Dade and Walker County, as follows: All of the west half of orginal, of Land No. 78 in the Twelfth District and Fourth Section of Walker County, Georgia, and a fractional part of the northeast forty of said lot of land, said fra- citonal part of said forty being bounded as follows: Beginning at a point where the dividing line between the north¬ forty and the northeast forty of said lot of land crosses is known as the Ridge Road, and thence following the said Ridge Road to its intersection with the Yankee Road, hence the Yankee Road in a direction to a point where said lot crosses the divid¬ line between the southeast and the northeast forty said original lot of land des¬ above, thence east along line to the original bounda¬ of said lot of Land, thence along said original line the original northeast corner said lot, thence west along original line to a point on this line, thence to the original starting 4. All of Land Lots Numbers 103, 104, & 105 in the Twelf District and Fourth Section of Walker County, Georgia, land lot containing 160 of land, more or less.- All of the lands above de¬ in Tracts 1, 2, 3, and 4 in one tract and contains acres of land, more or less. TWO: All of the lands be¬ to the estate of Dr. J. 'Gardner located in Dade Georgia, other than which is described here¬ above, and consisting of ap¬ four acres, more or at Sulphur Springs, Geor¬ upon which there is sit¬ the home place and formerly occupied by J. L. Gardner, and another house, said land lying, and being in the District and Fourth of Dade County, Geor¬ The sale will continue from to day between the same until all of said property sold, and the terms of said shall be cash. This 2 day of June, 1956. BOBBY LEE COOK IRBY GARDNER, Permanent Adminstrators of estate of Dr. J. L. Gardner,