Newspaper Page Text
Georgia's Rural Roads Program Is Off To A Good Start
~ *
Heavy shaded lines on map above show
location of projects on Gov. Marvin Griffin’s
statewide $100-miHion-dollar rural road con¬
struction program. These represent only 30
percent, or $30,000,000, out of the total pro¬
Action continued last week in
the Georgia Volunteer league
as Wildwood, Cove and Durham
were victorious. League leading
Davis was idle.
Lafayette - Durham
Durham continued in hot pur¬
suit of Davis, one game behind,
by trouncing Lafayette 9 to 6.
Charlie Massey, George
and Morris McGuffey with two
hits each led the bat attack.
James Huff starred in relief
after coming on in the fourth
New Salem - Wildwood
Wildwood easily defeated New
Salem 11 to 5. Junior Williams,
Winston Whittle and
Sims were the bat leaders
hapless New Salem lost for the
third time in the secind half.
Cove - Dade County
An improved Cove team won
their second straight game by
walloping Dade County 18 to 12.
Mark Christian and
Brock stood out for Cove.
gram which is scheduled for completion over
the next 2 /i years. Georgia’s highway
building schedule this year, including State
funds and increased federal aid, will total
$1 55 million.
J. B. Geddie
♦★★★★*★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ k ★★
In the Sand Mountain league
Rising Fa.\tn edged Pisgah 8 to
7 to continue as loop leaders.
Pinckney Williams garnered two
safeties in addition to hurling
fine ball for six innings. Tom¬
my Blevins played out-standing
ball for Rising Fawn defen¬
This Week's Schedule:
Davis at Lafayette
Wildwood at Dade County
New Salem at Cove
Play in the softball program
will continue until August 18 on
1 Monday and Friday nights at
the Dave L. Brown field. This
program, sponsored by the Lion’s
Club has been very successful
this season and Coach Delmas
Freeman, W. G. Morrison, Jr.,
and Aubrey Dyer are to be com¬
mended for their efforts in
making this fine recreation
sible for the young peop’e
the county.
Highway Accident
A car making a left turn was
hit and turned over Sunday
:night on State Highway 157 on
Lookout Mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Craig
were making a left turn into
the Mt. Olive road, on which
they live, when they were hit
from the rear by a car driven
by Williams, also from the West
Brow Community.
Mrs. Craig, who was driving,
suffered injuries and was taken
to a Chattanooga hospital.
Results of
Land Auction
The auctioning of the land
which has been advertised in
the past month was held Tues-
d a y morning of this v/eek
Quite a crowd gathered at the
east door of the Court House
during the sale.
All of Dr. J. L. Gardner’s prop¬
erty was sold and went for about
$23,000 to L. W. Dulman from
Chattooga County. This proper¬
ty included the rock house, three
•ether small houses and about
2300 acres of land. His property
in Sulphur Springs, which in¬
cluded his home brought about
Injured in Highway Accident
Mrs. J. A. Jenkins, Mrs. Austin.
Mullins and four children were
injured in an auto accident
Sunday afternoon at the inter¬
section of Highway 11 and the
Slygo road in New England.
Mrs. Mullins was driving north
and signaled for a left turn into
the (Slygo road. According to re¬
ports the three cars behind her
slowed and put out their arms
for a slow or stop signal. The
fourth car, carrying New York
license plates, apparently see¬
ing a straight stretch of road
and not noticing the signals,
started on by all the cars. In
attempting to try to avoid hit¬
ting the Mullins car, which by
this was well into the turn, he
turned left with it The impact of
the meeting of the two cars
threw the Mullins car into a
All occupants of the Mullins
car were taken to the Trenton
Phones Installed at Hooker
About 15 to 20 telephones have
been installed along the Hooker
Road between Highway 11 and
Whiteside, Tenn. These lines are
being put up by the Southern
Bell Telephone Co. which has
the franchise in this area.
For about a month now, one or
two phones have been installed
every few days down through
the Hooker Cmmunity and an¬
other new line is going up this
week which will mean even more I ,
telephone subscribers. Most of
The Trenton City Council held
ts regular monthly meeting last
Jonday night. The business
neeting was curtailed as so
nuch time was taken up with
iscussion by certain citizens
tnd the Board as to whether
ir not the Board should contin-
ie to enforce the Curfew and
Loitering City Ordinance. This
s an Ordinance that there shall
je no loitering on or around the
jublic square after midnight.
One business item was discus¬
Additional Telephones Installed
New telephones are still going in. Below are the numbers
which have been added in the last few weeks. Cut them out
and paste them, in your book on page 17.
Barton, Mrs. Catherine, Trenton---- 7-4631
Crane, Mrs. W. G., Trenton, Rt. 1 7-4350
Daniel, Billy, Trenton ............... 7-4815
Dyer, Aubrey L„ Trenton ........... 7-3701
Forester, James H., Rising Fawn 2-3231
Gold, Charlie, Trenton ............. 7-4547
Hardeman, G. C., Trenton, Rt. 2 7-3143
Holmes, Charles, Jr., Wildwoid 7-4140
Holmes, Edward L., Wildwood, Route 1 7-4233
McBryar, Jewel, Trenton, Rt. 1 7-3482
New England Cafe, Trenton, Rt. 1 7-3180
Ott, Ernest, Avans 7-4827
................ w -
Ott, Nette, Avans 7-4821
Patterson, W. H., Wildwood 7-4236
Payne, W. C., Rising Fawn, Rt. 1 7-4740
Parsons, J. S, Wildwood, Rt. 1 7-4311
Pryor, Jack, Wildwood 7-4843
Self, J. C., Avans 7-4823
Simmons, Ralph, Trenton, Rt. 2 7-4932
Stewart, Ellen, Rising Fawn, Rt. 1 7-4833
The two numbers below have been changed; Please find them
In your book and change them.
Hutchison, Dr. N. H., Trenton 7-3163
Btewart, Ernest, Rising Fawn, Rt. 1 7-4745
Clinic where Mrs. Mullins was
treated for shock and bruises.
Her mother, Mrs. Jenkins, who
was riding in the front seat with
her, was e v i de n tl y thrown
against the windshield. She re¬
ceived many face cuts and a
broken nose and remained at
the Trenton Clinic for further
treatment. All four children were
in the back and were tossed a-
round but s e e m i n 1 y emerged
with only bruises as they were
still filled with youthful exu¬
berance as they hopped out of
the ambulance which had
brought them with their mother
and grandmother to the Clinic.
The Mullins car was damaged
on the left side and the impact
was so great it jarred the seat
Charles Johnson, driver of the
other car, was taken to a Chat¬
tanooga hospital. The right
of his car was damaged.
the phones are going into the
homes along the highway with
ony a few branching off north
down to the railroad tracks.
Wildwood has been on the
Chattanooga exchange for some
years and these lines are a con¬
tinuation of this exchange. It is
understood the Southern Bell
franchise and the Trenton Tel¬
ephone Co. franchise meet some-
in the field north of Mr. Dave
L. Brown’s home in Wildwood.
sed and approved, in order to
grade and gravel, in preparation
for paving, the rest of Church
a surveyir will be hir¬
to run the street lines. It is
that some of the fences
been set out into the street
of way and may have to
set back.
The Wildwood Civic Club will
a cold plate dinner in the
basement, Saturday
August 11, at 7 p. m.