The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 16, 1956, Image 1
Dade County's Only Newspaper. VOLUME LVI Annual Forester Reunion Aug. 26 mam Fred Forester Mr. Forester was born at Head 1 River M and the Mary fifth Bible child of James j 1 Forester. He attended the school at Head River and Piedmont and Mer- cer. He married Ellen Nabers of S. C. and they have five sons. He is now Baptist Brotherhood Secretary for 1167 Baptist Churches of the Baptist Con¬ vention of Louisiana. BASEBALL J. B. Geddie League leading Davis, Dade County and Cove were victori- ious last week in the Georgia Volunteer League as action con¬ tinued. Davis - Lafayette Ralph Simmons, Sonny Elli¬ son and Roy McMahan each had two hits and Aubrey Dyer wal¬ loped a long, tie breaking home run, in the eighth inning as Davis edged Lafayette 6 to 4 to hold top spot in the league with 4 wins and no losses. Davis will play the strong Lafayette Bi-State league team in an exhibition game Friday night at the Lafayette field. Dade County - Wildwood Dade County entered the vic¬ tory column for the first time by trouncing Wildwood 10 to 4 Lonnie Green, Herb Oliver and Don Lunce led the 12 hit bat at¬ tack on two Wildwood hurlers New Salem - Cove Cove scored two runs in the last of the 11th inning to defeat New Salem 12 to 11 after New Salem had taken a brief lead in the tenth on Franklin Baker's triple. The clutch relief pitching of Cove’s Newt Hide was the standout of the game. Rising Fawn - Bryant Rising Fawn continued their mastery of the Sand Mountain league by taming Bryant 6 to 4 Sam Kennirner, Smokey McMa¬ han and Pinkney Williams led the victors bat attack with two safeties each. A free-for-all be¬ tween fans and players of both clubs was narrowly averted in the seventh inning caused by a hotly disputed foul or fair pop fly- This Week’s Schedule Cove at Davis Dade County at New Salem Durham at Wildwood BOY SCOUT NEWS Boy Scouts of Troop 143 are spending this week on Lake Chickamauga for their annual week’s camp. They are accom¬ panied by Dale Sims, Spencer Jenkins and Rev. R. L. Hilton. Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY AUGUST 16, 1956 The 28th annual Forester union will be held at Baptist Church, August 26, ginning at 10:00 a. m. one is cordially invited. Rev. Fred Forester of Alexandria, will be guest speaker. Others will be: Frank Forester Gus Forester Charlie Bible Howard Lewis Rev. Webb and others. Also several good quartets will be with us. Come out and en¬ joy the day with all of us. Lashed Wind-Rain The wind and rain storm which hit in several places throughout the area Monday n ight, dipped down and lashed a t, Morganville. Sweaping winds coming out of the east started in the evening about six and lasted close to an hour. They blew one large oak tree across the railroad tracks Two Scouts Leave for New Mexico y ' .vXvXv.yA-XvrvX'X-..-:-.-: JX~ ,_njT_ j^ , , M , ■ _ . ~ . . . - flilten Picture courtesy Chattanooga Free Press, photo by R. L. Pictured above are Sherman Moore and Tommy Wheeler, who left Saturday for a three-week trip to Philmont Ranch in New Mexico. Sherman is the son of Mr and Mrs. Sherman Moore, Sr., and Tommy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wheeler. The boys are to take a week for the trip each way stopping off to see all the interesting sights. This will leave them a week at the Camp. This camp is for Boy Scouts over 14 years of age. Sherman and Tommy are from Trenton Scout Troop No. 143. Spencer Jenkins is the troop’s scout master. Persons and firms who made is possible for these boys to at¬ tend the camp are: H. F. Allison, S. C. Moore, Griffeth Chevrolet,. Hadden’s Pharmacy, M. J. Hale, Bud Tatum, James Case, James Goodwin, Avakians, Jim Geddie, Georgia Power Company, R. M. Morrison, Calvary Baptist Church, John Murphy, J. M. Case, A. W. Peck, Virgil Jenkins, F. B. Baker, H. E. Gross, George H. Harris, Roy Moore, Haygood’s Grocery, Buck Gifford, J. M. Carroll, Mrs. D. E. Morrison, J. C. Herman, Sally Mae Page, Dade County Co-op, Kyzer Auto Parts, Shell Service Station, Wall’s Gulf Service, Roy McBryar, I. H. Wheeler, Jr., and A. L. Dyer. Dr. N. H. Hutchinson donated the physical examination. BREAK-IN ON MOUNTAIN The Buff Bradford Service 1 Station was broken into last j Friday night. There is no way j to tell what is missing because; The Soil Conservation Service officials from Georgia, Tennes¬ see and Alabama were in Dade County Wednesday to inspect Dade’s watershed area. About 20 met residents from Dade County at the Court House for a short meeting before taking a tour of the County’s watershed area. Colonel D. E. Morrison, Dis¬ trict Supervisor opened the meeting and explained its pur¬ pose. During certain seasons the streams and creeks emptying in¬ to Lookout Creek which empties into the Tennessee River be- as well as taking limbs off many of the trees. The heavy rain, which accom¬ panied the wind, thunder and lightning, at one time turned to hail and so much fell that the ground was pretty well cov¬ ered. No extensive damage has been reported. the owner is vacationing in Florida. Roy Moore reported seeing the lock torn off and the cabinet inside broken into. No one has been arrested as of yet. Published Weekly—Since 1901 Officials Visit Dade come so swollen they overflow their banks and cause floods over fields and roads. He show¬ ed a topographical map of the watershed area involved on which the streams had been outlined to give a visual picture of the problem. He introduced Mr. A. D. Sear¬ cy, assistant Soil Conservation¬ ist from the state office in Ath¬ ens, who explained the law on the Watershed Project. This area’s (problem is made more difficult in that three states are involved and under the law each state has control of its own pro¬ ject. The purpose of these offi¬ cial’s visit is to gather informa¬ tion. They will see the actual streams and land involved and they will get information from the landowners as to damage from floods. They will look for feasible dam sites. When as much information as possible has been gathered, a report will be made and submitted to the three states. Officials of the team from GeaiJjia were: from the state office in Athens, A. D. Searcy; Farm Bureau Queen Contest in October Queen and Talent Show will be held in October this year. The exact date will be set at the next meeting of the committee. This popular event was first held at a Farm Bureau meeting at the Rising Fawn Community Park in 1951. Miss Kathryn Fricks (now Mrs. Gene Davis) was chosen Miss Farm Bureau and Mrs. Geneva Allison, Mrs. Farm Bureau. In 1952 the event was a spec¬ ial event and was held at the Dade County* High School with judges to interview the contest¬ ants on their accomplishments. Miss Cynthia Moore (now Mrs. Jimmy Tatum) was chosen that year. In 1953, the judges chose Kathryn Fricks to be the Dade County Farm BBureau Queen and she went on to win the Dis¬ trict Queen and the State of Georgia title. Additional Telephones Installed Below are the new numbers which have been added in the last week. Add them to the list on page 17 in your directory. Chaffin, H. S., Trenton, Ga........................... 7-3381 Dean, Clara, Wildwood, Rt. 1 ........................... 7-43JO Forester, H. C., Rising Fawn .......................... 2-3237 Friedman, Irving, Rising Fawn ......................... 2-3347 Hixon, Charles S., Wildwood .......................... 7-4315 Johnson, Russell, Trenton, Rt. 2 ....................... 7-4812 Parker, Charles F., Wildwood ............ i ............ 7-4832 Reeves, James A., Wildwood ........................... 7-3846 Thompson, Rudolph, Trenton .......................... 7-4081 Woodald, J. C., Trenton, Rt. 2 ......................... 74222 York, Amon, Avans ..................................... 7-4178 The numbers below have been changed. Please change them in your directory. Cloud, D. E., Avans ................................... 7-3645 Cochran, Sarah Ellen, Trenton .....................*.. 7-3473 Crawford, Gordan C., Jr., Trenton ..................... 7-463^ Fischer, Neal, Rising Fawn ............................. 2-3281 Gilbreath, Orville, Trenton, Rt. 2 ...................... 7-3803 Graham, Mrs. F. C., Rising Fawn ..r.................... 2-3320 Reconnected: Gass, Buck, Higdon, Alabama ........................... 7-4917 Corrections Dyer, Aubrey L., Trenton ................................ 7-3703 Change James H. Forester to James Harold Forester, Rising Fawn .. 2-3231 NUMBER 30 Julian D. Clement, S. C. S. Work Plans; Hubert C. Miles, S. C. S Agricultural Economist; Hugh Clark, S. C. S. Hydrlogist; from Eatonton, Frank T. Denham state Soil Conservation Commit¬ tee; from Rome, E. L. England C. S. Work Unit; from Atlanta Area Conservationist; from Walker County, John Brown, S. Service and from Dade County, \. H. Spector, U. S. Forestry Col. Morrison, W. H. Pullen Vice-Chairman Watershed Area Mrs. Louise Wright, ASCl Di¬ rector, L. C. Adams, County Agent, R. M. Morrison, Ordina¬ ry, A1 Webb, Soil Technician, W L Fannin, J. P. Lambert, Gus Forester, Charlton Holmes, Joe Blevins, Virgil Jenkins, J. A. Case, Allison Blevins, J. C. Pace. From Tennessee: in Memphis H. N. Estes, s. C. S. Work Plans; from Nashville, John M. Safley U. S. Corps of Engineers and from Cleveland, C. M. Hennin- ger, Area Conservationalist. From Alabama: L. L. Brown¬ field S. C. S. Conservation Aid and Bill Austin, President De- Kalb County Watershed Pro¬ ject. queen and Jackie Wilson is the 1955 and present queen. Talent Show The nWm Bureau Talent Show is held at the same time as the Queen Contest and has been while the judges are interview¬ ing the Queen contestants. The Talent Show is open to all Farm Bureau members and their fam¬ ilies. Those who want to enter eith¬ er of these contests should sub¬ mit their names to Mr. Walter Simpson, president of the Farm Bureau, Mrs. Raymond Town¬ send, Queen Contest Committee Chairman or County Agent L. C. Adams. Girls entering the Queen contest must be between 15 and 21 years of age, have some special talent and be pre¬ pared to present their accom¬ plishments in school life and in their community.