Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the Post Office at
Trenton, Ga., as 2nd class mail.
Mrs. C. C. Morrison, Publisher
Locals and Personals
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Keller
Marietta, spent the week end
with W. T. Davis and family in
Mrs. Bonnie Lacy visited
friends in Huntsville. Ala., last
week end
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradford
and Mrs. Oscar Graham, of
Bessemer spent the week end
with the H. L. Bradfords.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 3. Renfroe and
son, Kelly, have returned home
after a weeks vacation in Miami
Their niece, Miss Mona Ren¬
froe, of Miami, returned with
them for a weeks stay here.
Mr. and Mrs. Mont Page vis¬
ited relatives and friends in
Dade County last Week.
The Phil Keith's Sunday vis¬
itors were Mr. and Mrs. D. M
Humble of Tiftonia, Tennessee
and Mrs. Billie Young and two
daughters, of Branard, Tennes¬
see. f
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Bradford
and girls have moved back tc
Dade County after living in
Texas, where Mr. Bradford was
stationed with the army.
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Pringle
and children from Everett
Washington, who are visiting
her parents the Art E. Moores of
New Salem, were recent guests
of Mrs. Pringle's cousin, Mr. M.
J. Hale and Mrs. Hale.
Mrs. Myrtle Pace was found
unconscious in her home Tues¬
day. She was taken to a Chat¬
tanooga hospital. She is better
and is expected to return home
the end of the week.
Sammy Rogers, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Rogers, celebrated
his third birthday Saturday
aiternoon. There were 46 peo¬
ple at his party and all had a
lovely time.
Hugh Clark, former Soil Tech-
nitian for Dade, was here with
the S. C. S. team Wednesday in¬
specting our watershed area
He is now Hydrologist with the
state S. C. S. in Athens, Ga.
Wrecks .
Four persons were injured,
none seriously, when the car in
which they were riding failed
to make the turn on the horse¬
shoe bend on Sand Mountain,
jast week. It is reported that the
brakes failed while they were
coming dertvn the Mountain. The
car turned over and rolled off
the road about 50 feet. The oc¬
cupants of the car were taken
to a Chattanooga hospital by
passing motorists.
Another minor accident oc¬
curred Monday afternoon when
a car driven by Harry Young,
turned over in front of the
Charlie Parker house. There
were three persons in the car.
The driver reportedly lost con¬
trol of the car. No one was
No one was hurt when a 1953
Ford driven by Bobby Steele
Rising Fawn, turned over in a
ditch, near Rising Fawn. Mac
Palmer was a passenger in the
automobile. The car was badly
damaged, but the occupants of
the car escaped injury.
We wish to take this opportu¬
nity to express our gratitude to
our friends and neighbors in
helping to ease the way during
our recent bereavement. They
have our enduring appreciation
for their kindness and consid¬
eration to us.
Mrs. Hazel Lancaster and
Births m " m —
■ ...... » »
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bell are
parents of a baby boy born
i’ri-County hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin
announce the birth of a
girl born August 10. The
has been named Deborah.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert
of Rising Fawn, are the
parents of a daughter,
July 3rd. The baby nas
named Margaret.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
announce the birth of a
ter Elizabeth Dianne,, August
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
on, of Wildwood, have
their daughter Brenda. She
born July 12 at Tri-County
Mr. and Mrs. John F.
announce the birth of a
July 12. He has been
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N.
New Salem, have named
son, born July 19, Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
Boyston, Rising Fawn, are
parents of a boy. The baby
born July 22 and has been
ed Eddie Earl.
Mr. and Mrs. Thurman
Sand Mountain are proud
their new r daughter. The
born July 29, has been
Elsie Lynn.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford D.
iels, Rising Fawn, are
proud parents of a
born July 29. She has been
ed Rosalee.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
are proud of their new son,
July 31. The baby has
named Terry Wayne.
Dade County last year
duced 2,043 cords of
as Georgia again managed
better her record-breaking
to run far ahead of all
Southern states, Director
ton DeLoach of the
Forestry Commission
ed today.
According to figures
released by the U. S.
Service, Georgia's
3,760,000 cords harvested in
were almost three times
produced by second-place
bama which failed to reach
two million cord mark,
declared. Georgia-grown
wood accounted for about
fifth of the total produced
all 12 Southern states, he
• In reaching the
ect production level,” the
tor said, ‘‘Georgia
her total pulpwood
23 per cent over 1954. While
largest gain was registered
the cutting of pines, a
tial increase was made in
woods also.” The 3,568.000
of Georgia pine harvested
pulpwood was 702,000
above the 1954
Sorry to report that Mrs.
L. Wilson is seriously ill at
Mrs. Steve Derryberry
Betty Combs and Stevie
Mrs. Wallas Bryant
Mrs. D. T. Brown is still
the sick list at her home, but
able to be out some.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
and children, of Huntsville,
ited the home folks over
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gearrin
ited his parents, Mr. and
Lee Gearrin. of Rising
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Tunnel Hill, Georgia, spent
week end with his aunt and
cle, Mr, and Mrs. Steve Derry
Iflts. J. R. Carson
Everyone enjoyed the ice
cream supper last Saturday
The W. S. C. S. of the Cave
Springs Methodist Church held
their meeting Wednesday, Au¬
gust 8th at the Church. Seven
members were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holder vis¬
ited at Whiteside, Tenn., over
the week end.
Mrs. Bill Street and children,
of Birmingham, spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Conova Guinn.
Charles Guinn left Sunday for
Florida where he will be work
ing for several weeks.
Billy Barkley visited relatives
in Birmingham last week.
Some of our folks attended
Quarterly Conference at the
Rising Fawn Methodist Church
Miss Seppie Durham, who has
b^en ill for some time is some
Myrel Holder and family have
mpved to Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Maxwell
from Chattanooga, visited rela¬
tives here last week.
Nine girls and twenty-four
boys from the county attended
the State 4-H camp last week.
They were: Rita Lee Jenkins
Wildwood; Alojean Word, Wild¬
wood; Ann Marie Fricks, Rising
Fawn; Brenda Gail Camp, Wild¬
wood ; Ann Paine, Trenton;
Barbara Kyzer, Trenton; Janie
Cureton, Trenton; Carol Gray
Trenton; Gladys Mahan, Wild-
wood. The boys attending were.
Billy Pullen, Wildwood; Alfred
Barnes, Rising Fawn; Lloyd
Chumley, Trenton; Harry Wha¬
ley, Rising Fawn; Richie Fricks
Rising Fawn; Bobby Sutton
Trenton; James Crane, Wild¬
wood; Bobby Crowe, Wildwood;
Howard Sutton, Trenton;
Charles Haygood, Rising Fawn;
Tommy Crowe, Wildwood; Duke
Doubleday, Wildwood; Mike
Doubleday, Wildwood; J. W
Johnson, Head River; Bobby
Raulston, Trenton; Charles Gil¬
breath, Trenton; Ronnie GiD-
sen, Trenton; Bill Konrad, Jr. :
Rising Fawn; Larry Konrad
Rising Fawn; Sonnie McHughes
Trenton; Bobby Ryan, Trenton;
Clifford Lawson, Trenton.
Leaders who accompanied
these 4-H’ers on their trip were
Mrs. Bill Pullen, Mrs. Virginia
Konrad, Donald Moore, Fred
Craig, Miss Naomi Hubble
County Home Demonstration
Agent, and L. C. Adams, County
The Dade Special Singers will
be in concert at New Home Bap¬
tist Church, Saturday night,
August 18th at 8:00 p. m. Every¬
one is welcome and there is no
There will be a Homecoming
day at the Morganville Metho¬
dist Church Sunday, August 19.
This will be an all day meeting
with dinner on the grounds.
Many of the former pastors of
this church are expected to be
present and make short talks.
This is the second Sunday of
their two weeks’ Revival which
is being held by their pastor,
Rev. Charles Holmes Jr.
Second and fourth Thursday
night 7:30 P. M. every month.
Legion Hall.
Jake Smith, Commander
Don Gross Adjutant.
I JU UIjP OOfU H H mour n II II I n-----
For All Purposes
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Phone OLIVER 7-3211 Trenton, Ga.