The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, October 18, 1956, Image 4
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY OCTOBER 18, 1956 The Swept Wing 1957 DODGE Dodge Four-Door Lancer for 1957 EXTENSIVE STYLING CHANGES from front to rear give (he 1957 Dodge the distinction of having more outstanding improvements than any new model in the company’s his¬ tory. In the Cjistom Royal four-door Lancer hardtop shown above, the striking rear fenders accent the styling theme for the 1957 Swept-wing Dodge. Duo-level front bumpers afford complete protection and also serve as a grille. Over¬ all height of the Dodge Lancer hardtop has been reduced as much as five inches. Glass area of the new hardtop model is 53 per cent greater than last year. Lower, Longer and Wider with Far Reach¬ ing Advances for Smoother, Quieter Per¬ formance, t h e 1957 SWEPT-WING DODGE Passenger Cars make their First Appearance in Dealer Showrooms on Tuesday, October 30. The 1957 DODGE “Power-Giants’ Fea¬ turing “A Truck for Every Hauling Need” make their first Appearance on Tuesday, October 30. 1957 Dodge Lancer Hardtop Five Inches Lower SWEPT-WING DODGE, lower and longer, has the most exclusive styling 0 the en4leSng 1957 in history. Height of the two-door f and like improvements Royal Lan^r shown above^ h^ been reduced by five £ models the Custom sisttstinx *«? i : pearance that is also a mark of the jet aircraft age. ^ Alligator hoods on the new 1957 Dodge trucks open upright to a full 90 degrees to provide accessibility for easier servicing. The new 100 pick-up pictured is offered with choice of 204-horsepower Power-Dome V-8 or 120-horsepower 6-cylinder engine, and 1875-pound maximum payload capacity. Other larger pick-ups are offered with 3725- and 4875-pound payload capacities. Power steering, power brakes, and push-button driving controls with 3-speed automatic transmissions are available on all pick-ups. Dodge Offers 26 Stake Model Trucks Numerous agricultural, vocational and business uses will be served by the 26 differ¬ ent stake or platform models among the new 1957 Dodge trucks. They are available from 5100 through 21,000 pounds maximum gross vehicle weight, and with V-S engines of 197 ai:d 204 horsepower, and 6-cylinder engines of 120, 125, 130 and 141 horsepower. "Suddenly it’s 1 960” You think these are great — Hold your hat for the Best is yet to come. The New PLYMOUTH is Revolutionary because “Suddenly it’s 1960” i l Dyer Motor Co Dealer for Dodge-Plymouth TRENTON. GA.