The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, October 18, 1956, Image 5
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GE6&GIA, THURSDAY OCTOBER 18, 1956 WANT ADS APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN IN TRENTON at the new Shop-Rite Supermarket in the Gross Building for ex¬ perienced grocery and meat personnel. Also stock boys for part-time work. Apply this weekend and the first of next week to Mr. Young. 1 t DR. G. K. MacY r ane Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue Ft. Payne, Ala. SPINET PIANO AND PRACTICE PIANO to be sold near you. Will sell cheap and give terms to responsible party. Write G. L. Murchison, Credit Dept. 83 Alabama Street, S. W., Atlan¬ ta, Ga. 6t-ll/8 IF YOU GO TO A PHYSICIAN away from Trenton, -why not have him call your prescrip¬ tion to HADDEN’S PHAR¬ MACY — We will pay the charges, and your prescription will be ready when you get back to Trenton. It. PQflQfl ggQ&PQQflfl g-g fl-gJLPJLfl-W gJLgJL.Q-.gJLgJLflJLflJULflJLfl-gJULfl.gJLS © I will of bed fill Prescription o get out to your o o Service ° 24 Hour Prescription o o< 3 HADDEN’S PHARMACY o 1 0 o Telephone Number Day or Night OL 7-4022 O o Profession Not Sideline” o “Where Pharmacy is a — a o o j Tr5imnr?nnnnr?nnr5Tnnnnrinrbinn^^atnnnnmr^ YOU CAN SAVE MORE MONEY—BY SAVING REGULARLY Get the “savings” habit! You’ll never miss the small amount you lay aside each payday, but it will addup fast and earn interest. Take advantage of our friendly service; come in and open your savings account here. Deposit with your home county bank, where you reach your savings goal soon, with 2 l / 2 percent interest and each account insured up to $10,000.00. BANK OF DADE TRENTON, GEORGIA Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Every Account Insured up to $10,000.00 Fully Reconditioned and Guaranteed USED CARS 1955 DODGE Coronet, 4 dr. -19,000 mi. 1953 FORD Custom Line, 4 dr. 1952 DODGE Convertible 1952 PLYMOUTH Belvedere hardtop 1952 HUDSON “Wasp”, 4 dr. 1952 DODGE Coupe 1951 FORD Custom, 4 dr. 1951 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook, 4 dr. 1950 NASH, 4 dr. 1949 FORD, 4 dr. USED TRUCKS 1954 DODGE, 2 ton 1954 DODGE, 4 ton It pays to Trade with DY ER MOTOR CO. TRENTON. GA. WILL keep children in my home while mofther works. Mrs. R. H. Yell, atop Sand Mountain, Trenton, Rt. 2. 10-25 FOR SALE—Slightly used Duo- Therm oil heater. Jack Cash Trenton, phone 7-3501. 3 tp 11-1. LOST—Box bathroom fittings near intersection Rt. 41 and 11 ' Reward. Call OL 7-3751. 1 tp. Armours Star Baby Beef — 6 days a week ► ► Round Steak........... ......59* lb ► Sirloin Steak........... 550 lb ► ..... ► ► Chuck Roast........... .....29* lb ► ► Rib Stew.... .....19* lb ► *........ ► ► Ground Beef......... .....29* lb ► ► ► Fresh drawn Fryers...... 29 * lb ► ..._ Armours Star Pork Sausage .. .. 290 lb tDIF& 2 55c JAR OZ. Sweet 2 lbs. 16 for Oleo 350 SPECIAL COFFEE Colonial Sugar Bagwell Jelly GORDON’S 4 LB. JAR, APPLE Potato Chips 5 lbs. for 49^ 650 34 oz. pkg. 250 /SKISO all-purpose BAG N.B.C. Crackers GOLDEN *t th« first sni piffle tckle at tha first TlC $ !«® ONLY B3S5E 1 lb. box 250 USTERINE i GOLDEN EAGLE Actual Rafail Syrup ANTISEPTIC Volus $2.39 j UPTON AND f TO THE UPTON, TOP BOX FROM 925, MT. ANY VER.^N tea*bags SIZE 10, N. Y. 5 lb. jar 790 Qu ick./ 7*‘ T LIPTON LIPTON BOX TOP 16 V 4 TEA LB. SPECIALS BAGS TEA 43c 25c ConvetiiJent 5< Karo Syrup NORTHERN 14 lb. bottle RED 230 Paper Towels INSTANT 1 PKG. (80 COUNT) 25c Cloverleaf Milk Fleetwood COFFEE 2-64 oz. pkg. 250 KITCHEN CHARM WAX PAPER 20c John L Case Co. TRENTON, GA. ONE STOP SERVICE RED’S CLEANERS CLEANING DRY LAUNDRY SERVICE done by Star -------- HATS Cleaned and Blocked by Acme —• SHOES REPAIRED by Belcher _______ ZwiZ LET US HAVE YOUR RUGS CLEANED PHONE: Oliver 7-3355 TRENTON GA. Open daily 7 a. m. to 5 o. m.