Newspaper Page Text
HIGHEST prices paid for pine
and poplar logs. See us if you
have any to sell. Dyer Lumber
Company, Trenton, Ga.
The Rising Fawn WMU held
an installation service Wednes¬
day night, Oct. 10 at the Baptist
Church. The service was opened
with a piano prelude, “Give Of
Your Best To The Master” by
Judy Gayle Castleberry.
The topic of the service was
“Hands United in Kingdom Serv¬
ice.” Mrs. Taylor Castleberry,
outgoing president, gave a won¬
derful outline on “The Hands.”
Bro. Roy Wallin gave the in¬
stallation vows and Miss Ruby
Faye Blevins sang the prayer
of dedication, “Take My Life
and Let It Be.”
The new officers for the new!
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Here / Task-Force New 57 Trucks!
Performance-proved in a history- making test
on the ALCAN Highway to Alaska
The Alcan Highway is the road where trucks grow old before
their time. The road where gravel endlessly sledgehammers the
life out of trucks. Where a fog of superfine dust chokes engines,
and vicious ruts subject chassis to months of wear in a few
hundred miles.
Six new ’57 Chevrolet trucks, representing light-, medium-
and heavy-duty models and heavily loaded with cargo, roared
north from Dawson Creek, B. C., through 1,520 miles of moun¬
tains and mire, rain and hail to Fairbanks, Alaska. Running
around the clock, they made this tortuous trip-normally a
72-hour run-in less than 45 hours. The fleet made normal stops
along the way, and maintained safe and legal speeds. As a special
test during the run, two of the trucks went the entire distance
without once having their engines stopped!
It’s all down in the AAA record book. And more besides!
Never before has a new truck been so thoroughly proved. Come
in and see how well these new Alcan champs measure up to
your job.
Alcan fleet fete up to IB. 17 miles per gallon! That’s the mileage
reported by the Cameo Carrier, with Thriftmastcr 6 and extra-cost Overdrive.
Qnly f ranchised Chevrolet dealers y CHEVROLET W display this famous trademark
Griffith Chevrolet Company
year are as follows: Mesdames
Homer Forester, President; J. Z.
Bobo, Vice-President; Dewey
Bradford and Roy Wallin, Young
Peoples’ Directors; Willis Blev¬
ins, Program Chairman.
We wish to express our
thanks and appreciation* to ev¬
eryone for their deeds of kind¬
ness and sympathy, especially
I5ider Henderson for his consol¬
ing words during our recent be¬
reavement in the loss of our in¬
fant daughter, Dortha Lee Prest-
The D. E. Prestwood family
Long Island, Ala.
'■Continued from page 1)
giving the solution to the prob¬
Other key speakers were Ted
Walker, Extension Forester, !
John Hinton, TVA Forester, A1
Webb, of the Soil Conservation
Service, and Dan Hall, County
Forest Ranger. Larry Konrad,
district winner in Junior For¬
estry, made a short talk on 4-H
forestry projects.
A busload of school children
from Davis High School’s
science class also attended, along
with D. O. Chumley, principal,
and the class teacher.
During the demonstration, the
New 283-cubic-inch Taskmaster V8 delivers 160 high-torque horse¬
power. Standard in Series 5000, 7000 and 5000, optional in Series
6000 at extra cost. Horsepower ranges up to 210 in Chevrolet's
complete line-up of modern V8 and 6 truck er.jines.
Revolutionary Powermatic Transmission — exclusive with Chevrolet
trucks! This six-speed automatic, designed specifically for heavy-duty
hauling, is an extra-cost option in Series 5000 and 6000 and all
heavy-duty truck models. Hydra-Mafic is offered in 3000 and 4000
Series models at extra cost.
New 1957 work-styling gives Chevrolet trucks an even fresher,
fleeter appearance. There are three different and distinctive styling
L.C.F. models outdate the C.O.E. because they’re lower, handsomer,
easier to get into and out of, and save time in routine engine main¬
tenance. Yet they offer all the traditional C.O.E. advantages.
Heavyweight Champs with Triple-Torque tandem are rated at 32,000
lbs. GVW, 50,000 lbs. GCW. And Chevrolet's advanced tandem axle
unit offers a built-in three-speed power divider—plus a unique “self¬
steering" action that reduces tire wear and increases handling ease.
All the way in DRIVE range! This Powermatic-equipped 10000 Series trac¬
tor traveled the entire Alcan Highway in a single forward-speed range!
use of a girdling machine show¬
ed how a ctrip of bark could be
cut around and removed. The
poison used, which was liquid
Amate 245T, was put on the
tree after a frill was cut around
the base with an axe. This pois¬
on is not harmful to animals
and is the type used to kill
growth under power lines.
Second and fourth Thursday
7:30 P. M. every month.