Newspaper Page Text
National 4-H Achieve; < : i,. , _,o.* v-mii* c 10
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All through the autumn season, this scene (reproduced from
the 1957 4-II Calendar painting) is repeated countless times
aeroM the country. And whether the entry is a carefully groomed
hog, a home-sewn blouse, or a jar of strawberry jam, 4-Il’ers
gain experience and confidence at county and state fairs. On
November 10 — National 4-il Achievement Day — thousands of
4-H boys and girls receive deserved recognition in their com¬
munities for outstanding progress in 4-11 Club work.
Clarke Countian Grows
3800 Holiday Dinners
Russell Kay, one of our Clarke county farijn cus¬
tomers, has 8,800 Thompson Heavy White turkeys
ready for holiday marketing. In the photograph
above, Mrs. Kay shows one of the big birds.
Mr. Kay’s farm on Route 4, Athens, is well
equipped to handle chores electrically. Hi? wiring
system includes a 200-ampere service entrance
and a centrally located distribution pole. Kilowatts
help him all the way, from deKalqng poults to
freezing packaged bird;?.
One of our rural engineers, at Mr. Kay’s
request, helped to plan the farm wiring system.
How We Help
For 28 years our rural engineers have been helping
Georgia farmers to apply electricity to farm work.
Their services are available without charge. Our
rural engineers help Georgia farmers to:
Plan farm wiring and lighting.
Select and install electrical equipment.
Find labor-saving 7nethods.
Learn about new developments in farm
application of electric service.
A C I T I Z t N WHfRiVtR W i S i R V I
(Cont. from Page 1)
2nd, F. W. Talley; Potatoes: 1st(
F. W. Talley; Beets: 1st, F. W.
Talley; Bulbs: 1st, J. C. Self;
Turnips: 1st, Charlie Castle¬
berry; Corn: 1st, Charlie Castle¬
Woodwork: Table, 1st, Mrs. F.
A. Dowdey; Wall Picture, 2nd,
Mrs. F. H. Dowdey; Cypress
Lamp, 1st, Mrs. L. S. Summer-
; lord; Ceramics, 1st, Mrs. D. P.
Hood; 3rd, Mrs. F. W. Talley;
Sewing: Dress, 2nd, Mrs. W. D.
Patton; Shirts, 1st, Mrs. Faye
Neely; 2nd, Mrs. Johnny Spears,
3rd, Mrs. Johnny Spears; Apron,
3rd, Mrs. G H. Kirkland;
QuiltTorps: 1st,, New Home;
2nd, Mrs. G. H. Kirkland; 3rd,
New Home; Quilts: 1st, Mrs.
Mary Elliott, 2nd, Mrs. S. C.
Grant; Crochet: Bedroom Slip-
| pers 1st, Mrs. done D. with P. Hood; metallic Baby thread,
1st, Mrs. S. C. Grant, 2nd, Mrs.
Faye Neely; Doilies, 1st, Mrs.
Adell Nelson; Pot Holder: 1st,
Mrs. Millie Ballard; Stole, 1st,
Mrs. E. A. Stallings; Crocheted
Hat and Bag: 1st, and 3rd, Mrs.
D. P. Hood;
Luncheon Cloth: 1st, Mrs. G.
H Kirkland, 2nd, Mrs. Millie
Ballard; Textile Painting: 1st,
Mrs. D. P. Hood; Embroidery:
Pillowcases, 1st,, Mrs. G. H. Kirk¬
land, 2nd, Mrs. Millie Ballard;
Scorf, 1st, Mrs. G. H. Kirkland;
Jellies: 1st, Mrs. J. C. Self, 2nd,
Mrs. Kirk Ellison,, 3rd, Mrs.
Faye Neely; Vegetables (can¬
ned) : 1st, Mrs. Faye Neely, 2nd,
Mrs. D. P. Hood, 3rd, Mrs. Myrtle
Youth Entries
Cake: 2nd, Barbara Gross;
Candy: 3rd, Dale Ballard; Quilt
Top: 1st, Lana Sue Elliott; and
Dress: 2nd, Shirley McBryar.
Pursuant to an order of the
Court of Ordinary of Dade
County, Georgia, granted No¬
vember 5, 1956, there will be sold
at public outcry at the Court
House door in Trenton, Dade
County, Georgia, on Tuesday,
the 4th day of December, 1956,
within the legal hours of sale
to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described property
of said estate, to-wit:—
One (1) 1955 GMC 3/4 ton
Pick-up Truck, having motor
number 248253309.
One (1) Elgin Motor Boat, with
An undivided one-half inter¬
est in all those tracts or par¬
cels of land lying and being
in Land Lots Nos. 13, 15 and 16
In the 18th district and 4th
section of Dade County
Georgia, consisting of about
46 acres, more or less, being
four tracts of land fully de¬
scribed in deed from Harley
J. Barton and wife, Mary
Katherine Barton to James B.
Lancaster and wife, Hazel R.
Lancaster, dated October 25,
1952, of Record Book 41, pages
394-395 of Dade County Deed
Records, to which reference
is made for more specific de¬
The real estate above describ¬
ed is owned jointly by the estate
of James B. Lancaster, deceased,
and Hazel R. Lancaster and is
subject to a security deed from
James B. Lancaster and Hazel
Lancaster to R. C. Thompson,
and wife, Dora Thompson, dat¬
ed October 25, 1952, of Record
Book 42„ pages 465-467 of Dade
County Deed Records on which
there is an unpaid balance of
$2900.00 principal, plus accrued
interest from October 25, 1956.
The entire interest of said es¬
tate and of Hazel Lancaster will
be sold the purchaser to assume
the debt above specified, and
the proceeds of the sale to be
divided equally between the es¬
tate of James B. Lancaster and
Hazel R. Lancaster. Deed will be
made to the purchaser by Ha¬
ze] R. Lancasaer individually
and as administratrix of the
estate of James B. Lancaster
This November 6, 1956. j
Hazel R. Lancaster
Individually and as Ad-
mmisftratitix of the es¬
tate of James B. Lancaster,
4t- 11/29
Telephone Oliver 7-414)0 Trenton, Ga.
<^A4oX£ fox ^IfoLCl ^A\ons.\j
Ice Cream Headquarters
Sundries — Sickroom supplies ~ First Aid Needs
Fully Reconditioned and Guaranteed
Used Cars and Trucks
1954 Dodge 4-Dr., Power Steering,
Blue and White
1953 Plymouth Club Sedan, Hy-Drive, Blue
1953 Ford Custom 4-Dr., White
1953 Ford Mainline 4-Dr., Black
1952 Pontiac 4-Dr., Blue
* 1952 Dadge Coupe
1951 Plymouth 4-Dr., Black
1951 Ford, 4-Dr., Black
1954 Dodge 1-Ton
1952 Dodge 1-Ton
Beans...............3 lbs. 25tf
Ballard’s Biscuits............10^ can
Pink Salmon............1 lb. can, 49tf
Viking Coffee...............83^ lb
Royal Arms Toilet Tissue...........5c*
lbs. Sugar..................4ty
. ............10^ lb
Potatoes..........10 lbs. for 25^
& Golden Del. Apples, 3 lbs. for 25tf
size 216............35^ doz.
s Star Weiners .......... 41^ lb
Matchless Bacon ....... 3ty lb
round, t-bone and sirloin .. 49< lb
Pork Chops, end cuts...........29^ lb
It is not the SPECIALS or the LOSS LEADERS
that — count is It the TOTAL ot your bill at the
check-out counter, quality and quantity taken into