The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 06, 1956, Page 3, Image 3
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON. GEORGIA, THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, &ft Rising Fawn By Miss Bess Cure ton Among those who spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Rising Rawn were the following: Rev. and Mrs. Gene Davis of Atlanta who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fricks, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Minor and little son of Norfolk, Va., who were with Mr. Minor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Minor; and Mrs. Myrtle Guido and Miss Ann Mitchell, who visited the Campbell Thomases. The Sonny McMahans have moved to Trenton where they will occupy the Jimmy .Wilson home. The Bob Wests have moved into the home the McMahans vacated The many friends of Mrs. W. H. McNair, nee Fola Belle Smith, will be glad to know that she is able to return to her home after a major operation in an Oak Ridge hospital. Lunsford Fricks, who is con¬ valescing from major surgery, re¬ turned home the latter part of last week from Erlanger Hospital. Mrs. Haley Dean and Miss Bess Cureton attended the WSCS Training Institute at Centenary last Wednesday. Rev. Jimmy Ball spent a few days last week in Jasper teaching a seminar. Aileen Harrison, bride-elect of Gene McMahan, was honored with a shower Friday evening at the home of Judy Kenimer. CLOVERDALE Mrs. J. L. (Aunt Martha) For¬ ester is at Tri-County Hospital in a serious condition. George Bible and family, for¬ mer residents of Sand Mountain, uo.v of Lock wood, Tenn., were Sunday visitors of iris parents, the Ed Bibles. liOOKliR Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayhew of West Frankfurt, 111. spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. J. F. Mayhew and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brasfield and children spent the Thanksgiving holidays with relatives in Mem¬ phis, Tenn. Mr. J. E. Watloy is e ou t ' at Campbe.l flini j ga. Mr. J. E. Strawn is seriously ill at his home. Mr. and ki.s. Ha.vey W.,;ia .and family were rocent guests ;• relatives in Alabama. Mr. Grover Ballard is improv ing from an operation at T County Hospital. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Jr. has been moved from Children’s Hospital to their home here. Mr. Bob White has returned home from a business trip to Chi cago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Pilgrim and daughter of Oak Ridge ,Tenn were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. Mr. C. M. Smith is ill at his home. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strawn were Mrs. Pearl Richardson and daughter, Mary Lee, of Chattanooga, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lyle of St. Elmo and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coates of Bridge¬ port, Ala. >fAR -SANTA " LfASr Givf ms a (J.S. SAVI bond * CHRISTMAS Mrs. Foster Hostess To Piney H. D. Club The Piney Home Demonstration Club met Nov. 16 at the home of Mrs. Cordia Foster with nine members present. Mrs. Lewis Whited, president, was in charge. The devotional was given by Mrs. Earl Medley. Mrs. Cordia Foster was appointed to work on the yearbook. Mrs. Bill Blackstock was chosen for ouv photographer, with Mrs. Alvin Taylor to be reporter. Following the business meeting, Miss Hubble gave a lovely demon¬ stration on Christmas decorating Our hostess then served deliciou ■ refreshments. Our next meeting will be the Christmas party at the home of Mrs. George Hamilton on Dec. 21. Won’t you come and join us? f / - - - ■ -■ ------ •••••••••■< ; v\r» ; iliiis ■ .. '/W' Now Dodge brings you Starting today, you’ll want to change every idea you’ve ever had about low-priced trucks. Because these hot and hefty new Dodge Power Gia nts have rewritten the book — taken the lead of the low- priced three in every department! And here’s the proof. Today’s great new Dodge V-8 Power Giants give you the . . . 1. MOST 4 POWER —from 204-hp. dems. pick-ups to big-brute 232-hp. tan¬ Actually up to 31% more power than competitive makes! Extra power means less engine strain, less wear and repair. 2, MOST PAYLOAD — as much as 73% more than other low-priced trucks! From 4,250 lbs. G.V.W. to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W. 3. MOST ADVANCED STYLING - with bright, modern chrome-sweep grille, smart hooded headlights, fun wrap¬ New DODGE Dowertilants WITH THE FORWARD LOOK Dyer Motor Company, Trenton, Ga. Mrs. Bradford New Pres. Salem Club The New Salem Home Demon¬ stration Club met November 21 at the home of Mrs. Grady Me- Kaig. Ruth Br&dfoi-d, acting as president, called the meeting to order. Old and new business was discussed, after which Gewerm Ross gave a report on the council meeting at New Home. The next council meeting will be held in January at Trenton. The Christmas party was dis¬ cussed and everyone decided to bring a gift. The party will be held at Mrs. Bill Gray’s. Officers were elected for the following year and are: President, Mrs. Ruth Bradford; vice-presi¬ dent, Jean McKaig; secretary and treasurer, Gewene Ross; reporter, Juanita Bradford. Miss Hubble gave an interest- JA a A AJ BgBfiPBgp pgpu m PPOPP OOooooQOQOQQoooq ,^ 3 1 will get out of bed fill Prescription P l to your 24 Hour Prescription Service HADDEN’S PHARMACY D : Telephone Number Day or Night OL 7-4022 9 ° “Where Pharmacy is a Profession — Not a Sideline” tnnrBTr&irinnnrirjnr «nn> Tnroinnnnnnnnnrg'oinr^’y ing demonstration on Christmas decorations. WORTH T LEA ELECTED At a meeting held last week in the community house, members of the Wildwood Civic Club elected Worth T. Lea president, W. T. Davis, vice-president; Mrs. Ruth Neely, secretary, and Mrs. W. T. Lea, treasurer. around windshield and rear window. 4. FLASHIEST PERFORMANCE. Only a passenger car — and a new one at that — can match a Dodge Power Giant when it comes to stepping away from a stop light or breezing up a hill! 5. MOST ECONOMY. Exclusive air¬ liner-type V-8’s rev up full power on regular gas, and make every gallon give out with extra mileage! 6 . EASIEST DRIVING — with exclusive push-button automatic transmission!* And gear-before-axle steering plus the industry’s sharpest turning lets you ease hurry! through traffic like an eel in a Any way you measure a truck, you’ll find these terrific new Dodge Power Giants come out on top. Stop in and drive one — V-8 or 6. And get your Dodge dealer's deal before you decide on your next truck! *A vailable on all low-tonnage and forward- control models. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Pursuant to Section 113-1505 of the Code of Georgia, notice having is hereby given to all persons claims against the estate of Dock Stephens, Sr., deceased, to file the same with the un¬ dersigned Dock Stephens, Jr., Executor of the Will of Dock Stephens, Sr., deceased. This November 6, 1956. Dock Stephens, Jr. Executor of the Will of Dock Stephens, Sr. im Husky new Dodge fbs~ Power Giant stakes— from 4,250 to 217)00 lbs. G.V.W. Haul up to 50% more! Eight models, seven wheelbases, five body sizes. Bodies steel- reinforced, industry’s most rugged. Heavy-duty Dodge Power 232 Giant tandems deliver up to hp, haul as much as 11,000 lbs. more payload. From 26,000 lbs. to 46,000 lbs. G.V.W., to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W. Three models^ eight wheelbases. Biggest, most powerful tractors of the low-priced three. Up to 46,000 lbs. G.V.W., 65,000 lbs. G.C.W. Mighty 232-horsepower V-8 in 900 models. Shortest front- bumper-to-back-of-cab dimen¬ sion-only 102 inches!