Newspaper Page Text
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Give For
Hungarian Relief
The Internationa Red Cross
is being allowed to get food,
clothing ‘and medical supplies
to the Hungarian refugees in
Austria and the needy Hungar¬
ians still in their own country.
The American Red Cross is
raising five million dollars to¬
ward their h e lpjDade’s quota of
this is $105. Anyone wishing to
help these unfortunate people
is asked to give their gift to any
of the local Red Cross officers.
Your chairman is T. S. Renfroe
and th e treasurer is Mrs. Louise
Individuals interested in of¬
fering homes or employment to
Hungarian refugees being admit¬
ted to this country are advised
to contact Mr. Pierce J. Gerety,
D e puty Administrator Refugee
Relief Act, Department of State,
Washington 25, D. C. Information
he will need may be obtained
from your local Home Service
officers, Mrs. D. E. Morrison or
Mrs. Martin Nethery.
Mrs. N. H. Hutchison will be
ho.tess next Friday night when
the Garden Club holds its
annual Christmas party.
0.0 U E for rent. W. G. Morrison,
frenvon. Phone OL 7-4762.
FOR SALE—Quaker oil heater,
circulator with electric fan.
Price $15, also 5 squares (528
sq. ft.) used heavy galvanized
roofing, v crimp roofing, $5
per square. A. T. Bottoms,
Trenton Rt. 2 3tp 12-20
00 public hauling. Whitrvell
> 1, etc. Brown Newby, Tren-
r, a., Phone OL 7-4542.
R SALE—Table, 4 chairs
. e. $10.00. One 4 room
use, one 5 room house in
..n 0 Fawn. Mr. or Mrs. J. B.
Jarrison. 4tp-12/27
it. ii. Yell, Trenton, Rt. 2 at
White Oak Gap — Watches
bought, sold and repaired; all
work guaranteed. Saw filing
is my hobby. 4t 12-20
FOR SALE— 6-room house, bath,
l-a:re lot. 1*4 mles east of
Trenton . Spencer Jenkins,
Trenton, <Ja.
HIGHEST prices paid for pine
and poplar logs. See us if you
have any to sell. Dyer Lumber
Company, Trenton, Ga.
FOR SALE—Cars and Tires. Also
auto parts of all kinds. Meat
slicer and Day ton scales.
Would like to have truck haul¬
ing jobs. Coal, 1 bu. to 10 tons.
Trenton Trading Post. 6 tp.
LOST off Central Motors trai¬
ler, Nov. 27, between Tiftonia
and Trenton, on Hwy. 1L
seven auto tires. Anyone
finding same please notify
Central Motors Express
Chattanooga, Madison 9-1467.
away from Trenton, why not
have him call your prescrip¬
MACY — We will pay the
charges, and your prescription
will be ready when yoq get
back to Trenton.
portunity for man or wo¬
rn to call on farm families
Dade County. Full or part-
le. Year round. No experi-
;c or capital required. Write
Ness Compony, P. O. Box
56, DeSoto Station, Memphis,
Reid Tatum Hosts i
Thanksgiving Party
Reid Tatum was
Thanksgiving eve at a formal'
given'for a group of friends at
his home. He was assisted by. his
mother, Mrs. W. M. Tatum, and
the James Morrisons in enter¬
taining. Carolyn Tatum and Ed
Morrison acted as junior hos¬
tess and host.
Unusual crepe paper decorat¬
ions carrying out the brown and
orange holiday theme were plac¬
ed throughout the house, with a
table arrangement of fruits and
flowers in a horn of plenty oc¬
cupying the center of interest.
Reid and several if his guests,
including Nanette Daniel and
Don Daniel, designed and made
all decorations, which added to
the festivity of the occasion.
Clever little dance cards were
also made by Nanette and Don.
White carnation corsages were
worn by each girl, while the boys
wore boutonnieres of the same
Those present were Rosemary
Woodfin, g i w n e d in blue,
and Rex Blevins; LaVerne Pow¬
ell, who wore white, and Arnold
McConville; Nanette Daniel,
dressed in old rose for the party,
and Don Porter; Rochelle Mc-
Bryar in pink and escorted by
Sammy Harrison; Barbara Wal¬
len, who was attired in white,
and Dale Sims; Shirley Cureton,
whose pink dress was very be¬
coming, and Burrell Hill; and
Joyce Broom, who ^was host
Reid’s date for the evening.
Joyce was attractive in pink.
The buffet, which was loaded
with chicken salad and pimiento
cheese sandwiches, cup cakes,
nuts and mints, was a popular
spot throughout the evening.
Sandard Oil Sta.
Nears Completion
Work on the Standard Oil Ser¬
vice Station has progressed to a
point where A. L. (Buck’ Gifford,
manager, said he expected the
station to be completed in ap¬
proximately three weeks.
The concrete block building
has been painted white and all
plate glass windows installed,
but inside partitions, equipment,
plumbing and outside trim has
yet to be done. Workmen were
busy Tuesday ripping up the old,
cracked paving in preparation
for new concrete paving. The
building will be heated with fuel
oil, Gifford stated.
This new station, which was
built some distance back from
the street to give more parking
room, will add considerably to
appearance of the town when
completed. Greater ease in ser¬
vicing caTS will be made possible
by the installation of another
pump isle.
DR. G. K. MacVane
Chiropractor and Naturopath
720 N. Gault Avenue
Ft. Payne, Ala.
hirst , Too, Seeks Quality
Jvi) ^ sa &
Second and fourth Thursday
right 7:30 P. M. every month.
Legion Hall.
Jake Smith, Commander
Don Gross Adjutant.
(Continued from page l)
Chattanooga. Thornton Fridell,
assistant sales manager at
Corivf, was an interested party
daring installation,. „ .. si n c e all
equipment was supplied thro
ugh his company.
Well-known in the county,
Fridell is the nephew of Mr. Will
Mr. Dyer was in the lumber
business with L. A. Baker until
1941, when he purchased full
of the business. At that!
the lumber yard covered
an acre, but Mr. Dyer es-j
that it has grown until,
the present time it covers;
acres. The volume of busi¬
done over an area covering
several states requires the con¬
stant uHe of six trucks.
Upon the arrival of the chains
for the gangsaw, the new mill
will begin operations. Mr. Dyer
expects them to be delivered
this week.
Granville Pace of Trenton
will be in ciharge of the mill.
Lodge No. 179, FAA.M., Satur¬
day Dec. 8, 1956, at 8 pjn. All
members are urged to be pres¬
ent for annual election of of¬
Joe K. Rogers, W.M. ,
J. M. Rogers, Sec’y.
No Limit, Bay All Yoa Need
25 lbs. High Grade Flour................$1.49
Hunt's Peaches, 2i Can...................25#
3 lb Can Snowdrift....................79#
1 tb Vacuum Tins Fleetwood's Blue Ridge Coffee 69#
Matchless Sliced Bacon.................. 39# lb .
Armour's Star Beef
Rib Stew............ .............IV l b
Chuck Roast.......................25# lb
Rib Steak........................39# lb
Sirlon, T-Bone or Round Steak...........49^ lb.
Star Pork Sausage 19^ lb.
Colonial Sugar Cotrven&nt / Duz
"Duz Does Everything*’
5 lbs. 45# Reg. 32#
Delsey Tissue INSTANT Tide
Fleetwood The Washday Miracle
4 for 55# COFFEE Reg. 32#
3 6 Can Crisco Ritz N. Crackers B. C. Cheer
Blue Magic WhJtener
95* 1 lb. 35# Reg. 32#
Ivory Soap, Large — 16c Potato GORDON’S Chips Spic n Span
Ivory Soap, Med ... 10c Reg. 29#
Ivory Soap, Flakes, Pers... Reg. 4 32c for 25c 10#, 25#, 39#
Ivory Snow, Reg. 32c 25 lb Kansas Oxydol
Camay Bath.... 2 for 29c Reg. 32#
Camay, Reg......3 for 29c Diamond Floor
Lava, Reg .....12c
Kitchen Charm
Dreft, Reg......32c $1.95 Wax Paper____20c
Cascade, Reg .....45c
Joy, Bottle .. ..32c
China Platter Free mu\R
Joy, 12 oz. Can----39c
With Each Sack m
Dash, Reg......40c
John L. Case Co. STORE.