The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 06, 1956, Page 6, Image 6
■ y y j f- WILDWOOD Mrs. Hutb Neely (Written for last week) Hi Neighbor*: Hasn’t it been a lovely Thanks¬ giving season? There is some¬ thing about Thanksgiving that draws the absent ones home to the festive board and to loved ones. It would be well, not only on Thanks¬ giving Day to count our many blessings, but each day send a prayer of thanks to our Heavenly Father for His bounties and watchful care. We are happy to report that Miss Flzada Tittle is recovering from her recent illness. Mr.tand Mrs. Herb Porter were , happy to have their grandson, Herbie Price, from the Navy, spend several days with them. He is stationed in California. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and daugh¬ ter, Ann from Charlotte, N. C., spent Thanksgiving with the Clyde Neelys. June and Patsy were home for the Thanksgiving vaca¬ tion, with several friends from college, and I can assure you there was not a dull moment. The Rev. and Mrs. Gene Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neely spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tittle and Elzada. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dantzler and children surprised their dad and mother, the Edwin Dantzlers, for Thanksgiving. *. Mr. and Mrs. “Pete” Wallen spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Donald Street, and Mr. Street of Ft. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll entertained Mr. Carroll’s Sunday School Class Saturday night with an old-fashioned “possum hunt.” I haven’t heard if the young peo¬ g o oooo B Ooocooooooo ao oooooooooo< i ooooo r OPTOMETRIST C. F. KING n EAST MAIN STREET CHATTANOOGA, TENN. RESIDENCE PHONE 6-0495 BUSINESS PHONE 6-952* O O LIFE INSURANCE Also complete coverage on fire and accident Insurance. H. F. ALLISON INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE Times Building Trenton, Ga. YOU CAN SAVE MORE MONEY—BY SAVING REGULARLY Get the “savings” habit! You’ll never miss the small amount you lay aside each payday, but it will addup fast and earn interest. Take advantage of our friendly service; come in and open your savings account here. Deposit with your home county bank, where you reach your savings goal soon, with 2 y 2 percent interest and each account insured up to $10,000.00. BANK OF DADE TRENTON, GEORGIA Member of the III Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Every Account Insured up to $10,000.00 THfc BAftE CtniVTT WrES; TWWTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, lSSC truck hayride Saturday night. They camped long ^nough to fill up on hot dogs and hot choco¬ late. A happy time was enjoyed by all. Eddy Watkins visited Carson- Newman College at Jefferson City, Tenn. He is looking for a place to land next year. Good luck, Eddy. Mr. and Mrs. Fran Neely, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Neely and Mrs, Laura Bell got an early start Sunday for Nashville to visit the Robert Ball Family. Friday night a truck drove up in our yard and a crowd of boy scouts piled out.They were trans¬ ferring to the Gene Kirk and Frank. Netety cajrs—destination the YMCA and a good swim. I am sure the parents and friends of these boys appreciate the time and interest Frank Neely, as scoutmaster, and Rev. Gene Kirk are taking with them. Mrs. Mary Townson reports that there will be a Christmas Cantata, “Prepare Him Room,” at the church Dec. 16. All are invited. Also, there will be a Christmas tree the night before Christmas. Also the Ladies Aid annual Christmas party will be at the Townsend home on Dec. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wilson of Chattanooga visited Mrs. Lettie Cross on Monday. Judge and Mrs. J. M. C. Town¬ send of Atlanta spent Sunday in Wildwood They attended the funeral of Mr. Strawn. Dade High will play Roswell for the North Georgia champ¬ ionship Friday night at Trenton. Everyone is urged to come. Wild¬ wood is proud of her fine players on the team. So long, Ruth Neely. RAULSTON NEW FLIGHT COMMANDER. Marvin E. Raulston, Trenton. was recently assigned to the pos¬ ition of assistant flight com mander, Air Force ROTC, Uni¬ versity of Georgia. In this posi¬ tion he will maintain the rank of caret second lieutenant for the remainder of the quarter. Raulstin. who is a junior in the School of Arts and Sciences will receive a commission in the United States Air Force upon graduation in June 1958. Having oeen accepted into the advance ROTC program, he will contin¬ ue his studies for the next two years. After graduation he will attend pilot training school for 14 months. Raulston, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Evander L. Raul¬ ston, Trenton, presently lives at 990 Milledge Avenue, Univer¬ sity of Georgia campus. NOTICE OF SALE GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY There will be sold at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Dade County Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January, 1957, the following described property, to-wit:- One (1) 1949 Tudor Chev¬ rolet Sedan automobile, having motor number GAA 613301 property found in posses¬ sion of J. W. Smith, levied on to satisfy a fi. ma. in favor of Mrs. Laura Whitehead against W. Smith, issued from the Court of Dade County, said property levied on as the property of defendant in fi. ma. This 4th day of December, 1956. Allison Blevins Sheriff of Dade County, Ga. US DO YOUR JOB WORK ple hAd any. luck or not. . So lohg for now, • ’*■ Ruth : Hi Neighbors, I suppose you already know that Wildwood did not win first iplace in the Community Im provement Contest but it was fun trying. Even though we did not win one of the top places, we are not sorry we tried. Better to try and fail than not to have tried at all. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Lea and Mrs. Joe Wallen attended the Chamber of Commerce banquet at the Read House given to rep¬ resentatives from each com¬ munity entering the contest. At the banquet they learned who the winners were. Wildwood was glad for honorable mention and the $75 that went with it. I am always sorry to report of the different ones being ill in the community. Little Brian Smith has been ill for a few days but is much better. Also Mrs. Edna Jolly has been ill for a few days. We hope she will be up and around soon. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Carroll were happy to have Mrs. Carroll’s sister and family, the Henry Arnolds from Marietta, spend the weekend with them. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street and family spent the weekend with “Mom” and “Dad“, the “Pete” Wallens. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Fugatte and Diane spent the day with his brother, Sam Fugatte, at Hixson, Tenn. The Young People of the MYF, with Gene and Catherine (Rev. and Mrs. Kirk) in charge, took to the by-ways on a tractor The home of Mra. W. G. Morri¬ Sr., was the scene of a family Sunday. Those pres¬ were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lichten of Chattanooga, the Raymond Morrisons, the D. E. Morrisons, Aubrey Dyers, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Short of At¬ lanta, also W. G. Morrison and daughter, Sherry, BUY U. S. SAVING BONDS AIR CONDITIONED Telephone Oliver 7-4100 Trenton, Ga. <zAfoT£ JOX ^LjoUX ^Al\pYl£\j Ice Cream Headquarters Sundries ~ Sickroom supplies — First Aid Needs ONE STOP SERVICE RED’S CLEANERS DRY CLEANING SERVICE done by Star ________ Week Cleaned and Blocked by Acme _________ SHOES REPAIRED by Belcher Servlc « ___________ LET US HAVE YOUR RUGS CLEANED PHONE: OLiver 7-3355 TRENTON GA. Open daily 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. SPECIALS Kraft Daisy Cheese ... 29 c lb Kraft Mayonnaise........... .... 39^ ft Philadelphia Cream Cheese.. 3 oz pkg 17 ( Parkay Oleo 29^ lb. Krafts Cooking Oil.............59^ qt. Fleetwood Coffee m lb- Pink Salmon.................49^1 lb. Jumbo of 12..29^ box Bananas mm Hi* Black Hawk Ham Portions......39^ lb. Center Cut Pork Chops.......45^ lb, Beef Stew f ....................10^ lb. Pecans . .................3 lbs. .4 19< Santa will be at the SHOP-RITE Super Mar¬ in Trenton on December 8 & each Sat¬ urday until Christmas. Kiddies, don’t miss a visit with Santa. SHOP-RITE Trenton, Ga. THE NEW MODERN SUPER MARKET IN TRENTON