Newspaper Page Text
Entries Invited In Christmas Lighting Contest
A (T b nitty
Dade County's Only Newspaper.
Rising Fawn, New Salem
Projects Open For Bids
Word has been received from
the State School Service that
the Rising Fawn and New Salem
School building projects are now
open for bids from contractors.
Sealed proposals will be re¬
ceived until Jan. 10 1957, at
which time all bids will be
opened and the contract or con¬
tracts awarded.
County School Supt. Roy W.
Moore said Monday that he was
happy to report that the long-
awaited time has at last ar¬
rived for work to be done on
these projects.
“I believe that the Rising
Fawn and New Salem schools
will be ready at least by Smother
school term,” Moore stated.
These projects have been
studied since June 1955, when a
bond issue was passed here,
making it possible for plans to
be started for alterations and
additions to the buildings. Pro¬
cessing took a little over a year
in comparison to the three-year
period required when plans for
the county school building proj-
Davis Supper Brings
$732, Benefit Scouts
The Davis Ruritan Club fed
approximately 400 patrons at
the Davis High School lunch¬
room Saturday night. Follow¬
ing the dinner, an auction of
Chiristmjas gifts was held. The
club has set aside * the $732.00
derived from this event to help
build Boy Scout Troop 49 a hut.
The Davis Ruritan Club ex¬
tends thanks to all the Dade
County, Alabama and Chatta¬
nooga merchants who contrib¬
uted gifts far the auction. A very
specal thanks is extended to
the Ruritan Club wives for the
* cakes and pies and for pre¬
paring the dinner.
At the Noveunbefr meeting, the
club received its Boy Scout
Charter for Troop 49. The char¬
ter for Troop 49. The charter
was presented by Herman Wil¬
son, District Commissioner. He
was introduced to the club by
Coach Ralph Simmons, with Al¬
len Newell, Scoutmaster from
Fort Oglethorpe charging the
following committeemen
their duties: Andrew Carrell,
stitutional adviser, Robert
man, committee chairman;
McClanahan, scoutmaster, Ro-
land Ball, assistant scoutmastet,
and Ralph Simmons explorer
Since this meeting, the club
has acquired a smjall tract of
land adjacent to the football
field for the Scout hut. Plans
are being completed for imme-
dite construction of a hut mea¬
suring 24 by 40 feet, fabricated
corregated metal sides and
aluminum v-drimp roofing.
There is a need to acquire the
lumber needed for the project.
All labor will be done by mem-
(Cont. to page 5)
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
ect as a whole were undergoing
study by the State School Build-
in ^ Serv * ce -
The announcement was made
by letter Monday from John E.
Sims of the State School Build¬
ing Service in Atlanta. An invi¬
tation to bid was enclosed and
is printed elsewhere in this issue.
Would-Be Thieves
Kill Storekeeper
A three-state manhunt for
two desperados who shot and
killed a woman storekeeper near
Flat Rock, caused considerable
exctement in Dade County Tues¬
day. Mrs. Majry Anderson died
from a shotgun blast as she at¬
tempted to prevent the pair
from robbing her. She was a
first cousin of Trenton ba(rber
C. T. Sims.
The gunmen, Bobby Jean
Smith, 18, of Long Island, Ala %
Rt. 1, and James Swader, 29,
of Rt. 1, Chickamauga, were ap¬
prehended in Chattanooga Tues¬
day afternoon after they eluded
roadblocks set up by Alabama,
Georgia and Tennessee police.
Smith ireportedly confessed
that Swader wielded the shot-
jgun after Mrs. Anderson at¬
tempted to defend herself witn
a pistol which was kept under
the counter. The youth said he
had wrested the pistol away
from the woman an instant be¬
fore Swader fired the fatal blast
which struck her in the stomach,
killing her instantly.
Smith allegedly said he and
Swader drove towards Trenton
on the Sand Mountain highway
and threw the guns off the
road into the bjrush near the
gap on 143. They then drove off
the mountain at South Pitts¬
burg. The weapons were re¬
trieved Tuesday night.
County Roadblocks
Sheriff Allison Blevins was as¬
sisted in setting up roadblocks
before the capture of the pax
by Jim Breedlove and H. H.
Hutchings, who were stationed
at the Birmingham-Sand Moun¬
tain highway intersection, arib
by Joe Blevins, who kept watch
on the intersection of the New
Home-Murphy’s Hollow roads.
men? iflcluding
^ rp gi ms> helped comb the
area by car ahd by heli-
e0 pter. Sims who called the
CO pter from Chattanooga in
Q r ^ er get a view of logging
roads,, assisted in the search
(Cont. to Page 2)
• i <hrWm»» J 6r«timp
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*• * *
This year ~ the Post Office De¬
partment will be handling more
mail than ever before.
We, in your local post office,
would like to make a few sug¬
gestions that will enable us to
better serve you.
First of all,, buy your stamps
Separate your mailings and
tie them into packages malrked
‘iocal” and “out of town.”
When more than three or four
letters are mailed at one time,
please hand to clerk on duty,
instead of using the letter drop
as this will save time for the
canceling clerk.
Your packages may be marked
“Do Not Open Until Christmas”
and with the new combination
service you may inclose written
matter in packaes, when prop¬
erly endorsed to that effect and
upon payment of proper post¬
I f possible, do your heavy
mailing before 4 o’clock in the
atternoon. This will greatly as¬
sist in the mail going out on
Your co-operation will be
deeply appreciated.
DEC. 14—Garden Club Christmas Party, home of Mrs. N. H.
Hutchison, 7:30 p.m.
Avans Home Demonstration Party, home of Mrs. Jiles
Gass, 7:30 p.m.
New Salem PTA at the school, Mrs. Bennie McKaigg
presiding 7:30 p.m.
DEC. 16—Christmas Cantata, Wildwood Methodist Chufch, 7:30
p.m., Mrs. Mary Townsend directing.
DEC. 17—Recital of Mrs. A. L. Dyer’s music pupils at her home.
DEC. 18—Holiday dinner at Rising Fawn School with turkey and
trimmings; parents invited.
Trenton Home Demonstration Party home of Mrs.
A. L. Dyer, 7:30 p.m. Guests to come in kiddie costume.
Gifts will be exchanged.
Dade High Glee Club and Junior Chorus Program, 3
p.m., Keith Delk directing.
DEC. 19—Sand Mountain Methodist, special program with Mrs.
J. O. Gass in charge, 7:30 p.m.
North Dade School, special .morning program. Pattrons
invited to attend.
Christmas program, Rising Fawn School, 9 a.m. Guest
speaker, parents and friends invited.
DEC. 20—Trenton Methodist WSCS, 2:30 p.m. at parsonage.
Trenton Methodist Guild, 7:30 ip.m* at parsonage.
DEC. 21—Judging of Countywide Christmas Lighting and Decdra-
tion Contest.
DEC. 22—Cave Springs Methodist, Movie, “Christmas Spirit,”
7:30 p.m.
Children’s program, Trenton Methodist, 7:30 p.m. with
Mjrs. J. M. Rogers in charge.
DEC. 23—Trenton Baptist, Special Program, 7:30 p.m.
Rising Fawn Methodist Christmas Pageant, 7:30 p.m.
Trenton Methodist Pageant featuring Junior Choir,
7:30 p.m., Rev. R. L. Hilten directing.
Woodlawn Baptist, Special Program, 7:30 p.m.
Rising Fawn Baptist Program, 7:30 p.n*., with Mes¬
dames Harold Castleberry, Brice Holland and Jim¬
my Johnston in charge. /
New England Methodist, special program, tfree and
gift exchange, 7:30 p.m. at
Piney Baptist, film, “Greatest Story.” Gifts given
close of program.
D EC. 24—Pleasant Grove Church, program with tree and ex¬
change of gifts.
Byrd’s Chapel M. E. Church Pageant, 7:30 p.m.
Clovdrdale Baptist Church, Pageant, 7:30 p.m.
(NOTE_There wll be no Christmas program at Davis High since
classes are being held on the stage. Other specal pro¬
grams in the county were not available at p^ress time.
Churches, schools or organizations omitted are re¬
quested to send in programs for the Dee. 20 issue.)
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Fires Raze Three
Avans Resident Burned
Fire’ destroyed a frame
ling south of Trenton
night, with the occupants
ly escaping with their lives.
their furniture and clothing
lost. The house was owned
J. E. Carter, who had rented
some months ago to Mr. and
Judging Set Dec. 21
For Lighting Contest
Entries in tne county-wide
Christmas lighting and decoration
contest are invited by the co-spon¬
sors of the event, the garden club
and the Home Demonstration
Council. The contest, which fea
tures awards for the best deco
rated door and the best outdoor
display, is open to all residents
of Dade County.
Persons wishing to enter are
asked to contact Mrs. E. S. Pace,
chairman of the garden club com¬
mittee, or J. C. Wallen, chair¬
man of the Home Demonstration
Council committee, or the follow¬
ing members of their committees:
Mesdames Martin Nethery, Asa
McMahan, Cl. C. Hardeman, Cecil
McKaig or Fred Harrison.
Mrs. Parker Gvens, former
residents of Rising Fawn.
Mr. and Mrs. Givens had re¬
tired for the night when smoke
fro mthe fire aw'akened them.
The flames had already gotten
such a head start that the cou¬
ple had time only to run out¬
side. Mr. Given lost his shoes,
along with othor clothing, in the
“Gib” Stephens, who lives in
the Frost home a few feet away
said he was aroused by screams
from next door and looked out
to see flames shooting from the
Ordinary R. M. Morrison
turned in the alarm to the Tren¬
ton fire department when he
saw the light from the fire from
his bedroom window. Calls were
immediately ;put in to members
of the fire department by Mrs.
James Morrison.
By the time the fire engine
arrived, the entire house was
consumed by fire with only the
blackened outline of the frame¬
work visible through the fl me .
Although only a few minutes
minutes elapsed from the time
the fire was reported, the blaze
had such a head start that the
building was a roaring holocaust
in a few short minutes. The ex¬
ceptionally dry weather h. d
dried out the lumber so much
that some said the house was
probably as “dry as a tindri
Woman Burned
Another house was consurru r
by fire this week after a house
wife reportedly threw kerosen
into a heater. Mrs. Melvin Daniel
was burned about the face, neck
and shoulders after the kero¬
sene caused the heater to ex¬
plode, setting the house afire.
The house, which was owned
by Randall Bodenhammer,
burned about 1 p.m. Tuesday.
The Daniels lost all their house¬
hold furnshings.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith of
the New Home Communty lost
their hom,e last week by fire, re¬
portedly caused by a faulty flue.
Mrs. Smith had started to the
C. G. Cooper Store when t
blaze was noticed, but the .
went up so fast, only a chu.
and dresser near the front door
were saved.
The Smiths are at present
staying in the home of Mrs. Kirk
Ellison. Several in the communi¬
ty, including Mrs. Fred Cooper,
aire helping round up household
Two barns owned by Elbert
Ellison and Lloyd Green of this
community also burned during
the past two weeks, destroying
some hay and farm machinery.
Farther details were not avail¬
able at press time.
The Forestry Department re¬
ported Monday .that the woods
are still dry, despite a slight rain¬
fall over the week-end. About
three brush fires were reported
during the past two weeks. Resi¬
dents of the county are urged
to be especially careful about
checking chimneys and flues,
and are requested to notify the
forest ranger before burning off