The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, February 14, 1957, Page 5, Image 5
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1957 WANTADS FOR SALE—Mixed hay. $30 a ton, 90 cents a bale. See Spen¬ cer Middleton, Rising Fawn, Ga. ltp. FOR SALE—One 20-ft. Admiral deep-freeze, chest-type. Ches¬ ter Buchanan, Trenton, Ga. TIME IS MY BUSINESS. R. H. Yell Watch Repair Service. Rt 2 Trenton, Ga., at White Oak Gap. FOR SALE—Baby bed, complete with mattress $18. Good con¬ dition. OL 7-4083. HIGHEST prices paid for pine and poplar logs. See us if you have any to sell. Dyer Lumber Company, Trenton, Ga. FOR RENT—Unfurnished One- bedroom apartments, with electric stove, refrigerator, and hot water heater, in Morrison Building in Trenton. Heat fur¬ nished. K. H. YELL SAW SERVICE Hand - Saws Filed. $1.00; RE Toothed $1.50; Band Saws Circle Saws, Cross Cut Saws. All work guaranteed. Rt. 2, Trenton, Ga., at White Oak Gap. DR. G. K. MacVane Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue Ft. Payne, Ala. IF YOU GO TO A PHYSICIAN away from Trenton, why not have him call your prescrip¬ tion to HADDEN'S PHAR¬ MACY — We will pay the charges, and your prescription will be ready when you get back to Trenton. WANTED — Good, experienced cook to start March 1st. Apply Busy Bee Restaurant, Trenton, Oa. 32p—2-21-57. WANTED: Man for profitable business in Dade County. Good living at start. See R. N. Crider, Rt. 3, Box 1460, La- Fayette, or write Rawleigh’s, Dept. GAB-10-101, Memphis, Tenn. 5t—2-14. 2-21, 2-28; 3-7-3-14 LOST OR STRAYED—Since Fri day, Jan. 25, a yellow hound dog. Reasonable reward for his return. Contact Donald E. Higdon, Rt. 2, Trenton, Ga., 2V Z miles north from Chris¬ tian's Store, on Bluff Road. 2t p —2-21. FOR SALE—Cars and trucks. Also auto parts of all kinds. Would like to have truck haul¬ ing jobs. We sell coal, 1 bu. to 10 tons. Trenton Trading Post. 6tp.—3-14. WILL SELL to highest bidder on Feb. 16 on Court House Square —1950 Buick, clean. Buyer will get clear title. 2tp—2-14 FOR SALE—1952 Pontiac, 4- door. See Virgil Wall at Gulf Service Station, Trenton, Ga. It. COMPARE 5" / ■ XStSS • i * • This is an extreme example of soil acidity resulting from continuous use of ammonia nitrogen without lime. Regular use of Chilean helps correct acidity, maintains favorable pH. w and you'll choose CHILEAN NITRATE O? SODA More than anything else, when spring growth begins, small grain needs an ample supply of fast-acting nitrate nitrogen. And that means Chilean Nitrate of Soda. The nitrogen in it is 100 per cent nitrate nitrogen —fast-acting and ready to help the hungry crop through its most difficult period and push it ahead. More than 100 years of consistently satisfactory experience with Natural Chilean Soda have demonstrated that there is nothing to com¬ pare with it for top-dressing small grain. Ii i a rare natural combina¬ tion of nitrate nitrogen, sodium and minor elemenis. The nitrogen is 100 per cent nitrate nitrogen ready to work, rain or shine, as soon as it’s applied. This is especially important because at top-dressing time every moment counts. There is nothing like nitrate nitrogen iur a small grain crop —and there is no source of nitrate nitrogen that can com¬ pare with Natural Chilean Soda. Then, there’s the sodium and minor elements. Sodium, partiru larly, adds much to the value and effectiveness of Chilean Soda. It conserves the supplies of magnesium, potash and calcium in the soil and substitutes for calcium and potash, if necessary. It increases the supply of available phosphate. Every ton of Chilean contains sodium equivalent to 650 pounds of commercial limestone to destroy soil acidity and correct acid-forming effects of ammonia nitrogen. This explains why regular, systematic use of Chilean Soda helps so much to maintain favorable pH level for the production ' a of top yields of top-quality crops. If you have any question about the top-dressing for your small grain crop this year, we urge you to try Natural Chilean Soda, if only in a small way to begin with, and see the difference for yourself. You’ll find it is the most economical and satisfactory nitrate nitrogen fertilizer you can buy for top-dressing your small grain crops. Vf vC ■ ZW —I LOOK FOR THE BULLDOG ON THE BAG! NEW HOME The box supper Saturday right was a success; although there weren’t many there, every¬ one enjoyed themselves. The purpose of these suppers is to finish our community house. We know this is a com munity project, but we need help from everyone who can help us. There will be a community meeting at the home of Mr. M. M. Garner Tuesday night, Feb. FOR RENT—Two 4-roonr houses, close in. Mrs. W. B. Cureton, Trenton. Colonial Sugar 5-Lb. Bag 47c Sunshine Crackers 1-Lb. Pkg. 25c Sauer’s Black Pepper 4-0z. Can 33c Royal Gup Coffee 1-Lb. Pkg. 89< Lay’s Potato Chips 10l and 25l Wesson Oil Pint Bottle 37c BAGWELL’S Blackberry Jelly 18-0z. Jar 41c Snowdrift 3-Lb. Can 89c John L. Case Co. TRENTON, GA. 19 at 7:30. Everyone who is in¬ terested in the type of fl<£or that should be put in the community house should be present. Also we hope Mr. Case and Mr. Ta¬ tum will be (present to discuss our telephones which are a great necessity. Please, let’s everyone be present tfor this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Garner from Ider, Ala., visited their children, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Garner and Mr. and Mrs. Arval Garner, this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ferguson and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crisp this week¬ end. Mr. and Mrs. John McAdams from Texarkana, Ark., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rochester for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ivey and small son visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ivey, this weekend. We are glad to have Everett Hundley home after almost nine years in the Air Force. That is about the news for this week. See you next week. Your community reporter, Mrs. Hazel Hundley. WE SELL typewriting paper, white and yellow second sheets, thin paper marked “copy” and two sizes of mi¬ meograph paper. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES TRENTON. GA. Convenient! INSTANT Fleetwood COFFEE Kansas Diamond Flour DECORATED DINNER PLATE FREE WITH EACH PURCHASE 25 Lbs. for $2.19 Golden Eagle Syrup 5-Lb. Jar 83c Cordy’s Salt 26-0z. Box 10c Btul Af/TASPIRIN RELIEF M0NEYCANBUY Handy 12 tablet tin for pocket or purse s l *S P ' R fst ‘N J J SEUER AT 10< Regular meetings Trenton Lodge No. 179 F. •& a. m. the second and fourth Saturday nights each month at 8:00 p. m. Anniversary Day Thursday, Feb. 21 To thank the people of Dade County for the wonderful way that you have accepted us this past year, we will have one day in which there will be free cokes for everyone, free balloons and lollypops for the children. Also, all during the day, you may register for six (6) boxes of candy to be giv£n away at 8:00 p.m. and for the Grand Prize—a Brand New Table Model Radio! • New Lines Have Been Added For The First Time at Hadden's Pharmacy: Magazines, Sta¬ tionery, School ^Supplies and Others. Come In to See Us—We Would Enjoy Meeting You! Hadden's Pharmacy TRENTON. GEORGIA get ALL-NEW FORMULA 2 BOTTLE TUBE OR 59c KUS TAX FAB, REGULAR ............33c PALMOLIVE REGULAR ...10c PALMOLIVE BATH, 2 FOR 29c SUPER SUDS, REG.........33c AJAX, GIANT ..............18c CASHMERE BOUQUET, 3 for 25c CASHMERE BATH, 2 for... 25c VEL BEAUTY BAR ........ 25c VEL POWDER, REG.........33c AD, LARGE ................39c FLORIENT .................79c KAN KILL, 6-OZ............69c KAN KILL, 12-OZ.........$1.09 OCTAGON LAUNDRY SOAP 11c OCTAGON DETERGENT ... 33c VEL LIQUID.............39c STO'R £ All qualified Masons invited to attend. R. V. Cureton, W. M. J. M. Rogers, Sec'y. BUY U. S. SAVING BONDS