The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 25, 1957, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
PAGE 4 HOOKER NEWS Charlston, S. C. Mr. Frank Mayhew of West Frankfort 111. is a guest of his mother Mrs. J. F. Mayhew and other relatives here. Miss Joan Limbough and Mr. Hamrick were married Friday night. Mr. Prill Strawn has returned from a business trip to Nash¬ ville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kirch- meyer and son Ernest spent the week end in Panama City, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith, Jr. and sons of Soddy, Tenn. visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith Sum- day. Mesdames Bill Brock and Lon¬ nie Pilgrim entertained with a Shower Thursday night at the home of Mrs. C. M. Smith honor¬ ing Mrs. Billie Bumpus. Mrs. Mabel Hunt visited Mr. and Mrs. Hawes at Guntersville, Ala. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coates have returned from a visit with (relatives in Gadsden, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Harris and sons J. D. and Elmer spent last week with their son Wayne and family at Fort Polk, La. While they were away their son Hom¬ er was a guest of Mrs. Thelma Bell and their daughter Betty visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Proctor in Chattanooga. Round and Square Dance Every Saturday Night American Legion Hall 8-12 p. m. Country Style Playboys THE DADE COUNTY TIMES: TRENTON. GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1£57 BIRTHS A son to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bright, route 2, Trenton, May 5. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lawson, route 1, Trenton, May 6. A son to Mr. and Mrs. James Castleberry, Rising Fawn, May 7. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Wall, route 2, Rising Fawn, May 11. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Billy Daniels, Trenton, Miay 13. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Battle, Trenton, May 14. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James M. Case, Trenton, May 24. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Truett Abercrombie, route 1. Wildwood, May 29. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Young Dalton, route 2, Rising Fawn, June 10. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Crisp, route 2, Trenton, June 17. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ross, route 2. Rising Fawn, June 18. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Derrell Gadis, Trenton, July 5. W. R. GIFFORD HONORED ON 74TH BIRTHDAY Mr. W. R. Gifford was honor¬ ed Sunday with a birthday cele¬ bration on the occasion of his 74th birthday. About thirty of his children and grandchildren, present. WEST BROW NEWS heads and hands during the two weeks. The kindergarten depart¬ ment is being taken care of by Craig, Mildred Hall, anne Lou Falls and Genevieve McCarrell. The Primary dept, has Christine Veal, Christine Moore and Mar¬ garet Pflug, the juniors have Ge¬ neva Anderson, Christine W-Di iams and Thelma Farmer and Intermediate group has Phe- nie Farmer nd Robert McCar¬ rell as teachers. Others in the community have aided by send¬ ing material for the Bible such as cookies, card¬ and other helpful objects we express our thanks to one. Pastor Pflug has fill¬ in as substitute and led the in the choruses which are much a part of the Bible July fourth a parking area was since then the road has been for the community grounds so that driving to the House has been made plesant. The Boy Scout Troop here on mountain is planning a trip to the Smoky Aug. 4,5, and 6. George Hale and Pug Veal now the Shell Service Station at top of the mountain. We them much success. Mary Ellen Mahoney is vaca¬ from Penn., With the also for a very short visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brel- Pastor Arthur Pflug spent days in the Hospital the first July. Flowers and cards were very much. Mr. and Mrs. Aubbrey Long from their Floridav a- this past week. Evening services are going on the Holiness Church on the and are well attended. Mrs. Kenneth Hale celebrated birthday Sunday and Mr. Williams celebrated one week before. Mrs. Ed An¬ mother will be celebrat¬ her 93 birthday July 20. Cony McCarty is still Vaca¬ with her brother in Nor¬ Va. The healthy drops of rain enjoyed Monday afternoon the roads, grass, bushes and as well as the people. Louise Stiff’s sister Maxine is residing with her at present and is employed in She comes to our from Elizabethtown, Our expression of sympathy is on to George Stiff in the of his Uncle Cab Stiff. A Revival at the West Brow Chapel is schedul¬ for the second week in Aug¬ Rev. J. Pledger, from Oatt- will be the Evangelist. Regular meetings Trenton No. 179 F. & A. M. the second and fourth Saturday nighte each month at 8:00 p. m. R. V. Cureton, W. M. J. M. Rogers, Sec’y. All qualified Masons invited attend. YOUR LOCAL CIVIL DEFENSE ORGANIZATION. DOCTOR H. L. Holtzendorf < Dentist < Announces Opening j of Office and Dental Laboratory in j Trenton, Ga. 4 OVER i BANK OF DADE 4 Phone OL 7-4803 4 .... RISING FAWN NEWS several trips to Birmingham re¬ cently. He was absent at the July Ruritan Club meeting so Bill Austin, vice-president,, pre¬ sided. Cleron Kyser was the speaker of the evening. The many friends of Mrs. Will Smith will regret to learn that she is confined to her home and under doctor’s orders to remain abed for some time. Her grand¬ daughter, Patsy McNair, who has been with her has returned home and Mrs. Gertrude Wood- yard is with her now. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hitt have returned from a week”s visit with their son Charles, Jr. and Mrs. Hitt in Little Rock, Ark. Work has begun on the new lunchroom of the Rising Fawn school. While the patrons are delighted that they shall have a new lunchroom they are very disapponted that the original plans for the remodeling of the entire building have been so drastically curtailed. The June meeting of the Ris¬ ing Fawn Home Demonstration Club was held at the hime of Mrs. Charles Long. Mrs. Fred Harrison gave the devotional as¬ sisted by Mrs. Irving Friedmann. Mrs. Jules Case, Trenton, Coun¬ cil president, gave a most inter¬ esting account of the annual trip to Rock Eagle, where she won first prize for her “church dress”. An interesting discussion of rpetrods and preparation of foods for freezing .was engaged in by all present, following which Miss Hubble gave a needed les¬ son on ants — not aunts — and how to get rid of them. The hab¬ its of these annoying little in¬ sects were quite interesting as told by her. (Written for this week) Little Joe Tipton, four year old son of John and Fay Tipton, was rushed to the hospital Sat¬ urday when it was discovered he h ad drunk a small bottle of rat poison. He remains very ill. Clyde Chadwick, who has been confined to the Tri-County Hos¬ pital for some time, hopes to be able to return home the latter part of this week. Mrs. Sam Chandler has ac¬ cepted a housekeeping job in AUCTION SALE Furniture and Miscellaneous Every Friday night 8 P.M. Court House Square Trenton Ga. FREE PRIZES Union City Auction Co. Deep Well Pumps A Pump For Any Depth Well Priced To Begin At $ 99.50 Trenton Furniture and Appliance Co. Trenton, Georgia Phone OL 7-4651 Chattanooga where she is given the priivilege of coming home over the week-ends. Mr. and Mrs. Inman T. Bled¬ soe and daughter of Jacksonville, Fla. and the W. D. Jacoways and Miss Edna Jacoway visited the Misses Curetons and Mrs. Stroud this week. Mr. Bledsoe, wro is technical advisor in the con- - struction of Crusader jets was recently transferred from Ar¬ lington, Texas to Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allison had their annual get-together of the William Allisons Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russy Allison, Dal¬ las, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Dellinger and two sons of Berry Schools; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Al¬ lison and 3 sons of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Will Elrod and Mrs. Alma Baker of Fort Payne; Dr. Bruce Elrod and 2 sons of Chat¬ tanooga; and Mrs. Fannie Sims and Mrs. Lillie Holliman of Chat¬ tanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ja- coway called during the after¬ noon. Mrs. Grace Young of New York City and Mrs. Ethel Thomp¬ son and daughter Joan of Chat¬ tanooga have been visiting the Irving Friedmann family. Mr. and M|rs. E. L. Allison of Tulsa, Okla. visited friends and relatives in Rising Fawn and Chattanooga last week. L. M. Allison is spending this week with his cousin, at Berry Schools. Dr. D. S. Middleton and Mrs. Pinkney Williams remain con¬ fined to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and little daughter have returned after a wqek’s vacation in Mo¬ bile. Rev. and Mrs. Taylor Castle¬ berry and children were in Mc- Culla, Ala. where he conducted a week long revival. TENT MEETING There will be a Gospel Tent Meeting on Sand Mountain, East Brow Highway about three miles south of Brown’s Gap start¬ ing Aug. 19. Preaching by Eugene Crowley, Shelbyville, Tenn Everyone is cordially invited, i * 3tp-8-l LET US DO YOUR JOB WORK THE DADE COUNTY TIMES