Newspaper Page Text
There will be sold before
courthouse door in said State
and County, between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tues¬
day in August,, 1957. the follow¬
ing property:—
Fifty (50) acres, more or less,
in 19th district and 4th section
of Dade County., Georgia, be¬
ginning at Southwest corner of
tract known as Bill Jenkins 50
acre tract; thence North along
old tram road to Cole City Creek;
then following creek to North¬
west corner said Jenkins tract;
thence Westwardly 1278 feet to
corner; thence southwardly ap¬
proximately parallel to old tram
road 2080 feet, more or less, to
northwest corner tract known
as Arthur Rector land; thence
eastwardlv along north line of
the Rector tract and then tract
known as the Trixine Phillips
tract 1040 feet, more or less to
beginning point. Reference is
made to description in security
deed recorded in book 26 page
328 of Dade County Deed Rec¬
ords in which property is shown
to be in Lots 24 and 25. but is is
believed the correct lot numbers
are Nos. 38 and 39.
Said property levied on as the
property of Clarence Walker and
will be sold as the property of
Clarence Walker to satisfy cer¬
tain State and County tax fi.
fas. for the years 1949, 1950, 1951,
1952, 1953, 1954, 1955 and 1956 in
the aggregate principal amount
of $124.66 plus accrued costs and
This 1st day of July 1957.
4t-8-l Allison Blevins, Sheriff
WHEREAS, on November 8,
1956, L. J. Neal, Jr., executed and
delivered to BANK OF DADE, a
State Banking Corporation of
Trenton. Dade County, Georgia,
a security deed conveying the
property hereinafter described,
for the purpose of securing an
indebtedness therm described,
which security deed is of record
in office of Clerk of Superior
Court of Dade County, Georgia
in deed book No. 50 pages 32 et
seq.. to which reference is here
made for its terms and provi¬
sions. And, made
WHEREAS, default was
in the payment of more than one
of the monthly payments due on
isaid note,, and such default hav¬
ing continued for more than
thirty days, Bank of Dade, the
holder of said indebtedness,
elected to exercise the option
contained in said note and se¬
curity deed and declared all of
said indebtedness to be due and
payable at once, and default has
been made in the payment there¬
of and still continues.
NOW THEREFORE, because of
such default, and pursuant to
the power and authority granted
in said security deed, the under¬
signed Bank of Dade will on
Tuesday the 6th day of August,
1957, within the legal hours of
sale, at the Courthouse door in
Trenton, Dade County, Georgia,
expose to sale and will sell, to the
best and highest bidder for cash,
the following described real es¬
tate, being the property describ¬
ed in said security deed, to-wit:--
Part of Land Lot No. Ill in
the 11th District and 4th Sec¬
tion of Dade County, Georgia,
described as follows:—BEGIN¬
NING at the southwest corner
of the 5.7 acre tract described in
deed from Lunsford Neal to
Terrell M. Neal and wife, Betty
Neal,, dated March 26. 1956, of
record in Book 48, page 445 of
Dade Countv Deed Records;
thence running eastwardly
along the south line of said Ter¬
rell Neal and wife tract, 650 feet,
more or less,, to the southeast
corner thereof; thence in a
southwesterly direction on a line
approximately parallel to Neal
Creek. 300 feet to an iron stob
corner; thence westwardly on a
line parallel to the north line
hereof, 650 feet, more or less, to
Neal Creek; thence Northeast¬
wardly along Neal Creek, 300
feet, more or less, to the begin¬
ning point. Said tract contains
4 "acres, more or described less. This in is
the same property Neal to L.
deed from Lunsford 1956
J. Neal. Jr., dated October 9
of Record in Book 49. page 596 of
Dade Countv Deed Records.
The proceeds of the sale will
be disbursed in accordance with
the provisions of said security
deed, and pursuant to the pow¬
er and authority granted in said
security deed the undersigned
Bank of Dade will execute to the
purchaser a conveyance of said
property in .fee simple.
This July 5, 1957.
Bv Maddox J. Hale,
4T-8-1 ____
TcFfOB SALE on Hwy 11 south
of New England. Look for sign.
I Get quick results with
FOR SALE: $17.95 Bathinette
like new. Will sell for $8.00
Call Mrs. Patsy McKaig at OL
7-4763. Up
FOR SALE: Coleman automatic
forced air Oil Furnace with
thermostat, ducts and blend
ers. Complete, $200.00. Frank
Patterson, Slygo Valley, Phone
OLiver 7-4962. 3tp-8-8
CUSTOM WORK in digging sep
tic tanks, foundations, field
lines, etc., seeHolmes Tractor
Co., Morganville, Ga. or call
OLiver 7-4233. 3tp-7-25
house, service station, 2 acres
of land on top of Lookout
Mountain on Hwy 143. Beauti¬
ful west view. Mrs. Buff Brad¬
ford,, Rt. 2 Rising J Fawn, Ga.
$50 REWARD for arrest and con¬
viction of the men or boys who
broke into my store May 6,
1957. W. M. Hartman, Wild¬
wood. Ga. 3tp-7-25
CLEAN 47 FORD pick-up truck
for sale. Bud Crane, Rt. 1, Ris¬
ing Fawn, Ga. 3tp-8/8
in your garden? Call your
Watkins Dealer, OLiver 7-4936
as we carry everything in the
Watkins line. J. D. Massen-
gale, Slygo Valley. 3tp-7-25
HOUSEMOVING — Raising, low¬
ering and leveling. Payne &
Dean, Rising Fawn, Ga. Phone
HOward 2-3165. 3tp-8-l
Hand Saws Filed. $1.00; RE
Toothed $1.50; Band Saws
Circle Saws, Cross Cut Saws.
All work guaranteed. Rt. 2 ,
Trenton, Ga., at White Oak
WANTED: Pine, popular and oak
Tri-State Lumber Corp., 38th
and Jerome Sts., Chattanooga,
Tenn. 8t 7-15
We are still in the picture busi¬
ness, portraits, medallians,
frames, old masterpieces, any
and all kinds of fine art. In
fact anything belonging to pic¬
tures. For complete informa¬
tion write the Trenton Picture
House, Trehton, Ga. or call
OLiver 7-3275. 2tp-7-25
away from Trenton, why not
have him call your prescrip¬
tion to HADDEN’S PHAR¬
MACY — We will pay the
charges, and your prescription
will be ready when you get
back to Trenton.
Yell Watch Repair Service. Rt.
2, Trenton, Ga., at White Oak
HIGHEST prices paid for pine
and poplar logs. See us if you
have any to sell. Dyer Lumber
Company, Trenton, Ga.
DR. G. K. MacVane
Chiropractor and Naturopath
720 N. Gault'Avenue
Ft. Payne, Ala.
BULLDOZING, all types, yard
work, pond digging, bush and
bog work and clearing. Alvin
Reeves, Phone OLiver 7-4971,
Rt. 1, Trenton, Ga.
History of World War II is now
on the market. A huge volume
of war information from start
to finish of War II plus many
pictures. If you wish to buy
one of these great books you
can find out more about it by
writing the Trenton Picture
House, Trenton, Ga. or call
OLiver 7-3275. 2tp-7-25.
1 lb. box 19c 5 lb. Bag 49c
Potato LAY’S Chips Fleetwood Coffee • Milk JERRELL’S Powder
10c & 25c 1 lb. pkg. 89c 13 oz. pkg. 30 c
Tomato STOKLEY’S Catsup Bosco Kansas
12 oz. jar 37c
14 oz. bottle 15c 24 oz. jar 69c Diamond
STOKLEY’S Charmin Tissue i Flour
Cut Beets Pkg of 4 rolls 35c 10 lb. bag 99c
2 cans 25c
ANGLO -(tauc tut*. tyvu.
12 Corned Beef N EW^ mini
oz. can 49c
Roast Beef store
12 oz. can 49c 19c
John L Case Co.
During the recent election of
new American Legion officers,
Dennis Sullivan was chosen as
Commander and A. J. (Joe)- At-
chley Adjutant.
Other officers are: Lindbergh
Sgt.-at-Arms; Fred
Morgan, Finance Officer; Alvin
Taylor, Chaplain; Henry Carter,
Officer; and Claud Har
who was elected to serve
three year term as trustee.
The Ladies’ Aide at Wildwood
be serving dinner Sunday,
28, at their Community
Adults $1.00, Children 50c.
drink everybody
There will be sold before the
door in said State
County, between the legal
of sale, on the first Tues¬
in August. 1957, the follow¬
property —
A tract of 20 acres, more or
in 11th Dist. 4th Sec. Dade
Ga., conveyed by W. W.
to E. J. Elliott by deed dat¬
Aug. 15, 1936, of record in
“Z” page 55 of Dade Coun¬
Deed Records. Said tract
on North and West by
property; on East by
Forester property; and
bv R. C. Thomas proper-
Said property levied on as the
of Edd Elliott and will
sold as the property of Edd
to satisfy certain State
County tax. fi. fas. for the
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
and 1956 in the aggregate
amount of $26.38 plus
interests and costs.
This 1st day of July 1957. Sheriff
Allison Blevins,
Mrs. Evelyn Griffin and child¬
ren, of near Birmingham, were
visiting relatives here last week
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis MMoore
traveled to Birmingham for the
week end. ,
(Written for this week)
The Home Demonstration
Council picnic was held at Cloud-
land Canyon Park July 10 with
the New Salem ladies as host¬
esses. Thanks to the ladies of
the various clubs for the deli
cious foods. There was a large
number present, including young
and old. Among those we were
especially glad to see were Mr.
and Mrs. Felt Moore, Mr. R. A.
McKaig and Mr. and MpS. L. M.
Demeree and Bessie Bradford
and Robbie and Carl Steele and
little Vickie are vacationing with
relatives in Texas. We wish all a
safe and happy trip.
Mory Jane Gray, of Atlaiia-,
Ala., daughter of Bill Gray, has
been vacationing with relatives
It’s certainly nice to see the
construction work going on at
the school that we’ve so anxious¬
ly waited for. We do hope to see
it completed in time for the
school term.
Charles Gray, of Fort Camp¬
bell, Ky., was the week end guest
of relatives here.
Many thanks to Mrs. Cochran,
as Advisor, and the ladies of
New Salem for their splendid
work in Bible School. I believe it
was the best we’ve had.
M r . and Mrs. Odis Huskey, of
Hixon, Tenn., were Sunday guests
the “Shad” Huskeys.
Mrs. Marian Hicks and boys
were visiting with us last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gray and
were visiting in Gad-
Ala. over the week end.
“The more the merrier” as the
old saying goes. Mr, and Mrs.
McKaig, Derrell and An-
ette, Mr. and Mrs. Geonge For¬
ester, Linda and little George
have been vacationing at va¬
parts of Florida. Don’t know
the old saying holds true but
hope to see the McKaigs and
Foresters at few days gof ia fe-
port on their tour.
The Cecil McKaigs were visit¬
ing in Oak Ridge over the week
end with Editr and Byron Logan
and Terrance and Frances
“Free of Pain” says little Rick¬
ey Ross after consuming two and
one half dozen asperins last
Thursday. A little limber legged
and dizzy headed for a few hours
but he is doing fine now.
There were reports of a slight
accident at the ball field Sun¬
day. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Jr.
Neal ran into the side of a pas¬
sing car. He received only a
bruised foot.
Mir. and Mrs. Herman Moore
and daughter Patricia are mov¬
ing to Florida some time this
week. I know we will all miss
them. We do want to wish them
happiness wherever they
I must add afew words about
I was in bed sick with
Sunday and was unable to
church services but I had
on the wonderful church
Instead of the regular
there was a Testi¬
Service which I’m most
everyone enjoyed. Our at¬
has been wonderful but
are capable of having it even
if each of us took it upon
to make it so. Let’s
try to be in church Sunday
bring someone with us.
There will be sold before the
door in said State
County, between the legal
of sale,, .on the first Tues¬
in August, 1957, the follow-
ng property:—
Fractional Land Lot No. 21 in
;he 19th district and 4th sec¬
of Dade County, Georgia,
144 acres, more or
Said property levied on as the
of J. T. Hurn and will
sold as the property of J. T.
to satisfy certain State and
tax fi. fas. for the years
1952. 1953. 1954, 1955, and
in the aggregate amount of
plus accrued Interest and
This 1st day of July 1957. Sheriff
Allison Blevins,