The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 08, 1957, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
PAGE 4 NEW SALEM By I^orena Jones I know we are all very grateful for the wonderful shower of rain we had Sunday . . . was sure a most needed one. Mr. and Mrs. Driggs Moore and children from Old Hickory, Tenn., were visiting Mrs. Katherine Moore and friends this week. We were also happy to have them visiting us in church. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Moore and children from Oak Ridge were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore over the week-end. We were all very happy to have them with us at church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Drew McKaig, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McKaig and children vacationed for a few days in the Smokies last week. Phillip Huskey has been vaca¬ tioning with relatives in Hixson, Tenn. He reported a most enjoy¬ able week fishing, playing ball, picnicking—well, all things that it takes to make a summer vaca¬ tion. Today (Sunday) is the big day for the Drew McKaig family, this being their homecoming as well as celebrating Aunt Virginia’s 65th birthday. We want to wish her many more happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal from Sea Drift, Texas are due to ar¬ rive here sometime this week for a week’s stay with relatives. We are all looking forward to their visit. Aunt Mary Massey has been here visiting a few days with Aunt Fannie Moore. Melvin Gewene has been visiting relatives up here this week. This Sunday being our annual all day singing, everyone try to be there and bring a well-filled basket. R. L. Robertson is the new owner of a dry cleaning business at Bridgeport, Ala. The Haygoods have been vaca¬ tioning in Florida. They reported some mighty good catches, but as the old saying goes, the big one got away, says Charles, simply because his Mommy didn't know how to land it. We had several children from our community attending the sum¬ mer camp up near Dayton, Tenn. this week. Among those were Bruce Gray, Elaine Gray, Jackie Fulghum, Winnie Baker, Bettie Bradford, Elsie Bradford, Blenda Moore, Patricia and Sarah Abbott, Jean Autry, Judy McKaig, Gladys Gray, Mary Lois Moore, Mary Jayne, Martha Jo and Billy June Johnson. A few came home puny, but even with their upset tum¬ mies, they still had a most enjoy¬ able week. Miss Eloise Pennington came up from Dothan, Ala. to spend a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Moore. The Prag Moore family left this morning on vacation. They plan to visit New York City and many more interesting points be¬ fore returning. Mrs. J. E. Fellow's, who is able to be up and around some, had lots of kinfolks from Cincinati, Ohio, visiting her last week. WYNELL USRY MARRIED TO FRED LONG Miss Wynell U&ry, daughter of Mrs. E. F. Usry anti the late Mr. Usry and James (Buddy) Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long of Rising Fawn were married June 29. The ceremony was performed by Mr. I. H. Wheeler, Jr. at his home. The bride w r as given in mar¬ riage by her mother. Miss Bren¬ da Murphy and Miles Murphy were the couple’s attendants. The bride is a student at Dade County High School. The groom, who attended Dade County High School is employed in Chatta¬ nooga. The young couple are making their home in Trenton. BUY U. S. SAVING BONDS THE DADE COUNTY TIMES: TRENTON. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. AUGUST 8, 1957 HOOKER By Mrs. Thelma Bell Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hall sons of Oak Ridge, Tenn. the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. Mrs. Robert Hamill and ren, Jimmie and Judy, of stone, Ga. are spending this with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Harris family were called to boro last week on account of death of Mr. Harris’ mother. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tromas- son of Whitwell, Tenn. Mir. and Mrs. Grady Bell Satur¬ day. Mrs. Milton Lyle of St. was a guest of Mrs. J. E. Strawn, Sunday. Mrs. Lulu Cross of St. was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tittle. Mrs, Fred Mallock of Tenn. spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hayden SStrawn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank of West Frankfort, 111; Mr. Mrs. Leslie Mayhew and child¬ ren and Mr. and Mrs. of Chicago, 111.; Donald and Ken- eth Overturf of St. Louis, Mo. spent two weeks with Mrs. J. F. Mayhew’, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith en¬ tertained with a dinner on Sun¬ day honoring their guest. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Brad Doyle and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stine and son of Whiteside, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mayhew and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haer- ing and son of Trenton; Mr. Mrs. Tom Carroll and son and Mrs. Bill Brock and children of Wildwood. Others called the afternoon. AIR CONDITIONING-TEMPERATURES MADE TO ORDER-AT NEW LOW COST. GET A DEMONSTRATION I If . LA ,y > jpfli ' „ I - V Drive the car that recorded up to that kind of road-holding ability NUMBER ONE IN 17 % greater fuel savings in a con¬ usually associated with sports cars; clusive transcontinental economy and, to round it off nicely, outstand¬ test of the three leading low-priced ing economy. Drive one soon at your CROSS-COUNTRY cars—sanctioned and certified by Chevrolet dealer’s. NAT A.* Running from Los Angeles ^National AulomoliPt TtMtni Asav*uitt*u to New York, Chevy proved that it ECONOMY TEST costs least to operate of all three! CHEVROLET It just goes to prove that Chevy -CHEVROLET! offers more of the important things CHEVROLET'S that make for happier driving. MORE PEOPLE DRIVE Remarkable pep and handling ease; THAN ANY OTHER CAR Only franchised Chevrolet dealer# display thi* famous trademark See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer SlYGO By Mrs. E. A. Cureton Mr. and Mrs. John F. Slaugh- Allis Loner of Dalton, Ga.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Slaughter. Mrs. Edgar Moore has gone for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Bill Purcell in Penn/ Mrs. Ira Cole spent the week end with her son B. W. Cole and Mrs. Cole in Rossville. Mrs. R. V. Cureton and child¬ ren visited her mother Mrs. An¬ nie Fryor in Tiftonia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hise and Weldon Hise visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Patterson,,, Saturday. Mrs. Guy Hughes entertained with a birthday party on Sat¬ urday honoring her daughter Marian on her sixth birthday. Linda Cole spent Friday night with her grandmother, Mrs. E. A. Cureton. Mr. Noah Goins and neice Hen¬ rietta Goins from Kentucky have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mrs. James Stamey of Chattanooga were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cureton and family last Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Holmes, Jr. were dinner guests of Mrs. Mailie Waddell and Edna. Sun¬ day. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Patterson visited relatives rere this week end. WE SELL typewriting paper, white and yellow second sheets, thin paper marked ‘'copy” and two sizes of ml-1 meograph paper. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES TRENTON. GA, i AUCTION SALE Furniture and Miscellaneous Every Friday night 8 P.M. Court House Square Trenton Ga. FREE PRIZES Union City Auction Co. XWOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO OOO n O O OO OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO CR ’55 Chevrolet Bel-Aire, 4 dr., PowergHde ’52 Ford Victoria '50 Oldsmobile Holiday Coupe (2) '51 Chevrolet i-Ton Pickups '54 Dodge 1-Ton, New Paint Griffith Chevrolet Co. Your Chevrolet Dealer Phone OLiver 7-3400 - Trenton, Georgia