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. Wiring .
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Call for free
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Dade High Beta
Club News
Greetings from our Dade High
School Beta Club! We trust
new school year will hold new
and happier advantages for us.
The meeting of the Beta Club
was held October 10th. Fourt¬
een new members were present.
Which made it a very good in¬
crease over last year’s member¬
The new members are: Jackie
Carroll, Linda Cole, Paul Dugan,
Dottie Houston, Beverly Hous¬
ton, Fran Houston, Gladys May-
han, Rochelle McBryar, Barbara
Kyzer, Joyce Patterson, Bobby
Raulston, Eutgene Smith, Mary
Jane Price, and Eddie Sims.
The meeting was of great in¬
terest. The Beta members are
going to print and distribute
copies of the school song and
yells at the ball games. Other
items of interest were discussed,
Mrs. Parker with other members
told about the State Beta Club
Convention which will be held
on March 28 and 29. Following
this, the club discussed the rais¬
ing of funds for the scholarship
which is given to one of the
seniors at graduation.
-—Jackie Carroll
The Helen Wilson School of
Dancing from Chattanooga has
begun a series of adult ballroom
classes in Trenton with the ex¬
pectation of starting teen-age
ballroom in the near future. It
is also expected that plans for
children’s tap and ballet classes
will be worked out during this
Miss Wilson and her assistant,
Crawford Malone, are conduct¬
ing similar classes in this area.
After teaching a class at Fairy¬
land from 5:15 to 6:15 p. m. on
Wednesdays, they will drive
down to Trenton in time to start
classes at 7:30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cureton
were hosts for the class, which
includes about eight couples,
this past Wednesday night. Next
week, the class will meet at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Getter, with the two couples
acting as hosts on alternate
weeks thereafter until further
arangements are made.
This is the first dancing
school to be conducted in Dade
County. Since over fifty parents
are interested in enrolling their
children in dancing classes here,
Miss Wilson hopes to be able to
start new classes soon. Since
these classes would be held in
the afternoon, during which
time she teaches in her McCallie
Avenue studio, and due to the
unavailability of a teacher right
now’, she has not announced
starting dates for the children.
Pack Meeting Thurs.
Of Cub Scouts
A pack meeting of the
Cub Scout groups in Trenton
planned for Thursday
Oct. 24. Several scouts are
to receive their Wolf
while other interesting
have been scheduled.
A new den is being started
der the leadership of Mrs. J.
Case. All boys interested
•asked to get in touch with
or the other den mothers,
dames Newell Scruggs
George Getter.
Wildwood Letter
Hi Folks—
Did you know that
Davis had been running a
hospital up on her hill? At
time Mrs. Davis, Douglas,
and Mrs. Williams,
mother, were sick.
Jerry Neely has spent a
of his vacation with his
Ruth and Clyde Neely. The
week of his vacation Jerry
to Mexico City. He did a bit
sightseeing while there. In
he even went to a bull
Jerry says he can see why
(fighting would be outlawed
country. It is exciting—but
Mesdames Alma Neely
Laura Ball attended the
of Mrs. C. L. Stansell, in
ette, this past -week. Mrs.
isell was the neice of Mr. S.
Eddie Watkins came
from the University of
this week end to attend
Homecoming game.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Bird
little Phylis, of Marietta,
(this week end in the
They were luncheon guests
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cooley
M2rs. June Wilcox spent
day with the Clyde Neelys.
Mrs. Fannie Caroll has
ill for the past couple of
Mrs. Elizabeth Townsend
visiting her sister-in-law,
Joe Murphy, at Menlo, Ga.
Minnie Lea has completed
‘‘Gray Lady” training and
her duty at Tri-County
this Monday. Minnie is very en¬
thusiastic about the whole
I can hardly wait until the
class starts, myself.
The Ladies Aid will serve din¬
ner this Sunday. We want
all to come and eat with us. Bea
Ford is planning this meal
she IS a good planner.
The M. Y. F. Tip O’ Holston
meets this week at
Church. The Townsend Hill
the unknown destination of
M. Y. F. calvacade on Sunday
Next Sunday will be Rally Day
and Promotion Sunday for the
Wildwood Sunday School. W e
want everyone who is on
Sunday School rolls to be there,
,as well as all of you all that
cughta be on them. Come on
and let’s make this a big day.
Bea Ford still has birthdays,
believe it or not. Last Wednes¬
day Bea was honoree at a birth¬
day luncheon at the Read House.
Mrs. Hazel Fugatt, Mrs. Artis
Ford and myself were the host¬
Well, guess I’d better sign off.
See you all next week.
More Home Nursing
Classes Planned
All those interesting in joining
a home nursing class are asked
to contact Mesdames Jules A.
Case or Maddox Hale. The class¬
es will be held in the Health
Center when and if there is suf¬
ficient interest.
Trenton H. D. Club
Meets Oct. 15
Mrs. T. S. Renfroe was hostess
/Tuesday, Oct. 15 when twenty-
three members of the Trenton
Home Demonstration Club met
at her home. Mrs. Jack Cash
presided over the meeting, which
included an account of a civil
defense workshop held Oct. 11 in
Atlanta by Mrs. Jules Case. She
urged all members to keep an
emergency 7-day food supply on
hand at all times and outlined
other parts of the civil defense
Mrs. Case also asked all those
interested in a Red Cross home
nursing class to get in touch
with her.
The demonstration of the
month was on new techniques
in putting in all types of zippers.
Miss Naomi Hubble, home dem¬
onstration agent, described each
step and then passed around
Makes Bread Boards
Mrs. N. H. Hutchison was hos¬
tess for the September meeting,
during which time members
worked on decorative bread
boards. Everyone present had a
hilarious time choosing designs,
tracing them off onto the
boards,, and coloring them.
Since many did not finish
their boards that evening, the
following Monday night was set
for the final coloring and shel¬
lacking. The large number pre¬
sent agreed that the meeting
was one of the more interesting
and enjoyable ones.
It took work to get them as
smooth as they should be but
was rewarding when we saw our
finished boards which are beau¬
tiful items in any kitchen.
Eight members, two visitors
and Miss Hubble were present.
’56 CHEVROLET, 210, 4-dr. V8, radio, heater, Power
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56 FORD, Mainline, 2 dr. heater, new tires and seat
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’54 CHEVROLET, Bel Aire, 2 dr., radio and heater. Real
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’53 CHEVROLET, 210,2 dr., radio, heater... 695.00
’53 NASH, 2 dr. It makes a bed........... 495.00
’53 DODGE, 4 dr. radio, heater............ 495.00
’52 FORD Victoria hard top, radio, heater, automatic
transmission.................. 595.00
Griffith Chevrolet Co.
Trenton, Georgia
Be SURE of proper/iL..
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Ladies' Sweaters, short sleeves, sizes 34-40
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