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Datfe County’s Only Newspaper.
C. Buchanan Gets
First Deer of Season
Chester Buchanan bagged
Jfirst deer of the season here
Dade County Saturday,
in a 250 pound, eight-point buck.
Accompanying him on the
was Scott Crane.
The deer was shown on tele¬
vision Monday night after a
sportscaster, Hershel
learned of the kill while
ping in Trenton. Nation was
his way back from a
game and was told about
deer while eating lunch in a
cal restaurant.
Also bagging deer were
rence, Willie and Cecil
her, who shot three on
Two were eight-point deer
unusual size.
All the deer bagged
found on Lookout Mountain.
Buchanan said he fired
times, using an automatic
guage shotgun.
Gray Ladies Begin
Work At Hospital
The Gray Ladies, with
helping hands, have come
Tri-County Hospital at
They began their work
day, and they’ll be on duty
9:00 o’clock a. m. to 4:00
p. m. daily to help arrange flow
ers, deliver mail, answer
phone calls, run errands,
letters, provide
help in visitor control arid
form other chores.
There’ll be an average of
a day on duty from a total num
her of 40 women; 15 from Walk
er County, 9 wrom Dade
and 14 from Catoosa County
the Chairman and
who are giving of their time
The Gray Ladies are strictly
volunteer group under
ship of the American Red
Their work lat Tri-
Hospital, which,
celebrated its fourth
last Friday, was instigated
Mrs. Neil Andrews of
Chairman of the Walker
Chapter of the Red Cross.
Andrews had the cooperation
Mrs. Douglas Morrison of
ton, Home Service Chairman
the Dade County Red
Chapter, and C. C. Gulledge
Ringgold, Chairman of the
oosa County Chapter.
Mrs. J. W. Gilreath of
ville, who has had some
years experience in Gray
work is Chairman of the
She has assisted in training
class and will work closely
(Continued to page 6)
C.E. Kyzer
For City Council
Cleron E. Kyzer, who is
ing at present on the City
cil, has announced that he
seek another term as
One of the most active
prominent citizens in the
ty, Mr. Kyzer has served on
Council for about eight years.
Also running for the
Council are W. R. Tatum
James Morrison, present
bers, and Bob Chitwood, who
seeking his first public office.
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade Cou nty and Georgia.
by J. B. Geddie
Dade County High Hi erh school School I
made their Region 4C record 6-0
and Davis lost another
breaker ias the county elevens
continued their grid wars last
With the “B” team playing
three quarters, Dade County de¬
cisively defeated Georgia School
for the Deaf 47 to7, at Trenton
on Friday night. Hard running
David Steele continued h i s
flashy play by scoring three
touchdowns and two extra
points. Frankie Woodfin ran one
touchdown and passed for an¬
other to continue his fine play.
Hershel Dugan recovered a G. S.
D. fumble and scampered to
chalk up six points. This win
gives Dade ta 6 to o region re¬
cord with only Davis between
them and another champion-
Dade’s line-up:
Ends .............Allen, Green
Tackles......Gothard, _ ______ _ D. Moore ______
Guards ..... R Blevins 1 ’ J Hughes
Center - ................, Geddie -
Backs............D. Wheeler, L.
Moore, Fulghum, Bradford
Dade 32 - Syivania 14
Dade County traveled to Syi¬
vania Saturday night to meet
the strong North Alabama team
and trounced their previously
unbeaten eleven 32 to 14. Playing
like true champions, Dade Coun¬
ty overcame a 7 to 6 deficit at
the half, to rack up five touch¬
downs against a team that had
\ielded only two all season. I
Frankie Woodfin, Wendell Me-
Cormick and David Steele led
Dade’s powerful offense with
Hershel Dugan and Winfred Mc¬
Cormick starring on defense.
Against all opponents Dade had
rolled for 261 points while hold¬
ing the opposition to only 89 and
34 of these were scored by Trion
while Dade’s team was flu and
injury-weakened. This week
Dade County meets Davis at
Trenton in the final regularly
k ;.a
\ \
The two high school
teams, Dade Wildcats and
Davis Yellowjackets meet
game of the season
hnth both teams. teams.
price, Hershel
.........Melvin McKaig
.....David Steele, Frank-
Woodfin, Rex Blevins, Wendell
Davis Loses
Davis, again playing with sev-
players idle due to injuries
a hard fought contest to
High of Rome 26 to 13,
a Region 4C tilt.
Out With Flu
The xnc flu iiu is « still own with vvii/ii us uo only winy
parts of the county
week. It also seems to be
reoccuring for just as one school
the outlook is brighter, it
wjll start all over again.
mentary'Tnd The Davis School, both Ele
dosed until next Monday.
they had over 200 absentees
three teachers out all on
same day, it seemed best to
the remained of the week.
The Dade County
and High School had 62 out
week Wednesday and no
ers. Their absentee list seems
Qe coming down day by day.
The New Sale.n School
to iu be oe iid-vingups having ups and anu down
improving a little this week
only about 16% out.
The Rising “ Fawn Sc oo
seems to , be having . a return
the flu. The upper grades
the first to get sick and
week it is mostly in the 1st
2nd grades with a third of
1st grade children being
on Wednesday. The school is
(Continued to page 6)
Friday at 8 p. m. on the Dave L
Brown rown Field. Fieia
Special pep sections for
schools will be in action.
miss this exciting game.
Published Weekly—S ince 1901
in Car Accident
Lanham Lanham was was killed killed Nov. Nov. 10 10
Ills car collided with a train at
Rome, Ga. crossing. Mr.
was U. S. Representative
the 7th Congressional District
j Georgia of which Dade is a
Trie crossing is near a
! in the track and apparently
Lanham did not see the ap-
proaching engine in time.
car was carrie<i about 50
down the tracks and was demo¬
lished. He was thrown from
car and Pronounced dead at the
scene by the Floyd County Coro¬
ner. Fortunately Mr.
who was on his way to speak
a PTA meeting, wias alone.
Congressman since 1946
Represenntative Lanhan,
was presently a member of the
House Appropriations
lee, was elected to Congress
1946. He had previously served
a member of trie Georgia
cral Assembly and as
General of the Rome
He was born in Rome,
Sept. 14, 1888. He received
^lor Ttaw ZeTta
from the University of
Judges See Wildwoc
By Mary Townsend
Bi-i-ig doings in this neck
the woods. "T' Wildwood "7"”" put on
... haj ’ straightened her
stick . and sailed „ IU/1 forth f „ rth to
Uhe judges of the
improvement Contest. Nov.
afc 2 p ^ was the time of
A commlttee composcd 0 f
o|d Cash w T ^ Rev.
Mr and ^ w T
and Mre R g Townsend
Jud B Mullet and
DeYoung, at the Wildwood Met¬
hodist Church. Miss Naomi Hub¬
ble and Mr. L. C. Admas met
with us also and enjoyed the
tour of the community.
Oh! Wildwood served up a
delectable home cooked meal of
accomplishments. For salad—we
headed up the creek road to see
three lovely farms owned by R.
S. Townsend, Harold Cash and
i R. W. Boyd.
For the entree—we visited the
home of the C. C. Neelys to peek
in their freezer land see Ruth’s
beautiful canned g o o ds. The
Wildwood Sanitarium had made
many improvements—we enjoy¬
ed visiting the house made of
cross-ties and the new green¬
house. Other places visited were
the Elmer Stephens home to in¬
spect Margie’s pretty new kit¬
chen and the F. M. Neelys’ newly
compleed home.
For the piece de resistance,
the dessert—we went to the
lovely home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dave L. Brown for tea. Our grac¬
ious hostess and genial host soon
made everyone feel at home.
•The judges were impressed with
the number of trophies on dis¬
play in the den—the men jud¬
ges, that is. Miss DeYoung en¬
joyed woman talk in the living
room with the ladies.
Mesdames G. A. Carroll, Jr.,
i C. C. Neely, J. C. Wallen and R
S. Townsend presided at the tea
I (Continued to page 6 >
In 1912 he received a Master of
&rts &rts degree degree from from Harva Harvard
He was a member of the Phi
Beta Kappa Scholarship Frater¬
nity , Sigma Chi Social Fratern¬
ity and Delta Theta Phi Law
He married Anne White
Phinizy o f Rockmart, Ga. i n
In August 1956 the American
Vocational Association gave him
a citation for distinguished ser¬
vice in vocational education.
Surviving him is a daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Slappey of Albany,
Ga.; a brother, Felix Laham of
Rome, and a niece Mrs. Frank
Peacock of Rome and with whom
he made his home.
Funeral services were held
* rom the First Methodist Church
* n Rome and burial was in the
family plot in Myrtle Hill Ceme-
to ry.
| Under code, provisions special of election the Geor- will
gia a
be called by the Governor to fill
j ofuT
Forestry Meeting
Nov. 22 To Discuss
Trees-Tree Planting
Tree P^ P lant,in & as a conserva-
t!0n Ictlce alld which wil ) aL ™
you for assistan
through the Agricultural Con¬
servation and Soil Bank Pro¬
grams, will be one of the discus¬
sions to be held at the Forestry
meeting on Nov. 22.
This meeting, to be held at
8 P. M. in the Dade County High
School Cafetorium, will be a reg¬
ular quarterly meeting of the
County Forestry Demonstration
Club. Everyone interested in the
prosperity of Dade County by
planning and carrying out good
forestry practices will have an
opportunity to hear a fine talk
and discuss forestry practices
with the many forestry repres¬
entatives who will be present.
Mr. J. Walter Myers, Jr., re¬
presentative of the Forest Far¬
riers Association of Atlanta, will
be the special speaker. Also pre¬
sent will be J. A. Case, president
of the Dade County Forestry
Demonstration Club, Miss Bess
Cureton, secretary of the club,
Forest Ranger Dan Hall, repre¬
sentatives from the local A. S. C.
and S. C. S. offices and Exten¬
sion Service workers. Those in¬
terested in Forestry from out¬
side the county will include re*
presentatives from the T. V. A.,
Georgia Forestry Commission,
Pulpwood companies and con¬
sultant foresters.
It is important for the people
of Dade County to support pro¬
grams of proper management of
trees by attending such meet¬
ings as this one planned for
Nov. 22. If you don’t know why
it is important, come and find
A warehouse for Gross Mer¬
cantile has been built in back of
the store. Measuring 40 by 72
feet, the „„ warehouse was con-
structed of concrete taocks, stuc-
I coed on the outside and painte