Newspaper Page Text
Erwin Mitchell, o f Dalton,
judge of Superior Courts, Chero¬
kee Judicial Circuit, announced
today that he has officially
qualified with George D. Ste¬
wart, secretary o f the State
Democratic Executive Commit¬
tee, and M. W. “Cap” Hicks,
secretary of the Seventh Dis¬
trict Democratic Executive Com¬
mittee, as a candidate to fill the
unexpired term of the late Hen¬
derson Lanham a s Georgia’s
Representative from the Seven¬
th Congressional District, sub¬
ject to the special Democratic
Primary Election set for Dec¬
ember 4.
Judge Mitchell was elected so¬
licitor general for the Cherokee
Circuit in 1952, serving in that
office until running, unopposed,
for his present office in 1956. At
23, Mitchell became the young¬
est Superior Court Judge in the
Father of three children and
member of Dalton’s First Met¬
hodist Church, the young Mag¬
istrate, who served as a combat
fighter pilot in World War 11
and again saw active duty with
the Air Force during the Korean
conflict, is a graduate of the
University of Georgia law school,
later practicing law with the
firm of Mitchell & Mitchell in
His record of active service to
the people of the Cherokee Ju¬
dicial Circuit, is cited by Judge
Mitchell as one of the impelling
reasons for his seeking to fill
Lanham’s unexpired term.
An i n t e n s iv e campaign is
planned in behalf of Mitchell’s
candidacy by a host of his fellow
Daltonians, as well as supporters
throughout the Seventh District.
Paid Pol. adv.
We’re all set to offer you a
wonderful and delicious
Thanksgivng turkey dinner with
all the trimmings on Wednes¬
day, November 27.
We Will Be Closed on
Thanksgiving Day
Busy Bee Restaurant
Second and fourth Thursday
night 7:30 P. M. every month.
Legion Hall.
Dennis Sullivan, Comdg.
Local Models To
Appear In Fashion
Show Here Saturday
The Evelene Shoppe and Gross
Mercantile will present a fash¬
ion show Saturday, Nov. 23 when
the Dade County Jaycettes spon
sor a luncheon. The affair will
be held in the Dade High Cafe-
torium at 1 o’clock.
Mrs. E. G. Wright, Jr. is in
charge of table arrangements.
Models in the fashion show will
be local children and adults.
Tickets are on sale for $1.00
each at both the Evelene Shoppe
and Gross Mercantile. Also sell¬
ing tickets are members of the
At our formal initiation,
twelve new members were taken
(into Dade High FHA Club.
: Patricia Wheeler, club presi¬
dent, c a 1 le d the meeting to
Patsy Hartline, vice-president,
explained the emblem and read
the creed.
Eight girls, acting as guides,
gave the purposes of FHA in a
special candlelight service.
The tables were covered with
a white cloth, and a centerpiece
of red roses and white candles
were used.
' The girls wore red and white,
the FHA colors.
Colored pictures were made
and refreshments served toy the
refreshment committee, Geneva
Ross and Bettye Wheeler. At this
social period, the members en¬
joyed singing.
Wildwood Letter
Written for last wteek
Hi You all . . .
I got a jacking up or two and
a few sly digs about not getting
a letter in last week, but shucks,
you know me. It’s just like water
off a duck’s back.
Folks up here were running
around like crazy last week end.
The Dantzlers went to Smyrna,
Ga.; the Watkins, Judy Strawn,
Pat and I went to Athens to see
Bill and Eddie; Miss Lizzie Town
send went to Atlanta for a visit
with Red. The Junior Cross fam¬
ily was in for a visit with Lettye.
Most of those who were at home
were stmighening up for the
We have lots o f sickness
around here, but that would
hardly come under the heading
of news.
We feel a great loss to Dade
County and to Georgia in the
death of Rep. Henderson Lan¬
ham. We always were kept in¬
formed by him concerning all
legislation which affected our
state. He was a fine gentleman.
I have been up to here in the
business of compiling reports
and writing resumes, so I have
lost out on my snooping for this
week Here’s hoping I’ll do better
next time. See yia Love
The New Salem Baptist
Church will sponsor a Bake Sale
Wednesday, Nov. 27 in front of
the Evelene Shoppe in Trenton.
Sweet potato, pumpkin and egg
custard pies will be specialties
along with other pies and cakes.
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
Saturday nighte each
month at 8:00 p. m.
R. V. Cureton, W. M.
J. M. Rogers, Secy.
DR. G. K. MacVane
Chiropractor and Naturopath
Ft. Payne, Ala.
Dan Hall, County Ranger of
‘the Georgia Forestry Commis¬
sion, believes in the saying,
“Practice what you preach”. Dan
has recently purchased approx¬
imately 20 acres of woodland in
the Piney Community that he
hopes to turn into a profitable
Tree Farm. He has already
started improvement of the
woodland by some of the thicker
clumps of young pines and cut¬
ting out the small, undesirable
hardwood. The open spots will
be set to pine seedlings. The
large, undesirable trees will be
girdled or poisoned to prevent a
lot of damage to the young trees
that occur if they were cut and
allowed to fall all a once.
Arnold McBryar, on the Sand
Mountain Brow road, has done
splendid job of establishing
waterways on his farm. The
waterways are established in
fescue and clover in preparation
to putting in a good terracing
system. We feel that good water-
v, ays such as these are the an¬
swer to a lot of our water dis¬
posal problems.
Melrose Lee having in due
orm applied to me for year’s
support out of the estate of M.
K. Lee, deceased, this is to notify
the next of kin and the creditors
of the said M. K. Lee, deceased,
;hat said application will toe
heard before me at the regular
December term, 1957, of the
Court of Ordinary of said
County. official
Witness my hand and
signature, this 4th day of Nov¬
ember, 1957.
A.W. Peck Ordinary of
Dade County, Georgia
If You Thnk It Will Save You Money To
Wait Until Jan. 1st To Buy A New Car, You
Haven’t Checked our “Low Overhead Deal” On
These New Cars.
1958 PLYMOUTH “Fury” Sport Coupe.....3413.75
305 H. Pi high performance engine, Power brakes, Loaded with
1958 PLYMOUTH Mere 4 dr. Hardtop. .3296.00
Pushbutton transmission, Power brakes, Power steering,
Safety package, Radio, & all the extras.
1958 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 4 dr. Sedan... 2990.38
Pushbutton transmission. Radio, Heater, Anodised insert,
Fully equipped with extras.
1958 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4 dr. Sedan.......2870.00
Pushbutton transmission, Radio, Heater, Safety package, Rear
speaker, All extras.
1958 PLYMOUTH Dehxe 2 dr Station Wagon 2932.00
Pushbutton transmission, white tires, Sportone paint, Heater,
All cars equipped with V-8 engines, torsion bar level ride no dip
suspension, back up lights, wheel covers, air foam seats and
accessory groups.
CHEVROLET—210, 1953 2 One Owner
Save That Commission - Trade with the Owner
Trade Where Your Money Buys The Most
Dyer Motor Co.
Trenton, Ga.
Earrings _______________________ 2 Pair for $1.00
Jersey Blouses, Reg. $2.98 ----------------- $1.88
Sizes 34-38
Pre-Teen Dresses, Reg. $4.98 and $5.98 $1.00 off
Bras, Reg. $1.00 ________________________ 79c
Moccasins, Reg. $2.98 _____________________ $2.49
Ladies and Children’s Reg. $3.98 __________ $3.49
Blouses, Reg. $1.00 ------------- 88c Sizes 34-38
Receiving Blankets ___________________ 2 for $1.00
Head Scarves, Reg. 79c --------------------- 49c
Neck Scarves, Reg. 29c ______________________ 19c
See Our Tiny Tears Dolls
Evelene Shoppe
Trenton, Ga.