The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, November 21, 1957, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
gooooooooooooooo o oaooooc GERRY’S For the Latest _____ ---- In Hair Styling Phone 7-3601 Trenton, Ga. WANT ADS THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS TURKEYS from Charles B. at Bob Blevins home. Charles Pryor. 4tp FOR RENT: Nice large business room, cabinet and sink, hot and cold water. Suitable for many purposes. Located o n corner 143 and No. 11 Hwys., south Trenton, L. S. Blake, Trenton, Ga. 3tp-ll-21 Pi.EASE TRADE WITH US. We need the money. Avakian’s, Trenton. • ufn. FOR SALE: Good piano, stove, spin dryer washer, cabinet, churn j>ar. Mrs. Bonnie Hat¬ field, Rt. 1, Rising Fawn, Phone Howard 2-3318. WANTED TO BUY good used tractor. Bud Crane, Rising Fawn, Ga. 3tp-ll-21 FOR YOUR BULLDOZER needs Call Alvin Reeves at OLiver 7-4971. 13tp-2-5 CHRISTMAS IS COMING: We have Ladies & Gents WRIST WATCHES as low as $10. up to $25. Use our convenient Lay-by plan. Don’t forget we also repair watches and clocks. P. H. Yell, at Whiteoak Gap, Sand Mounatin. 6tp-12-19 WAS IT SPORTSMEN who last week saw a hog on Mr. Barnes place along State Highway 157 and just walked in, killed it, cut out and took the hams and shoulders and left the rest there? The community is so mad they are making up a purse. If more convenient to you, any donations can be left or mailed to the Dade County Times where they will be sent to the committee. FOR SAL E—Battery phones, good for calls from home to barn or further. Call Henry Elliott, Rising Fawn School. Also 10-phone exchange for sale 3tc ’56 Chevrolet 4-Dr. V-8, Radio, Heater, Powerglide, White Wall Tires—This is a one-owner car and carries a 12-months’ guarantee. ’56 Ford 2-Door 6 Cylinder-The Gas, mileage just can’t be beat. Several Other Good Late Model Used Cars. For A Ride In The “Newest Car in Years, Drop In Or Call For A Ride In The “Newest Car in Years-The All-New ’58 Chevrolet!” After all the “Fantabulous” Claim of Others, Remember Chevrolet Is still America’s First Choice By A Margin Of Millions. M & W Chevrolet Co, PHONE 7-3400 TRENTON, GA. <( North Georgia s Newest Chevy Dealer ” THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1051 ASC (Continued from page 1) availablbe for cotton produc¬ tion, and other factors. Farmers who do not intend to operate a farm for which a 1958 cotton allotment is estab¬ should immediately re¬ turn the official notice to the County ASC office so that it can be sent to the person who will the farm next year. Cot¬ ton allotmens are established for farms and may not be by the operator of other producer from one farm to another. Any changes in the land to be in the farm for which the allotment is made should be d to the County ASC Farm operators like¬ wise are asked to check with the ASC Office regarding other questipn about the tis established. Louise E. Wright WSCS OF SAND MTN. METHODIST MEETS Mrs. Bob White was hostess to the Woman’s of Christian Service of Sand Mountain Methodist Twelve members were Mrs. Ella Ruth Long, program presented a most in¬ teresting program. Mrs. Winoa Hixon had charge of the de¬ votion. HIGHEST prices paid for pine and poplar logs. See us if you have any to sell. Dyer Lumber Company, Trenton, Ga. FOR SALE:—4 room house with bath in Mountain View Sub¬ division. See J. R. Cagle, Rt. 1, Trenton, Ga . or phone OL 7-4595 3tp-11-28 WILL SWAP my small hill place near Trenton, 4 acres, shack Water and lights for ‘49 or ‘50 light weight pick up truck in good condition and $300 cash. Helen Polly Hall, Trenton,Ga. 5p-12-19 FOR SALE—Two-room house, one acre ground, $225. Small Kelvinator refrigerator and Admiral radio, $30; Living room suite and dinette suite, $55; Or all and other applian¬ ces,$325. Clifton Gass, Route 1, Wildwood, Ga., 3 miles south Trenton. Must sell before Dec. 3, 1957. 3t P SPECIAL SERVICE AT NEW SALEM TO UNVEIL MURALS All churches in the county are to special services being Saturday, Nov. 23 at the Salem Baptist Church. The of the occasion is to unveil three wall murals done by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fullerton, traveling artists and musicians church work. The paintings are in three parts and are called “City of Mt. Calvary,” and “Garden of Gethsemene.” The services willl begin at 7:30 p. m. US DO YOUR JOB WORK TIIE DADE COUNTY TIMES Thanksgiving Values m Hen Turkeys 6 lbs. to 12 lbs. Fresh Cranberries Celery Lettuce For Your Fruit Cake Candied Cherries, Pineapple, Frosty Morn Hams Lemon Peel, Orange Peel, Fresh Dressed Hens Dates- Figs- Raisins 25 lbs. Robin Hood Flour_____ Duncan Hines’ Cake Mix, White.... 33c Colonial Sugar Duncan Hines’ Cake Mix, Yellow... 33c 5 lb. Bag 49c • VMHII in fresh a nm bag! Duncan Hines’ Cake Mix, Devil Food 33c 1 LB. PK Duncan Hines’ 39c 79c Blueberry Muffin Mix Starkist Blue Label Tuna.........39c Crisco Starkist Green Label Tuna........35c 3 lb. can 89c Bosco 12 oz. 39c Bagwell’s Blackberry Jam, 16 oz.. 33c Bosco 24 oz. 69c Gordy’s salt, 26 oz, round box..... 10c LAY’S SUNSHINE Potato Chips Hi-Ho Crackers 10c and 25c 16 oz. pkg. 37c Jot inL 1 Ca: seC 0. 1 TRENTO) S, GA. TAQE A* i V :;.i\' NOW AT Buck Gifford’s Standard Oil Station TRENTON, GA. isaiancma tau Q. BHBM