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Georgia Rural Roads Authority Project No. RR-PR 1815 (3>
Sections 1 <fr 2
Sealed proposals will be received by the Georgia Rural Roads
Authority at its General Office at No. 2 Capitol Square, Atlanta,
Georgia, until 11 A. M., Eastern Standard Time, Jan. 31, 195K for
(furnishing all labor, material, equipment and other things neces¬
sary for construction of 7.768 miles of grading and paving on the
Big Woods Road beginning at the Hale’s Gap Road approximately
2 miles southwest of Hale’s Gap and extending northwest via
Shanty Town Church to South Loop Road at Haines’ Store thence
looping west, south, and east.
Pie ns and Specifications are on file at the office of the under¬
signed at Atlanta, and at the office of the State Highway Depart¬
ment No. 2 Capitol Square, Atlanta, Georgia, and at the office of
the Division Engineer of the State Highway Department at Gaines¬
ville, Georgia, and at the office of the Board of County Commis¬
sioners of Dade County at Trenton .Georgia, where they may be
inspected free of charge. No Plans will be furnished for sale to
prospective bidders.
Copies of the Standard Specifications may be obtained upon
payment in advance of the sum of $3.00, which sum will not be
The Standard Specifications of the State Highway Depart¬
ment of Georgia have been adopted by the Georgia Rural Road. 1 ?
Authority and will govern any construction under these proposals.
The work will be let in one contract.
75.334 Acres Clearing and Grubbing Roadway, Lump Sum
16.00 Acres Clearing and Grubbing, Per Acre
177600 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Excavation and Borrow, Including
Ditches and Shoulders
1,132,000 sta. yds Overhaul on Excavation
13600 Cu. Yds. Subgrade Treatment Material
95600 Unit Yds. Overhaul on Subgrade Treatment Material
7. 768 Miles Special Subgrade Compaction
2595 Cu. Yds. Excavation for Culverts and Minor Structures
300 .Cu. Yds. Selected Material Backfill, Culvert Foundations
1650 Lin. Ft. 15” Pipe SD
60 Lin. Ft. 18” Pipe SD
90 Lin. Ft 24” Pipe SD
266 Lin. Ft. 15” Pipe CD
874 Lin. Ft. 18” Pipe CD
516 Lin. Ft. 24” Pipe CD
416 Lin. Ft. 30” Pipe CD
130 Lin. Ft. 36” Pipe CD
310 Lin. Ft. 42” Pipe CD
62 Lin. Ft. 54” Pipe CD
104 Lin. Ft. 132”, 8 Guage Corrugated Metal Plate Pipe
End Beveled IV 2 to 1.
350 Lin. Ft. 6” Perforated Pipe Underdrain
5(50 Lin. Ft. Culvert Pipe Removed, SD or CD
235.5 Sq. Yds. Sand Cement Bag Rip Rap
167067 Sq. Yds. Seeding
68.9 Tons. Agricultural Lime
17.8 Tons First Application Fertilizer
4990 Lbs. Second Application Fertilizer
167.4 M. Gals. Water for Grassing
47750 Ton Coarse Aggregate for Graded Aggregate Base
Including Material
4200 Cu. Yds. Soil Mortar for Graded Aggregate Base
Including Material
29800 Gals. Cutback Asphalt Prime
92650 Sq. [Yds. Asphalt Cement Surface Treatment, Stone Size
4, Type 1
92650 Sq. Yds. Asphalt Cement Bituminous Seal
82040 Sq. Yds Finishing and Dressing
Said work shall begin within ten (10) days after formal execu¬
tion of contract and small be completed within 320 working days.
When contract has been executed, wTitten notice shall be given
the Contractor, at which time, and not before work may be
Contract executed pursuant to this Notice is binding on the
Georgia Rural Roads Authority as such. Said contract will not
create liability, expressed or implied, against the undersigned
Chairman of the Georgia Rural Roads Authority as an 'individual,
nor against any employee of the Georgia Rural Roads Authority
in his or her individual capacity nor against the State Highway
Department of Georgia, nor against any officer or employee of
the State Highway Department in his or her individual capacity
Proposals must be submitted on regular forms which will be
supplied by the undersigned, and must be accompanied toy a cer¬
tified check, cashier’s check negotiable United States Bonds or
other acceptable security in the amount of $9000.00 and must be
plainly marked “Proposal for Road Construction”, County and
Number, and show the time of opening as advertised. Check of
the low bidder will be cashed and all other checks will be returned
as soon as the contract is awarded, unless it is deemed advisable
by the Authority to hold one or more checks. If an unusual con¬
dition arises, the Authority reserves the right to cash all checks.
Bidders Bond will not be accepted.
A charge of $5.00 will be made for each proposal issued.
Such a bond will be required of the successful bidder as required
by law for contractors contracting with the State Highway
Department of Georgia.
Contracts will not be awarded to contractors who have not
been placed on the list of qualified contractors prior to the date
of award. No proposals will be issued to any bidder later than
9 A. M. Eastern Standard Time of the date of opening bids.
Ad bids must show totals for each item and total of amount
of bid. Right is reserved to delay the award of the contract for
a period of not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of open¬
ing bids, during which period bids shall remain open and not
subject to withdrawal. Right is reserved to reject any and all
bids and to waive all formalities.
Upon compliance with the requirements of the standard speci¬
fications, ninety (90) percent of the amount of work done in any
calendar month will be paid for by the 25th day of the succeeding
Coi. D. E. Morrison
Speaks To Gardeners
The Garden Club of Trenton
held its January meeting Thurs¬
day, January 2nd, in the fellow¬
ship hall of the Trenton Met¬
hodist Church, with Mesdames
G. C. Tatum, A. L. Dyer and E.
S. Pace, as hostesses.
Mrs. G. C. Tatum, chaplain,^
gave the invocation and a poem
titled “Dream Garden” was read
by Mrs. J. G. Nethery in the
absence of club poet, Mrs. Mar¬
tin Nethery.
Reports included results of the
Christmas Lighting Contest,
given by Mrs. E. S. Pace, chair¬
man, and report on the Christ¬
mas party, given by Mrs. M. J
Hale, member of the Entertain¬
ment committee.
Mrs. H. F. Allison, president,
presided, and reported that some
of the school boys had mulched
the shrubs put out on the school
grounds by the club, and an¬
nounced that additions to the
club library included the new
Handbook for Flower Shows and
The National Gardener. She also o
announced the next flower judg ! °
ing school to be held on March 1 ®
26, 27 and 28 in the assembly
room of the Hamilton National
Bank, Northside Branch. Feed¬ '
ing of the birds was urged by
her, especially during the winter
month, as one phase of conser¬
An article from the latest
issue of the National Gardener
on “Garden Therapy” was read
by Mrs. T. S. Renfroe, member
of program committee. I
Speaker for the afternoon was
Colonel D. E. Morrison, District
Supervisor of the Coosa River
Soil Conservation, who gave a
most enlightening talk on the
conservation of soil and water
and what is being done for the
preservation of both in this
Mrs. E. A. Ellis, honorary presi
dent, had charge of the election
of officers, and they are: Mrs.
W. C. Cureton, president; Mrs.
M. J. Hale, vice-president; Mrs.
H. E. Gross, secretary and Mrs.
Roy MoBryar, treasurer. These
officers will be installed at the
March meeting and will assume
office April 1st. i
Mrs. Allison won first place on
a buffet arrangement of silvered
hemlock, holly and pine cones
cn a foil covered tray, in the
monthly flower show.
A delicious salad course was
served by the hostesses at the
close of the meeting.
Effie Bradford Groves
Mrs. Effie Bradford Groves
lied Jan. 10 in Birmingham of
t heart attack. She is survived
>y four children: Billy Amos,
inniston, Ala.; Mrs. Esther Ste¬
wart, Birmingham, Ala.; J. C.
^mos in the U. S. Army stationed
n Georgia; and Eugene Amos of
inniston, Ala.; a number of
jrandchildren and great grand
hildren; 3 sisters, Mrs. Dora
forester, Rossville, Georgia, Mfrs
ennie Graham, and Mrs. Ella
dcBryar both of Bessimer, Ala.;
I brothers, Ed Bradford, Will
Bradford and Charlie Bradford
ill of Bessimer, Ala. and Harvey
Bradford of south of Trenton,
services were held at the First
Japtist Church in Anniston and
>urial was also in Anniston. At
ler request before her death,
Sihorty” Bradford, Grady Brad-
ord, Wilma McKaig and Hugh
IcKaig sang at the funeral.
Brown, Work Unit Conser¬
D. E. Morrison, District
Mr. Ai Webb, who formerly
in Dade County, has
to Tennessee leaving
temporary vacancy in the
Brown will try to keep
with the technical work by
aside each Thursday for
If you have any planning
survey work that you need
leave your request with 1
ASC office or with the
On Monday, January 20 we will
a hardwood poisoning de¬
on the Colonel Mor¬
farm on the Piney road. L.
I will :
get out of bed to fill your Prescriptions o o
24-Hour Prescription Service o
Telephone Number Day Night OL O
or 7-4022 /O
Trenton, Georgia o
“Where Pharmacy is Profession o
a — Not a Sideline” O
im nroTn ) rmro boa irrrLrrrair&'WTnnnrrTnnmr^ s
One Stop Service
SERVICE done by Star Weeltl
Cleaned _________
and Blocked by Acme '
REPAIRED by Belcher SerTlce
LET US have your rugs cleaned
PHONE: ______ OLiver 7-3355
7 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Representing Stock Companies
In Fire and Automobile Insurance
Licensed Real Estate Broker
CURRENT RATE of inter¬
est of certificates of depos¬
its is 3% when left for six
months or longer.
posits continue to draw
2V 2 %.
It's Never Too
Late to Start
Your Savings
Every Account Insured up to $10,000.00
Member of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
month and the remainder within thirty (30) days after final, Regular meetings Trenton
estimate is approved by the Engineer. Lodge No. 179 F. & a. m. the
second and fourth
This the 10 day of January 1958. AUTHORITY ojfEjVp month ® a t un * a y at nighte 8:00 each
ROY F. CHALKER R. V. Cureton, W. M.
CHAIRMAN J. M. Rogers, Sec’y.
W. Kempf, Area Forester for the
will show the correct way
to use a gun and 2,4,5-T chemi¬
to kill the undesirable hard¬
woods that may be doing harm
to some of your better trees. If
you are interested we would like
you to come at 2:30 P. M.
next Monday. Tell your neigh¬
bors—they might like to attend,
All creditors of the estate of
Allie H. Morrison, deceasesd, late
Dade County, are hereby
notified to render in their de¬
mands to the undersigned
according to law, and all persons
indebted to said estate are re-
quired to make immediate pay¬
ment to me.
This December 31, 1957.
Gladys Morrison
Executrix of the Will of
Allie Morrison, deceased.