Newspaper Page Text
Dade County’s Only Newspaper.
The Trenton Radio and TV
Service opened Tuesday in the
building formerly occupied by
Lacy’s Restaurant on Court
House Square. James W- Richie,
[formerly of Tatum & Case is the
owner and J. T. Robinson will be
working with him. Richie is plan
ining to service radios, TVs and
small electrical appliances.
After the fire in the restaur¬
ant last month, Dan Hall bought
the land and the building from
A- W. Peck. He bought it as it
was after the fire and so far he
Spring Brings Fires
Three Last Week
Dade had three "forest” fires
last week and only one other so
far this year.
Two of these oceured on Satur
day, March 1. One was on Look
out Mountain where Carroll
Moore was burning brush in his
yard- Inspite of having made
Ifire breaks before he started, the
ffire still got away from him.
The other fire on Saturday
at the Trenton Dump in Back
Valley at the foot of Sand Moun¬
tain. It burned about two acres
before being extinguished- The
Dump now has a fire break
around it to try to prevent this
happening again.
On Sunday, 45 acres, owned by
several landowners in Cloverdale
burned. The Forest Ranger re¬
ports there has been a fire in ^
(this same place for the past
several years.
The first fire of the year
burned about 8 acres on the W.
P. Page property just this side
(Of the Trenton Dump.
Under a new law, which has
been recommended by two suc¬
cessive Grand Juries in Dade
County, it is a felony to start a
brush or similiar fire without
first reporting it to the Forestry
Department. Forest Ranger Dan
Hall reports that none of this
year’s fires were reported to the
Forestry office before they were
Ranger Hall reports that the
Unit has beeen averaging check¬
ing eight control fires a day. If
peeople would call in that they
are going to start a fire it would
save expense on the Forestry
(Continued to Page 6)
Backward in Dade County Schools
Local Teachers Once
Took Spelling Exams
In 1914- Dade County school
teachers were required to take
spelling examinations. Following
is the list of words for that year
and the names of the teachers
taking the exam, as copied from
records in the school superin¬
tendent’s office:
Cornice, aeroplane, emaciate,
erascible, consummate, centri¬
petal, vacillate, equipage, mis¬
spelled, aghast, menagerie, affa¬
ble, chandelier, pillage, miscre¬
ant, repartee, embarrassing, pal-
lisade, suscitate and embecile.
Ennis Bryan, Stella Bryan,
Mrs- Mattie Johnson, Thoma
Lea, Eula Holmes, Allie Wilson,
Bunyan Austin, Ralph Johnson,
Dcttie Gross, Eulala Hubble,
Edna Price, John Youngemer,
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
has put a roof over what was
kitchen and repaired the
which were knocked in to
the fire. The restaurant equip¬
ment, which belonged to
Bonnie Lacy, has been
and Hall has washed and re¬
painted the walls and ceiling
the inside front of the
put in additional wiring and has
rented the building to Richie.
Hall plans further repair work
soon as possible.
Dade County’s Red Cross Gray Ladies
qr 4 v LADIES
In Dade County’s first
back row from left to right:
M. J- Hale, Chairman, Mrs.
Fischer, Mrs. H. E. Gross,
W C. Cureton, Jr., Mrs.
Jones, Mrs. Jiles Gass, Mrs L.
Spears, Mrs. Grace Nethery.
With the completion of
second Gray Lady class at Tri-
County Hospital, there are
twice as many from
County wearing the uniform
the volunteer worker and
as much interest in the new
gram. Started as 1957 was on
way out, the Gray Lady
has inauguarated a new
which has been of valuable
to the hospital.
Ethel Jackson and Bertha
Teachers renewing their
censes, according to the
were: Sue Ethel Pace,
Christine Austin 95;
Dabbs 96; Effie street 94
Hugh A. Price (grade not
Grades of the
teachers also were not listed.
First Dade High Graduating
Class Numbered Six
When the first
class of Dade High School
ceived their diplomas on May
1927, the class numbered six-
Members were: Laura
Hartline, Corabelle Tate,
M. Quinton, Ray E. Smith,
ma Iris McMahan (now
ceased) and Shade Payne Hale.
County School
was S. J- Hale, with the
as members of the board: W-
Mrs. Marjora Fricks is Dade County's
1958 Teacher of the Year
Mrs- Marjora Fricks was an¬
nounced Dade County Teacher
of the year at a called meeting of
the Dade Educational Associa¬
tion held at the Dade County
High School Cafetorium last
Friday afternoon.
Four of the schools in the
in this first group and missing
from the picture is Mrs- Worth
Seated are members of the
second class which started work
ithis week and who will receive
their caps and pins when their
probationary period of work in
the hospital is finished are from
Administrator Oscar S. Hilli¬
ard has said,” I don’t know how
we ever got along without them,”
and has promised more classes
in the future.
The first class enrolled nine
from iDade County: Mesdames
M- J. Hale, H. E. Gross,
J G. Nethery, John Jones
W- C. Cureton, L- C. Spears, Neal,
Fischer, Jiles Gass and Worth
Lea. These ladies work in the!
daytime once a week and I
thoroughly enjoy everything con! j
hected with the Gray Lady pro-
berty, (Slygo) Hooker
New Salem, Murphy’s
Scaff, Mt. Olive, Hughes,
Furnace (negro) and
The New Liberty School
located at the site of the
lehem Church in Slygo, it
been reported, while it is
innvn Lookout ^ Mountain. W °, rl f 8011001 Was °
Superintendent of Schools
G- A. R. Bible. Board
were P. G. Bible, president, J.
Brock, C. A- Bryan, and T.
The following teachers
licensed to teach in the county:
Martin G. Smith, E. A.
ton, Allie Wilson, Effie
Margie Caruth, Christine
Hassell Dabbs, Lewis
Stella M- Tatum and Elisabeth
Simpson, J. M. Wallen, W- H.
Dugan, W. I. Price and Asa A
Local board trustees for the
Trenton school were W. F. Mor-
1 dson, Chairman, Lewis McBryar
and O. M Foster.
| q . m ,- Futch was school super-
intendent, while Lon E. Reed,
and Mrs- G. M- Futch were tea¬
chers. Mr. Reed taught Math and
Science and Mrs. Futch taught
Latin and English, according to
cld school records,
47 Years Ago In Dade Schools
j 1911 records list that there
were 20 schools in the Dade
County school system. They
Wildwood, Byrd’s Chapel,
Union (south of Trenton), Ris-
jng Fawn, Trenton, New Eng-
3and, Cave Springs, Morganville, 1
Head River, Cloverdale, New Li-|
Published Weekly—Since 1901
county had selected their repre¬
sentative teacher and all were
seated on the stage. Mr. M. J.
Hale, who announced the win¬
ners , asked each teacher to
stand while he read a brief bio¬
graphical sketch about her. Mrs.
Iiene the
left to right: Mrs. Frank Patter¬
son, Mrs- Elmer Oliver, Miss
Wilma Pace and Mrs. Leon
Moore. Other members of this
class and not in the picture are:
Mrs. W. T. Davis, Mrs. Raymond
Townsend, Mrs. Woodrow Daniel
land Mrs. Raymond Waddell.
Picture by R. L. Hilten.
gram. Chairman of the Gray
Lady Red Cross Service in the
county is Mrs. Hale, who has
been in charge of enrolling mem
bers from Dade, and with Mrs.
Catherine Morrison, secretary of
the Board of Trustees, has been
responsible for making county
residents aware of the need for
this type of program.
second class - of which
* lght . fr ® n the count y are mem-
bers : w 111 work at night. They
received their uniforms Friday
(Continued to Page 6)
In 1912, Board of Trustees
Lists Many
960—S. J. Hale and John L.
974—G- W. Cross;
875—'Ben Daniel, W. J. Jenkins
j and G. W- Parker;
873—W H Dugan
^14-P. A McKaig, Clarence
Moore and John Bradford;
1222 —John M- Burnett, B. A.
: Parker and J t ' w W ' Abercrombie. . .
During the period around 1912
|the 'trustees following in men served as
the Dade County
School System:
1129—W. T. Beckham, W. J.
Johnson and W. C. Amos;
1038— W. P H. Tatum, W. W.
: Hale and J. H. E Blansit;
1037—P- F. Newby, Joe Brown
and E. B Bates;
New Salem School; Mrs. Martha
Pullen, North Dade; Mrs. Madge
Ballard, Davis and Mrs. Fricks
were the four selectees this year.
Each received a corsage pinned
on them by Mr s. Delilah
A committee in each school in
the county selects the teacher
they feel is symbolic of their
profession and later another
committee, from outside the
county selects the county’s
Teacher of the Year. The state
'Teacher of the Year will be
selected by a panel of three
State Supreme Court Judges who
will choose from among the Con¬
gressional District winners.
The selection of teachers is an
extremely difficult one. Certain
qualifications have been set up
by the state which may or may
,not mean the best teacher in the
school but do mean the most
(representative teacher in that
school for that particular year.
Mrs. Ersaline Carroll was
Dade’s first Teacher of the Year
and Mrs. Edna Sutton was this
past year’s.
The Teacher of the Year is
sponsored in Dade by the Lions
Club and Mr. Hale had been
chosen by them to announce the
winner. Other Lions were pre¬
sent at the ceremonies and also
sat on the stage.
Another Left Turn
Highway Accident
A minor accident occured on
Highway 11 at the intersection
of the Slygo—-Hale Gap road in
New England. This is the fifth
time this corner fense post has
been knocked down by cars run¬
ning into it.
Everett Bowers and Mrs. Ida
Oliver were both traveling north
on the highway when Bowers at¬
tempted to make a left turn into
the Slygo road. Mrs. Oliver,
driving in the car behind him
was unable to avoid having the
two cars bump together. No one
was hurt and both Bowers and
Oliver were able to drive
their cars away. Bowers was
with failing to give
for a turn.