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Dade County's Only Newspaper.
Board Reelects About 50 Teachers
At the March meeting of the
Board of Education about fifty
teachers who had said they
-would like to return to the Dade
County School System next year
were elected toy the Board- This
(leaves 15 teachers, more or less,
to fill the rest of the school
Elected were: Mrs. Geneva
Allison, Mrs. Ruth Astin, Mrs.
Madge Ballard, Mrs- Paul Bar¬
ber, Mrs. Clistie Barnes, Mrs.
Thelma Bell, Mrs. Pearl Blevins,
Mrs- Ersalene Carroll, principal
North Dade, Mrs- Stella Carroll,
Mrs. Ruby Carter, Clarence D.
Cheatham, J. T- Childress, prin¬
cipal New Salem, David O
Chumley, principal of Davis,
Mrs. Velma P- Clark, Ray Craw-
iford, Mrs. Ida B- Davidson, Mrs,
Joyce Davis, Henry Elliott, prin¬
cipal Rising Fawn, Mirs. Kate
Elliott, Mrs. Ethel Fox, Mrs- Beat
irice Freeman, Mrs- Mar j ora
Fricks, A r 1 o n Gilbert, Mrs.
Bernice Gilbert, Larry Gilbert,
Mrs. Thelma Gray, Mrs- Cecil
Hale, Leo Hill, coach for Davis,
Mrs. Sarah Hilten, Mrs- Winoa
Your Red Cross Is...
Mrs. Fricks Choice as Dade's T.O.T.Y.
By Mjyrna R. McMahan
To teach is to encourage
growth, both mental and spirit¬
ual, and its reward is returned
many times over the investment.
To impart knowledge is to give
of oneself, whole heartedly and
without thought of personal
Dade County’s new “Teacher
Df the Year”, Mrs. Marjora
Young Fricks, has been described
as the “true teacher ... in every
sense of the word,” and a more
deserving choice could not have
been made. The third teacher
in the county to be awarded the
Ihonor, Mrs. Fricks had stiff
competition, with the slate of
candidates most imposing.
For those students who could
not picture her as being any¬
thing but a teacher, Mrs. Fricks
lias this to say— “I’ve never
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
Auto and Truck Tags
Expire March 31
have 1958 tags on our car if we:
wish to drive it.
Tax Commissioner John W.
Murphy reports that to date
only about 600 automobile
owners in Dade County have
purchased their 1958 tags. Last
year there were almost 3300 tags
issued for cars in Dade County
so if all these 2600 and more
people are to get their automo¬
bile tags before the deadline on
March 31 the Tax Commiss¬
ioner’s office will toe swamped,
many people will be spending
many hours standing in line and
•there will not be enough hours
to issue so many tags
There is a stiff penality if you
drive your car after April 1 with¬
out the proper tags- The Tax
Commissioner reports the pen¬
ality is 20% more on the price
of the tag plus $1-00.
Driver’s licenses also expire
March 31. The only and last time
the State Troopers will be here,
before the deadline, is March 17.
However, applications can be
sent to the Drivers Licenses
Division of the Dept, of Public
Safety in Atlanta.
Highway Activities
For the first time in several
weeks, the Sheriff reports pick¬
ing up two for public drunken¬
ness last week end- Also two
flocal men were picked up for
driving under the influence of
On Sunday, the State Troop¬
ers, investigating an accident
about four miles south of Tren¬
ton, found a car in a ditch but
the driver was apparently un¬
hurt. The car was damaged and
towed to Trenton and the driver,
Frank C. Barnes was charged
with not having his car under
Last week a pick-up truck
burned on the side of Sand
Mountain. The driver, Hendrix
from Chattanooga, was coming
dcwn the mountain and as his
Itruck continued to back fire, he
stopped, opened the hood and
both h i s hands were burned
before he could (get away from
the flames.
Hixon, Mrs. Emma Jane Holmes,
Mrs- Ewell James, Mrs. Jewell
Johnson, Mrs. Jessie Lewis.
Charles Mitchell, Mrs- Ida
Moore, Mrs. Nola Morgan, Mrs-
Mary Sue McCarty, Mrs. Margie
Newby, Mrs- Willadean Patton,
Otis Poe, Mrs. Martha Pullen,
Mrs- Mary Rochester, Mrs. Sara
Rucks, Miss Ellen Marie Schnei¬
der, Mrs. Estelle Scruggs, Mrs-
Innes Simmons, Mrs. Clara Ste¬
wart, Mrs. Minnie Street, Mrs.
Edna B- Sutton, Home Ec- tea¬
cher Dade Co. High, Mrs Betty
Thompson, Boston Vaughn, Mrs.
iDelilah Wheeler, Mrs. Thelma
Winkler, Miss Jo Ann Wrinkle,
Irene Moore and Miss Virginia
Wrinkle and Mrs- Viola Freeman-
The same teachers Miss Con¬
stance C. Carter, principal,
Frank L- Hill, Jr., Mrs. Ruth Neal
were re-elected for the Hooker
Colored School.
Absent from this list are the
principal and the coach at Dade
High School. The Board felt a
change was in order, so tooth of
these positions will be filled by
new personnel.
thought of doing anything else.”
From the time she was a third
grade student in her birthplace
of Bexton, Ga., she planned to
be a teacher and at first wanted
to teach that grade, but later on,
decided high school subjects
were more appealing. Inspired
by an aunt, who at that time was
a third grade teacher, Marjora
Young worked always with the
one thought in mind—to serve
mankind in the best way she
could and through the teaching
Encouraged by her parents,
Lola and Emmett Young, both
natives of Coweta County, she
enrolled in Erskine College in
South Carolina following her
graduation as valedictorian from
the high school at Moreland, Ga-
With majors in both Math and
English, she graduated in June
of 1937, coming to Dade County
as a supply teacher that same
18 Years of Teaching
During this year of teaching,
which was during Mr. Peterson’s
period of service as principal,
Mrs. Fricks worried about the
Jack of a library in the school-
Books were piled into a room off
the stage and of course could
not be used. She was responsible
for organizing Dade High’s first
library as a result and worked as
teacher—librarian for six years
afterwards, having had previous
experience in the Erskine College
In 1940 she became the bride
of J. Lunsford Fricks of Rising
Fawn, recently resigned county
school superintendent. Mr. and
Mrs- Fricks made their home in
the old Fricks homeplace until
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Sims Elected City
Nearly 100 Trenton residents
turned out Tuesday to cast their
' erm of y ® ,ls ' 8 ” w
d ed ln . otf 'f' ch arles T ' Tom ” y
Sims was the only , name on the
ballot and was officially
Western Auto Store Thursday
A Western Auto Associate
Store will have its Grand Open¬
ing in Trenton next Thursday.
The store which is on the north
side of Court House square is
(owned and operated toy Martin
A. Nethery.
This will be one of the most
modern and attractive of the
Western Auto Stores which are
located all over the United
States. The front of the store is
plate glass from ceiling to floor
lallowning the customer, before
Minstrel Show At
Dade Hi Thurs-Fri
The Lions Club Minstrel and
Variety Show to be given Thurs¬
day and Friday of this week is
shaping up to provide much fun
and entertainment.
There will be songs and dances
and ipatter with some of the
participants in black face to pro¬
vide the old time Negro Minstrel
Show illusion. There will toe
male chorus and a buck and
wing dance among the other bits
of fun and frolic.
Participating are expected to
be: C. E- Kyzer and daughter
Barbara Jean, J. E. Morrison and
daughter Jean, J. M. Case, M. A-
Nethery, J. V- Jenkins and
daughter Rita Lee, Aubrey Dyer,
W- D- and Betty Cureton, Rud-
olph Thompson, John Tatum, T.
S. Renfroe, R. L. Hadden, J. B.
Geddie, R. L. Hilten, Evelyn,
Joan and Carol Gray, Jessie
Chitwood, Jerry Gross, Ann Wis-
ner, W- E. Smith and Mildred
This entertainment, sponsored
by the Lions Club, is given to
raise funds for their Lighthouse
for the Blind which assists in
buying glasses and eye examina¬
tions for needy children in the
they had it torn down to make
way for the attractive modern
brick home they live in today. A
daughter, Ann Marie, was born
to them during a three-year ab¬
sence Mrs- Fricks took from her
-teaching post.
Then in the fall of 1947, she
accepted the position as prin¬
cipal of the Rising Fawn School,
serving in this capacity until
1948. From that time until Sept-
of 1950, at which time she trans¬
ferred to Dade High, she taught
in the school at Rising Fawn.
Club Organizer
The Rising Fawn Parents Club
was organized upon her sugges¬
tion during this three-year
period, and she, with Mrs. Cecil
McMahan, who was elected presi
dent of the group, raised $100 to
build a storeroom for the lunch¬
room of the school.
of Trenton Mayor
For the tally after the closing
of the polls Sims received 88
votes and there were four write-
in votes: three for A. L- Dyer
and one for J. E. Morrison.
Mrs. Grace Nethery, J- C. Pace
-and W. I. Price were the election
he enters, to see all the various
types of merchandise which is
for sale. Lining each wall are
back drops of soft colors which
mark off the types of merchan¬
dise and over these on the left
wall is a pale blue, in the rear a
soft brick red and on the right
a yellow- Down the center are
metal racks partitioned off for
each item with glass.
In the rear and in back of the
main building is the tire and
allied items department.
Dade Has New
S. C. S. Technician
Kenneth Vann arrived in Dade
County this week to take over
the duties as Soil Conservation
'Technician. This is the position
formerly held by A1 Webb who
was promoted and is now in
Vann comes to us from Haber¬
sham County, Georgia- He has
been doing Soil Conservation
work in various counties in
Georgia since his graduation
from the University of Georgia
five years ago. He will work
primarily in Dade but will be
cooperating with Mr- John
Brown who is the Dade and
Walker Counties Work Unit
About forty teachers from the
Dade County School System will
enjoy a free air plane ride Satur
day afternoon.
One of the leading airlines is
sponsoring an “Education Air
Lift” and in Chattanooga the
teachers will take off from
Lovell Field in a regular passen¬
ger plane for a 30 minute ride
over Chattanooga and vicinity.
This year makes her ninth
year at Dade and her eighteenth
as a teacher. Until two years
ago, she taught mostly math and
English along with other sub¬
jects, but now teaches all math-
metics offered by the high
Another club initiated
through her efforts is the Future
Teachers Club of Dade High,
which she organized in the
spring of 1956. This past Satur¬
day she took two loads of FTA
members to a convention held
at Shorter College in Rome, and
has done many other things for
the benefit of the group-
A member of the Dade High
PTA, she has been a spark plug
of the Dade Educational associa¬
tion and is this year president
of the organizaton. Last year,
(Continued to Page 2 )