The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, March 13, 1958, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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MRS. CATHERINE C. MORRISON ........ Owner and Publisher
Entered at the Post Office at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail.
Mr. and Mrs. W- H. Brock have
returned from Florida.
The auditor is still here check¬
ing the county’s records.
Mrs. C. C. Shankles is improv¬
ing at a hospital in Fort Payne,
Don’t forget the Red Cross is
fctill on the job and needs your
help. Give generously.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Derryberry
were the dinner iguests of the
Roy Gearrins on Sunday.
Mrs. Ernest Stone is still very
sick- Two of her sisters, Pauline
and Allie with their families,
have been here with her.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D- Cureton
entertained at a dinner party,
Saturday night, celebrating
their 16th wedding anniversary,
and received many lovely gifts-
There were about 34 present-
Jim Murphy is again working
in Chattanooga and Homer Yates
from Ft. Payne, is now the car
salesman at M- & W. Chevrolet.
Yates worked here in 1955 when
W- W. Williams was owner of the
Garden plots on courthouse
square were cut Tuesday and the
odor of onions hung around the
square most of the day. Do wish
these weeds could be killed and
some kind of sun and drought
resisting grass could be planted.
Walter Henry Smith, the
father of Eugene, George and
Stacey Smith, sons of Mrs. Helen
Polly Hall Smith, was accident¬
ally electrocuted Dec. 26, accord¬
ing to a letter recently received
by Mrs. Hall from a step¬
daughter, Mrs. Ovedia Smith
Bass of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
There are activities a plenty
this month to keep home demon
stration club members busy—to
name a few—the County Council
meeting this Wednesday in
Trenton, the District Council on
Thursday in Calhoun, the re¬
gular community club meetings
and on March 20th a district
short course at Jasper, Ga- for
certain council project chairmen
and on March 31 the club of the
year banquet (tentative). Then,
there is the dress revue which
will be held in April and it is
(not too soon to begin making an
outfit for that. The 4-H dress
revues are heing held in the
school this month and who, do
you suppose is judging? Why,
home demonstration club mem¬
bers of course. There were 11
girls who entered at New Salem
and they had surely done a good
job. I am looking forward to the
revues at all of the other schools.
Now the 4-H members are just
about as busy as the adults
Besides their dress revues they
are engaged in a number of
other activities. One brand new
experience for our club memberc
in Dade Co. is appearing on
radio. The Dade County 4-H
Club members will present a one
hour program at WLXB La-
Fayette on Thursday from 5:00
ito 6:00 p- m. Some 20 club mem¬
bers will participate in this act¬
ivity. This radio station is devot¬
ing one hour each day this week
to the presentation of 4-H Club
programs for Walker, Catoosa
and Dade County 4-H Clubs-
A movie “Something to Crow
About” which is an educational
film dealing with the 4-H Poul¬
try Project is being shown at the
4-H Clubs this month. The
10 Four-H members who will
compose the 4-H Poultry Chain
will receive 100 baby chicks each,
about the first of April.
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
A second and fourth
Saturday nights each
'NT' month at 8:00 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Quitman Long of
High Point in Chattanooga
Valley visited Mr. and Mrs- G. L-
Barnes last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ross and
Miss Louise Ross of Rome visited
relatives here last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Griff Johnson
were called to Mentone last Sun¬
day because of the death of Mrs.
Jonnson’s uncle Mr- Roscoe
The Rev- and Mrs- Marvin
Dodd and family have recently
moved to our community. For
the past several years the Rev.
Dodd has lived in Brownsburg
Indiana. They are making their
home with Mrs. Dodd’s parents
Mr and Mrs. Fritts Schurch. The
Rev. Dodd was called back to
Indiana very suddenly last week
to conduct the funeral of a very
close friend.
Mr. and MJrs. G- L. Barnes at¬
tended a birthday supper in
Lakeview last Saturday honor¬
ing Mr. Barnes’ mother Mrs.
Mamie Barnes who celebrated
her 75th anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fulghum of
New Salem and the Rev- D. L.
Johnson and family of Chickam-
auga visited the Hugh Forester
family recently.
Messrs. Cecil Forester and
Edmund Koger spent last Sun¬
day in Atlanta visiting Mr. L. E.
Holtzhower who is sick in the
V. A. hospital. Mr. Holtzhower’s
condition has been described to
us as critical.
Because of the illness of our
pastor the Rev. Bill Brown of
Trenton, our Sunday morning
church service was conducted
by the Rev- Bill Hampton also of
Trenton and the Sunday night
service by the Rev. Hodnett of
New Salem. The congregation
greatly enjoyed the good ser¬
mons preached by these visiting
Hugh Forester who was
stricken ill over 6 months ago,
still remains confined at home
and has shown very little
The new Cloverdale road is
progressing fine. The Right of
way has been cleared and grad¬
ing started also. The largest cul¬
vert has been started- The cem¬
ent walls have been poured- The
right of way for the Cloverdale,
Sulphur Springs road has been
secured and we hope to see that
•road started this year.
Farris Hawkins, son of Mr. and
Mrs- Carl Hawkins, had a shoul¬
der injured while playing at
Dade High School. He is much
better. The Carl Hawkins’ had
as week-end visitors, Mr. and
Mrs. Dorman Heard and son
Freddy from Ft- Payne, Ala. The
Hawkins family made a business
trip to Chattanooga last week.
Mrs. Ed Bible spent two weeks
in Rockwood visiting her son,
George; and in Knoxville with
daughter Frances (Mrs- Alford).
George and Ann were Monday
supper visitors of Ed and Willie
Grace. Also J. R-, Martha and
family were visitors of their par¬
ents Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Goode (Katherine Coddle
Hawkins) daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Grady Hawkins has a new
baby. Mr- Goode has been tran-
sfered from California to Alaska
and Katherine will make her
Ihome with her parents.
Mrs. Billie Ray Hawkins has a
new baby boy. They are former
residents of Cloverdale but live
south of Trenton now-
Mrs. Joe Phillips is on the sick
ball field in Rising Fawn, Satur¬
day afternoon, March 15- Bring
your uniforms for repair and
The “old” and “new”, as far
ias scouting is concerned, met
last Saturday night at the Tren¬
ton Methodist Church for a
Scout get-together. The “old”
being referred to as the former
scouts of Troop 143, who have
made ranks of first class and
above. There have been 9 boys to
do this since 1954. These boys
were honored at the meeting
the “new” were the boys just
starting out in the troop.
The meeting opened with boys
from the Flying Eagle Patrol
giving a demonstration in First
Aid- They were Gary Gaddis,
Freddy Mahan, O- L. Lynch,
Johnny Warren, and Albert
Wheeler. Next came the tying
of certain scout knots and their
uses. This was done by Anthony
Emmanuel, Raymond Emman¬
uel, Carl Barber and Ed Morri¬
son, w'ho are members of the
Wolf Patrol.
Rev. Robert Hilten, the Ex¬
plorer Advisor, made and inter¬
esting talk on scouting and pre¬
sented the 1958 Troop Charter to
Scoutmaster Spencer Jenkins-
The former Scouts who were
honored were: First Class Scouts
—iDenny Goodwin, Dale Sims,
Rex Blevins, and Pete Tatum.
Star Scouts—Eddy Sims, To mm y
Wheeler, Douglas Wheeler and
Larry Greene. Life Scout—Sher¬
man Moore, Jr-
These 9 boys have made an
example in Scouting for each
new Scout to follow. It takes the
determination and ambition to
advance and without these fac¬
tors none of these boys could
nave advanced so far in Scout¬
Troop 143 proudly announces
these 9 boys as members of the
“Star Advancement Roll” and
hopes to add many more to it.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B- Hollomon
are the new family that swapped
for the C. W. Alberton’s place.
They have one girl going to
Davis High at the present time.
Her name is Judy Hollomon.
Our Sunday School was up a
little Sunday, we are glad to
Boyd Michaels was operated
on last week. We hear he will
have to stay about 10 days in
the hospital. Your writer was
sick this last week.
Mrs- Mary Whetzell had her
mother and sister, Opal and her
husband with her Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Cooper and child¬
ren visited her daughter, of Long
Island, Ala. Sunday evening. Mr.
and Mrs. Estel Tinker and
Maggie Cooper visited in Fabius,
Ala. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bim
Patton visited his mother Sun¬
day. Mr. and Mrs- Kenneth
Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Whetzell took dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Ethell Whetzell Sun¬
Some of the folks are getting
ready to plant potatoes as soon
as it gets dry enough.
John Tinker Jr. visited his son
Saturday. Mr- and Mrs- Rufus
Moore visited the Fred Coopers
Saturday night.
The temperature was 35 de¬
grees Monday, March 10th.
All creditors of the estate of
E. Munsey Parker, deceased, late
of Dade County, are hereby noti¬
fied to render in th^ir demands
to the undersigned according indebted to
law, and all persons to
said estate are hereby required
to make immediate payment to
me. i
This February 11, 1958.
Cora D- Parker
Executrix of the Will of
E- Munsey Parker, deceased.
was made at first by Miss Bess
Cureton, using Mrs. Fricks’
mother’s recipe, but for the past
two years, Mrs. Fricks has made
it herself. Her prowess as a cook
is well-known .throughout the
community, since she always
takes a tasty dish to church and
community suppers.
Such a busy person should be
content with spending the
summer at home, resting from
the rigors of the school term, but
pot Mrs. Fricks. She plans
summer school to study more
math in order to “do a better
(job of teaching.”
“There is much to be received
from the satisfaction of render¬
ing,” the outstanding teacher of
the year states, “and to be able
to give such service is to be
about our Father’s business.”
The regular Third Sunday
Afternoon Singing will be held
this Sunday at the New England
Baptist Church. Everyone
Car Tags
March 31
Buy Now To Avoid
Standing in Line
John W. Murphy
Tax Commissioner
(Continued from page 1)
she served as vice-president and
chairman of the NEA Centennial
Dinner held at the school, which
was on outstanding event.
This year also marks her
eighth year as coach of the
school debate team which has
won honors in district literary
contests. This is the first time
she has been assisted with this
task, and credits Miss Ellen
Marie Schneider with providing
valuable help.
Class Sponsor
For many terms. Mrs. Fricks
was the beloved sponsor of the
Junior Class, directing many
successful plays and benefits for
the class. When the senior class
teacher resigned at Chrismtas
last year, the students requested
that she be appointed their
Her activities are not limited
to school alone; she is a promin¬
ent figure in church and civic
hffairs. About seven years ago,
she provided the interest and
guidance necesary for organizing
the Young Adult Class of the
Rising Fawn Methodist Church,
building it up to over twenty
members. She is also a member
of the official board of the
church, is president for the
second year of the Womens
Society of Christian Service, and
is chairman of the commission on
missions. In fact, she has always
lhad a job and performed it to
the best of her abilities in every¬
thing in which she has been
associated. A more dependable
and conscientious person can
not be found.
Good Cook
When the Rising Fawn Comm¬
unity Improvement Club was
active^she and her husband, Ris¬
ing Fawn postmaster and also
'‘an active person in the church,
were enthusiastic members. The
brunswick stew served at the an¬
nual Fourth of July barbecues
For Little Girls And Mothers , Too
We've Something Gay And Easter — New!
Friday and Saturday Only
Ladies Panties __________________ 4 pr. $1.00
Fall and Winter Hats _________________ $1.00
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Evelene Shoppe
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Phone OL 7-3443 Trenton , Georgia