The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, March 13, 1958, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Working Together Builds a Better Community
Let’s Get Acquainted With Our Community Leaders:
Second _ J In A 0 Series: The Elmer Olivers ~
By Myrna R. McMahan
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oliver of Morganville Typical Young Dade
County Couple; Own Home, Have Two Boys, Love Fishing.
Among the most attractive and interesting people in the county
are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oliver of the Morganville community.
Both popular and friendly, they are leaders in their church—the
Morganville Methodist—and community.
Aside from his as per-
sonnel director at Harriman
Manufacturing Co. in Chatt¬
anooga, Mr. Oliver is a Mason is
president of the North Dade I
P T A , is active in the Dade J
County Lions Club and is
working with the group to
present a minstrel on March
13-14. Mrs- Oliver, the former
Miss Sue Hamlin, is a “some
(times’’ Dade County Times
correspondent, is secretary of
<the Eastern Star here in the
county, member of the PTA, a
new Gray Lady, and is teacher
of the Youth Class of the Mor¬
ganville Methodist Church. Last
year, she and Mrs. N- E. Fugatte
put in long hours getting toget¬
her a handicrafts booth for the
Plum Nelly Show, and for the
past several years has been a
hard worker on various food
That last commendation
comes as a result of being a good
and enthusiastic cook—of every¬
thing from cornbread to dough-
giuts. Her Sunday School class,
which is composed mostly of
boys, will vouch for her dough¬
nuts, for recently when she hest-
cssed an informal gathering at
her home, three large platters
of freshly baked dougnnuts dis¬
appeared in nothing flat.
Love of Sports
The Olivers share a love of
eports and the outdoors and feel
they “just have to have enough
land to get out and walk around
on-” Following Mir. Olvier’s dis¬
charge from the Air Force after
three years with the 20th Bom¬
ber Command in India and
Okinawa, they bought an unfini¬
shed house near her parents on
the Slygo road in Morganville
and completed it- They were
never quite satisfied and when
the Tom Street property, which
included a big house and 23
acres of land, became available
,this past summer, they bought it
in August, selling their first
home to the Dan Halls.
They love gardening and look
foward to a spring garden as
well as acres of field crops and
hay to feed their cow and three
i In their spare time, as they
have in the past and intend to
do so in the future, they go fish¬
ing at Hale’s Bar and on Chick-
amauga Lake. Sometimes sons
Nikki Alan, 9, and Rickie (Rusty)
Arlan, 7, go along and sometimes
they stay with their grand¬
parents. And often during the
summer the whole family, in¬
cluding in-laws, friends of the
ifamily, etc. tuck plenty of food,
grills, pots and pans, cots, sleep¬
ing bags and the like Into their
cars and go up on the Lake to
“their’’ favorite spot on Lightn
Ing Point for the weekend. Since
the Olivers have an aluminum
boat and make delightful hosts,
needless to say, the group has
Hoads of fun. The spot is called
“theirs” since they cleared it to
make it more comfortable, Mrs.
Oliver says.
When they aren’t on the river
or lake, Mr- and Mrs. Oliver
broil steaks on a large barbecue
grill in their back yard for some
good, family-style suppers-
Attendance Record
Although Mrs. Oliver is a
native of the community, Mr.
Oliver is not related to the other
Oliver family there, as many
people have thought. The son of
Mr- and Mrs. J. E. Oliver of
Chattanooga Valley, he gradu¬
ated from high school at the age
of sixteen with a remarkable at-
R. L. Hadden was in the pro-
| cess of installing insulation
; overhead in his pharmacy dur-
ing th0 starfc Qf the cold sp€l]
Payne and Dean, house
movers were seen m0 ving an-
! other house along the highway
;j ast wee ^
j. ‘Colored siding has been put
on new ganders Clark home.
j The newest type of telephone
| has been installed in the J. M-
Case home and is the only one
of its kind in the county . . . it’s
the new one-piece kind with
the dial on the bottom-
The N. H. Hutchisons’ new
fireplace has been completed
and has been in constant use
during the cold weather. Built
of Roman buff brick and in¬
stalled between the kitchen and
area on an outside wall, it
* s Quite wide, with the bricks
reaching to the ceiling. The at¬
tractive hearth is several shades
of beige ceramic tile and the
grate is large enough to hold
several good-sized logs. Rather
(than have a mantel, Mrs. Hut¬
chison chose instead to have an
outlet for a clock installed in the
center of the fireplace wall and
has selected an attractive pine¬
framed timepiece to hang there.
At the far end of the living
area, which will be used for
other activities when additional
remodeling is done, space for
washer, dryer and storage has
been built in with a folding door
to be installed, other recent
changes include brick on the
steps leading to the den and
bedrooms and a low brick wall
between the living area and the
tendance record- His picture
,appeared in Chattanooga papers
at the time for not. missing a
Isingl e day in school—although
Innrp lonce he swallowed a nail. Follow
ing graduation, he became as¬
sociated with Davenport Hosiery
Mills, where he met another em¬
ployee, pretty, and dark-haired,
who was to become his wife.
She had graduated from (Dade
High School and was known in
her earlier years as a sort of
“tomboy”: To this day she still
likes basketball and softball and
was a valuable member of school
teams. Now she takes her Sun¬
day School class rollerskating
land enjoys it as much as they
The Olivers, as the second
couple in our “community” ser¬
ies, were a pleasure to introduce
to you.
Second and fourth Thursday
night 7:30 P. M. every month.
Legion Hall.
Dennis Sullivan, Comdg.
A. J. Atchley, Adj......
Just out 1 New, wide and handsome:!
They’re as brawny as they are beautiful—three weight class! Two body sizes are offered—78" and 98"
new Fleetside pickups with the power and cargo long-both a full 6 feet wide. And you get the best
capacity to tame tough jobs and look good remedy for overhead worry that’s ever been built—
doing it! Chevy’s hustling Thriftmaster 6 engine. Your dealer
will fill in the facts, or details about any new Chev¬
The new Fleetside reports in with more load space rolet models, including America's lowest priced
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Styling that catches
the eye and calls at¬
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Extra - big capacity!
New Fleetside bodies
are wider, longer and deeper!
See your local authorized Chev rolet d ealer
Authorized Chevrolet dealer in Trenton, Ga.
M. and W. Chevrolet Company
17 East Main Street Chattanooga, Tenn.
Res. Phone Amherst 6-0595 Business Phone Amherst 7-02J4
> o ooocooooo o o o ooocooooooooooocooor o ooooo o coo ooo e c
Representing Stock Companies
In Fire and Automobile Insurance
Licensed Rea! Estate Broker
<zA/{o%s fox Qjoux <zA/(onzu
Ice Cream Headquarters
Sundries — Sickroom supplies — First Aid Needs
Telephone Oliver 7-4100 Trenton, Ga.