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Dade County's Only Newspaper.
• - For truly, the esrth is the Lords
and the fullness thereof, but the
responsibility is vested in for its stewardship
God created the world, of which the earth is a portion, with a
purpose, and through his loving Providence He maintains the
world for the good of human beings. Therefore, all human beings
possess a direct natural right to have access to created natural
Land is a very special kind of property. Ownership of land does
not give an absolute right to use or abuse, nor is it devoid of
social responsibilities. It is in fact a stewardship. It implies such
Hand tenure and use as to enable the possessor to develop his
personality, maintain a decent standard of living for his family
iand fulfill social obligations. At the same time, the land steward
(has a duty to enrich the soil he tills, and to hand it down
to future generations as a thank offering to God, the Giver, and
as a living inheritance to his children’s children.
The stewards of the land owe sacred duties and obiligations
.to God, the community and humanity. A faithful and honest
fulfillment of their responsibilities goes hand in hand with their
rights and privileges .
(From a statement of principles signed by 75
clergymen and workers of all faiths.)
Contract Let For
Phones For N. Salem
The New Salem residents
about to get telephone service.
The Trenton Telephone Com¬
pany has announced that the
contract for this project was let
last week to a Cedartown, Ga.
contracting firm.
The telephone line will go up
Lookout Mt. where the Georgia
Power poles are and from there
will reach out to service about
5o customers in the community.
Work will begin as soon as the
necessary supplies and equip¬
ment are readied for the work
which should be very soon.
It may be that the telephone
subscribers will have their tele¬
phones before they can get to
use them for in order to add
these additional phones to the
central telephone exchange in
Trenton, the central switchboard
(had to be enlarged and as yet
this new equipment has not
New Home Phones
The installing of phones in
the New Home area has been
delayed partially because of all
the road building but is expected
to get underway soon after the
New Salem project.
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia .
Dade High Baseball
Team Wins Region
The previous Section I Champ¬
ions, Dade County High, now
holds the 4-C North Title after
blanking Johnson High 11-0 at
Summerville, Friday, May 2.
David Steele’s bid for a per¬
fect game was ruined in the
fourth after he had retired the
first twelve batters in order.
Steele allowed two hits, fanned
ten, and walked three.
Hershel Dugan ran his RBI
total to 23 as he drove across
five runs with 3 singles. Tommy
Wheeler smashed a double and
a single.
Dade: 11 runs, 12 hits and no
errors. Johnson: no runs, 2 hits
and 3 errors.
Steele and Fulghum; Mathis,
Thacker, and Spears.
“BEES’* 2-ft
The Wildcats’ closest game of
the season was played Thurs¬
day, May 1 at Chattanoooga,
when the Dade team shut out
the Central “B’’ team 2-0.
McCormick’s two-hit pitching
was a spotlight as he and Steele
May Events
May 6-7 are National Civil
Defense Days. As Dade has only
a skeleton unit no demonstra¬
tion was planned but Virgil Jen¬
kins, Dade County Civil Defense
Director and Mrs. N. H. Hutchi¬
son, on the Women’s Division of
the State Board of Directors, are
giving out literature sent them
by the Federal Civil Defense
May 11 is Mother’s Day.
May 4-10 is National Home
Demonstration Week and one of
the ways each club is observing
this is by having exhibits of
their handiwork in the store
May 11-18 is National Soil
Stewardship Week. Churches
and clubs in the county will
have special programs during
the week.
Tomato Program
Once again several truck
farmers in Dade County are
working to form an organized
group to raise and sell tomatoes
Last Thursday notices were
sent by County Agent L. C.
Adams to the four members of
the tomato committee: Art
Moore, Bill Pullen, Ewell Brown
and E. A. Stallings, that special¬
ists from the Agricultural Ex¬
tension Service and the Experi¬
mental Station of the University
pf Georgia would be here to help
them. plan. Not only was the
committee present but eleven
other truck farmers listened
while Cecil Blackwell, Vegetable
Specialist; W. C. Carter, Market¬
ing Specialist; Roy Green, Mar¬
ket and Research Specialist
and District Agent H. E. Chas¬
tain gave details on the pro¬
blems of production, grading,
packaging and marketing of
There have been pledged for
this project 35 acres and the
committee hopes to have a mini¬
mum of 50 acres for this year’s
program. They are hoping to
assemble all the produce at a
central place for the grading
and packaging so as to sell it as
a unit which is more apt to;
attract the buyers. If the tomato
program could become 1 a r g e t
enough a standard container
and a brand name could be used I
and the produce could be sold
direct to a large buyer without
having to go through a middle
Open Meeting May 15
A general meeting will be held
Hay 15 at the Court House in
rrenton at 7:30 P. M. when all
hose interested in growing and
selling tomatoes on a profitable
jroup plan can get together.
Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Carter
vill be back to assist them in
his and with Mr. Adams will
lelp as to planting dates and
suggested varieties of plants
ambined efforts to strike out
511 . * ’ **■
McCormick singled Dade’s
nly runs in with a fourth inn- i
lg single. Therel Fulghum and*
arry Greene tagged the other
Dade: 2 runs, 3 hits and 2
rrors. Central B: no runs, 2 hits
nd 4 errors.
McCormick, Steele and Fulg-
um; Connelly, Stewart and
(Continued to page 4)
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Food Commodities Planned for Dade
Surplus food commodities
expected to be available in
some time this month.
tion will be handled by
Helping Hand organization
Worth T. Lea, Helping
president, as Commodities
ector and J. C. Herman,
president of the Helping
as assistant director.
Geraldine Pace will be in
of records.
At present it is expected
rice, flour, beans and cheese
be available to those who
eligible to receive them.
who are unemployed or who
in need can make
The Helping Hand has set
day, May 15 as Registration
The place will be the
County High School
and applications will be
Underway They
which could be used.
tell of the recommended
lizer and the insect disease
trol recommendations and
discuss how to' market.
Tomato Program By-Laws
be read and there will be
ments ready for interested
sons to sign.
City Parking Plans
The City of Trenton
and Council held their
monthly meeting Monday
Mayor C. T. Sims presented
drawing for more efficient
ing on the Square. This was
cepted by the Council.
The older group of the
ton Boy Scout troop was
and they agreed to work on
with the city. The plans as
ulated, which of course will
pend upon the weather,
that the City would clean up
debris and accumulated dirt
Tuesday evening.
night the Scouts will hose
wash off the street and
Thursday night the lines will
There will be several
in the present system but
be so marked that there
be no confusion.
The Council also made a rough
draft on a Parking Ordinance.
This would include a time
on parking, no parking
within the lines, no double park¬
ing, and no parking in loading
zones or in the space
for the police.
The water system is not pay¬
ing for itself and it was decided
to investigate the possibility of
increasing the water rates.
The only other business were
monthly routine matters.
. because she’s wonderful!
Mother's are wonderful people
. . they deserve so much more
and appreciation than we
take time to give them. Cele¬
brating Mother’s Day, once a
year, is of course a beautiful
gesture, but it is so inadequate.
Every day should be Mother’s
Day for us as individuals . . .
tell her every day in actions, if
in words that she is loved
between the hours of 9:30 A. M.
and 4 P. M.
After it is know how many will
want the surplus commodities, a
requisition will be sent in and a
distribution day will be set when
the commodities can be given
out. The government has set
rules and regulations which will
be followed.
For a county to receive com¬
modities, the county officials
lhave to be willing for them to be
distributed in the county and
[the director of public welfare
has to approve the director but
the commodities will not be dis¬
tributed through the county
welfare department. After many
meetings, the necessary prelim¬
inary work has been done. Be¬
cause there is no money avail¬
able to pay a commodities dir¬
ector or a staff, Ordinary Peck
has offered the county trucks to
haul the commodities into Dade
and the Helping Hand will take
over from there on a volunteer
basis. Distribution will be once
a month.
R. Fawn Ties For Top
Dade County teams split this
week New Salem bowing to
LaFayette 6 to 1 and Rising
Fawn doubling the scoxe on
Rock Springs 8 to 4. This win for
Rising Fawn leaves them tied
with Teloga for the top spot in
the Georgia Volunteer league.
This tie will be broken Sunday
when Rising Fawn and Teloga
tangle at Teloga.
New Salem vs. LaFayette
~*Carl ~ Steele pitched well for
New Salem but six errors by his
teammates were too much to over
come and New Salem was de¬
feated 6 to 1. Carl Steele con¬
tributed to his own downfall by
walking seven LaFayette bats¬
New Salem: 1 run, 8 hits, and
6 errors. LaFayette: 6 runs. 4
hits and 6 errors.
Battteries: Steele and Dunev-
ant. Cook and Parris.
Rising Fawn vs. Rock Springs
Tommy Cross, Rising Fawn’s
sterling lefthander had another
good day Sunday, as Rising
Fawn edged Rock Springs 8 to
4. Cross struck out eleven and
allowed four hits, well spaced.
Junior Williams and Roy Mc¬
Mahan led the batting attack
for Rising Fawn with two blows
each. Rising Fawn and Teloga
will battle Sunday with the lea¬
gue leadership at stake at
Rising Fawn: 8 runs, 8 hits,
and 4 errors. Rock Springs: 4
runs. 4 hits, and 3 errors.
Batteries: Cross and Byars.
Brock, Naves and Brown.
On this Mother’s Day attend
church with your Mother. Give
thanks to God for the privilege
of honoring her... for the
guidance, the smiles the gentle
words and caresses she has given
you during happy times and
sadness. Ask that He bless her
,for being what she is . . . YOUR