The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 15, 1958, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
PAGE 2 THE DADE COUNTY TIMES MRS. CATHERINE C. MORRISON ........ Owner and Publisher Entered at the Post Office at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail. SUBSCRIPTION RATES —IN ADVANCE One Year, $2.00; Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents. Plus Sales Tax TRENTON, GEORGIA DIAL: OL 7-4422 Persons writing for publication are requested to furnish their names, otherwise the communication will not be published. Name will be withheld on request, but all communications must be signed Memorials, Cards of Thanks and articles of like nature will be charged at IV 2 cent a word for one insertion, payable in advance Advertising rates will be furnished on application LOCALS Glad to see Mr. Frank Nethery visiting in Dade again. Mrs. Sarah Gross (Tom) Cowen from Oklahoma City, Okla. is visiting with her many relatives and friends in Dade. We hear Mrs. W. P. Cole from Slygo suffered a heart attack ,and is in the Tri-County Hospi tal. Also Martin Bradford, from Treonton and Gene Brandon. State Senator Bobbie Lee Cooke, from Summerville, will be the guest speaker at the Jay- cees dutch treat supper in Chatt anooga this Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Case were hosts Saturday evening at a buffet supper at their beautiful new home in the Case Addition. Mrs. E. A. Ellis has returned following a visit in Arkansas. Mrs. Bryron Forester is con¬ valescing at her home in Clover- dale. Mrs. Bill Brandon continues sick at her home here. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Rauls- ton and children, of Hattisburg, Miss., Marvin E. Raulston, Uni¬ versity of Georgia, Miss Helen Boggs, of East Point, Ga., Miss Mamie Raulston, Mrs. H. M. L upper and Isabel Lupper of Chattanooga were the dinner guests of the E. L. Raulstons on Mothers Day, May 11. iDr. and Mrs. Raulston of Mississippi spent a long week-end with their family. Mrs. Ella Logan of New Salem suffered a light stroke April 29, while visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R. Weathers, in Atlanta. She was immediately hospitalized in an Atlanta hospital, and was re¬ turned home by Moore’s ambul¬ ance, Sunday, May 3. She is re¬ cuperating slowly. Obituary Jesse Earnest Page Jesse Earnest Page, age 57, Rt. 1, Trenton, Ga. died suddenly May 12. He was a member of the Church of God, Trenton, Ga., and was employed by Brown Brothers Lumber Co., Trenton, Ga. Survivors are wife, Mrs. Ruby Page, Trenton; one daugh¬ ter, Mrs. Ben F. Clark, Trenton; four brothers, Dave Page, Lake City, Tenn., Thomas Page, Henry Page and Charles Page, all of Trenton; three sisters, Mrs. Van -----—------------ r rnfmnnnnT nnonnnnnon ofiooooof OPTOMETRIST C. F. KING 17 East Main Street Chattanooga, Tenn . Res. Phone Amherst 6-0595 Business Phone Amherst 7-0214 tAake a Bee- , Woe for KING BEE APPETIZING SYRUPS . . . HEALTHFUL THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, May 15, 1958 Hall, Trenton, Ga.; Mrs. Lila Ramsey and Mrs. J. A. Howing- ton, both of Gadsden, Ala.; also six grandchildren. Funeral ser¬ vices were held from the United Church of God with the Revs. E. C. Kerley, Frank Gass, T. A. Chastain and H. J. Chastain officiating. Interment was in Brown Gap Cemetery. Active pallbearers were William Pike, Jr., Clinton Smith, Howard (Bill) Doyle, Cleron Kyzer, Leon (Red) Moore and Will Gentry. Honor¬ ary pallbearers were Willis Gass, Harm Smith, E. T. Brown W. G. Page, Farrell Bradford, Barnie Perkins, Grady Bradford, D. T. Brown, Charles Hixson, Dave Stephens, Glen Stephens, Virgil Daniel, Leonard Gifford, Royce Kinsey, Rice Clark, Charlie Gold, Nevil Stephens, Jules Davis, and Frank McBryar. LAURA J. AVERY Mrs. Laura J. Avery, 81, of Rt. 1. Trenton, passed away sudden¬ ly May 9. She was a member of the New England Methodist Church. Surviving her are her husband Criss C. Avery; a son Emmanuel Avery; a sister Mrs. Lou Morgan; son-in-law Ray mond Doyle; grandson M. G. Doyle and three granddaughters Mrs. Clinton MfeBryar, Mrs. Bur¬ rell Gilreath and Mrs. James Lynn and five great grand¬ children. Funeral services were held from the New England Met¬ hodist Church with Rev. Sam S. DePaul and Rev. Jim Nabors officiating. Pallbearers were Lonnie Drew, Bill Drew, Ernest Drew, Leonard Griffey, Ralph Brown and Donald Brown. Inter¬ ment was in Sarah’s Chapel Cemetery with Moore Funeral Home of Trenton in charge. Mrs. Oilie Mae Rogers Mrs. Oilie Mae Rogers, 88, died: May 3. She is survived by three sons Roy and Arthur D. Rogers, Chattanooga, Oden Van Orsdale, Lockhart, Fla; also a number of grandchildren and great-grand¬ children. Mrs. Rogers was a mem ber of the Brainerd Methodist Church. She had made her home in Chattanooga for a number of years. Interment was in Rogers Cemetery, Talley Road. ALERT TODAY—ajlJVE TOMORROW! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CIVIL DEFENSE ORGANIZATION. SPRING CONCERT The Dade High School Glee Club and Junior Chorus will pre¬ sent the Sixth Annual Spring Concert on Monday, May 26, at 8 P. M. in the school eafetorium. In both groups there are about 85 voices. Mlrs. Richard Looney is the Director and the accom¬ panists are Patricia Wheeler and 'Theola Fulghum. Besides the Glee Club and Junior Chorus there will be selections by the Girls Ensemble, Nancy Parker and Beverly Sharpe will each sing solos and Dade’s winning trio composed of Melba Bradford, Dottie Houston and Rochelle McBryar will sing during the concert. Admission is 25c. You Auto Buy Now And Here's the Reason Why 1958 DODGE, i ton pickup............. 1595.00 1958 PLYMOUTH Clut Sedan ... ........ 1845.00 1949 FORD H ton, Real Jam up.......... 495.00 1953 DODGE Panel 27,000 miles......... 495.00 1956 BUICK Century 1795.00 4 DOOR HARDTOP 37,000 MILES Save That Commission — Trade with the Owner Dyer Motor Co Trenton, Ga. JOB INSURANCE How it differs from Old-Age and Survivors Insurance O ASI JOB INSURANCE (often called Social Security) (often called unemployment insurance) 1. Worker AND employer pay COSTS. 1. Employer ALONE pays COSTS. 2. Paid ONLY to the insured unemployed who 2. Paid to insured workers at retirement age are looking for and able to work. —65, men; 62, women; to insured disabled 3. For information contact nearest workers after 50, and eligible more at or to office of State Employment Service survivors of insured workers. DEPARTMENT GEORGIA 3. For more information contact nearest OF LABOR Employment Security Agency District Office SOCIAL SECURITY ^ ADMINISTRATION -- *r -— j BEN T. HUIET Commissioner RESULT OF EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN The results of the recent Easter Seal campaign were as follows, from the schools; Davis, $8.53; Dade, 28.70; New Salem, 4.38; North Dade, 11.15; and Rising Fawn, 15.56. The total amount collected from the schools was $68.32. The work of the school child¬ ren was greatly appreciated by the leaders in the campaign. In addition, $22.62 was raised from the Lily sale, sold by members of Mrs. H. F. Allison’s Sunday School class. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR TRADE, try our classified column for quick results. Dade County Times, Trenton Ga. G. A. FOCUS WEEK May 11-17 is Girls’ Auxiliary Focus Week. The Lucy Ching G. A. ’s of the Rising Fawn Baptist Church observed this week, with recognition by the pastor on Sunday, a study course on Wed¬ nesday afternoon, and a pro¬ gram on Wednesday night. “Building a chain of stars” was the title of the evening service with decorations of stars, G. A. posters and emblems.