The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 15, 1958, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
PAGE 4 HOOKER Mrs. Thelma Bell Mrs. Florence Strawn is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Winfrey in Atlanta. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pritchett were: Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Meeker of Steveson, Ala. and Mr. and Mrs. Ward of Chattan¬ ooga. Miss Sorita Wheeler of Tren¬ ton spent Tuesday night with Miss Edna Rousseau. Mir. and Mrs. John Ingram and Mrs. Mabel Hunt attended a home coming at Edgefield Com¬ munity Church Sunday near Stevenson, Alabama. Mrs. Thelma Bell spent Sun¬ day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lones in East Lake and attended a dinner at Candler Memorial Methodist Church. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Jr. is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayhew, of West Frankfort, Illinois spent the week end with Frank’s mother, Mrs. John Mayhew, and other relatives here. They re¬ turned home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob White and Mrs. Thelma Bell attended the ifuneral of Mrs. Avery at New England Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson have moved to Kimball, Tenn. Mrs. Ida McCauley of Chatt¬ anooga is spending this week How long before the atom lights his study lamp? THI DAY IS COMING, but may be years away, when the atom will have an important part in the production of electric power. At present, producing electricity with nuclear fuel is expensive — many times as expensive as producing it with conven¬ tional fuels, such as coal, gas and oil, or with falling water. To hasten the day of atomic electricity at reasonable cost, the Georgia Power Company is participating in the construction of the develop¬ mental Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant near Monroe, Michigan, and our engineers are receiving nuclear reactor training here at home. The Georgia Power Company is one of more than 100 electric utility companies trying in every way possible to bring you low-cost electricity from the atom as soon as possible. GEORGIA POWER COMPANY A CJrilfM W N I ft < V f fi tv i SfftVf THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY May 15, 1958 Avans News (Written for last week) A group from the Sand Moun¬ tain Methodist Church, Mrs. Essie Gass and son, Arthur, Miss Gail and Patsy Daniel, and Miss Virginia Ann Higdon attended the Dedication service at the New Salem Methodist Church last Sunday. Mrs. Mary Elliott and relatives attended the funeral of her nep¬ hew, Emmitt Elliott, Sunday afternoon in Chattanooga. Mrs. Verna Hood remains ill at her home after x rays at Tri- County hospital last week. Mrs. Sadie Kirtland is improv¬ ing after an extended illness at her home near Davis Schoool. We have new neighbors. The Nowan Spurgeon family now occupy the C. C. Hardeman home. Mr. and Mrs. Jiles Gass had as their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chastain and daugh¬ ters, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith and 2 children from Victoria, Texas. We see Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Crisp attending the Waldo Sim¬ mons store while he remains in Chattanoooga hospital. with relatives here. Mr. Prill Strawn is spending this week in Florida. BUY U. S. SAVING BONDS ROUTE 2 NEWS Mrs. Fred Cooner Mrs. Alice Cooper and daugh¬ ter visited Mrs. Mary Whetzell Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper visited Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wooten Sunday and Mrs. Goldie Maltsburgerner. John Tinker’s daughter visited him Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Culbert spent the week¬ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ellis. Mitchell Tin¬ ker spent the week-end on the mountain visiting his brother, sisster and Dad. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Davis of Van Nuys, Calif, announce the arrival of a baby boy born May 9. Mrs. Davis is the former Miss Bobbie Jo Ellis of Sand Mountain. We had hail on the mountain Sunday evening, also lighting and more rain. Some of the folks of our church went to declaration Sunday. This coming Sunday is declaration day at Payne Chapel, just over the Alabama line. Sun¬ day School will be omitted Sun¬ day but service will continue Sunday night. Written for last week Miss Elizabeth Cooper return¬ ed home Sunday after spending a week in Fabius, Ala. Her niece returned to stay a while with her. The G. C. Hardemans went visiting Sunday evening. Mrs. Bertha Patton had company Sunday evening. Mrs. Hazel Lan¬ caster's daughter visited with her over the week end also her mother and her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Laney and baby daughter of Long Is¬ land, Ala. visited her mother one day last week. The Fred Cooper’s visited in Rosa Lee, Ala. Sun¬ day evening. Mrs. Mary Whet- zell’s mother was out visiting Iher recently. The C. W. Albert¬ sons were visiting on the moun¬ tain this week-end. Mr. and Mirs. C. W. Patton ihave given the name, William Douglas, to their new baby son. Mrs. Mary Whetzell is sitting up after a long sick spell. Frank Whetzell has another car, a Ford. We had a good number in Sunday School Sunday. We had 50 degrees here this May 6th. The blackberry briars are blooming. HEAD RIVER 4-H CLUB The Head River 4-H Club met Jfor their first meeting in the new club house. May 2, 1958. The planting of an acre of corn for the club was discussed. It was decided that each family would donate a sack of fertilizer. 1 The planting is to be started as soon as the ground is dry (enough. The planting of an acre of tomato plants was discussed also Mr. Adams showed a movie on the planting of com. The meeting was adjourned with the pledge. Mary Jane Johnson, reporter HOME ON LEAVE The friends of John Ginn, Carl Durham and Bobby Crowe are holding an open house at the Wildwood Community House, May 17, at 7:30 p. m. These boys are home on boot leave from San Diego, California, and would like all their friends to come by to see them. Trenton Methodist Wesleyan Guild Dinner At St. Elmo Those who attended the Tren¬ ton Methodist Wesleyan Guild Dinner at St. Elmo, May 1, were: Mrs. Jules Case, Mrs. J. M. Rogers, Mrs. M. J Hale, Mxs. R. L. Hilten, Mrs A. L. McMahan, Miss Naomi Hubble, Mrs. R. M. Morrison, Mrs. Zeke Morrison Mrs. Gladys Morrison, and Mrs. Cleron Kyzer. MUSIC RECITAL A Music Recital will be given Tuesday, May 20, at 8 P. M. at the~ Dade High School Cafe- torium. The pupils of Mrs. A. L. Dyer will play selections on the piano. During the recital, there will be several dance numbers and the children in Mrs. Astin’s room will give a little play. Funeral Service Complete in Every Detail Burial Insurance, Oxygen Equipped Ambulance for Local & Long Distance. Licensed in Tenn., Ala. and Ga, Expert Embalming, Lady Attendant, Chapel Funeral Service. Selec¬ tion of Fine Caskets, Vaults, Metal or Concrete. Flowers for All Occasions. Monuments for All Graves. Tell Your Friends We service their burial insurance at no extra cost. TO BE SURE........INSURE WITH S. C. Moore Funeral Home Phone OLiver 7-4243 Trenton, Georgia AIR CONDITIONED d\/\o%£, fox ^tjoux <^y[ons,u Ice Cream Headquarters Sundries — Sickroom supplies — First Aid Needs Telephone Oliver 7-4100 Trenton, Ga. H. F. ALLISON AGENCY Representing Stock Companies In Fire and Automobile Insurance Licensed Real Estate Broker TRENTON, GEORGIA i % / > SS7 t i //V/. mm *\\ \X * %w m $ 1.11!.HI . m •X'Xvv.vI'^y.v.y.M t i W ■ P i • " »1 * III®-" • . . •Xy.y. .BN "" Tm 11 Whatever your special financial problem, i "■ 'V If f AMERICAN NATIONAL offers you a I ;&:**•'* '1 •Xv.v.v . Hi I friendly, understanding, confidential 1“ TIN service to help solve it. When you are •Xv.v.v ! ii n in Chattanooga, come in and £ CX'XvIy I *f|'! talk with us. & |SVAV I | SB?.- American National Bank AND TRUST COMPANY CHATTANOOGA \ I I MAIN OFFICE! MARKET AND EIGHTH STREETS I • • ST. ELMO BRANCH: 37S4 ST. ELMO AVENUE lls MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION M I l' MEMORIAL SERVICE A Memorial Service will be held at Byrd’s Chapel Methodist Church on Sunday, May 18, beginning with luncheon at 12:30 P. M. The sermon at 2:00 p. M. will be by the pastor, Rev. Richard Looney. There will be special music by Rev. and Mrs. Looney and the Bradford Quartet.