Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the Post Office at
Trenton, Ga., as 2nd class mail.
Mrs. C. C. Morrison, Publisher.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brannon
have returned from a long week
end in the Great Smokies
Mrs. Pearl Swanson is spend¬
ing this week in Chattanooga
with relatives.
Miss Gladys Morrison is visit¬
ing with the Forest Morrison
family in Smyna, Ga.
We see the F. Q. Avakians rid-
around in a new Chrysler Im¬
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and
family were visiting with his par¬
ents the Roy Moores.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bostwick,
from Alexandria, La., were the
Thursday evening guests of Miss
Wilma Pace.
Mrs. Cora Parker and grand¬
daughter were here last week
visiting the Charles Parker fam¬
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hadden are
announcing the birth of an 8 lb.
son, Robert Leon, Jr. born July
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor or
Biloxi, Miss, are announcing the
birth of a daughter, Anita Dar¬
lene, on July 14.
Sherman C. Moore and Ronnie
(attended the 7th District Fun¬
eral Director’s Ass’n Convention
In Rome, Ga. Mionday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Nethery and
family of Bremen, Ga., returned
home after spending several days
with relatives here.
The John Bruner family from
Fort Gaines, Ga., have been vis¬
iting her mother, Mrs. Myrtle
Pace and her family.
Dr. and Mrs. G. K. Me Vane
and daughter from Fort Payne
will be at Peabody College for the
next two weeks attending a work¬
shop on education.
The Howerd MeKaig family
were in Atlanta Sunday visiting
Mrs. McKaigs sister, Mrs. DeWine
Mr. DeWine and their new baby
daughter, Kelly.
Mayor C. T. Sims and City
Councilman R. O. Chitwood were
In LaFayette Tuesday to hear
Garland Byrd, candidate for Lt.
Governor, talk.
The I. H. Wheeler, Jr. family
has returned from a short trip
to Virginia. PatriciaWheeler re¬
turned home with them after
spending some time in Washing¬
ton, D. C.
Charles H. Shankles, airman,
U S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles C. Shankles, Trenton,
Ga.,ls helping train student nav¬
al aviators at the Naval Auxili¬
ary Air Station, Kingsville, Tex¬
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McMahan,
Jr. went to Savannah, Ga to pick
up their daughter and son, Lind¬
say and Mike, who had been
We invite your inspection and
suggestions. Avakian’s
Red Tag Sale Still in Pro¬
gress. For the Best Values
Come In and Look for
the RED TAG.
w lestem
A iito
Owner & Manager
Mr. and Mrs. Milliard Durham,
of Wildwood, Ga., announce the
marriage of their daughter Wil¬
ma Sue to Eddie Watkins, son of
Mi. and Mrs. D. L. Watkins of
Wildwood. The ceremony was
performed Saturday, June 21, at
6:30 P M. at the home of the
officiating minister, I. H. Wheel¬
er, Jr.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Watkins are
graduates of Dade County High
School. He is employed in Chat¬
tanooga. They will make their
home at Wildwood.
there visiting their uncle and
ihis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby
Mr. Hobert Weldon, of Sulphur
Springs, was carried to a Chat¬
tanooga hospital Sunday after¬
noon by Moore’s Ambulance. He
was admitted for medical exami¬
nation and is reported some bet¬
Vacationing this week are Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Jenkins, Miss
Belle Reeves, the M. A. Nethery
family who have gone to Wis¬
consin to visit her people Mrs.
Virginia Reed and the Chester
Buchanan family.
Untended for last wteek.)
Miss Jeroline Castleberry,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray¬
mond Castleberry and J. Gatlin
from Sulphur Springs, Ga. were
married July 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoyt
Smith and sons Allen and Barry
Dean, from Las Cruces, N. M.
were visiting his aunt, Mrs. M.
R. Wilson and Mr. Wilson last
v/eek. Mir. and Mrs. Wilson’s
week end guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Wilson and son Bob,
from Marietta, who were home
to attend the Homecoming at
Cave Springs. Young Bob is still
with his aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griffin and
son have gone to North Caro¬
lina to visit Mrs. Griffin’s
The R. G. Peterson’s daugh¬
ters Mrs. John Wilson with Mr.
Wilson and children from Sav¬
annah, Ga. and Mrs. Evan Ric¬
hards with Mr. Richards and
children from Florida have been
visiting with them and their
sister Mrs. J. T. Page and Mr.
Enjoy our delicious food and
shop in air conditioned comfort.
. .Dock Stephens, Jr., as Execu¬
tor of the estate of Dock Steph¬
ens, Sr., deceased, having filed
jin this Court in due form his
petition for Letters of Dismis¬
sion as Executor of said estate
and alleging that he has fully
performed all of his duties as
such Executor, this is to cite all
persons to be and appear at the
August term 1958 of the Court
of Ordinary of said County, to
show cause if any they have or
can, why the prayers of said
petition should not be granted
and the said Executor receive
Letters of Dismission.
This July 7, 1958.
A. W. Peck
Ordinary of Dade County, Ga.
Maddox J. Hale
Attorney for the Executor
There will be sold at public
outcry to the highest and best
bidder for cash, between the le¬
gal hours of sale before the
Courthouse door in Dade Coun¬
ty, Georgia, on Saturday, July
26th, 1958, the following describ¬
ed property, towit: One 1948,
Four Door, Black Sedan Mer¬
cury, Automobile, said property
being automobile condemned by
the Honorable John W. Davis,
Judge of the Superior Court of
Dade County, Georgia, on July
17th, 1958. said automobile hav¬
ing been condemned for the
transportation, conveying, pos¬
session, and storing of prohibit¬
ed liquors.
This 21st day of July, 1958.
Allison Blevins
Sheriff, Dade County, Georgia
The community was saddened
Friday morning July 18, on ac¬
count of the unexpected death
of Mr. Luther Frederick. Among
those who were called here on
account of his death were; Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Frederick and
family of Graysvilee, Tenn., Mr.
and Mrs. Albert A. Frederick and
family of Takoma Park, Md., and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williams
and family of Little Creek, Tenn.
Mrs. Bill Ballard and daugh¬
ters entertained with a kitchen
shower Monday night for Mrs.
Thomas, who was Miss Patricia
Pilgrim before her recent mar¬
Mesdames Thelma Bell, Lily
Mae White and Louise Hibbs
entertained with a miscellaneous
shower Friday night for Mrs.
Eddie Watkins, who was Miss
Wilma Sue Durham.
Mr. L. L. Bridgeman, who re¬
cently underwent surgery in a
Chattanooga Hospital, has re¬
turned to his home here. Among
those in the community who are
very ill are Mrs. John Mayhew
and Mr. Maok Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob White and
son have returned home from a
vacation trip to Washington, D.
C. and Baltimore, Maryland.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Strawn
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Malloek at Sewanee,
Miss Helen Louise Boggs,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. G.
Boggs, of East Point, Ga., became
the bride of Marvin Evander
Raulston, of Trenton, Ga., Sat¬
urday evening, July 19. The
bridegroom is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Raulston of Trenton.
The United Liberal Church of
Atlanta, Ga., was the scene of
the ceremony at which the
double ring service was used.
Given in marriage by her fa¬
ther, the toride wore a floor
length dress of white lace and
tulle trimmed with seed pearls,
a lace crown edged in seed pearls
held her finger-tip veil of illu¬
sion. The bride carried a cresent
style bouquet of white carnations
centered with white rose buds.
Jean Webster of Brunswick, Ga.
seved as maid of honor and
William McDonald, of Atlanta,
was best man. Ushers were Pat
Boggs, brother of the bride, Joe
M. Pryor, Knoxville, Tenn., and
Pete Neal of Athens, Ga. ,
The mother of the bride chose
a blue voile dress with white ac¬
cessories and the bridegrooms
mother chose a blue lace dress
with white accessories and both
mothers wore corsages of pink
Following the ceremony a re¬
ception was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Boggs. Miss Jo Mc¬
Carty kept the brides book.
Among the out-of-town guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rauls¬
ton and Bobby, Trenton, Miss
Mamie Raulston, Mrs. Kelly Luf-
Jer and Miss Isabel Luffer, Mrs.
Jane Thorton, Mrs. Summer
Loyd and Mrs. John Pryor, all
from Chattanooga, and Dr. and
Mrs. W. R. Raulston, Hatties¬
burg, Miss.
Our merchandise is sold at
the lowest fair trade prices.
— Avakian’s —
We have invested a sizeable
sum of money to give you a
clean, confortable and pleasant
place to eat. Avakian’s.
We serve the best food obtain¬
able at the lowest practical
prices. Avakian’s
Second and fourth Thursday
night 7:30 P. M. every month.
Legion Hall.
DR. G. K. MacVane
Chiropractor and Naturopath
Ft. Payne, Ala.
Good Buys
1956 DODGE, 2 ton truck, Premium V-8
5 forward transmission, 2 speed axle, new tires, one owner,
low mileage
1954 DODGE, l-ton pick up, one owner
1954 FORD, V-8 Custom, 4 dr. Sedan
1953 CHEVROLET, 2 dr. Sedan
Dyer Motor Co.
The U. S. Department of Ag¬
riculture recently recognized Mr.'
James L. Morgan of Waynesboro, I
Georgia for his outstanding serv- j
ice as Chairman of the State;
Agricultural Stabilization and 1
Conservation Committee.
This recognition was in the!
form of a certificate of merit and'
u cash award of $300. Mr. Mor¬
gan’s awaro came to him as a
complete surprise at a recent
meeting of the staff of the
State ASC Of fee in Athens.
The award was presented by
Mr. Clyde R. Greene who repre¬
sented the U. S. Department of
Agriculture as Agency Director
’,for the Southeast Area. Mr.
Greene said in presenting this
award, “It is for his outstanding
leadership, planning and direc¬
tion of the fundamentals and ob
jectives of the Agricultural Con¬
servation Program in the State
of Georgia which have been rec¬
ognized Nationally by other Con
nervation and Farm groups,”
There has been only one other
instance where such an award
has been given to a State ASC
the Mr. Secretary Morgan was of Agriculture appointed byj to;
the position of Chairman of the'
State ASC Cnmmittee in July
1955. Prior to this appointment
he had intermittently served on
the County ASC Commitee in
Burke, his home county.
State and County ASC Com¬
mittees are responsible for the
administration of the Federal
(farm programs dealing with
agricultural conservation prod¬
uction adjustment and price
supports, including the soil bank
Louise E. Wright,
County Office Manager
Representing Stock Companies
In Fire and Automobile Insurance
Licensed Real Estate Broker
It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Have your winter clothes cleaned and put in
plastic storage bags.
PHONE: OLiver 7-3355 TRENTON GA.
Open daily 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. except Wednesday, we close 1 p. m.
Phone OLiver 7-3443