The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 24, 1958, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
WANT ADS WANTED to supply your flower needs — for all occasions. Grace Nethery, Agent for Lea’s Flow¬ ers. Phone OLiver 7-4271. HIGHEST prices paid for pine and poplar logs. See us if you have any to sell. Dyer Lumber Company, Trenton, Ga. FLOWERS: — for all occasions: funeral sprays, cemetery de¬ corations, cut flowers, cor¬ sages, potted plants. Call Mrs. Ruth Reeves, OLiver 7-4077 Trenton Ga. Agent for Parker Florists. FOR SALE: Nice 4 room house located at Piney Road and La- Fayette-Trenton Highway. $2, 300, $300.00 cash,, balance $40.00 per month. See Stewart or King, St. Elmo Branch, American Na¬ tional Bank. FOR SALE: Landrace pigs, 9 weeks old. Registered in buy¬ ers name. J. H. Stephens, New England. Phone OL 7-4668. FOR REPAIRS ON RADIO, TV — and small appliances, call Trenton Radio and T. V. Ser¬ vice, OL 7-3999, Trenton, Ga. j FOR SALE: Big Car Sale every Saturday night 2 miles north of LaFayette at Powell’s Auto Auction. No sale, no fee. 5tp-8/21 PLEASE trade with us, we need the money — Avakian's. REPAIRS: on refrigerators and ranges. Call Trenton Furniture and Appliance Co. OL 7-4651. FOR RENT: 5 room house. Call OLiver 7-4642. 3tp-8/7 FOR RENT OR SALE: house on School Street. Small down payment and rest like rent. 6 rooms, bath and gas furn¬ ace. See Homer Reed or Call OLiver 7-4602. 3tp-7/24 You Gan Win Cash In Colorphoto Contest Up to $125 can be won by you in the Colorphoto Contest of The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine. Submit mounted 2x2~incb color slides (transparencies) to: COLORPHOTO CON¬ TEST EDITOR, THE ATLANTA JOURNAL AND CONSTITUTION MAGAZINE, ATLANTA (2), GA. Rules will pe published July 27 and Aug. 3. Four prize-win¬ ning Colorphotos will be chosen each month in four categories: A—adults, B— children, C—animals and D—scenes. Each winner gets $25. Grand prize is $ 100 . The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine -o ooo oQ o o o ooo oooc o ooooo o oo ooooxyxxxxx xa ooqo ooooor OPTOMETRIST C. F. KING 17 East Main Street Chattanooga, Tenn. Res. Phone Amherst 6-0595 Business Phone Amherst 7-0214 flo ooooooooooo oo oo o ooooooo o o o p prano oooooo o co oo o o oa M & W Chevrolet Co., Inc New & Used Cars Genuine Parts & Service Phone OL 7-3400 Trenton, Ga. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, ^GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1958 REUNION ENJOYED BY DADE CLASS OF 1947 The 1947 graduating class the Dade County High met at Cloudland Canyon Sat¬ urday evening for a picnic sup¬ per and a reunion after years. There were 15 and their families there out of the graduating class of 31. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin and family, Mrs. Austin is the former Miss Joyce Kenimer; the Red Harrison family, Mrs. Harrison was Miss Connie Johnson; the Clifford Buffington family, Mrs. Buffing ton was Miss Dorothy Jenkins; the Billy Bumpus family, Mrs. Bumpus was Miss Mary Jo Smith; the J. C. Ayers family, Mrs. Ayers was Miss Betty Hunt; the Donald Street family, Mrs. Street was Miss Elizabeth Wal¬ len; the Pat Light family, Mrs. Light was Miss Barbara Hasty who married a class mate; the Bill Tatum family, Mrs. Tatum was Miss Frances Hale who married classmate; the Bill Keeton family, the Bill Riddle family, the Billy Jo Bradford family, the James Ryan family and Miss Clara Sue Riddle. Each family had from one to three children. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allison also attended. Mrs. Allison had been the Home Ec. teacher for this class. OBITUARY MARGARET LEE NANCE Mrs. Margaret Lee Nance, 61, Sulphur Springs, ,Ala. died July 20 at her home. Survivors are her Joseph M. Nance, Sul¬ phur Springs; two sisters, Mrs. Crissa Gaging and Mrs. Agnes Cockland, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fun¬ eral services were held at the Fyffe, Ala. Baptist Church and burial was in the Fyffe Ceme¬ Pallbearers were Willie Gattlin, B. J. Gattlin, Charley Gattlin, Hobert Weldon, Charles Moses and Vernon Nance. Regular meetings Trenton Lodge No. 179 F. Si a. M. the second and fourth Saturday nighte each month at 8:00 p. m. FOR RENT: 4 room house, hot water, bath, near school. Mrs. W. B. Cureton, Trenton. GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY ... TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON¬ CERN ‘_ in due Helen Tinker having form applied to me for year’s support out of the estate of Reese Tinker, deceased, this is to no¬ tify the next of kin and the cred¬ itors of the said Reese Tinker, deceased that said application will be heard before me at the regular August term 1958. of the Court of Ordinary of said Coun- Witness mv hand and official signature, this 7th day of July, 1958. Peck A. W. Ordinary of Dade County, 4t-7/31 Ga. ROUTE 2 Sunday visitors of the Fred Coopers were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crownover and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tinker and sen, Mr. and Mrs. Estel Tinker and Doris Jean Tinker, John Tin¬ ker, Jr., Elizabeth and Maggie Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Laney and bs\by daughter Marsha Returning home Sunday after¬ noon were Buddy Cooper, who had spent three days with his sister in Long Island, Ala. and Elizabeth Cooper who had spent a week with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Estel Tinker visit- ' ed her sister in Fabius, Ala Sun¬ day evening. Mrs. Lenard Stew¬ art and Carolyn visited Mrs. 1 Vickie Cooper one day last week and Mrs. Goldie Maltsberger vis¬ ited Mrs. Fred Cooper last week. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Summer- ford’s sons, David and his wife, and Lenard and his wife and .family, have been visiting them 1 ■this last week. Mr. and MVs. Laverne Laney and Marsha spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Fred Cooper. Miss Elizabeth Cooper went to spend a week with her sister Annie Mae of Fabius, Ala. Miss Cheeta day Whetzell after returned spending home month Satur-j in a Washington. Mrs. Mary Whet- 1 zell’s sister visited her Saturday. 1 Mrs. Annie Mae Riddle and children visited her mother Saturday. Mrs. Mary Lou Harde¬ iday. man Cheeta visited Whetzell Vicki Cooper and Shir-] Fri-1 ley Lancaster visited Mrs. Fred Cooper Sunday. Will West and Thelma returned home last Florida. week after Brenda a weeks West vacation is spend- in J ] ing two weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper have a new son, Alvin Gerald, born July 10 at 3:05 p. m. at Ownbey’s Clinic, weighing 8 lbs. ? 4 oz. Mother and baby returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs . Oneal Taylor ( have a new baby girl. She has been named Febe Lynn. Our water is scientifically treated so you can enjoy water at it’s very best. Avakian’s Regular meals prepared with loving care. Avakian’s. FOR RENT—Unfurnished One- bedroom apartments, with electric stove, refrigerator, and hot water heater, in Morrison Building in Trenton. Heat fur¬ nished. Defichus! Potato GORDON’S Chips BELLE Crackers MEADE Fleetwood Twin pkg. 69c 1 lb. box 25c 3w£5e§j] J SupWwmatized Zest Toilet Soap, Reg... 15^; Bath.. tit Fleetwood / ) 1 79c “ COFFEE Colonial Sugar, 5 lb. Bag.........49^ Gordy Salt 26 oz. round box 10c Wesson Oil Snowdrift 69c qt. 3 lb. can 85^ John L Case Co. TRENTON. GEORGIA PAGE 8 PJLflLg flflflgQggflflftflfl flJLft g fl A fl g PJLflL fl.-fl.fl Q Q Q O p Q 0 0 o oq q q q q q / will get out of bed to fill your Prescriptions 24-Hour Prescription Service HADDEN’S PHARMACY Telephone Number Day or Night OL 7-4022 Trenton. Georgia “Where Pharmacy is a Profession — Not a Sideline” Free T. V. Programs • Funeral Service Complete in Every Detail Eurial Insurance, Oxygen Equipped Ambulance for Local & Long Distance. Licensed in Tenn., Ala. and Ga. Expert Embalming, Lady Attendant, Chapel Funeral Service. Selec¬ tion of Fine Caskets, Vaults, Metal or Concrete. Flowers for All Occasions. Monuments for All Graves. Tell Your Friends We service their burial insurance at no extra cost. TO BE SURE........INSURE WITH S. C. Moore Funeral Home Phone OLiver 7-4243 Trenton, Georgia When Your Money is in the Bank It s . . Money deposited in VVM the Bank of Dade is protected by the F. D. I. C. up to $10,000.00. It is as safe as the U. S. government it¬ self. Don’t take chances with your money ... make sure that it is safe. For in¬ sured safety, deposit your money regularly in the BANK OF DADE TRENTON, GEORGIA Current rate of interest of certificates of deposits is 3% when left for six months or longer. Regular savings deposits continue to draw 2y 8 %.