Newspaper Page Text
Dade County & On// Newspaper.
"Citizens of Tomorrow
This weeks “Citizens of Trenton; Phyllis, 9 month old
fTommorrow” are from left to daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. M.
right, top picture: Cynthia, 3, Case of Trenton; Howard
and Ellen Abott, 1, daughters of Austin, l, and Kimberly 3, child¬
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey L. Dyer of ren of Mr. and Mrs. Howard A.
Trenton. Center row: Steve, 3, McKaig of Trenton; and Doris
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tatum
of Trenton; Alex, 19 month old
son of Mr and Mrs. A. L. Mc¬
Mahan of Trenton; Carol, 4V6,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
West of Rising Pawn; Vicki, 2 ¥ 2 ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Tatum of Trenton; and Morris,
9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill West
of Rising Fawn. Bottom row:
Greg, 3; and Mike, 5, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. John Tatum of
Soil Fertility Program for 25
Plans for launching the Soil
Fertility jrtility Program, begun last
year in six pilot counties, in 25
additional counties in four sec¬
tions of the state during the
coming year have been announc¬
ed by the Agricultural Extension
Service, University of Georgia
College of Agriculture.
C. R. O’Kelley, Extension agri¬
cultural leader, said that the en¬
thusiastic acceptance of the pro¬
gram by farmers and the coop
erative support of business, farm
and civic organizations given
county agents in the six pilot
counties last year has justified
expansion of the effort into oth¬
er sections of the state. The six
pilot counties, where the Inten¬
sified Soil Fertility Program wil
De continued, axe Coffee, Colquit
Laurens, Thomas, Tift and
Counties to begin programs
emphasizing the importance of
soil fertility to successful farm¬
ing form four groups in the ex¬
treme northwest, central north¬
west, southwest and eastern sec¬
tions of the state. The extreme
northwest counties are Dade,
Walker and Chattooga. These
are included in the North Dis¬
trict of Extension and work there
is under the supervision of H. E.
Chastain, district agent. L. C.
Adams is Dade county agent, J.
P. Baker is Walker county agent,
and Maylon H. Purcell is county
agent in Chattooga.
O’Kelley said that the Soil
Fertility Program will consist of
an all-out effort to emphasize
the value of soil testing for all
crops and pastures and then fol¬
lowing soil test recommendations
in making applications of lime,
mixed fertilizer and nitrogen.
OKelley pointed out that study
of soil test reports from these
counties show that fertility levels
are generally low and that manyli
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
farmers are using the
kinds and amounts of
County agents in each
will seek to enlist the
tion of every farmer and the
support of every business
civic organization in this
wide effort to increase farm
come by raising the
level of the soil, he declared.
Ann Marie Fricks
Larry Konrad Win
Ann Marie Fricks, 4-H Club
Council president and Larry
Konrad won the Danforth Foun
dation Award for “talent for
leadership in farm youth”, at a
recent 4-H Club Council meet¬
They received a book, “I
dare You”, on youth leadership.
This award is given each year
the outstanding youth leaders
every county in the United
Also at this meeting four
were elected as dele¬
to the State 4-H Club
meeting at Rock Eagle
August 18 through the 21.
were Gladys Mahan,
Word, Alfred Barnes
Ralph Geddie.
Opened For
Hwy. 301
Bids for construction of High¬
301 on Sand Mountain were
last Friday. Low bid of
$280,000 went to South¬
Construction Co. of
The Gilchrist Co.,
working on the New Home
Road project was next 1
w ith a $4 : QG0, higher bid.
4-H Project
****^*Wi Affpiff] Hicf ITlCGllllg IVippf'1110
4-H Club Project
winners are at Rock Eagle
week attending a North
Achievement meeting. Four
these winners will go a
delegates to vote for the
1959 district officers.
Each of the following
will give a demonstration
their project:-
Winners and voting
in the Girl’s division
Geneeva Ross on Senior Cloth
jng and Jane Ivey on
Canning. Other winners
Jackie Jenkins on Clover lea
(10-12 yrs.) Clothing; Mary
Johnson, Junior Clothing,
Harrison, Cloverleaf Canning
Rosemary Kirk, Junior
ning; Darla Avakian,
Corn Muffins and Dale
on Junior Public Speaking.
Winners in the boy’s
are:- Rickie Fricks on
Health; voting delegate Alfrec
Barnes on Senior Health
voting delegate Larry
on Senior Forestry.
Mrs. Geneva Allison, 4-H Club
Leader with County Agent L. C
Adams and Home Demonstra¬
tion Agent Naomi Hubble are
accompanying the group.
Polio immunisations are
available through your private
physician and your local health
Polio Vaccine is available
through the local health depart¬
ment for the following groups:
1. Children entering school
for the first time. 2. Children
under six years of age. 3. Chil¬
dren less than 10 years, who
.have started immunization be¬
fore March 10, 1958.
The Health Department Im-
munization Clinic Is every Fri-
day, 8:30 till 5:00 pm.
Published Weekly _ Since 190 J
Service Award Given
Mrs. Clara Brandon
In a ceremony held in the
auditorium of West Georgia
College at Carrollton, Georgia
on August 5, 1958, Mr. John
Bradley, State Administrative
Officer, for the Agricultura
Stabilization and Conservation
Committee, presented length of
j Service County Awards Office Employees. to a number of
Included in the above number
was Mrs. Clara G. Brandon,
General Clerk, of the Dade
County ASC Office.
Mrs. Brandon was awarded a
Service pin and A Certificate of
Service for ten (10) years ser
vice as an employee of the De¬
partment of Agriculture in Dade
County. Mr. Bradley congratu¬
lated Mrs. Brandon for her ten
years of devoted and efficient
service and wished her many
more successful years in the de¬
In the local ASC Office Mrs.
Brandon is responsible for the
Agricultural Conservation Pro¬
gram which offers assistance to
/farmers in carrying-out soil
building practices on their
farms through federal cost-
shares, the Incentive Wool Pro¬
gram which offers payments to
wool growers to bring the price
of wool up to the national aver¬
age and the administrative pro¬
gram which covers referenda,
Dayroli, personnel and related
Mrs. Louise E. Wright, County
Office Manager, and Mr. W. L.
Fannin, Program Clerk, attend¬
ed the ceremony from the Dade
County Office.
There will be a Homecoming
at the Avans Church of God on
Sunday, August 10. Everyone is
Water Rates for
City Increased
The City of Trenton
members held their
monthly meeting last
A Resolution was passed
the city water rates would
increased. The old rate was
$2.50 minimum for the first
thousand gallons. The new
is $3.00 minimum price.
rates for additional gallons
water used has also been in¬
Also to come before the meet¬
ing was the signing of the option
with the Dade County Water
Authority. This option is that
fox a specified time, The Water
Authority, under certain condi¬
tions, may buy the City of Tren¬
ton Water System. After much
discussion, it was agreed to table
this until a joint meeting on
August 14 when this could be
discussed between the two
Bodenhamer to Speak
In Trenton August 9
Wm. T. Bodenhamer, candid¬
ate for governor of Georgia,
will speak in Trenton Saturday
hight, Aug. 9, at 7:30.
According to a letter to the
Ordinary of Dade County,
Bodenhamer will speak at Dal¬
ton at 5 p. m. and Trenton at
7:30 to bring the facts of
campaign to the people.
Sheriff’s Report
Sheriff Allison Blevins was in
the first part of the week
on official business. City Mar¬
and Deputy H. H. Hutchins
Deputy Gordon C. Craw¬
Jr. were acting during his
Last Friday a young boy on a
cycle attempted to pass
car on the highway between
Motor Co. and Kyzer Auto
store. He evidently saw he
and attempted to cut
in but it is reported he
his brakes did not hold and
hit the car and was thrown.
was taken to the Trenton
where he was treated for
bruised leg and released.
Sunday near the Wildwood
Office one car attempted
pass another and s i d e-
it. No injuries reported.
Sunday night the Lewis Mc-
home was entered and a
gauge shot gun has been
missing. The doors were
locked but a screen was
and one of the win¬
fo u n d to have been
Inside the house the
of closets and bureau
were all messed up and
things strewn about.
Monday on one of the hair-pin
on the Sand Mountain
two cars going in opposite
came too close toget¬
at the center line and
off each other. No one
The annual All Day Singing
New Salem will be held at the
Salem Methodist Church
Aug 10. Special music
include “Shorty” Bradford
the Harmony Quartet from
and the Melody Makers