Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the Post Office at
Trenton, Ga., as 2nd class mail.
Mrs. C. C. Morrison, Publisher.
Mrs. Tealous Foster has re¬
turned from the hospital.
Mrs. Delilah Holland Decker
and children are visiting friends
and relatives in Dade.
Thomas Woolbright, from De-
tioit, is visiting his brother,
Robert Woolbright and family.
Mrs. W. E. Wilkerson has gone
1958 Models
DODGE-Coronet ‘8' 4 Dr., Automatic
Beige & Sand two-tone, Fully Equipped
PLYMOUTH-Belvedere ‘8’ 4Dr. Hardtop
Loaded with Extras, Sportone Red & White
Savoy ‘8’ 4 Dr. Sedan
2 To Choose From, both Fully Equipped
Green <& White ~ or — Blue
Trucks! Trucks! Trucks!
lust Look at These!
1958 DODGE-9500
5 Forward, 2 Speed Axle, U8 Eng.
1957 DODGE-116” W. B„ i ton
Wrap around glass. Heater
1956 CHEVROLET-! ton Pickup-
Low Mileage
1954 CHEVROLET-! ton Pickup
All New, inside and out
1953 DODGE-! ton Pickup
Really A-one Condition
1951 CHEVROLET-1! ton Log truck
1950 CHEVROLET-! ton
Best For Model Anywhere
1947 STUDEBAKER-! ton
Runs Good, Priced Cheap
1946 CHEVROLET-!ton
You Have To See It To Believe It.
Dyer Motor Co.
to Texas to jive with her
Mrs. DeWitt Williams and
Lorene have returned
from a trip to Hammond, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Dobbs
of Ft. Meyers, Fla. are visiting
Mrs. Dobbs’ mother, Mrs. H. D.
King and Mr. King.
Week end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Barfield were Mr.
Barfield’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Barfield from Marietta,
Mr. and Mrs. John Slaughter
and Mrs. Sallie Clark have re¬
to their home in Hamil¬
Ohio after a two weeks
with the Tom Slaughters.
Mrs. W. E. Smith underwent
surgery at Tri-County
also in the hospital is
John Warren and Charles
Shop-Rite has added a park¬
lot to their establishment. It
on the north side of their
where Mrs. W. A. Scruggs
Mrs. Dorothy Daily West en¬
with a shower for Mrs.
Moore. About 28 were pre¬
Mrs. Tee Yancy, Ada Tin¬
and Vickie Cooper won the
in the game contest.
Mrs. Joyce Powell Scott visited
Vickie Cooper last week on
way to Texas. They were old
mates and enjoyed the
visit. Mrs, Scott is to re¬
in a week then go back to
for a year. Leslie Cooper
his mother Sunday. Mrs.
Cooper and family visited
sister Sunday. Archie Tin¬
was visiting relatives on the
Mr. Fred Cooper has a birth¬
the 30th of Sept. Beatrice
the 25th, Maggie Cooper
27th and John Tinker the
also Connie Moore the
We wish them all many
Mrs. John F. Mayhew
Mrs. Malessia Ann Mayhew,
wife of the late John F. May¬
resident of Dade County,
for the past 54 years,
at the home of her daugh¬
Mrs, C. M. Smith, Hooker,
September 16, 1958. Mrs.
was a member of the
Church of Christ. She is
by three daughters,
C. M. Smith, Hooker; Mrs.
J. Carroll, Wildwood; and
W. B. Doyle, Whiteside,
two sons, Frank L. May¬
West Frankfort, Illinois
Joe N. Mayhew, Trenton,
18 grandchildren and 36
were held from the
Church of Christ with
H. E. Coleman and I.
Wheeler, Jr. officiating. In¬
was in Hooker Ceme¬
Active pallbearers were:
G. Smith, John Earl
C. M. Smith, Jr., Randal
Clifford Stines, and
Brock. Honorary pall¬
were: Dave S. Long, Joe
R. S. Boyd, Jr., Rev. John
Byron Pope, R. C. Foster,
Mitchum, L. L. Bridg¬
A. W. Peck, J. J. Adams,
Claude Tinker.
Enjoy our delicious food and
in air conditioned comfort.
— Avakian’s —
Trenton, Georgia
Open 7:30 a. m., Close 6 p. m.
Close at 12 on Wed.
home used to stand. Mrs. SEE YOUR
Scruggs’ house was moved to DRUG STORE
Canary Street, between the FIRST
hemes of the W. G. Morrisons
and the Bill Pressleys, in the Regular meals prepared with
Mountain View settlement. 1 loving care. Avakian’s.
—• •—€> • • * • * •
Weddings Commercial
Socials Industrial
Family Groups Aerial
Dave Brewer
Photography White Color
Black & and
P. 0. Box 121 Phone: Flat Rock, Ala.
Trenton, Ga. MErcury 2-2425
"Flowers Whisper What
Words Can't Say"
We have flowers for all occasions
• Funerals — Weddings — Corsages —
Cut Flowers — Potted Plants.
• A display of beautiful artificial
designs in my home at all times.
• Free delivery twice each day.
• We wire flowers anywhere.
Call your orders to Mrs. Ruth Reeves — agent
for Parker Florist, OLiver 7-4077. If no answer
call OL 7-4813 or come see me I am located
directly behind Trenton Post Office, Trenton, Ga.
"How do you choose
elastic bra?"
"Choose the best —
Satin Elastic
a’lure® by warner’s®
Friday and Saturday Specials
Children’s Corduroy Skirts, Sizes 7-14 ... $1.00
Evelene Shoppe
Evelyn Pace Elene Dyer
Phone OL 7-3443 Trenton, Georgia